Eckey - Everts
WILLIAM ECKEY WILLIAM ECKEY, a farmer and stock-raiser of Canaan township, was born in this township on the 1st of September, 1872, and is descended from German ancestry. His parents, Henry C.W. and Elizabeth (Korfshult) Eckey, were both natives of Germany. The father came to Des Moines county with his parents about 1855, settling south of Burlington, where he lived up to the time of his marriage. He afterward spent one year in the city of Burlington and subsequently resided upon a farm in Des Moines county, where he lived for two years. In 1872 he came to Canaan township, Henry county, purchasing the farm of eighty acres. He has since devoted his time and energies to general agricultural pursuits and is one of the thrifty and enterprising farmers of Canaan township. William Eckey pursued his early education in the public schools of Mount Union and afterwards attended Elliott's Business College in Burlington, Iowa, being thus well equipped for the practical duties of a business life. In his youth he assisted in farm labor when not occupied with his studies and he remained at home upon the farm up to the time of his marriage, which was celebrated on the 20th of March, 1895, the lady of his choice being Miss Mary Lydia Weise, who was born in Burlington and was educated in the public schools of Jefferson county. Her parents were Peter and Minnie (Berg) Weise, both of whom were natives of Germany. Two children were born of this union: Rudolph Peter, whose birth occurred December 18, 1896, and Eddie William, born December 3, 1902. After his marriage Mr. Eckey began farming on his own account upon a tract north of Mount Union, where he lived for two years. He then purchased one hundred acres on section 17, Canaan township. There was a small house upon the place, but few improvements had been made. He now has a farm well equipped with good buildings, including a comfortable residence of six rooms, a large barn, twenty-four by thirty-two feet, to which he has added a shed eighteen by thirty-two feet. There is also granary capacity for twelve hundred bushels. There is a carriage house and wood house upon the place, and in fact no accessory of the model farm of the twentieth century is lacking. He keeps his buildings in good repair and the place is thoroughly tiled. His attention is given to general farming and he raises some cattle and horses and about seventy-five head of hogs each year. His labor has resulted in bringing to him the prosperity which he now enjoys and his property is the visible evidence of a life of well directed thrift. He votes with the democracy, but is without aspiration for office. He belongs to the Christian Science church at Mount Pleasant and is one of the esteemed native sons of the county, having spent his entire life within its borders. In fact, he has always been a resident of Canaan township and is well known there as a reliable farmer and business man, who is public spirited in citizenship and loyal in his friendships. (Biographical Review of Henry County, Iowa. Chicago: Hobart Publishing Co.,1906, p. 402-403) (PE) |
John Edger
JOHN EDGER, a farmer and breeder of fine horses, residing on section 8, New London Township, Henry Co., Iowa, and a resident of Henry County for forty years, is a native of England, and was born in Cumberland, April 22, 1811. His parents were William and Mary (Wilson) Edger, also natives of Cumberland, England. Our subject was reared on a farm, and was apprenticed to the shoemaking trade, at which he worked for ten years. He was married in his native parish, March 1, 1835, to Miss Ann Arnison, daughter of George Arnison, a prominent collier of that country. Mrs. Edger was born in Cumberland. Five children were the result of their union, the three eldest born in England, and the two youngest in America. Mr. Edger emigrated from England to America with his family in 1841, and located in Hancock County, Ill., where he engaged in farming until the fall of 1847, when he removed to Henry County, Iowa, and entered eighty acres of land in New London Township, and pre-empted another eighty acres. He subsequently bought at private sale, until he now has 290 acres of valuable prairie land. He has carried on farming and stock-raising extensively, and has done much to improve the breed of horses in this region by the introduction of some full-blood Cleveland Bay stock, and some half-blood Clydesdale horses. For the past twenty-five years he has been keeping blooded horses. He has now a very fine specimen of the former stock in his barns, and two handsome four-year-old colts of the latter. He was the first to introduce thoroughbred Durham cattle into the township. Mr. Edger is an enthusiastic horseman, and is of the firm opinion that the Cleveland Bay is the best everyday horse for the farmer's use. Mr. and Mrs. Edger's children were named respectively: George, William, John, Joseph and Thomas. George was born in Cumberland, England, March 1, 1836, married Mary Spearman, and died Sept. 16, 1862; William, born in Cumberland, June 15, 1838, married Ann Walker, and resides in New London Township; John, also born in Cumberland, Oct. 22, 1840, was a soldier of Company K, 25th Iowa Volunteer Infantry, and died in Jacksonville, Ind., July 14, 1864, of disease contracted in the army; Joseph, born in Hancock County, Ill., July 30, 1843, was also a soldier of the late war, serving in Company K, 25th Iowa Volunteer Infantry, was wounded at Vicksburg May 22, 1863, and died four days later of his wounds; Thomas, born Oct. 17, 1846, married Sarah Housen, and was accidently killed by a falling ax, June 23, 1886, leaving a wife and eight children, five boys and three girls; his widow resides on a farm in New London Township. Mrs. Edger died Jan 6, 1880, at the homestead in New London Township. Mr. Edger was again married, in March, 1881, to Mrs. Vashti Brewer, a native of Wabash County, Ind., and a daughter of Samuel Walker. She had one child by her former marriage, a daughter, Mary, now the wife of Frank Hand, a resident of Baltimore Township. Mr. and Mrs. Edger are members of the Christian Church. Mr. Edger is a Greenbacker in politics, and has held various local offices. Three times he has been a member of the Board of Trustees of New London Township. His post-office address is Mt. Pleasant. (Portrait and Biographical Album, Henry County, Iowa; Acme Publishing Company, Chicago, 1888, p 555.) |
PROF. J. W. EDWARDS, A. M. PROFESSOR JOHN WILLIAM EDWARDS, occupying the chair of chemistry in the Iowa Wesleyan University at Mount Pleasant, was born near Bloomingburg, Fayette county, Ohio, in July, 1872, and is a son of Charles W. and Harriet S. (Blanpied) Edwards, the former a native of Cincinnati, Ohio. The paternal grandfather, J. M. Edwards, was principal of the Hughes high school at Cincinnati for twenty-five years and was widely recognized as a leading representative of public instruction in his state. Charles W. Edwards was reared in Cincinnati, and after attending the public schools spent three years as a student in Ohio Wesleyan University at Delaware, that state. He had previously learned the machinist's trade, and after the completion of his education he resumed mechanical pursuits and made rapid advance in that department of labor. He was with the Big Four railroad shops and had charge of the brass department. He was also offered the position of master mechanic, but is now connected with the physical department of the Ohio Wesleyan University in the capacity of mechanician. His wife was a daughter of John Blanpied, who was born in the Island Guernsey, in the English Channel, of French parentage, and in early life was a sailor, but later entered the Methodist Episcopal ministry and spent his last years in or near Delaware, Ohio. Mrs. Edwards, mother of our subject, is also yet living. Professor Edwards, pursuing his early education in the common schools of Fayette county, Ohio, afterward attended the high school in Delaware and in 1888 entered the university of that city, from which he was graduated with the degree of Bachelor of Science in 1895. In the meantime he had spent two and a half years as an instructor in chemistry in another school, and from an early age he has found special delight and interest in this science. Following his graduation he entered Tufts College of Massachusetts, where he pursued a special course in chemistry and won the