Caldwell - Clement
Joseph Caldwell is a retired farmer residing in Mount Pleasant, who after long years of active connection with agricultural interests, during which he won a gratifying measure of success, is now enjoying a well earned rest in a pleasant home in the city. He was born in Washington county, Pennsylvania, September 23, 1840, and is a son of John and Margaret (McCorkell) Caldwell, who were also natives of Washington county. They came to Iowa in 1849, settling in Lee county, where the father followed his trade of blacksmithing up to the time of his death, which occurred in 1875. His wife survived him until 1883 and their remains were interred in Clay Grove cemetery, in Lee county. In their family were ten children: William, who died of cholera when about twenty-one years of age and was laid to rest in Clay Grove cemetery; Robert, who married Miss Hattie Gusto and died leaving two children; Jane, the wife of Andrew McCracken, of Russell county, Kansas, by whom she has four children; John, who married Miss Almira Courtwright and is living in Mount Hamilton, Lee county, with his wife and seven children; James M., a resident of Eagleville, Nevada; Andrew Borland, who resides in Fort Madison, Iowa, with his younger sister; Joseph, of this review; Mary E., the wife of George W. Krieger, of Lee county; Boyd E., who is living near Center City, Merritt county, Nebraska, and married Lizzie Knauff, by whom he has five children, one son and four daughters, and Anna M., the wife of Robert J. Barr, who is living in Fort Madison. Joseph Caldwell, whose name introduces this review, was educated in the common schools of Lee county and remained with his father until twenty-seven years of age, living upon the old homestead and assisting in the work of the farm. He then purchased a tract of one hundred and sixty acres of land in Lee county, where he lived for thirty-one years, giving his time and energies to general agricultural pursuits. He brought his land up to a high state of cultivation, transforming it into productive fields, from which he annually harvested good crops. The years brought to him a comfortable competence and when he felt that his possessions justified him in retiring from business life he put aside the active work of the farm and removed to Mount Pleasant in 1898, since which time he has resided in a beautiful home on East Washington street. On the 27th of February, 1868, Mr. Caldwell was married to Miss Anna E. Emmerson, a daughter of Michael and Sarah (Dodsworth) Emmerson. She was born in a log cabin in Lee county, Iowa, May 9, 1849. Her father was born in Scarborough, Yorkshire, England, October 10, 1815, and his wife's birth occurred there on the 15th of July, 1821. Mr. Emmerson devoted seven years to learning the tailor's trade in England, and in 1840 he crossed the Atlantic to America in an old time sailing vessel. He settled in Lee county and two years later he purchased a large farm. When he arrived in Iowa he had but one dollar in money and two suits of clothes, and while cultivating his farm in the early days he worked at the tailor's trade at night and at odd times, and was thus enabled to pay for the rails used in fencing his farm and also meet the payment upon a part of his land. He likewise worked at the tailor's trade in Illinois for several years, after which he gave his undivided attention to the tilling of the soil upon his farm in Lee county. He visited England a few years after he first came to America, but never again returned to his native land. His wife came to the United States with her parents in 1834, the family settling in Morgan county, Illinois, and in 1842 she gave her hand in marriage to John Emmerson. By this union there were two children: Thomas, who died in infancy, and Richard, who married Miss Addie Swain and is living on a farm in Morgan county, Illinois. In 1846 John Emmerson enlisted for service in the Mexican war and fell while defending his country at the battle of Buena Vista on the 23rd day of February, 1847. Later his widow gave her hand in marriage to Michael Emmerson, who though of the same name, was not a relative of her first husband. By this union there were three children, namely: Anna, now the wife of Joseph Caldwell; John S., who died in infancy, and Mary, the wife of M. T. Overton, a resident of Lee county, Iowa, by whom she has six children. The father died March 10, 1895, and the mother passed away February 3, 1899, at the advanced age of seventy-seven years. They traveled life's journey together for nearly forty-eight years, and Mr. Emmerson was resident of Lee county for fifty-five years, being one of its most worthy and respected citizens and pioneers. Coming to America empty-handed, he depended entirely upon his own resources for living, and as the years advanced he prospered in his undertakings. Unto Mr. and Mrs. Caldwell were born five children. Ollie J. is the wife of John Elmer Powell, who is living on a farm at Milton, Iowa, and they have one child, Ruth Viola, now nine years of age. Lutie May is a milliner employed in Mrs. Anderson's establishment in Mount Pleasant. Cora Ann is a clerk in the Hoaglin dry goods store in Mount Pleasant. Flora Belle is the wife of Alvin C. Haffner, president of the Concrete Block Company in Denver, Colorado, where they reside. Grace Ada is living at home with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Caldwell attend the Presbyterian church and he gives his political allegiance to the democracy, but has never aspired to office. Mrs. Caldwell is a most estimable lady of pleasing manner, cordial disposition and innate culture and refinement. Mr. Caldwell is a self-made man, whose advancement in life is attributable entirely to his own efforts and whose example is well worthy of emulation. (Biographical Review of Henry County, Iowa. Chicago: Hobart Publishing Co.,1906, Page 397) (PE) |
Nathan Cammack
Among those formerly identified with farming and stock-raising interests in Henry county whom death has removed from the field of active labor here is numbered Nathan Cammack, who was born in Salem township, July 1, 1841. His father, Levi Cammack, was a native of Indiana and married Elizabeth Frazier, who was also born in that state. In the year 1838, they came to Henry county, Iowa, settling in Salem township upon a farm of one hundred and sixty acres, constituting the southeast quarter of section 24, which Mr. Cammack entered from the government. It was entirely wild and uncultivated, but he soon found that the raw land could be converted into a productive tract and his labors made his place a valuable one. In the early days the family underwent many hardships and trials incident to pioneer life, but he assisted materially in subduing the wilderness and in extending the frontier. Both he and his wife continued to reside upon the old family homestead until called to their final rest. Nathan Cammack was reared upon his father's farm, spending his boyhood days in Salem. The father was a leading stock-buyer and dealer, operating quite extensively in that line in northern Missouri as well as in the state of Iowa. He bought and drove his stock from different places in the two states to Keokuk, Iowa, for that was prior to the era of railroad development here and he thus took his cattle across the country to Keokuk for shipment. As his years and strength increased Nathan Cammack more and more largely assisted his father in his farming and stock-dealing interests. In his youth he attended the common schools and after putting aside his text-books his entire attention was given to business interests in connection with his father. He lived with his parents until two years after his marriage, which occurred on the 26th of October, 1861, Miss Jane Pigeon becoming his wife. She was born one mile south of Salem and is a daughter of Isaac Pigeon, who came across the Mississippi river with Aaron Street, who laid out the town of Salem. He became one of the first settlers in the county, the year of his arrival being 1835. The Red men still hunted in this part of the state and there were but few settlers within the entire county and no settlers between here and Fort Madison. It was indeed a wild frontier district and he aided in planting the seeds of civilization which in due time brought forth good fruit. He married Miss Phebe Kester, who, like her husband, was born in Guilford county, North Carolina. They were members of the Society of Friends, or Quakers, and they left the south on account of the institution of slavery and also on account of the prevalence of the use of intoxicating liquors there. After coming to Iowa, Mr. Pigeon entered many acres of land in the vicinity of Salem, becoming one of the extensive property holders of this locality. He was a son of Isaac Pigeon, while his wife was a daughter of William and Elizabeth (Mendenhall) Kester, natives of Scotland. Two years after his marriage Nathan Cammack dissolved partnership with his father and began farming and stock-dealing on his own account upon the farm owned by his father. When the latter suffered financial reverses in 1876, Nathan Cammack purchased the eighty acres of land, adjoining a tract of similar dimensions which his father had given him at the time of his marriage. He then discontinued the purchase and sale of stock, dealing only in that which he himself raised. His land was placed under a high state of cultivation and he annually harvested rich crops because of the care and labor which he bestowed upon the fields. As time passed by he made excellent improvements upon his property, including the erection of a fine frame residence of eleven rooms which he built in 1891. This is the most commodious dwelling of the locality and forms a most attractive feature in the landscape. As the years went by the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Cammack was blessed with fourteen children: Nettie, who is engaged in teaching school, her services being in demand in this and other counties, as well as Nebraska; Frank, who is engaged in the fruit business in Washington; Ralph, who owns a prune farm in Salem, Oregon; Effie, who is a teacher in Henry and other counties; Ora, who follows farming near Williamstown, Missouri; Nellie, at home; Laura, also a school teacher of this state; Fred, a stock-dealer of Greene county, Iowa; Clifford, who was a soldier in the Philippines and is now living in Oregon; Albert, of Fort Collins, Colorado, where he is assistant professor of the State Agricultural College, being a graduate of Ames; William, who is pursuing a medical course in Northwestern University, at Chicago; Irving, and Earl, twins, at home; and Ray, who is also with his mother. All the family were given superior educational advantages, all attending Whittier College, while Albert was a graduate of Ames, also Frank, Ralph, Laura and Earl being students there, while Ora and Effie were graduates from Elliott's Business College of Burlington. The three who are teachers have first class state certificates. The father passed away April 1, 1898, his death being occasioned by heart trouble and his remains were interred in Salem cemetery. Mrs. Cammack successfully conducts the farm. Mr. and Mrs. Cammack were birthright members of the Society of Friends and always adhered to that faith. His political allegiance was given to the Republican party and for a number of years he was a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. These associations indicate something of the character of the man, for Mr. Cammack was at all times an upright citizen and a faithful friend, who realized his obligations to his fellow men and faithfully performed every trust which was reposed in him. His best traits of character, however, were reserved for his family and he was a considerate and devoted husband and father.(Biographical Review of Henry County, Iowa. Chicago: Hobart Publishing Co.,1906, Page 594) (PE) |
Levi Cammock
LEVI CAMMOCK, who is now a retired farmer, residing in Salem Township, Henry Co., Iowa, was born in Greene County, Ohio, Nov. 4, 1815, and is the son of John and Jane (Hollingsworth) Cammock. The grandfather, James Cammock, was born in Scotland, but went with his parents to England, and subsequently, in 1780, to North Carolina, where he was twice married. His first union was with Ann Inscoe, who was the mother of John Cammock. James Cammock removed to Greene County, Ohio, where he was one of the first settlers. Later he removed to Wayne County, Ind., and there died. In Greene County, Ohio, John Cammock was married and there several of his children were born: James, who wedded Penina Cook, and after her death Edith Pearson, is a farmer, residing in Hamilton County, Ind.; Henry married Sally Horn, and resides in Rush County, Ind.; Levi, our subject, and Ira. In the spring of 1816 John Cammock settled in Wayne County, Ind., and entered eighty acres of land, building his own log cabin, and enduring all the hardships of true pioneer life. Indiana was very sparsely settled at that date, but the Cammock families were of the enterprising kind that soon made homes in the wild woods, and from their toil a competence was in after years secured. Other children were born in that State: Elihu, who married Rebecca Wiggs, and afterward Remina, widow of his brother Martin, is a resident of Marshalltown, Iowa; Martin, deceased, married Anna Wiggs, and after her death Remina Davis, the lady now the wife of Elihu; Johanna, deceased, married Jesse Morris, and died in Reed County, Ind.; Elijah, a resident of Hamilton County, Ind., wedded Mary Jay; William married Hannah Horn, and resides in Miami County, Ind.; Sarah wedded Thomas Knight, but after their removal to Iowa she died; Mary died in Indiana, and two other children died in infancy. The parents and ancestors of our subject for generations back were Quakers of the strictest sort. They were among the first of their faith in both North Carolina and Indiana, and in the latter State both the parents of Levi Cammock were buried. He was left fatherless at thirteen years of age. He was reared on the Indiana farm, and from boyhood until he left that State was engaged in grubbing the stumps, felling trees, rolling and burning the logs, and doing everything that a lad could do to aid in clearing up a farm and make a start in life. When his wedding was celebrated, he was barely past his seventeenth birthday, and as the historian is writing Uncle Levi makes the remark, "This is my fifty-fourth marriage anniversary, the 19th day of September, 1887. I was married in a Quaker Church, according to their customs." His wife, Elizabeth Frazier, was eighteen months his senior, hut during their long lifetime and through all the tribulations and struggles of their earlier years she was ever devoted, tender and true. Uncle Levi says they had not a dollar in the world but were fully determined to make the best of life, let come what would. Mrs. Cammock's mother was a widow, and owned eighty acres of land, upon one corner of which Levi built a pole cabin, and Mrs. Frazier gave them a few things to commence housekeeping with. He relates with glee how he had to make rails at thirty-seven cents per hundred to pay for his wedding clothes, but notwithstanding all this, they prospered. Deciding to move further west, we will follow for a time their fortune. Uncle Levi states: "We left our little cabin in the green woods May 10, 1837, having a good wife, two little children, and an old wagon to which was hitched three yoke of small young cattle." In his pockets reposed twelve silver dollars, and it was his intention to return if $6 of the same were spent when his journey was half completed. There were forty-five souls in the colony that were en route to Iowa, all Quakers, and a herd of cattle and hogs was driven by members of the party in the rear of the caravan. The roads were not graded, nor were many of the streams bridged, but day after day the troops made progress, yet the trip required almost six weeks. They crossed the Mississippi at Ft. Madison, June 14, 1837, and camped on this side of the river. That night a steamboat came up the river and frightened the stock, causing a general stampede, and they were all the next day in getting them together again. The next night the company reached West Point, and as it looked like rain, on account of his wife and children Mr. Cammock concluded to sleep in the hotel. This was a log house with a sod chimney, which on top was surmounted with a salt barrel to add to its height and give it a better draught. Mr. Cammock looked over his cash, found $1, and when the bill was paid next morning received seventy-five cents in change, which constituted the capital from which he later built up an immense landed estate. The next night the party encamped within sight of where we are now writing. Aunt Polly Pugh was then in her new cabin, of which mention is made elsewhere, it being the only house in sight. The horses and cattle were turned loose to range across the prairies, where until that time nothing fed except wild deer and wolves, and the white man had scarcely a dwelling-place. The next day was spent in visiting Uncle Aaron Street, who lived farther up the Little Cedar. On Monday the wagons were unloaded, and Levi, Thomas Cook, and Mrs. Frazier's families, made one household for the season. They at once went to work, and by Saturday week had the cabin built in Salem on a lot donated by Mr. Street. The last seventy-five cents owned by Levi purchased corn meal, and again he was even with the world. He was furnished with money by the neighbors, and started back to Illinois with his oxen for meal. He made two trips for meal and one for bacon during the fall. He then went to Adams County, Ill., for hogs, in company with Henry Johnson. They drove them home, but their trip made in three days was a terrible one. Over night the wolves would fight with them and a continuous squealing and howling was kept up. His boots were carried on his arm, and the long frozen prairie grass cut the woolen stockings from his feet as he trudged over the frozen ground, but he persevered and brought in the stock. He paid $12 for a bushel of salt to cure his meat, and that winter salt was worth $60 per barrel. He turned his cattle on brush along Skunk River during the winter and spring, and in the spring of 1838 bought a claim on the half section where he now resides, upon which he built a cabin. That fall the land came into market, and Mr. Cammock and other men in the neighborhood went to Burlington to attend the land sale. Scarcely any of them had a dollar, but they intended getting money of brokers at Burlington, paying fifty per cent, but by good luck Mr. Cammock's uncle, Reuben, arrived at the same time with $100 belonging to Levi, who, by borrowing $100 from Jones Richey at fifty per cent, entered one and one-fourth sections. He became a very prosperous man, and during his business life was one of the largest dealers in stock in Southeastern Iowa. He has owned thirteen 80-acre tracts of land during his residence here and has put under fence and cultivation since coming, 15,000 acres, building four good houses, and at one time owned 640 acres in one body. His kindliness of heart has, however, caused him the loss of almost his entire fortune. Security debts by the thousands of dollars melted it away like snow before a summer's sun. For one man he paid $20,000 and for others larger amounts. The home of Levi Cammock was always noted for its hospitality, and his genial manner and their well-spread board were known to all both far and wide. The death of his first wife occurred in 1865. Every pioneer grieved when that most estimable lady passed from earth. She was tender, kind and true. Her love of home, devotion to her husband, children and friends, was an axiom in this community. She was the mother of three sons and six daughters, all of whom are married except one daughter who is deceased. On the 9th of September, 1865, he was again married, to Ann Wilcoxon, who has borne him one daughter, Laura B. The blood of Levi Cammock flows in the veins of fifty grandchildren and nine great-grandchildren; all the latter are sons. Who can air a prouder name than a Cammock? Who has done more to develop and support this county with her schools, her churches and her colleges than our subject? Methinks not one. In a lifetime of almost half a century he has wielded an influence in this community unsurpassed by any man a resident of Salem Township. Business, and nothing but business, has been his watchword. In conclusion, he is now seventy years of age, has never used tobacco in any form, never tasted any kind of spirits, tea or coffee, and never used a pair of spectacles. He is today mentally as brilliant as when thirty years of age, and despite his reverses of fortune is the same hale, genial, Levi Cammock as in the pioneer days of 1837. (Portrait and Biographical Album, Henry County, Iowa; Acme Publishing Company, Chicago, 1888, pp 300-302) (JC) |