degree of Master of Arts in 1897. He afterward spent one year as instructor in Ohio Wesleyan University and in the fall of 1898 was offered and accepted the chair of chemistry in the Iowa Wesleyan University at Mount Pleasant. Here he has since remained and is regarded as one of the strong members of the faculty, establishing the work of his department upon a splendid basis, so that the study of chemistry has become a matter of deep interest to the students, a large number of whom pursue that branch of science. In fact, his department is now one of the most important of the university. When Professor Edwards came to Mount Pleasant he had charge of all the scientific work, but has been given assistant instructors and now concentrates his attention upon the work connected with the chair of chemistry and physics. He is splendidly qualified for the position and his labors have been of direct and permanent benefit to the institution. He belongs to the American Chemical Association and to the Iowa Academy of Sciences and finds congenial companionship with many of the noted scientists and educators of the county, thus keeping in constant touch with the advanced thought of the present day. On the 22d of March, 1900, Professor Edwards was married to Miss Bertha T. Thompson, a daughter of Edward Thompson, of Delaware, Ohio. They are members of the Methodist Episcopal church and enjoy that social prominence which is the recognition of genuine personal worth. Professor Edwards was for nine years in the postoffice at Delaware, Ohio, and through this means, associated with teaching, he was enabled to pursue his college course. The latent strength of his character was thus manifest in his determination to acquire an education, and the same persistency of purpose has marked all of his work and contributed largely to his success as an educator. Prominent in Masonic circles, he was raised to the sublime degree of a Master Mason in Delaware, Ohio, and still retains his membership in the lodge there. He is likewise a member of Henry Chapter, No. 8, at Mount Pleasant, and Jerusalem Commandery, No. 7, Knights Templar, of this city. He served as high priest of the chapter, which he also represented in the grand chapter, and he is the present eminent commander of the Knights Templar and has been the grand senior warden of the grand commandery. He has also attained the thirty-second degree of the Scottish rite, being a member of Zarepath Consistory, No. 4, S.P.R.S., of Davenport. That Professor Edwards is a man of scholarly attainments is a fact which has been shadowed forth between the lines of this review, but that he is not a recluse is shown by his active work in the Masonic fraternity, with the teachings and tenets of which he is in hearty sympathy. He maintains high ideals of citizenship as well as in his chosen field of labor, and Mount Pleasant numbers him among her representative men, whose course reflects credit upon the city and the university with which he is connected. (Biographical Review of Henry County, Iowa. Chicago: Hobart Publishing Co.,1906, p. 61-62) (PE) |
Daniel Eicher DANIEL EICHER is a prominent farmer, residing on section 5, Jefferson Township, Henry County, for among those who have become noted personages in this and Washington Counties are the brothers, Daniel and Rev. Benjamin Eicher, the later a resident of Washington County. Daniel was born in Alsace, France, now a part of the German Empire, April 22, 1825, and is the son of Rev. John and Margaretta (Conrad) Eicher. There the Rev. John Eicher had charge of a Mennonite congregation, and for many years was engaged not only in the ministry, but in farming. Only a part of his children came to America, and all came singly. First came Jacob, then John Jr., Christian, then our subject, Martin Benjamin, followed by a sister Annie, who was married in Alsace to John W. Wittmer, who also came, and settled in Wayne County, Ohio. Jacob later returned to the home of his boyhood, and married his playmate, Mary Summer, whom he brought to America. Three of the boys, after trying awhile a life in Ohio, concluded to make a location in Canada, John, Daniel and Christian, locating in Waterloo County, and all remained for three years with the exception of our subject. He staid six years, and then followed his brothers to Iowa. Three of these had located in Washington County, and John and Daniel in Henry. Martin was the only one who entered any land, he doing this in 1850. After coming to Iowa, all the sons married: Martin wedded Barbara Roth; Christian married Annie Wenger; Jacob became the husband of Catherine Rich; and Rev. Benjamin Eicher married Lydia Summers. All these children did well in America, but only three are now living - Benjamin, Christian and our subject. In Alsace the parents remained, also their other children: Joseph, who married Elizabeth Kropf; Fannie, wife of Jacob Summer; and Peter, husband of Catherine Summer. The parents lived to a ripe old age, and were buried in the country that gave them birth. Our subject went back to Germany, intending to bring them over, but the old people preferred to remain in their native land. In 1854 Miss Magdalena Rich became the wife of Daniel Eicher. She bore no heirs, and her death occurred one year after the marriage. His second wife was Magdalena Klopfenstine, to whom he was wedded in 1856. Daniel saw hard times with small returns. He was$500 in debt, but he persevered, and his first purchase of forty acres he paid for in cash. His good-nature put him under such obligation to his fellowmen, to whom he loaned his hard earned dollars, that during the commencement of the war he was in straitened circumstances. Little by little he recovered, and long ago those losses were regained, and instead of a poor man struggling to provide for a family, he is now the father of a large and interesting family, and the owner of 341 broad acres, that have for years brought him and his sons a large revenue. Since the last marriage the following children have been born: Peter, the husband of Lydia Eash; John, Franklin, Martin, Catherine, Jacob and Mary. Martin received his education at Washington, Iowa, and intends following a mechanical occupation. Perhaps no man a resident of Jefferson Township has accomplished more in the same length of time than Daniel Eicher, who came to Iowa a young man without money, but with his own hands, and by he united labor of himself and family, now enjoys a competence, and his children are of the same energetic class to which their parents belong. Their house is one of those hospitable homes for which Henry County is noted, and from Daniel Eicher and his good wife, the stranger, neighbor or friend, receives a cordial welcome. Both himself and wife were members of the first Mennonite Church organized in this part of the country, and to this they yet belong. For twelve years Mr. Eicher has been connected with the public schools of Jefferson Township, and for a number of years he has been School Treasurer. To such families the morality, social standing and enterprise of Henry County are due, and among those who have made it a noted name none have contributed more than the Eichers. Portrait and Biographical Album of Henry County, Iowa. Chicago: Acme Publishing Company, 1888. Evansville: Unigraphic, 1976 pp 392 (A.M.W.) |
WILLIAM EISELE WILLIAM EISELE, who follows farming and stock-raising in Scott township, is a native of Wurtemburg, Germany, born on the 9th of January, 1868. His parents, John J. and Magdalena (Beurer) Eisele, were also natives of that country, and in their family were four children, of whom William was the only son. At the usual age William Eisele entered the public schools, acquiring a fair education. He followed the occupation of farming in his native country being connected with that pursuit in Germany until his emigration to America. On the 2d of October, 1894, he arrived in Winfield and during the first year of his residence in Henry county he worked as a farm laborer but desirous that his efforts should more directly benefit himself he rented a farm in Scott township upon which he lived for a year and then rented an adjoining farm which he cultivated for a year. Subsequently he rented land in Louisa county, where he lived for four years and on the expiration of that period he invested the capital which he had saved from his earnings in a tract of eighty acres of land on the south-east quarter of section 7, Scott township. The purchase was made in 1901 and he has since resided upon this farm, which has greatly appreciated in value owing to the care and cultivation which he has bestowed upon it. He paid seventy dollars per acre for the property and in the summer of 1905 was offered one hundred and ten dollars. He carries on general farming and also raises cattle, hogs and horses, having good grades of stock upon his place, so that his business is proving profitable for the products of the fields and pastures find a ready sale upon the market. On the 24th of November, 1894, Mr. Eisele was united in marriage to Miss Mary Eisele, who was born, reared and educated in Wurtemburg, Germany, being a daughter of William D. and Frederica (Zimmer) Eisele, who are still living in the fatherland. Unto Mr. and Mrs. Eisele of this review have been born five children: Ernest, July 11, 1895; Monfred, September 4, 1897; Laura, November 11, 1899; William, November 14, 1901; and Guy, February 22, 1904. The parents are members of the Presbyterian church and Mr. Eisele votes with the Republican party. He feels that he made no mistake in choosing America as a place of residence for he has benefited by its business opportunities and through the exercise of his own qualities---self-reliance and indefatigable energy, he has gained a most prominent place among the substantial residents of Scott township, where he resides. (Biographical Review of Henry County, Iowa. Chicago: Hobart Publishing Co.,1906, p. 543-544) (PE) |
JOHN ELGAR JOHN ELGAR, deceased, who left behind him an untarnished name as well as a comfortable competence, was born in Jefferson county, Ohio, near Salem, on the 21st of April, 1843, his parents being William and Nancy (Watson) Elgar. He comes of German lineage, his father having been born in Germany on the 31st of July, 1806, and the mother was likewise a native of that land. On crossing the Atlantic to America they took up their abode in Ohio, where the father followed the occupation of farming for a few years, and then removed with his family to Indiana, where he again carried on general agricultural pursuits and also worked at the blacksmith's trade. He came to Iowa in 1868 and lived retired in Henry county until 1874, when he returned to Indiana, where he made his home until his death, on the 15th of August, 1885. In politics he was always a democrat, after becoming a naturalized citizen. In his family were five children, but all have now passed away. John Elgar was educated in the common schools of Ohio and Indiana, and was reared to farm life, early becoming familiar with the duties and labors that fall to the lot of the agriculturist. In 1866 he became a resident of Henry county, and in 1874 purchased the farm upon which his widow now resides, comprising eighty acres of land on section 5, Marion township. A few improvements had been made thereon, but Mr. Elgar erected the present fine farm house, also set out an orchard and added other modern equipments and accessories of a model farm. As the years passed, he devoted his energies to the work of tilling the soil, and annually harvested good crops. He was also a veterinary surgeon, being one of the first to practice the profession in the county. In 1869 Mr. Elgar was married to Miss Augusta Everetts, who was born in Henry county, September 26, 1845, and is a daughter of Lorentz and Margaret (Wiggins) Everetts, the former a native of New York and the latter of New Jersey. Her paternal grandfather was a soldier of the Revolutionary war, and rose to the rank of colonel. Mr. Everetts was a farmer by occupation, and on coming to the west settled upon a tract of land in Henry county, Iowa, in 1842. Here he devoted his time and energies to general agricultural pursuits until his demise. Both he and his wife were laid to rest in Findlay cemetery, in this county. In their family were nine children, but only four are now living: Emilius, who married Miss Maggie Montgomery, and resides upon the old home farm in Jefferson township; Mrs. Elgar; Jael, who married Samuel Green, and resides near Trenton; and Mrs. Genevieve Campbell, who is living in Superior, Nebraska. Unto Mr. and Mrs. Elgar were born six children, five of whom survive: Albert, who was born in this county, January 16, 1870, and is living in California; May, who was born February 13, 1872, and is at home with her mother; John, who was born August 20, 1875, and operates the old homestead place; Homer, who was born September 29, 1878, and Herman, born November 13, 1882, and now a teacher in the home school. Albert and May both attended the Iowa Wesleyan University, and Herman was graduated at Antrim's College and Normal School for Teachers. Mr. Elgar died very suddenly, after an illness of four days, on the 7th of September, 1905, when sixty-seven years of age, and the interment occurred in Findlay Chapel cemetery. There were no exciting chapters in his life history, but his record was that of a man honorable and reliable at all times, and who, in the faithful performance of each day's duty, won success and also gained the respect and confidence of his fellow men. He was devoted to the welfare of his family, and gave strict attention to his business, in order that he might provide for their support. He left his widow a good farm in Marion township, and she also owns one hundred and sixty acres of farm land in Kansas. The family is well known in the community, and the members of the household enjoy an enviable position in social circles. (Biographical Review of Henry County, Iowa. Chicago: Hobart Publishing Co.,1906, p. 323-325) (PE) |
John Elliott
JOHN ELLIOTT, M. D., one of the well-known practicing physicians of Mt. Pleasant, was born in Jefferson County, Ohio, Sept. 17, 1832, and is a son of Elisha and Susan (Carter) Elliott, both of whom were natives of Ohio, where the former had been engaged in farming for many years. They were the parents of six children, of whom the following are now living: Thomas, a resident of Canton, Stark Co., Ohio; Charles, living in Rome, this county; George, in Carroll County, Ohio, and Dr. John. The father died in 1840, and Mrs. Elliott subsequently married William Felson, by whom she had one child, Mary, now the wife of John Watt, of Carroll County, Ohio. Mrs. Felson, who was a life-long member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, died in Carroll County in 1880. On the death of his father the subject of this sketch was taken to rear by an aunt. He received a common-school education in Ohio, and in 1855 emigrated to Henry County, Iowa, but returned to Ohio after a year and a half. In 1859 he began reading medicine with a Dr. Vance, at his old home, working his own way, and there receiving a thorough practical grounding in the science of medicine. In 1860 he came back to Mt. Pleasant, but staid only six months, again going to his Ohio home, but in 1862 made Henry County his permanent home. In 1868 he attended a course of lectures at the Cleveland Medical College, and in the spring of 1878 graduated at Keokuk Medical College, Iowa, and commenced practice at Rome, in Henry County. Dr. Elliott was married in Carroll County, Ohio, in 1857, to Miss Letitia Noble, a daughter of David Noble, one of the early settlers of that county. Their children now living are: Elihu N., a graduate of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Chicago, now in practice with his father at Mt. Pleasant, and Lellie Maud, living with her parents. Dr. John Elliott is essentially a self-made man, who has made his own path in life, and has never received a penny of pecuniary assistance since he started in the world. Wholly by pluck, close study, industry and a determination to succeed, he has succeeded in making himself an honored member of an honored profession. He takes an active interest in Mason affairs; is a member of Xenium Lodge No. 207, A. F. & A. M.; of Henry Chapter No. 8, R. A. M., and of Jerusalem Commandery No. 7, K. T. In politics he is a supporter of the Democratic party, and keeps thoroughly posted in public affairs. As physicians the Drs. Elliott take high rank in their profession, and are held in high esteem in the community in which they live. (Portrait and Biographical Album, Henry County, Iowa; Acme Publishing Company, Chicago, 1888, p. 424-5.) |