History of the Campbell Family While the recital of family history may seem somewhat egotistical, yet it is proper that every family should know something of its ancestors-whence they came, where and how they lived, and the place they held in the world's esteem. In this age of development and progress nothing is taken for granted that may be at all questionable. There is a vast difference between the noble and the servile and even in our own free land, where all are sovereigns, distinctions are as marked as they were in ages that are past in any country. Hence the pride of every family is a noble, brave, pure and honorable ancestry. The historian's duty requires him to deal in facts. Few are so constituted as to observe strictly this requirement when weighty matters of state or questions involving the molding of society are in issue, the author of historical sketches often becomes a partisan and finds himself a partial chronicler. Sometimes the pen of genius is a purchasable commodity, and wielded at the instance of mercenary motives to write up or down, men and measures. While I partake largely of the same characteristics of my erring fellow mortals of the present and the past, yet I will assume that, were I dealing with the doings of entire strangers, or questions of abstract right and wrong in any department of life, you might expect absolute impartiality. But interested as I am, should I add a little coloring to the natural picture I may be pardoned the weakness not unnatural to every son and daughter of our race. "Home, sweet, sweet home," has thrilled the world and next to that noble lofty sentiment, "There is no place like home," the love of family ties and reverence for a daring, heroic and God-fearing ancestry, stands in the sunlight of the ages, worthy objects of admiration. How bright, how real the present, as we look out upon the busy world with its attractions that bind us to our race and ancestry. Scientists have agitated the world in discussing the source and origin of man. Theologists have been equally industrious in pointing out where he eventually goes to, but we lose sight of this controversy as the "Campbell's are not only coming," but they are here and for the time being, we'll not worry about their destiny. We are satisfied of their origin or they would not now be as numerous as summer leaves. Time will not permit a detailed history of the Campbell clan, an examination of Scotch and Irish annals would become necessary to its presentation. My particular province is to present our immediate family history with some observations connected there-with. In 1790 James Campbell and Mary McKensie, our grandfather and grandmother, were married in Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania, the one nineteen and the other seventeen years of age. Both were born in that county and state. Their parents came from Ulster Province, North Ireland. The great-grandfather of our family, on the one side, was James Campbell, the great-grandmother, Nancy Gill, on the other, Hunter. Three children were born in Ireland, William, Nancy and George. In this country were born James, Robert, John, Alexander, Thomas and Matthew. James, our grandfather, moved to Harrison county, Ohio, in 1816, taking all of his family with him. They settled in Archer township, that county, and for many years were foremost in clearing the lands, organizing schools and churches-the Ridge Presbyterian church being one of the first established in that section of the country-and contributing largely to making that part of the state what it has since become. Thirteen children blessed that union of 1790, twelve born in Pennsylvania, and one in Ohio, as follows: Nancy, William, Fannie, Mary, Robert, Daniel, George, James, Hannah, Elizabeth, John, Alexander and Thomas. More than a century has passed since James Campbell and Mary McKensie were married in that Pennsylvania home, yet how eventful the century has been to that couple. We learn from its subsequent history; not only in numbers does it speak, but in all that tends to make a family honorable and respected, and the world better. Nine of the thirteen children married as follows: Nancy, to William Nickson, Harrison county; William, to Delila Brandyberry, Ashland county; Fanny, to Thomas Alberson, Harrison county; Mary, to Isaac Sage, Richland county; Robert, to Margaret Archibald, Harrison county; Daniel, to Ann Biddinger, Richland county; George, to Elizabeth Laughery, Richland county; John, to Lizzie Landon, Ashland county; Thomas, to Elizabeth Donley, Richland county. I name the children of these families in their order as follows: Nancy Nickson-Nickson. William Campbell-Susan, Mary, Rebecca, Catharine and one deceased, five. Fannie Alberson-Mary, James, Ann, William, Elizabeth, Robert W. and Thomas, seven. Mary Sage-Henry C., Daniel W. and Fannie, three. Robert Campbell-John, James, William, Sarah, Milton, Daniel, Mary E. and three dead, seven. Daniel Campbell-Daniel Jr., Mary, James, Nancy, Sarah, Jefferson, Wilson, Eliza, Orvil, Frank, Samantha, eleven. George Campbell-James, Boles, Martha, John, Thomas, Robert M., Jane, George and Almyra, nine. John Campbell-Jason, Fannie, Robert, three. Thomas Campbell-John, Irvin, Jennie, three, (one dead). Our grandfather came to Ashland county from Harrison county, in 1836, and the sons are all located in Orange township. He lived and died on his farm, three and one-half miles north of the village of Orange. His death occurred September 8, 1860, at the age of eighty-nine years, eleven months and twenty-four days. His wife died December 23, 1859, aged eighty-six years. They lived together nearly seventy years. All the children of these pioneers have passed to their reward. Many of their children have also joined them and others have passed the seventieth milepost, aging in the service of God and humanity. The fourth generation now rises and enters upon life's active stage. Original No. 2, children 13; grandchildren, fifty-four; great-grandchildren and great-great-grandchildren nearly three hundred. Eighty years ago nearly all of the fifty-four grandchildren herein mentioned were born in Orange township. Only one, William Alberson, resides there now. Some are dead, some in other parts of Ohio and some have gone to other states. What a commentary upon the "whirligig of time." A family or a combination of families which seventy years ago wielded such an influence in the social and political development of that township, now reduced to one representative, but great-grandchildren have taken their places and by them we are assured our line will not become extinct. This period of time has swept from the earth two whole generations and part of a third. Yet the world is better that these generations have lived, labored and died. The history of every family is what they make it. I have a right to pay a tribute of love to the dead. Eighty years ago the place where they settled was not the garden it is today. The swamp and forest almost covered it and the howl of the wolf and the scream of the panther was no rare sound. We find our sturdy ancestors among the advance guard in the wilderness, clearing the lands, and making homes, where so much of civilization and Christianity are found today. They aided in rearing a strong edifice socially, politically and morally. Our ancestors were all farmers and knew no way of making a livelihood except by honest combat with nature's forces, where they found deep, dark woods they left cultivated fields and gardens, but this material change was not their grandest triumph. Schoolhouses and churches rose simultaneously with their cabins and their minds and hearts were trained as well. They were active participants in civil and educational interests and in the church their voice was heard. In that grandfather's house the morning and evening sacrifice were never forgotten. That influence was imparted to the children, and let us trust that children's children to the latest generation will feel its effect. I will not omit referring to the companions of our sires and grandsires, scattered over Orange township, we find the Uries, Summers, Murrays, the Bishops, the Donleys, the Clarks, the Welches, the Culbersons, the Flukes, the Hiffners, the Chilcotes, the Stentzes, the Biddingers, the Millers, the McConnells, the Norrisses, the Fasts, Masons and others, whose devotion and honesty of purpose were as great in building up this country as ever marked the history of man. Such is an imperfect picture of the Campbell family some eighty years ago. Today that entire township is dotted over with palatial homes. But how is it with the descendants of these honest, industrious, faithful men and women of former generations. Scattered over almost this entire country, let their lives answer the question. They are found in every learned profession, in every trade and calling from the independent farmer to the less independent artisan, and our posterity will hold us responsible for the part we play on the world's broad stage. In Orange cemetery our fathers, with the exception of Robert, sleep the long last sleep. To this branch of the family another chapter may be added. Robert and Margaret (Archibald) Campbell came to Iowa, took up their abode in Henry county soon after the Civil war and purchased a farm in New London township, where he made his home until his death, his wife also passing away on that farm. To them were born nine children as follows: John, James, William, Sarah, Milton, Daniel, Mary E., three of this number being dead. The writer was third in order of birth in this family of nine children. He acquired his education in Ashland county, Ohio, and by reading and observation in later life. He came to Iowa in 1854. He was married December 28, 1857, to Miss Elizabeth Spearman, a daughter of James D. Spearman, who was an old settler, coming to this section of the state when it was largely a new and undeveloped region. He afterward returned to his native state, Ohio, and spent six years, then again came to Henry county and purchased the Spearman homestead about four miles southeast of Mount Pleasant. Unto Mr. and Mrs. Campbell have been born six children, four of whom are living: Charles P., who married Miss Laura Tate, of Des Moines, has three children, viz.: Gladys, Albert and Maggie, and they reside on their farm three miles east of Mount Pleasant. James Cornelius, who married Jessie Hughes, of Mount Pleasant, has four children, viz.: Clara, Willie, Ralph and Mildred, and they reside on the old homestead. Frank D., who married Florence Palmer, of Mount Pleasant, has three children, viz.: Glen, Marcelene and Alice. Maggie is the wife of J. R. Hughes, a farmer and stockman living two and one-half miles northwest of Mount Pleasant, and has two children: Rex and Elizabeth. Two children, Annie and Willie, are dead. As life's duties, objects and responsibilities thicken and call the Campbell clan to different and distant fields of toil and exertion, our minds and hearts will ever turn to the fields on which our fathers lived and to the old churchyard where they are buried, with ardent love and veneration. (Biographical Review of Henry County, Iowa. Chicago: Hobart Publishing Co.,1906, Page 502) (PE) |
Alfred J. Campbell