JOHN E. ELLIOTT JOHN E. ELLIOTT who is now living retired in Rome after active connection with mercantile interests for a number of years, is one of the native sons of Henry county. His birth occurred in Salem township on the 10th of July, 1867, his parents being Charles and Sarah (Fetty) Elliott, both of whom were natives of Carroll county, Ohio, in which state they were reared and married. They continued to make their home there until 1863, when they removed to Henry county, Iowa, settling in Salem township, where they resided until 1868. In that year they came to Rome and Mr. Elliott was employed on the railroad for many years, but is now enjoying the fruits of his labor in living retired. His wife departed this life in 1895. John E. Elliott was educated in the public schools of Rome. No event of special importance occurred to vary the routine of life for him in his boyhood days, his attention being given to the duties of the schoolroom, the pleasures of the playground and to various tasks which were from time to time assigned to him. At the age of eighteen years he started out in life on his own account, being employed as a farm hand for a year, after which he accepted a clerkship in a mercantile house, being thus employed until the fall of 1892. He then embarked in merchandising on his own account and for twelve years was a factor in commercial circles in Rome, carrying on the store with good success until November, 1904, when he sold out to A. A. Carlson & Company. He has since lived retired in the enjoyment of a well earned rest, having during his active business career acquired a gratifying competence. On the 26th of October, 1892, Mr. Elliott was united in marriage to Miss Cora D. Tracy, who was born in Rome and was educated in the public schools of this village. Her parents are John A. and Ellen (Duncanson) Tracy, both of whom are natives of Jefferson county. The children of Mr. and Mrs. Elliott are Bertha E., born June 3, 1893; Ruth S., October 22, 1895; Mamie F., September 12, 1898; and Charles Walter, November 5, 1900. Mr. Elliott exercises his right of franchise in support of the men and measures of the republican party and is a recognized leader in its local ranks, doing all in his power to promote the growth and insure the success of the organization. He was elected village clerk of Rome in the spring of 1904 and re-elected in 1906. He belongs to the Modern Woodmen of America, camp No. 7041, in which he served as clerk from 1899 until 1903, and is popular and prominent in business, political, fraternal and social circles. Both he and his wife have spent their entire lives in this county and have many warm friends. (Biographical Review of Henry County, Iowa. Chicago: Hobart Publishing Co.,1906, p. 298) (PE) |
ARTHUR ENDERSBY ARTHUR ENDERSBY, who, through his capable control of extensive and important business interests has become one of the wealthy citizens of Henry county, so that he is now enabled to live a retired life, was born in Crampton, England, March 11, 1835. His parents, Benjamin and Eliza (Buck) Endersby, were also natives of that country, the former born in 1796 and the latter in 1811. The father was a farmer by occupation and in 1841 he crossed the Atlantic to America in an old-time sailing vessel, taking up his abode in Hillsboro, Iowa, where he conducted a store in connection with his brother. His brother, William Endersby, was in the Indian war of England. After living in Hillsboro for a time Benjamin Endersby removed to Van Buren county, where he spent his last days upon a farm. His wife, who was a member of the Christian church, died in Hillsboro, and both were laid to rest in Bayles cemetery. In their family were the following named: Arthur; Elizabeth, who married George Sturdivant but both are now deceased; William, who was for three months a soldier in the Civil war, and now resides in Hillsboro; Sarah Ann, who died of diptheria at the age of fourteen years; Edmond, who became a member of Company D, Fourteenth Iowa Volunteer Infantry, when eighteen years of age, and died May 18, 1862, after participating in the battle of Fort Donelson, his death occurring at Bonaparte, Iowa, from the effect of measles and the later exposure during the battle of Fort Donelson; Mrs. Isabelle Chandler, who died and is buried in Leonard, Kansas; Mary, who died at the home of her brother Arthur when sixteen years of age; John, who died in infancy; Oben, who died at the age seven years; Sarah Ann, who is living in Oklahoma; and Lucretia, of Linn county, Kansas, who married William Crawshaw, who died in the fall of 1905. Arthur Endersby was a public school student in England and also continued his studies in the schools of Hillsboro, Iowa, subsequent to the removal of the family to America. He afterward remained with his father upon the home farm until he had attained his majority and in 1857 he went to California in search of gold. Just prior to his sojourn in the west he was married on the 15th of November, 1856, to Anna Mary Smith, who was born in Zanesville, Ohio, April 15, 1841, and was a daughter of David Smith. Her parents were of English descent but were born in Ohio and in 1851 Mr. Smith brought his family to Iowa, settling in Van Buren county. He was a carpenter by trade but after coming to this state turned his attention to agricultural pursuits. At a later date he removed to Rice county, Kansas, where he died at the age of seventy-two years, having long survived his wife, who passed away in Lee county, Iowa. In their family were seven children, of whom four are living: Pamelia, the wife of Fred Endersby, a half-brother of Arthur Endersby, and a resident of Oklahoma; Elizabeth, the wife of Joseph Weeks, living at Salem with her father-in-law; Lide, who married Emory Criswell, of Missouri; and David, who married Mary Beason and lives in Kirksville, Missouri. Following the death of his first wife Mr. Smith wedded a Miss Buckles and had three children: William and his sister, who are residents of Kansas; and Emma, deceased. Mrs. Endersby died May 18, 1905, and was laid to rest in Bayles, now known as Pleasant Grove cemetery, her death being deeply regretted by many friends whom she had won through her many excellent traits of heart and mind. She had become the mother of twelve children: Susan Elizabeth, born in Lee county, Iowa, November 11, 1858, is the wife of George Hixson, of Colorado, and has four children, Loren, Rex, Ryan and Verna. Alvadus Oben, born in Van Buren county, April 21, 1861, wedded Mary Cook, by whom he has two children, Victor and Darrell, their home being in Alberta, Canada. Arthur E., born in Van Buren county, December 21, 1863, married May Shannon, resides in Canada and has two children. Ulysses Smith, born in Van Buren county, November 2, 1865, and now living in eastern Oregon, married Ella Harlan, and has five children, Claude, Sadie, Valentine, Edmond and an infant daughter. Vincent C., born in Van Buren county, May 5, 1868, died September 19, 1887, and was buried in Bayles cemetery. William E., born in Van Buren county, August 10, 1870, lives in eastern Montana. Robert L., born January 25, 1873, died on the 20th of February following. Alonzo D., born January 31, 1874, is residing in Montana. Leonidas, born in Van Buren county, on June 18, 1876, attended the Bloomfield (Iowa) College, was there taken ill and died March 17, 1895, his remains being interred at Bayles. Lorenzo N., born in Van Buren county, January 24, 1878, married Goldie Horn and lives in Van Buren county. Octavia N., born in Van Buren county, September 10, 1880, is acting as her father's housekeeper. David Benjamin, born September 18, 1883, was a graduate of the Bonaparte College and died April 1, 1903. Mr. Endersby is a democrat and has served as road supervisor and was elected as justice of the peace but would not qualify for that office. His wife was a member of the Christian church, and was a most estimable lady. Mr. Endersby has resided in Hillsboro since March, 1905, owning a beautiful home in the northern part of that village. He also has four hundred and forty-five acres of valuable land in Van Buren county, and placed all of the improvements upon that property except the house. He was quite an extensive cattle and hog feeder, and raised many fine Clydesdale horses. He sold sixty-five at his sale in 1897. He was one of the organizers and is a director of the Farmer's and Trader's Bank of Hillsboro. He and his youngest son have an interest in two hundred and forty acres of good land in Winnipeg, Canada. Mr. Endersby is now living retired, enjoying a well earned rest. He was for many years actively connected with agricultural interests and by his close application, capable management and earnest purpose he won a gratifying measure of prosperity and now in possession of a comfortable competence, is enjoying a well earned rest in Hillsboro, while a large circle of warm friends in this part of Iowa esteem him for his genuine worth and admire him for what he has accomplished. After leaving the farm he with his wife made a trip through Colorado, spending one summer there and the following winter in Des Moines, and then lived in Bonaparte for three years and after a time on a farm again came to Hillsboro, where he bought a home. (Biographical Review of Henry County, Iowa. Chicago: Hobart Publishing Co.,1906, p. 279-281) (PE) |