ALFRED J. CAMPBELL is among the oldest and best known citizens of Henry County. He was born in Sussex County, Del., April 2, 1816, and is a son of Robert and Hannah (Hazard) Campbell, both natives of the same State, where their whole lives were passed. They were the parents of four sons and three daughters who grew up. Besides the subject of this sketch, one other member of this family is now living, a brother, John S., who is now in his seventy-seventh year and is a resident of Passadena, Cal. Both of his parents died when Alfred J. was six years old, and he went to live with older brothers and sisters. He received such education as the schools of that day afforded, and was reared on a farm until he was fourteen years old, when he came West with an older brother, William H., who kept a general store at Shelbyville, Ind. He was in his brother's employ for eight years, when he began on his own account in the same town. Two years later he began trading in the South, and sometimes clerking, usually spending the summers in the North. On the breaking out of the Mexican War, Mr. Campbell enlisted in the 3d Indiana Volunteers, under Capt. Sullivan, their Colonel being the afterward celebrated Gen. James H. Lane, of Kansas border war fame. He participated in the battle of Buena Vista, fought by Gen. Taylor against tremendous odds, and which was one of the most brilliant victories of that war. On his return to peaceful pursuits he again settled in Shelby County, Ind. Mr. Campbell was married in September, 1839, at Dayton, Ohio, to Miss Mary Sullivan, who died in July, 1848. The fruit of this union was one child who died in infancy. In September, 1849, Mr. Campbell was married to Mrs. Prudence Lockhart, widow of Benjamin Lockhart, of Ripley County, Ind., who died July 15, 1848. This couple had no children. In 1853 Mr. and Mrs. Campbell emigrated to Iowa, settling on a farm in Henry County, on which he lived for twenty years, and on which, by the aid of his industrious and thrifty habits and good judgment, he accumulated a competence. In 1873 he retired from active life on the farm and removed to his present home in Mt. Pleasant. In early life Mr. Campbell acted with the Democratic party, but on the breaking out of the Rebellion joined the ranks of the Republicans with whom he has ever since affiliated. In his religious views he is a believer in Christianity and a liberal supporter of churches, but not a member of any denomination. His wife is a member of the Christian Church. A man of sound judgment, well informed as to public matters, and of undoubted probity of character, Mr. Campbell commands the respect of his fellowmen. (Portrait and Biographical Album, Henry County, Iowa; Acme Publishing Company, Chicago, 1888, p 181.)(JC) |
Daniel M Campbell DANIEL M. CAMPBELL, farmer and dairyman, residing on section 31, New London Township, was born in Ashland County, Ohio, Sept. 12, 1843, and is the son of Robert and Margaret (Archibald) Campbell. His father was a native of Pennsylvania, Westmoreland County, Jan. 26, 1800, and was descended from the Scotch. He married Miss Margaret Archibald in that State, by whom he had nine children, seven now living: the eldest, Dr. John Campbell, residing in Gallion, Ohio, married Rachel Bryan; James married Ruth Cole, and is a farmer of New London Township; William married Lizzie Spearman, and resides in Centre Township; Sarah Jane, wife of Thompson Chambers, a farmer of New London Township; Milton M., of Denver, Col., wedded Lucy Weston; Daniel M., a farmer of New London Township, wedded Mary Rhodes; Mary, wife of James Patten, of Centre Township. Robert Campbell removed to Ashland County, Ohio, in an early day, and went from there with his family to Henry County in 1865, and located in New London Township, where he spent the remainder of his days, dying in June, 1877. His wife, an estimable lady, died in November, 1872. He spent his whole life in tilling the soil. Daniel M. was reared on a farm, and learned the plasterer's trade, at which he worked several years. He came to Henry County in the spring of 1865, and was married near Salem, this county, May 30, 1872, to Miss Mary Rhodes, daughter of John W. and Sarah (Thompson) Rhodes. Mrs. Campbell was born in Morrow, Warren Co., Ohio, Oct. 28, 1844, and came to Henry County with her parents in 1851. Five children have graced their union, three of whom are now living. Daisy May, the eldest, died when four and a half years old; Ross A. died when two and a half years old. Those living are Florence A., aged seven; Daniel W., aged five, and Mary Helen, one year of age. Mr. and Mrs. Campbell are members of the First Presbyterian Church of New London. Mr. Campbell is a Democrat in politics. He has a fine dairy farm of 240 acres, on which he keeps a large herd of cows, and manufactures butter and cheese. Mrs. Campbell's father, John W. Rhodes, was born near Georgetown, Va., July 10, 1800, and was descended from an old and highly respected Virginia family. He witnessed the burning of Washington by the British in the War of 1812. He moved to Morrow, Warren Co., Ohio, in his youth, and there married Sarah Thompson, a native of Virginia, born of New England parents. Her family were natives of Maine and were of English descent. Mr. and Mrs. Rhodes had a family of eleven children, six sons and five daughters. Clarkson went South prior to the late war and was a Captain in the Confederate army; his death occurred in 1881. Samuel was a soldier in the Union army, a member of the California battalion, enlisted for a Massachusetts regiment, was captured while on a scouting expedition, but escaped soon. Franklin was a member of a Kansas regiment, was captured, and he also soon escaped; Newton, Milton and Wesley were in the 14th Iowa Volunteer Infantry; Wesley was wounded, Newton and Milton were taken prisoners at Shiloh, and both escaped from Macon, Ga. Caroline is the wife of Joel Jones, of Salem Township; Henrietta is the wife of Caleb Trapp, residing in Florida; Eliza died at the age of twenty-eight; Mary is the honored wife of D. M. Campbell, of New London Township; Emma is the wife of Oliver Garretson, of Buffalo, N. Y. Mrs. Rhodes died in Ohio in 1848. Mr. Rhodes came to Henry County in 1851, and settled in Tippecanoe Township, where his death occurred in the spring of 1880. Mr. Rhodes was a second time married, to Mrs. Damaris Alden, by whom he had four children, two of whom are living. Julia married Addison Frasier, living in Lincoln, Neb.; Edwin married Melissa Frasier, a sister, also living in Lincoln, Neb. Those deceased are Alice P. and Jennie. The mother is still living at an advanced age with her daughter. (Portrait and Biographical Album, Henry County, Iowa; Acme Publishing Company, Chicago, 1888, pp 177-178.)(JC) |
JAMES S. CAMPBELL well deserves mention among the representative citizens of Henry county because of an active business life, untiring devotion to the general good and also by reason of the possession of those sterling traits of character which in every land and clime command respect and confidence. He chose as a life work the occupation of farming, following it successfully for a long period and is now living retired in the enjoyment of a well earned ease. Mr. Campbell was born in Ashland county, Ohio , June 4, 1828, a son of Robert and Margaret (Archibald) Campbell. The father was born January 26, 1800, in Washington county, Pennsylvania , and the mother's birth occurred in the same county on the 16th of June, 1806. Following the occupation of farming as a life work Robert Campbell devoted his attention to that pursuit first in Pennsylvania and afterward in Ashland county, Ohio , subsequently in Henry county, Iowa , becoming a resident here on the 15th of May, 1865. He purchased a farm and his attention was devoted to its further development and cultivation up to the time of his demise, which occurred June 17, 1877. He had for about five years survived his wife, who died November 30, 1872, their remains being interred in Pleasant Hill cemetery. Both were devoted members of the Presbyterian church and Mr. Campbell gave his political allegiance to the democracy. He held several township offices but his energies were more largely concentrated upon his business affairs although in no duty of citizenship was he ever remiss. He was watchful of opportunities for his business advancement and for the general progress as well, and his devotion to his community made him a representative resident of this part of Iowa. Unto Mr. and Mrs. Campbell were born ten children, of whom six are yet living: Sarah Jane, living in Mount Pleasant, Iowa, is the widow of Thompson Chambers, who died three years ago; Mary is the wife of James Patton, a resident of Henry county, Iowa; William resides in Mount Pleasant; Milton N. is living in Denver, Colorado; Daniel resides in New London, Iowa. The second member of the family is J. S. Campbell, whose name introduces this review. In the country schools of his native state he received his education. His privileges in that direction, however, were very limited but by experience, reading and observation he has greatly broadened his knowledge and has learned many valuable lessons that have been of practical use to him in his later business life. After putting aside his text-books he remained with his parents on the home farm not only until he had attained his majority but for some fifteen years after his marriage and practically had the management of his home place. He was married on the 27th of December, 1849, in Polk, Ashland county, Ohio, to Miss Ruth Cole, a daughter of Thomas and Etheliah (Cole) Cole, and a native of the Buckeye state, born August 21, 1831. Her father was born in the early years of the nineteenth century, followed the occupation of farming and was also a local minister of the Methodist church in Ashland county, Ohio. Both he and his wife died during the early part of the '70s, and were buried in Ashland county. In their family were ten children but only two are living: Elizabeth, now the widow of Chester Matthews, and a resident of Ohio; and Rachel who is the widow of Isaac Gordon and also lives in Ashland county, Ohio. Mr. Cole was republican in his political views. Mr. and Mrs. Campbell began their domestic life in the Buckeye state and remained residents of Ashland county until 1865. Several years before he had purchased a farm in Ohio which he cultivated and improved until his removal to Iowa and here he purchased a farm of one hundred and fife acres of improved land in Henry county. He began farm work and continued to cultivate that place until 1880, when he sold out and bought a farm of eighty acres near Mount Pleasant. He was a general agriculturist and stock-raiser, continuing in the business until 1896, when he retired and purchased his beautiful home at No. 501 South Walnut street. Unto Mr. and Mrs. Campbell were born ten children: W. E., born in Ohio, November 24, 1850, resides in Woodson county, Kansas. He wedded Miss Mary Chandler who has had six children, of whom five are living: Clark, Herman, Ethel, Ruth and Lee. Irene, the second member of the father's family, was born in Ohio November 7, 