EDMUND ENDERSBY The name of Endersby has been closely and honorably associated with the history of Henry county through many years. Edmund Endersby of this review was born in Crampton, Bedfordshire, England, on February 26, 1827, a son of Frederick and Sarah (Ibbs) Endersby, who were also natives of England. In the year 1832 his parents came to America, taking passage on a sailing vessel which weighed anchor at Liverpool and reached the harbor of New York after a voyage of nine weeks. The father had conducted a tavern in England and on coming to the new world, he settled in Jacksonville, Illinois, upon a farm, where he lived for nine years. In 1841 he came to Iowa and purchased a farm near Hillsboro, upon a part of which Edmund Endersby is now living. The father lived in Hillsboro for three years, keeping a general store in partnership with his brother, Benjamin. He then sold out and went on a farm west of Hillsboro, where he lived for several years, then sold it and went to Texas, living there for some time. He then came to the "half-breed tract," in Lee county, where he farmed for a number of years, after which he removed to Sioux City, where his death occurred three or four years later. He was eighty-four years of age at the time of his demise. His wife passed away in Hillsboro in August, 1841, and was laid to rest in the Hillsboro cemetery, while Mr. Endersby's remains were interred near Sioux City. In his political views he was first a whig and afterward a democrat, and both he and his wife were members of the church of England. In their family were seven children: William, who married Elizabeth Fligg-both are deceased; Frederick, first married Ellen Holiday and later Margaret Montgomery, of Hillsboro, and all have passed away; Sarah, who died in England in infancy; Sarah, the second of the name, who died in England; Edmund, of this review; Susanna, the widow of George Chapman and a resident of Jefferson, Iowa; and Elizabeth E., who married Dr. Cottle and resides in Fairfield, Iowa. Edmund Endersby was educated in Morgan county, Illinois, near Jacksonville, and remained upon his father's farm in Illinois and at home in Hillsboro until he started out in life on his own account as a farmer on the farm west of Hillsboro. He was married November 27, 1847, to Miss Charity E. Graham, who was born in Indiana, December 4, 1826, and was a daughter of John W. and Maria E. (Long) Graham, the former a native of Kentucky and the latter of Ohio. Her paternal grandfather, Joseph Graham, was a soldier in the war of 1812, as was her brother Jonathan. It was Jonathan Graham who poured the water on the powder house in Kentucky when the Indians were trying to fire it, so as to burn the city and the port of Harrisburg. Joseph Graham, the grandfather, was a pioneer minister in Kentucky and Indiana, and he afterward preached in Coles county, Illinois, during its early settlement, his death there occurring. His wife bore the maiden name of Rhoda Canut. John W. Graham, father of Mrs. Endersby, was a farmer by occupation and removed to Coles county, Illinois, during the early girlhood of his daughter Charity. There his death occurred in 1839, when he was forty years of age. In the following year his widow came to Iowa and afterward married Andrew F. Simons, who followed farming in Henry county. There were two children of this marriage: Sarah, the wife of Alfred Giauque, of Nebraska; and William, deceased. There were also two children by the mother's first marriage: Charity E., now Mrs. Endersby; and Benjamin K. Graham, who died at the age of ten years. The half-brother, William Simons, died at St. Louis, Missouri, from the effect of disease contracted in the Civil war. In politics Mr. Graham was a democrat and both parents were members of the Methodist church. Unto Mr. and Mrs. Endersby have been born six children, all born in Van Buren county: Emily, born August 31, 1848, became the wife of Charles Hutchison, but died later; Sarah Maria, born July 29, 1850, is the wife of David Perry, of Belleville, Kansas, and had four children: Edmund, now deceased; Charles, of Kansas, who is married and has one child; Carleton, also of Kansas; and Mary, who is living with her mother; George Albert Endersby, born July 3, 1856, and living in Van Buren county, married Josie Starky, and after her death wedded Dell Frazier. By his first wife he had two children: Mary Lucile, the wife of Joseph Robbins, by whom she has a son, Harold; and George A. Endersby, Jr.; Mary Ellis Endersby, born October 27, 1858, died May 2, 1862; John F. Endersby, born July 19, 1861, died September 23, 1868; Albert E., born November 5, 1869, married Miss Sophia Bennett and has one child, Melvin E. Endersby, their home being in Van Buren county. In his political views Edmund Endersby has always been a stalwart republican and has been called to various township offices. His wife is a sincere and devoted member of the Christian church. In 1900 he removed to Hillsboro, where they now occupy a nice cottage and Mr. Endersby is living retired from active farm labor. He owns two hundred and seventy acres of land in Van Buren county, whereon his youngest son now resides. He has lived continuously in Iowa since coming to this state in 1841, with the exception of three years spent in California, beginning in 1852, making his home in Henry and Van Buren counties. He has always carried on general agricultural pursuits, leading an active, useful life so that he is enjoying the respect and esteem of his fellow men. He and his wife have traveled life's journey happily together for over fifty-eight years and they are yet enjoying good health and good spirits, belonging to that class of citizens who shed around them much of life's sunshine. In all business relations Mr. Endersby has been honorable and straightforward. (Biographical Review of Henry County, Iowa. Chicago: Hobart Publishing Co.,1906, p. 281-283) (PE) |
DANIEL WEBSTER EVANS DANIEL WEBSTER EVANS, owning a farm on section 4, Trenton township, but residing in the village of Trenton, was born in this township, September 6, 1859, and is a representative of one of the prominent pioneer families. His parents were Evan and Ann (Williams) Evans, both of whom were natives of Wales and the latter was a daughter of Hopkins and Annie Williams. Mr. and Mrs. Evan Evans became early residents of Jefferson township, Henry county, driving across the country with ox teams from New York in 1836. It was a long, slow, and tedious journey and at night they camped out along the roadside and in the day time covered a few miles. At length, however, they reached their destination and Mr. Evans purchased land, becoming the owner of two hundred and twenty-five acres in Jefferson township, of which the remainder was prairie. The entire tract was unimproved, but he began its cultivation and development. He was a great trader and owned considerable land in Jefferson township which he afterward traded for eighty acres in Ringgold county, Iowa, that he subsequently sold. He removed from his farm to Wayland in 1894, and there died in 1896. His wife still survives him and yet makes her home in Wayland. In their family were four sons and four daughters, of whom two sons and three daughters are yet living. Daniel W. Evans, the fifth in order of birth, resided with his parents until seventeen years of age, after which he went to live with his sister, Mrs. S. J. Tilger, about three-fourts of a mile east of Trenton. He acquired his education in the