1852, and is the wife of E. McPeek, of Burlington, by whom she has three children, Mamie, Roy and Dallas. Of this family Mamie is the wife of Robert Willis, who is a conductor on the railroad and resides in Burlington, and they have one child, Wanda. Roy McPeek married Miss Ida Feasman and is living in Arizona. Dallas is in the depot at Burlington. Margaret J. Campbell, the third member of the family, was born in Ohio, August 24, 1855, and died when eight years of age. Anna D., born in Ohio, February 25, 1857, died in early girlhood. Mary L., born in Ohio May 1, at home. Milton E., born in Ohio June 30, 1862, married Miss Jessie Courtney, by whom he has three daughters, Marie, Clela May and Roma. He now serving as sheriff of Henry county. Lydia, born June 27, 1863, died in childhood. Lillian A., born in Henry county, Iowa, November 15, 1867, is the wife of John Deal, residing in St. Francis, Kansas, and they have six children, Blanche, Earl, Marie (deceased), Floyd, Mina, Pearl and Merle. Thomas C., born in Henry county, February 8, 1871, is deceased. Robert Clyde, born in this county September 6, 1873, is now deputy sheriff under his brother. He was only six weeks old at the time of his mother's death, for she passed away on the 27th of October, 1873, her remains being interred in Pleasant Hill cemetery. She was a devoted and loving wife and mother and an earnest Christian woman, and her many excellent traits of character endeared her to those with whom she was associated. She held membership in the Methodist church, of which Mr. Campbell is also a member and in the work of the church he has taken a very active and helpful part, serving as steward, class leader and also as Sunday-school superintendent. In his political affiliation Mr. Campbell is a stalwart democrat who has served as supervisor and school director and he was also constable of Henry county in 1876. He became agent of the Campbell cheese, manufactured by his brothers, and for twenty-eight years sold that product in eastern and northwestern Iowa, conducting the business in connection with his farming interests but now he has put aside business cares to spend his remaining days in the enjoyment of a well earned rest and is now in the seventy-eighth year of his age. His has been a useful, active and honorable life and he can look back over the past without regret. (Biographical Review of Henry County, Iowa. Chicago: Hobart Publishing Co.,1906, Page 243) (PE) |
JOEL CAMPBELL, who has a wide and favorable acquaintance in Henry county, resides at No. 503 Division street, in Mount Pleasant, having retired from active connection with agricultural interests, to which he devoted his energies for many years. He was born November 30, 1846 and is of English lineage. His parents, James and Nancy (Birdwell) Campbell, were born in East Tennessee, the former on the 18th of May, 1818, and the latter March 4, 1825. The father came to Iowa in 1848, when his son Joel was only two years of age. Much of the journey was made on a flatboat, for there were no railroads at that time, and travel was either by water or by stage, or private conveyance. Mr. Campbell was a farmer by occupation, and on his removal to the Mississippi valley settled first in Sullivan county, Missouri, where he remained for a year, and then came to Henry county, Iowa, establishing his home near Maryland. He purchased land from the state, which he afterward sold, and then removed to Jefferson township, where he carried on general agricultural pursuits until his death, which was occasioned by typhoid fever, November 25, 1855. When about eighteen years of age he had aided in driving the Indians out of Kentucky and Tennessee, this war against the red men occurring about 1836. When he came to Henry county he found that the Indians were still numerous in this part of the state, and that wild game of all kinds was plentiful. He was well fitted to cope with the difficulties of pioneer life, possessing a genial, jovial nature that set at naught the hardships and difficulties and made the most of opportunities. Moreover, he was an honest, upright man and did much to promote the good of the community. His political allegiance was given to the Whig party, and both he and his wife were members of the Presbyterian church. Mrs. Campbell survived her husband for a number of years, and died January 3, 1866. In their family were six children, of whom two are living: Joel and Polly N., the latter of Harper county, Kansas. The father was married twice, and by his first union he had one daughter, Mary Jane, who married Abraham Carpenter, who died in September, 1904, his remains being interred in Forest Home cemetery in Mount Pleasant. His widow now resides in Harper, Kansas. The mother of our subject was laid to rest in Tippecanoe township, while the father's burial occurred in Wayland. Their eldest son, Joshua B. Campbell, enlisted for service in Company I, of the Fourteenth Iowa Infantry in the Civil war, and was taken prisoner at the battle of Shiloh, which occurred on the 6th of April, 1862. He was, after being in prison sixty days, paroled and was in parole camp at St. Louis one year and afterward on detached duty. There were also three cousins of Joel Campbell in the Civil war-James, Archibald and Jasper Campbell, the last-named being only fourteen years of age when he was killed. Joel Campbell pursued his education in the district schools near his home. As he lost his father when only eight years of age, and was thus thrown upon his own resources, he was compelled to work for his board and clothing for several years. Soon, however, he was given wages, and his industry and close application enabled him to secure good positions. He has traveled to a considerable extent, crossing the continent from ocean to ocean. He has worked on railroad bridges and in sawmills, and also followed the occupation of farming, and in 1889 he turned his attention to agricultural pursuits in Jefferson county, where he remained until the 28th of January, 1897, when he sold his property there and came to Henry county, settling in Marion township, where he purchased a farm. He had there a comfortable house and fifteen acres of land on section 28 and resided continuously upon the farm until February, 1905, when he removed to his present home in Mount Pleasant, having purchased the property in 1902. In addition to the dwelling, he has six acres of land within the city limits. Mr. Campbell also made a creditable military record in the Civil war. In February, 1864, he secured his mother's written consent, and enlisted as a member of Company G, Thirtieth Iowa infantry. He was transferred in May, 1865, to Company K, of the Sixth Iowa Veteran Infantry, and was honorably discharged on the 28th of July of the same year. He participated in the battles of Dalton, New Hope Church, the siege of Atlanta, Savannah and Bentonville, being under the command of Sherman. He also participated in the celebrated march to the sea, which proved the weakness of the Confederacy; at the close of the war, he took part in the grand review in Washington, the most celebrated military pageant ever seen on the western hemisphere. He endured the privations and hardships that were meted out to a soldier, and his mind is filled with interesting reminiscences of the great conflict. He tells of being for three days and three nights without anything to eat but green chestnuts, and he was suffering severely from rheumatism at that time and was unable to walk. It was about the time that Hood flanked the Union troops. He now has in his possession a most interesting and valuable map, showing the route of the marches of the army of General Sherman from Atlanta to Goldsboro, North Carolina, being the only map of the kind in the county. Mr. Campbell was first married July 4, 1872, to Miss Sarah Collins, who was born in Salem township, and was a daughter of John and Martha Collins. She died January 26, 1873, and was laid to rest in Pleasant Point cemetery. On the 27th of July, 1892, after living alone for about twenty years, Mr. Campbell was again married, his second union being with Miss Leona Luzadder, who was born in Highland county, Ohio, May 22, 1850, a daughter of Jacob and Mary Ann (Barnard) Luzadder, both of whom were natives of Highland county, Ohio. The maternal grandparents were born on the island of Nantucket, and the paternal grandparents were natives of Pennsylvania. Mr. Luzadder was a farmer, and brought his family to Iowa from Ohio in a wagon in 1850. His destination was Tippecanoe township, this county, where he purchased an improved farm of one hundred and sixty acres, upon which he carried on general agricultural pursuits for many years, there residing at the time of his death, which occurred January 26, 1892, when he was in his seventy-eighth year, his birth having taken place on the 15th of June, 1814. His wife, who born March 1, 1821, died January 29, 1893. Her people were members of the Society of Friends, while the ancestry of the Campbell line were represented in the Baptist and Methodist churches. Mr. Luzadder, father of Mrs. Campbell, was for several months in the state militia, acting as a member of the home guards at the time of the Civil war. In politics he was a republican, and kept well informed on the questions and issues of the day. He served as one of the school directors and also as county commissioner, and is said by all who knew him to have been one of nature's nobleman. Unto Mr. and Mrs. Luzadder were born seven children, of whom four are now living: Clark, a resident of Miami county, Kansas; Albert, of Butler county, Kansas; Arthur, who is living in Wapello county, Iowa, and Mrs. Campbell. Besides rearing his own family, Mr. Luzadder always had some orphan or homeless child with him, who was treated as a member of his own family. His broad humanitarianism and benevolent spirit prompted him to many actions of kindness and deeds of charity, and the poor and needy found in him a warm friend. Many have lived to bless his memory for timely assistance which he rendered, and his influence was ever given on the side of right, progress, truth and justice. During his declining years Mr. Luzadder was tenderly cared for by his daughter, Mrs. Campbell. Following the splendid example of her father, Mr. and Mrs. Campbell have reared an adopted son, William Arthur Luzadder, who was born September 15, 1878, in Henry county, whose parents were Arthur B. and Sarah L. (Craig) Luzadder. He lived with Mr. and Mrs. Campbell until his marriage to Miss Leslie Scott and now resides in Adair county, Missouri. By this marriage there are three children, Vera H., Laura Ruth and Nelda Belle. Mr. Campbell is a republican with somewhat independent tendencies. He has been a member of the school board and township constable for two years. Fraternally he is connected with Glasgow Lodge, No. 145, Independent Order of Odd Fellows, and with McFarland Post, Grand Army of the Republic, of Mount Pleasant, thus maintaining cordial relations with his old army comrades. Both Mr. and Mrs. Campbell are held in the highest esteem by all who know them. He has a genial, jovial nature, with native wit, with always a joke and a pleasant smile. His kindness of heart, his inflexible integrity and his genuine worth have gained him the unqualified respect of all with whom he has been associated. His wife, too, enjoys the esteem of many friends, and no history of this community would be complete without mention of this worthy couple. Although his school privileges in youth were limited, he has, by reading and travel, gained broad and comprehensive knowledge, and is an entertaining conversationalist, having acquired an education equal to that of many of better early advantages. (Biographical Review of Henry County, Iowa. Chicago: Hobart Publishing Co.,1906, Page 496) (PE) |