common schools and on starting out in life on his own account he began the operation of the old home farm, which he cultivated for a year. He then married Miss Ella Cook, who was born in Trenton township and had been a student in the public schools. Her parents were James and Maria (Wateman) Cook, natives of Ohio, who came to this county about 1850. Unto Mr. and Mrs. Evans was born one son, Harry Glenn, who was born September 5, 1887, and pursued his education in the common schools, in Howe's Academy, at Mount Pleasant, and in the Wayland high school, which he attended for eighteen months. He then became ill with scarlet fever which developed into brain fever and he lived for only forty-seven hours after being taken ill, passing away December 1, 1904, his remains being interred in Green Mound cemetery, at Trenton. His death came as an almost unbearable blow to his devoted parents. It was on the 18th of February, 1882, that Mr. and Mrs. Evans were married and they immediately afterward began housekeeping on a tract of land of forty acres west of Trenton, which Mr. Evans had previously purchased. It was prairie land and was all well improved. For sixteen years he made his home thereon, and then sold that property and bought eighty acres adjoining his old home place, at the southwest corner of section 4, Trenton township. Here he built a new barn twenty by thirty-two feet with a shed for the horses, twelve by thirty-two feet. It is the largest barn in the community and is a monument to the progressive spirit and practical methods of the owner. He has also improved his house, has put up a windmill and corn crib and now has a valuable farm equipped with all modern conveniences. He uses the latest improved machinery in the care of his fields and everything about his place is neat and thrifty in appearance, indicating his careful supervision. He has always engaged in the tilling of the soil and each year harvests good crops. He also raises cattle and Chester White hogs, having about forty head of the latter. He lived upon his farm until the death of his son, when his wife's health, through her sorrow, became so impaired that they removed from the farm to Trenton, where they have resided since the 1st of October, 1905. Their only son was a young man of lovable disposition, often acting as peacemaker among his school associates and his kindly nature and genial temperament won him the love and esteem of all who knew him. To his parents he displayed most filial attachment and his death came as a crushing blow to them. Both Mr. and Mrs. Evans are members of the Church of God and in his political affiliation he is a republican. For six years he served as school director, but otherwise has held no public office, giving his time and attention to his business affairs. Both he and his wife are held in high esteem and have a very large circle of warm friends in their community. (Biographical Review of Henry County, Iowa. Chicago: Hobart Publishing Co.,1906, p. 99-101) (PE) |
HENRY EVANS HENRY EVANS, to whom we are indebted for the history of Thomas T. Evans, and his family, was born April 8, 1832, in Wales, and was therefore only about a year old when his parents came to America. He pursued his education in the schools of Ohio and of Des Moines county, Iowa, and for a time was a student in the public schools of Burlington. In 1853 he went to California and was engaged in mining there, when he received the sad news of the death of his father, mother and two sisters. It was accompanied by an appeal for him to return home, for he was left the eldest of the family and naturally the obligation of caring for the younger members fell upon him. He therefore returned to Iowa and took charge of the old home place and of his younger brothers and sisters. He continued the management and operation of the home farm, there residing for six years, when on the 12th of December, 1861, he was married to Miss Catherine Williams, a daughter of W. W. and Margaret (Owens) Williams. Mr. Evans brought his bride to the old homestead and finally purchased the interest of the other heirs in the property, continuing to reside thereon until he purchased an additional tract of one hundred and sixty acres. Upon this quarter section he erected a new and commodious residence in 1867 and for many years thereafter was actively identified with agricultural interests, carrying on the farm with success until his retirement from business life in 1892. He then removed to Mount Pleasant and purchased a comfortable home in the west part of the village. In 1903 he traded this residence for another farm in Henry county and also made plans for the construction of a new and modern residence in the town to be built at No. 413 North Main street. For five years thereafter the farm property was rented, at the end of which time his son, Merritt, took charge of his land in Washington and Yellow Springs townships, Des Moines county, and Pleasant Grove township, Henry county. This comprises an extensive tract of nine hundred and eighty acres and is devoted largely to the raising of stock, making a specialty of Hereford cattle and Poland China hogs. Mr. and Mrs. Evans have become the parents of eight children: Margaret Ann, who died in 1898, at the age of thirty-four years; Mary Augusta, at home; Austin Joseph, of the Security State Bank, at Arkansas City, Kansas, who married Mina Davis, a daughter of Nelson Davis, of Mount Pleasant, Iowa, by whom he has one child, Ruth; Laura, the wife of A. W. Miller and the mother of one son, Paul; William Henry, who is assistant cashier of the Mount Pleasant Savings Bank; Merritt; Bertha, who died at the age of five years; and one that died in infancy. The sons, William and Austin, are graduates of the Wesleyan College at Mount Pleasant, Iowa. Mr. Evans was elected township trustee on three different occasions on the Republican ticket and he has always been a stanch advocate of the principles of the party. Almost his entire life has been passed in this state, where he located when a lad of twelve years and he has therefore witnessed the many changes that have occurred here as the locality has put off the evidences of frontier life and taken on all of the improvements of a modern civilization. His business affairs were capably managed and his close application, frugality, strong purpose and laudable ambition enabled him as the years passed by to add annually to his income. He is now one of the extensive land owners of Des Moines county and, leaving the care of his farm to others, he is now enjoying a well earned rest. (Biographical Review of Henry County, Iowa. Chicago: Hobart Publishing Co.,1906, p. 357-358) (PE) |
![]() JAMES MCFARLAND EVANS, M.D. DR. JAMES MCFARLAND EVANS, classed with the successful practitioners of Salem, possesses a nature that could never be content with mediocrity and by reason, close application and laudable ambition he has worked his way steadily upward. He is descended from Scotch and Irish ancestry, tracing the line back to Daniel McFarland, who came from Scotland to America about 1750, and after residing for a time in New England took up his permanent abode in Washington county, Pennsylvania, where he became a very enterprising and prominent citizen. He held a commission as a soldier in the Revolutionary war and died in 1817, at the advanced age of eighty-seven years, leaving a comfortable estate which is still in possession of his descendants. He was the father of Judge William McFarland, whose daughter, Sarah McFarland, became the wife of Joseph Evans, who was of Welsh descent. Their son, Abel M. Evans, was the father of Dr. Evans. Abel Evans was born in 1819, and on the 15th of March, 1838, married Elizabeth Weir, who was born in 1821, and whose father, Adam Weir, was the William Weir who came to this country from Scotland in 1750, and settled in Franklin county, Pennsylvania. The Weir family, residents of the parish of Lesmahagow, in Scotland, was at one time very prominent in that country, it being registered that in 1695 two members of the family, James and John Weir, owned an estate and grounds known as Glenare and that the castle remained standing until 1857. Others of the family were clergymen, soldiers, members of parliament and military leaders who were conspucious during the war of the Covenant in Scotland, which raged during the sixteenth century, fighting bravely for the right to