HON. THOMAS F. CAMPBELL, president of the Henry County Farmer's Mutual Insurance Company and a prominent retired farmer living in Mount Pleasant, was born near Shelbyville, in Shelby county, Indiana, on the 9th of August, 1844, his parents being Hugh and Cheney (Ray) Campbell. The father was born near Knoxville, Tennessee. The paternal grandfather was one of five brothers who came from Scotland to this country prior to the Revolutionary war and served as a soldier in the struggle for independence. He was with the Southern Army and he participated in addition to the engagements of that war in the battle of Horse Shoe Bend with the Indians. After the close of hostilities he located near Knoxville, Tennessee, where he conducted a large plantation, being recognized as one of the prominent men of his day. There he spent his active life, but shortly before his death came to the north and made his home with his son. Hugh Campbell, born in Tennessee, in 1801, war reared to manhood there and when a young man of twenty-one years removed to Shelby county, Indiana, where he settled upon a tract of raw land. With characteristic energy he began its cultivation and in the course of years developed it into a good property. In that county he married Miss Cheney Ray, who was born near Wilmington, North Carolina, and went with her father's family to Indiana. The home property of Mr. Campbell embraced four hundred acres of rich and cultivable land. In the development of this place he endured the usual hardships and trials incident to pioneer life. Their home on the frontier was far separated from the contingencies of the older east, for around them lay an uncut forest. From his own doorway Mr. Campbell shot deer and wild turkeys. The farm implements were of a very primitive character compared to the improved agricultural machinery of the present day, and it required much arduous labor to bring the fields under cultivation. In public affairs Mr. Campbell was prominent and influential and was called to various county offices. Again he cast in his lot with pioneer settlers, when, in the spring of 1851, he came to Henry county, Iowa, and purchased twenty-five hundred acres of land from Samuel Wells. This was all wild and unimproved, save for a tract of about eighty acres. He divided this land among his children, who improved their respective portions and the father also developed a good home for himself. In the early days he espoused the cause of abolition and when the Republican party was formed to prevent the extension of slavery he joined its ranks. Both he and his wife held membership in the Methodist Episcopal church, and his death occurred in September, 1870, while her death occurred April 27, 1883. They had eight children who reached adult age, while four died in childhood: James H., now of Nebraska; Mrs. Maria Leach; Mrs. Martha J. Lafferty; Robert, who died in 1900; Susan, the wife of J. W. Keith; Mrs. Emily Payne, Thomas F., and Mrs. I. J. Holt. Thomas F. Campbell was a lad of about seven summers when brought by his parents to Iowa, and in the common schools near Wayland he acquired his early education, which was supplemented by study in Howe's Academy. In 1862 he enlisted as a defender of the Union cause, becoming a member of Company K, Fourth Iowa Cavalry. The regiment was engaged in active duty in Missouri, Arkansas, Tennessee, Mississippi, Louisiana, Georgia and Alabama, completing its services at Atlanta. Mr. Campbell was on active duty throughout that entire time and was never home on a furlough. He was too young to be promoted, but proved a brave and loyal soldier and returned home with a most creditable military record. On again reaching Iowa, Mr. Campbell resumed the occupation of farming, to which he had been reared, early becoming familiar with the work of the field and meadow. His father had given him land six miles north of Mount Pleasant, which he improved, residing thereon from 1867 until 1892, and during that time bringing his farm up to a high state of cultivation. He added to the original tract until he owned two hundred and forty acres of land, which was splendidly developed. He carried on general agricultural pursuits and stock-raising and for a number of years dealt in high bred Norman horses, continuing in this business until the spring of 1905. In 1892, however, he sold his farm and removed to Mount Pleasant, where he now has an attractive home. He was one of the organizers of the Henry County Farmer's Mutual Insurance Company, has been a director and vice president and is now the chief executive officer. His official service with the company covers fifteen years and he has been president since 1902. This company has had a successful career from the beginning and its risks now represent about three million dollars. On the 8th of January, 1868, Mr. Campbell was united in marriage to Miss Hattie E. Dutton, a daughter of Willard Dutton, and they have six children: Hugh, who is now a merchant of Mount Pleasant; Ada, the wife of C. Carnahan, a resident farmer of Henry county; Susie, the wife of W. E. Young, also a farmer; Alice, a teacher in the schools of Mount Pleasant; Carrie, who is teaching in New London, and Bessie, who is now a student of the Iowa State University. The parents are members of the Congregational church. Miss Dutton was educated at Dunkirk, also Howe's Academy, Mount Pleasant, and was at home until her marriage. Hattie E. Dutton was born near Dunkirk, New York, a daughter of Willard and Anna M. (Jenks) Dutton. The Dutton's were of New England ancestry; the father was born near Norfolk, Connecticut, and the mother at Amenia Union, New York. Soon after their marriage they moved to near Dunkirk, where he was a farmer and came to Henry county, Iowa, in the spring of 1864, and owned a farm seven miles north of Mount Pleasant. This he improved. He later moved to Page county, Iowa, where he died February 29, 1904, and the mother died about 1877. Mr. Campbell gave his political allegiance to the Republican party until 1876, since which time he has voted for the democracy. He has been active in support of the cause of education and his services in this particular have been effective and far-reaching. In 1899 he was elected to represent Henry county in the twenty-eighth general assembly, and on the minority side he served on the committees of the agriculture, insane hospitals and others. His well directed business efforts have resulted successfully and he is today classed among the substantial citizens of the county in which almost his entire life has been passed. (Biographical Review of Henry County, Iowa. Chicago: Hobart Publishing Co.,1906, Page 95) (PE) |
WILLIAM CAMPBELL, who has been a promoter of farming and stock-raising interests in Henry county and is now living retired in a beautiful home on West Monroe street in Mount Pleasant, was born in Ashland county, Ohio, August 22, 1830, a son of Robert and Margaret (Archibald) Campbell. The father was born in Harrison county, Ohio, and was there reared and married. Later he followed agricultural pursuits in Ashland county, and was one of the successful men of that place. Later in life he came to Iowa, following the arrival of his son here. He took up his abode in Henry county soon after the Civil war, and purchased a farm in New London township, where he made his home until his death, his wife also passing away on that farm. He owned and operated two hundred acres of land and was an enterprising agriculturist, reliable and trustworthy in all his dealings. William Campbell, the third in order of birth in a family of nine children, acquired his education in Orange township, Ashland county, Ohio, and by reading and observation in later life. His youth was passed on his father's farm and he assisted in its development and improvement until thinking to find other occupation more congenial he learned the trade of a plasterer, which he followed for about thirty years. He took contracts for plastering and employing a large number of men was thus enabled to cover an extensive field of labor. He did much work all through that section of the state, being accorded an extensive patronage that enabled him to retain many workmen in his service. He first came to Iowa in 1854, and here continued in the plastering business, being accorded much of the important work in this locality, one of his last jobs being the plastering of the Harlan house built by Senator Harlan. Mr. Campbell was married in December, 1857, to Miss Elizabeth Spearman, a daughter of James Spearman, who was a farmer and old settler, coming to this section of the state when it was largely a new and undeveloped region. Mr. Campbell afterward returned to Orange township, Ashland county, Ohio, where he gave his attention to farming upon a tract of land which he owned, but when he had spent six years in his native state he came again to Henry county and purchased the Spearman homestead, whereon his wife was reared, about four miles southeast of Mount Pleasant, in the Pleasant Hill neighborhood. The farm comprised three hundred and seventy acres and had been developed and improved by Mr. Spearman. There Mr. Campbell successfully carried on general agricultural pursuits and the dairy business. He was the first cheese manufacturer in the county, and he had on the farm about one hundred cows of his own, and at times as many as one hundred and thirty-five head. He also added to his land two farms amounting to three hundred and twenty acres. For a time he purchased milk from the neighboring farmers and did an extensive dairy and cheese business and the cheese factory is still conducted by his sons. He was also interested in the sheep industry, having driven six hundred sheep from Ashland county, Ohio, with which he first stocked his farm. There is no man who has been more interested in improving the grade of stock raised and few have assisted so largely in this work and thereby promoted so efficiently the welfare of the agricultural class. Mr. Campbell always owned and raised fine stock and he introduced thorough-bred Holstein cattle into Henry county, twenty-five years ago. He has brought his whole herd up to a high standard and it is a well known fact that stock sent from the Campbell farm is always of superior breed. While conducting his farming and stock-raising interests he likewise carried on a grocery store in Mount Pleasant from 1875 until 1879. Unto Mr. and Mrs. Campbell have been born four children, who are yet living, Charles, who married Miss Laura Tate and has three children, resides upon his farm east of the city. James Cornelius, who married Jessie Hughes and has four children, is living on the old homestead. Frank D., who owns and operates a farm east of Mount Pleasant, married Florence Palmer, and had three children. Maggie is the wife of John Hughes, a farmer residing near Mount Pleasant, and they have two children. Mr. and Mrs. Campbell are members of the Methodist Episcopal church, in which he has served as steward and for some time he was superintendent of the Sunday school. He has always taken an active interest in the work of the church and the extension of its influence and his co-operation has been a valued factor in its upbuilding. While living on the farm he was regarded as one of the prominent representatives of the democratic party in his township, and served as township treasurer but has never been active in his search for public office as a reward for party fealty. He belongs to Mount Pleasant Lodge, No. 8, Free and Accepted Masons, and also took the chapter degrees. In 1900 he purchased a beautiful home on West Monroe street, where he has since lived and with the competence acquired through his earnest and well directed labors is now enjoying a richly merited rest. He started in business life when sixteen years of age at a salary of five dollars per month, and from this sum supplied his own clothing. He afterward earned one hundred dollars per year and thus started out in a humble way but recognizing the possibilities that lay before all who have determination and energy he has made continuous advancement, gaining a place among the foremost agriculturists of Henry county and securing the prosperity that is the merited reward of labor. He may indeed be termed a self-made man and deserves all the credit which the phrase implies. (Biographical Review of Henry County, Iowa. Chicago: Hobart Publishing Co.,1906, Page 505) (PE) |
Robert T. Canfield
ROBERT T. CANFIELD, a prominent farmer of Jackson Township, was born in Randolph County, Va., in 1826, and is the son of Titus and Phoebe Canfield, who died when our subject was a mere lad. They were the parents of seven children-Elizabeth, Johnson, Sarah, Mary, Nancy, Robert T. and Keturah. All were left orphans while yet children, and as the parents were poor they became scattered and their later history is not fully known. Some went West, part became residents of Kansas and some of Wisconsin. Our subject when five years of age was taken by his father to Ohio, and in that State the father died, leaving his boy to the care of George Harmon, with whom he remained until he was sixteen years of age, when he began life's battle for himself. Leaving Seneca County, Robert went to Clarke County and later to Miami County, Ohio, then in 1849 to Jefferson County, Ind. In the year 1853 he was united in marriage with Miss Mirey Swager. Mr. Canfield was at that time in the employ of the Madison & Indianapolis Railroad Company. In 1866 the death of his wife occurred and the next year he removed to Iowa, locating in Henry County. His four children came with him, namely: Elma, now the wife of Archie Ross; Clinton, also married; James and Ida, the latter now deceased. After a residence of two years in this county, Mr. Canfield was again married, to Mrs. Margaret (Maupin) Chaney, the widow of Andrew J. Chancy, a well-known resident of this county, who with his good wife settled here in 1849, coming from Jefferson County, Tenn. Mr. and Mrs. Chancy were the parents of eight children, all now dead except Flora B., wife of Fred Huxley, and Edward, yet unmarried. The deceased are: William, Sarah E., Mary Jane, Ellis C., Leonard F. and Carrie. Mr. Chancy resided upon a farm near Lowell, and after his death his widow purchased the farm upon which she and her present husband reside. The father of Mr. Chancy owned a large plantation in Tennessee, and also owned a number of slaves, but prior to his death liberated them, thus showing his sentiments regarding the rights of man. After a few years, Mr. and Mrs. Chancy decided to move to Texas, but after trying the country, they removed back to Henry County, and for years were identified with her business growth and prosperity. In 1867 the death of her husband occurred, and her marriage to Mr. Canfield was celebrated in March, 1869. In a cosy farmhouse the couple live, beloved by their neighbors, and in the enjoyment of a ripe old age both Mr. and Mrs. Canfield find themselves blessed by such associations as their position in life entitles them to. Both are worthy members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Mrs. Canfield was born in Blount County, Tenn., and reared in Jefferson County from her fifteenth year. Her father, Morgan G. Maupin, was born in France and married Elizabeth Collins in Tennessee. He was a Revolutionary soldier and had a family by another wife prior to that war, but no definite history can be given of them. With the blood of a patriot, and his grandsire a Revolutionary soldier, Edward may well feel a pride that few have reason to boast of. The father of Andrew J. Chancy was a native of Ireland, who came to America a poor man, hut accumulated a large property. For a quarter of a century he owned and conducted a large hotel near Morristown, Tenn., and owned a large plantation adjoining. He reared a family of fourteen children, of whom Andrew J. was the youngest. (Portrait and Biographical Album, Henry County, Iowa; Acme Publishing Company, Chicago, 1888, pp 246-247) (JC) |
Samuel Cantwell SAMUEL CANTWELL, a farmer of Henry County, Iowa, resides on section 32, Wayne Township. With pleasure we present this sketch of Samuel Cantwell, one of the best known men of Wayne Township, who has for many years been a resident, and always accounted one of her most worthy citizens. He was born in Coshocton County, Ohio, and is the son of Thomas and Jemima (Kelley) Cantwell. Thomas and probably his wife were of Irish parentage. They were married in Coshocton County, and during his lifetime Thomas Cantwell resided there. Ten children were born to them in that county, three only of whom are now living: our subject; Rachel, widow of Daniel Ryan, a farmer of Muskingum County, Ohio, and Hezekiah, a tailor of Coshocton, and the husband of Mary Rannels. After the death of Thomas Cantwell his widow married John Baker, a farmer of Muskingum County. Our subject was carefully reared until his seventeenth year, when his mother died and Samuel was allowed to make his own living. His step-father removed to Southern Illinois, where the remainder of his life was spent. Samuel Cantwell remained in Ohio, working by the month, having had nothing left from his father's estate to begin business on. He saved his money carefully, and in 1846 made a trip to this county, and purchased forty acres of timber land. He returned to Ohio and continued farming in partnership with his brother Barnabas, who was also well known in this county as one of the early settlers, coming first in 1846 and later becoming a permanent citizen, and until 1874 was a familiar figure in Wayne Township. He removed to Adams County, Neb., and died there in 1883. In 1850 Samuel Cantwell returned to Iowa from his native State and made a purchase of 200 acres of land in this county, and went back to Ohio, where he remained until 1860. He was rapidly merging into bachelorhood before selecting a wife, and was thirty-three years of age when his marriage to Miss Charlotte Campbell was celebrated. The ceremony was performed March 4, 1852, by Rev. Wolf, a Methodist Episcopal minister. Miss Campbell was the daughter of Samuel and Lydia (Harris) Campbell. Her father was born in Ireland, and came a single man to Virginia, in which State he was married to Lydia Harris, who was born near Wheeling, W. Va. They became residents of Washington County, and seven children were born before the death of the father. By trade Mr. Campbell was a miller, but in Ohio made farming his occupation. John, his first son, married Yurith Lane, and resides in Douglas County, Ill.; Lavina wedded Thomas Kinney, a resident of Great Bend, Kan.; Phoebe, deceased, became the wife of William James, who later removed to Kansas; Jane married William McKane, now deceased, and resides in Coshocton, Ohio; Mary, also deceased, was twice married, John Cochrane becoming her first husband, and William Dewson her last. Josephus died unmarried, and Mrs. Cantwell completes the family list. Four children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Cantwell before their removal to Iowa: Mary J., the wife of Presly Allender; Margaret, wife of George Meeker; Sarah E. died in childhood, and Matilda, wife of Samuel Taylor. In 1860 Samuel Cantwell and his family removed to Wayne Township, and upon his land he erected a small house the same year. Every improvement, every tree, fence and building, has been placed upon this tract since 1860. Here his children grew to maturity. Besides those named, other children were born in their new home: Emma, wife of Henry James; William H., now deceased; Alonzo, completing his education at Mt. Pleasant; Nora, Frances, Elma, Jessie M. and Annie M., all unmarried and inmates of the parental home. Here the family live in that style that comes to those of ample means, and as the family have increased in years so has the prosperity of the parents, who for more than a quarter of a century have been ranked among the best families of Wayne Township. For several terms Mr. Cantwell has been connected with the School Board, and careful attention has been given to the education of his children. To such families as this Henry County is indebted for the business growth, prosperity and social culture which so largely abound within its borders. (Portrait and Biographical Album, Henry County, Iowa; Acme Publishing Company, Chicago, 1888, pp 176-177.)(JC) |