worship according to the dictates of their consciences. In various walks of life representatives of the family attained prominence and distinction. Abel Evans died in March, 1903, at the age of eighty-five years. He had two sons, the elder being Samuel, who died June 30, 1864, from the effects of wounds sustained at the battle of Cold Harbor. The mother died when Dr. Evans of this review was but two weeks old and he was therefore reared by relatives. In the common schools of Pennsylvania Dr. Evans acquired his early education and at the age of sixteen years entered Waynesburg College in Greene county, Pennsylvania, where he remained a student for three years but he left that institution before the completion of his course in order to enlist in the Union army, becoming a private of Company K, Eighth Pennsylvania Reserves, on the 1st of May, 1861. He participated in the second battle of Bull Run and sustained a severe wound in the left shoulder by reason of which he was discharged for disability at Baltimore, Maryland, February 13, 1863. Coming to Iowa on the 28th of May, 1865, he entered upon the study of medicine under the direction of Dr. L. E. Goodell, at Pilot Grove, Lee county, who was a broad-minded man and one of the notable physicians of the state. After a year and a half spent in his office Dr. Evans attended lectures at the Western Medical College in Cleveland, Ohio, and in 1868 entered upon practice in Pilot Grove, where he remained until October 15, 1872, removing then to West Point. On the 2d of March, 1880, he located in Salem, Iowa, where he has since been successfully engaged in the practice of his profession. He has been actively connected with his chosen calling for over thirty-five years and has accumulated a comfortable competence, at the same time doing a most beneficial work for his fellow men. He has one of the best medical libraries in the state and he is still engaged in active practice. Dr. Evans was one of the founders of the Henry County Medical Society and served as its first president, also a member of the District Medical Association and also a member of the State Medical Society and thus keeps in touch with the more advanced views of the day. Dr. Evans was married December 3, 1868, to Miss Helena Lusk, who was born April 18, 1847, and is a daughter of James and Nancy (Rickets) Lusk, both of whom were of Scotch-Irish descent, the former born July 8, 1799, and the latter July 22, 1809. The father followed farming and during the latter part of his life resided in Iowa, where he died May 8, 1875, his wife passing away July 5, 1893. Both were buried near their old home, in Clay Grove cemetery. Mr. Lusk was a democrat and they were members of the United Presbyterian church. He is spoken of as one of the best men that ever lived, being kind hearted and at all times true and honorable. In the family were three children. James H., now deceased, married Alice Allen and she lives in Denver, Colorado. She has one daughter, Minnie Luella Lusk. Helena Isabelle became the first wife of Dr. Evans. Emma J. is the wife of Daniel S. Keller, an undertaker of Salem, Iowa. Mrs. Evans died May 2, 1897, and was laid to rest by the side of her parents in Clay Grove cemetery. She was also a devoted member of the Presbyterian church. By this marriage there were three children: Elma Victorine, born in Lee county, September 6, 1869, married Clifford Cook, who resides at Sioux City, Iowa, where he is a shipping clerk in Cudahy's packing house. They have had three children, of whom two are living-Helen Elizabeth Cook, born May 11, 1902, in Sioux City, and Miriam McFarland Cook, born in Sioux City, August 20, 1905, while Mack Cook, born in Sioux City, May 17, 1900, died on the 3d of August, of the same year. Emma Winona Evans, born in Lee county, August 14, 1871, is the wife of Harry Reeves, of Keokuk, Iowa, and they have one child, Helen L. Reeves, born September 25, 1901. Helen McFarland Evans, born July 2, 1873, married Fred W. Garretson, of Keokuk. Dr. Evans was again married March 15, 1900, to Miss Mertie E. Balsley, who was born November 9, 1857, at Spring Prairie, Wisconsin, and was a daughter of Henry and Martha J. (Snushall) Maycock, both natives of England. Following her mother's death she was reared by the Balsley family and took their name. She cared for her father during the last ten years of his life and he passed away in Salem, Henry county, in March, 1905. He served in the Civil war, belonging to the Ninth Wisconsin Battery, enlisting in 1862. In politics he was a republican but was without aspiration for office and his time and energies were devoted to farming. Mrs. Evans was an only child. Both Dr. and Mrs. Evans belonged to the Congregational church, in which he has served as elder for thirty-five years. He owns a good building on North Main street, where he maintains both his office and residence. He is a member of Salem Lodge, No. 17, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, of which he is now past master and several times represented his lodge in the grand lodge. He is also a member of the Grand Army of the Republic, of which he was the first commander of the Adam Kemple Post, and served for a number of years, and has since served at different times a member of the grand commandery and has several times served as aid-de-campe to the grand commander. In his political views he is a stanch republican. His attention is largely given to his profession, in which he has met with excellent success, owing to his good qualifications, his conscientious performance of his duties and his broad and comprehensive knowledge of the principles that underlie the profession. (Biographical Review of Henry County, Iowa. Chicago: Hobart Publishing Co.,1906, p. 518-522) (PE) |
Thomas Evans
REV. THOMAS EVANS, deceased. This well-known and beloved clergyman of the Methodist Church was born in Bath County, Ky., in 1799. Early in life he united with that body, and devoted himself and his life to the cause of Christ, at once beginning to study for the ministry. Not long afterward he was ordained and began preaching, which he continued until his death. He was ardent in his labors for the church, and gave liberally of the means with which his Master had blessed him. He left Kentucky when young to get away from the curse of slavery, and when he crossed the Ohio River undressed and washed, to cleanse himself from the taint, as he said. He first located in Putnam County, Ind. In 1855 he removed to Iowa, purchasing a large tract of land near Winterset, Madison County, which he developed, and from which he realized a comfortable competence. In 1865 he came to Henry County, and purchased the property on which Mrs. Evans now resides, and where he died in 1870. Mr. Evans was twice married. His first wife was Miss Anna Martin, of Putnam County, Ind., by whom he had ten children, six sons and four daughters. Mrs. Evans died in 1847, and in 1849 he was married to Miss Mary Davis, who was born in Monmouthshire, England, April 28, 1803, and is a daughter of William and Janet (Price) Davis, who in 1815 emigrated to America, locating first in New York, where they staid until 1817, when, attracted by the larger possibilities of the West, they removed to Cincinnati, where they lived many years. Mr. and Mrs. Davis were the parents of eleven children, of whom two are now living: Mrs. Evans and Mrs. Sophia D. Folsom, of Greene County, Ind., whose husband was a relative of Mrs. Cleveland, wife of the President of the United States. Mr. and Mrs. Davis were of Welsh descent, and both died in Hamilton County, Ohio. They were members of the Presbyterian Church, and were highly respected in the community in which they resided. Mr. Davis was a man of more than ordinary ability, of extensive reading, and well informed on topics of public interest. As already stated, Rev. Thomas Evans was always hostile to human slavery, a thorough Abolitionist, and an ardent advocate of the cause of temperance. He was a supporter of every good cause, who never wearied in well-doing, and nobly fulfilled the promises of his early manhood. The cause to which he had dedicated his life had in him a zealous disciple, and when the Angel of Death summoned him he went with confidence and trust to Him who said, "Well done, thou good and faithful servant, enter though into the joy of the Lord," and was laid to rest amid the tears and prayers of numerous relatives and friends, to all of whom his upright life, Christian character, and kindness of heart had endeared him. His loving wife still survives him, but "sorrows not as one without hope," knowing that he is but gone before, and is calmly awaiting the summons that will reunite them. (Portrait and Biographical Album, Henry County, Iowa; Acme Publishing Company, Chicago, 1888, p 545-5.) |
THOMAS T. EVANS On the pages of the pioneer history of Des Moines county appears the name of Thomas T. Evans, who assisted materially in the early development of this part of the state, aiding in reclaiming the wild land for the purposes of civilization. A native of Wales, he was born about 1800 and acquired his education in the public schools of that land. He afterward learned the weaver's trade, becoming an expert in that department of labor. He wove in all colors and designs and because of his superior ability was able to command good positions. He was married in his native country to Miss Mary Morris, who was also born in the little rock-ribbed land of Wales, her natal year being 1804. Desirous, however, of enjoying the better business opportunities of the new world and the higher wages here paid, Thomas T. Evans crossed the Atlantic to the United States in 1833, settling first at Ruscanee, New York where with his wife and three children he established his home. They crossed the Atlantic on the old sailing vessel, Sidol, which several years afterward was lost at sea and nine weeks had been added to the cycle of the centuries before anchor was dropped in the harbor of New York. About 1836 the family went from the Empire state to Portage county, Ohio, where the father engaged in the transfer or teaming business in the employ of a hotel proprietor, making trips from Portage county to Pittsburg. His residence in the Buckeye state covered about nine years, after which he came to Des Moines county, Iowa. It was in May, 1845, that Mr. Evans arrived in this state. He purchased forty acres of land and later he entered one hundred sixty acres from the government through the medium of a Mexican land warrant which had been granted to a soldier of the Mexican war in recognition of his services the soldier selling the same to Mr. Evans. In this way the latter became owner of a quarter section in Washington township about a half mile west of the boundary line of Yellow Springs township. His son, Moses, also bought eighty acres in the same neighborhood, but in the spring of 1850 he went to California attracted by the discovery of gold on the Pacific coast. Later he returned to his farm, bringing with him about two thousand dollars which he had made in the mines of the west. He died in Des Moines county in 1854, leaving his property to his father and this was the family homestead until the death of the parents. Mr. Evans was an enterprising agriculturist, placing his land under a high state of cultivation and living a busy, useful and active life. He died in 1855 and within a week his wife and two daughters passed away, Catherine Sophia being then sixteen years of age, while Mary Augusta was fourteen years old. John Jones, an old-time friend of Mr. Evans, who had lost his wife in Des Moines county and afterward resided in different places, contracted the cholera and Mr. Evans, out of the kindness of his heart, went to nurse him during that illness. He then returned home, bringing with him the dreaded disease and he and his wife and daughters all succumbed to that dread illness. There was only one other death from cholera in the locality, a girl by the name of Virgin. Mr. and Mrs. Evans were the parents of ten children: Elizabeth, now the wife of William P. Jones, a resident of Portland, Oregon; Moses, who died when twenty-four years of age; Henry; Ann, who married Frederick Gowdy, of this county, and died in 1878; James Grimes, who died at Salenas, California, in July, 1903; Catherine Sophia, who died of cholera; Mary Augusta, whose death was occasioned by the same disease; Joseph, who died in Des Moines county in July, 1867, at the age of twenty-two years; Jane, who died in San Francisco, California, in 1903, being survived by her husband, Andrew Gartley, a former resident of Burlington, Iowa; and Thomas Charles, who is living in Winona county, Iowa. (Biographical Review of Henry County, Iowa. Chicago: Hobart Publishing Co.,1906, p. 355-357) (PE) |
PALUS E. EVERTS PALUS E. EVERTS is the owner of a valuable farm property of two hundred and forty-three acres of arable land and in addition he owns fifty-five acres of timber land. In the control of his farming interests he displays good business ability and executive force and is meeting with well merited prosperity. He was born near Elmira, New York, January 24, 1839, and is a son of Lawrence and Margaret (Wiggins) Everts, both of whom are natives of the Empire state. The father was born in Schuyler county, and was a son of Aranthus Everts, who was born in Massachusetts and whose wife bore the maiden name of Margaret Matthews. Having arrived at years of maturity, Lawrence Everts was married in the Empire state to Miss Margaret Wiggins, a daughter of William Wiggins, also a native of New York. In the year 1844 they left the east and came to Henry county, Iowa, settling on a farm of two hundred and forty acres, on section 36, Jefferson township. Upon the place was a small cabin and a few acres had been plowed but otherwise the entire tract was unimproved. He built a house, broke the prairie and transformed the once wild tract into richly cultivated fields, continuing the work of improvement until he had as fine a farm as could be found in the township. As a worthy pioneer settler he assisted materially in the early development and progress of this section of the state and his worth as a citizen was widely acknowledged. In the family were three sons and six daughters. Palus E. Everts, the second in order of birth, remained with his parents throughout their lifetime. The father passed away in 1865 and the mother's death occurred in 1874. He was educated in the common schools of Iowa and for a short time attended the Iowa Wesleyan University, of Mount Pleasant. He was trained to all the duties and labors that fall to the lot of the agriculturist and he continued to work upon the home farm until after the death of his parents, when he purchased the interest of the other heirs in the property which then comprised one hundred and eighty acres of tillable land and eighty acres of timber land. He has since added to his possessions until he now has two hundred and forty-three acres of land, which is rich and productive, while his timber tract has been reduced to fifty-five acres, the remainder having been cleared. In 1882 he erected a residence of eight rooms, and in 1886 he built a good barn thirty-four by forty-four feet with basement. The place is well tiled so that drainage has made the fields productive and he altogether has a well improved property. In the tilling of the soil he has shown a good knowledge of the value of rotating crops and a thorough understanding of the needs of the different kinds of grain which he raises. He annually harvests good crops and in addition he raises horses, cattle and hogs, his sales of stock each year materially increasing his bank account. In December, 1874, Mr. Everts was united in marriage to Miss Margaret E. Montgomery, who was born in Ohio and attended Howe's Academy in Mount Pleasant. Her father was Samuel Montgomery, a native of Ohio. In their family were four children: Clara, now the wife of Clyde Hodges, of Guide Rock, Nebraska; Catherine, Mary, and Clark, all at home. The family are well known in the county and have a large circle of warm friends. Mr. Everts is independent in politics, having always preferred to give his undivided attention to his business interests and his capable management of his farm has gained him rank with the leading agriculturists of this part of the state. His life has been a busy and useful one and he has the satisfaction of knowing that his success has been honorably gained without regard to fraudulent measures. It has resulted entirely from his strong and earnest purpose, guided by sound judgment and supplemented by unfaltering diligence. (Biographical Review of Henry County, Iowa. Chicago: Hobart Publishing Co.,1906, p. 110-112) (PE) |
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