JAMES A. CARDEN, a native son of Iowa, was born in Des Moines county, on the 4th of September, 1861. His father, William Carden, was a native of Hamilton county, Ohio, and after arriving at years of maturity devoted his attention to agricultural pursuits in that state. He married Miss Isabelle Miller, also a native of Hamilton county and in the year 1851 he came to Iowa, settling in Danville township, Des Moines county, where he invested his capital in one hundred and seventy-five acres of prairie land and forty acres of timber. He at once began the development of a farm and continued to devote his time and energies to general agricultural pursuits until his death, which occurred on the 14th of February, 1866. His wife, long surviving him, also passed away on the old homestead on the 25th of September, 1890. In the meantime, however, she purchased twenty acres of land a half mile north of the old home property and on this place stood a good residence which she and her family occupied until May 23, 1872, when the home and all the buildings were destroyed by the tornado which occurred on that date. At that date they returned to the old home place and in the fall of the same year Mrs. Carden erected a new residence, which remained her place of abode up to the time of her death. In the family were seven sons and one daughter, all of whom are yet living with the exception of the eldest son and with one exception all of the sons became school teachers, being identified with educational work in this state. James A. Carden, the sixth member of his father's family, spent the days of his boyhood and youth upon the old homestead in Des Moines county and was early trained to the work of the farm, becoming familiar with the duties of field and meadow. After acquiring his elementary education in the district schools he continued his studies in Howe's Academy at Mount Pleasant, spending two terms in that way. Subsequently he took up the profession of teaching, which he followed in both Des Moines and Henry counties, devoting seven years to that work. Later he began farming on his own account in Henry county and followed the tilling of the soil until the 1st of January, 1894, when he purchased a grain and coal business on the Iowa Central Railroad at Winfield, where he has since been located, being actively connected with the trade. He now has a liberal patronage that has been secured through his straightforward business methods, his reasonable prices and his efforts to please his customers. On the 3rd of September, 1884, Mr. Carden was united in marriage to Miss Mary Boyer, a native of Henry county, and a daughter of Frank and Martha (VanDyke) Boyer, both of whom were natives of Iowa, the father having been born in Salem and the mother in Des Moines county. Mrs. Carden pursued her education in the public schools and remained under the parental roof until her marriage. She has become the mother of one child, Jean Boyer, who was born March 20, 1886, and pursued his education in the high school at Mount Pleasant and the Iowa Wesleyan University. He is now successfully engaged in teaching about four miles west of Winfield. In his fraternal relations Mr. Carden is an Odd Fellow, while his religious faith is indicated by his membership in the Methodist Episcopal church. He takes a very active interest in the work of the church in its different departments and since 1897 has served as superintendent of the Sunday school in Winfield. He has a wide and favorable acquaintance in this part of the county, is respected as an enterprising, successful and reliable business man and is esteemed by reason of his activity along those lines which contribute to the welfare and progress of the general public. (Biographical Review of Henry County, Iowa. Chicago: Hobart Publishing Co.,1906, Page 596) (PE) |
William Carden Senator from the tenth senatorial district including Washington and Henry counties, was born on a farm near Middletown in Des Moines county, Iowa. Attended the country school, later took a course at the state normal school and finished his education at Parson's college, Fairfield, Iowa. Mr. Carden taught school for about three years and then entered the hardware and implement business at Winfield, Iowa. He served as postmaster under President Taft, after which he engaged in the insurance and loan business. He is a member of the different lodges of his town, as well as having been active in its civic affairs. He is a member of the Presbyterian church and has been moderator of the Presbytery as well as vice moderator of the Synod of Iowa. He was first district manager of the Coolidge campaign in 1925. Has previously served in the lower house and is now serving his first term in the senate. Iowa Official Register 1927-1928 - Biographies of
State Senators, pg. 229 (SF) |
WILLIAM CARDEN, one of the honored and prominent citizens of Henry county, now serving his district in the state legislature, is a native son of Des Moines county, his birth having occurred near Middletown on the 24th of August, 1865. His parents were William and Isabelle (Miller) Carden, both of whom were natives of Hamilton county, Ohio, in which state they were reared and married. The year 1852 witnessed their arrival in Iowa and the father purchased land near Danville, Des Moines county, where he carried on farming for two years. Subsequently he took up his abode near Middletown, where his remaining days were passed, his death occurring in 1866. His wife long survived him and passed away in 1890. William Carden was reared under the parental roof until nineteen years of age and acquired his early education in the public schools near his home. His more advanced education was obtained in Parson's College, at Fairfield, Iowa. His collegiate course was not consecutive but as opportunity offered he continued his studies and was thereby well equipped for life's practical and responsible duties. He engaged in teaching at intervals for about three years in Des Moines and Henry counties and then accepted a clerkship in the Crane hardware store in Mount Pleasant, where he remained for two years, thus gaining a practical knowledge of mercantile methods. Removing to Winfield in the fall of 1890 he entered into partnership with his brother, L. J. Carden, in the conduct of a hardware and implement business. They carried on the store with constantly growing success for fourteen years and then sold out to George Bloomer. On the 1st of September, 1904, Mr. Carden entered into partnership with Will D. Garmoe in the real-estate and loan business and still figures prominently in commercial interests of Winfield. He is a man of enterprise and determination, carrying forward to successful completion whatever he undertakes, and his business career has ever been characterized by sound judgment and unfaltering purpose, resulting in the attainment of a creditable position among the substantial citizens of Henry county. On the 18th of November, 1901, Mr. Carden was united in marriage to Miss Fannie De Lashmutt, who was born in Des Moines county, and was educated in Burlington, completing the high school course. She is a daughter of T. L. and Ellen (Shaw) De Lashmutt, the former a native of West Virginia, and the latter of Ohio. Her parents were pioneer residents of Des Moines county, aiding in laying broad and deep the foundation for its present prosperity and progress. Mr. Carden is a Presbyterian in religious faith and fraternally is connected with the Masonic Lodge and the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. Since taking up his abode in Winfield he has been actively interested in politics as a supporter of the Republican party and his fitness for leadership has been recognized in his election to the office of representative. In the fall of 1901 he was chosen a member of the general assembly and by re-election will continue a member of the house until the 1st of January, 1907. He is a capable, working member of the legislative, giving careful consideration to the questions which come up for settlement and his interest in the welfare and development of his state is deep and sincere. He has made a creditable record in both commercial and political circles and is justly accounted one of the distinguished and leading citizens of Henry county, Iowa. (Biographical Review of Henry County, Iowa. Chicago: Hobart Publishing Co.,1906, pp 454-455) (PE) |
Howard Carter
HOWARD CARTER, residing on section 12, Marion Township, is one of the early settlers of Henry County, Iowa. He was born in Muskingum County, Ohio, April 7, 1825, and is a son of Isaac G. and Harriet (Josselyn) Carter, both natives of Waldo County, Me. They both removed to Muskingum County. Ohio, when quite young, and Dec. 16, 1819, were married in Perry County, Ohio. He was the son of Isaac P. and Joanna (Gay) Carter, arid was born Sept. 6, 1797. His wife was born June 9, 1802, and was the daughter of Joshua and Sarah (Chapman) Josselyn. Mr. and Mrs. Carter had a family of ten sons, the first dying in infancy: Ira J., yet living on the old homestead in Grant County. Ind.; Howard, our subject, being third in order of birth; Joseph, a farmer of Cass County, Iowa; Elijah, a blacksmith of Jonesboro, Grant Co., Ind.; John II., a merchant of New Cumberland, Grant Co., Ind.; Albert died at the age of two, in Grant County, Ind.; Lewis, a farmer in Grant County, Ind.; Oliver died at the age of twenty-four, in Grant County, Ind.; Alfred died in infancy. The seven oldest of these children were born in Muskingum County, Ohio, and the three youngest in Grant County, Ind. Shortly after their marriage Mr. and Mrs. Carter moved to Muskingum County, Ohio, where for a few years he engaged in brick-making. In the year 1835, with his wife and children he moved to Grant County, Ind., where he bought 160 acres of wild land, transforming it into a fine farm. He was called to his final home Jan. 29, 1869, at the age of seventy-two, his wife having preceded him six years, dying April 1, 1863, at the age of sixty-one. Mr. and Mrs. Carter were devoted members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, of which he was Steward for a number of years. Our subject received his education in the district schools of his native State. He remained with his parents until twenty-five years of age. He led to the marriage altar Miss Eleanor Lyon, on the 18th of February, 1851. She was a native of Ohio, having been born in Guernsey County, Jan. 22, 1831. Her parents were James and Nancy (Slater) Lyon, the father being a native of Virginia, and the mother of Ohio. Shortly after his marriage Mr. Carter with his young bride moved upon a farm that he had purchased of eighty acres. He added to this until he had 160 acres well cultivated. In 1864 he sold his farm and came to Henry County, and in June, 1865, moved upon the wild land of section 12, where he immediately began to break the sod and fence the wild prairies. Now his land is in excellent condition, and his buildings are models of convenience. He came to this county with his wife and eight children in the full hope and happiness of a bright future, but Nov. 24, 1870, his wife was taken from his happy home. She was an active worker in the Methodist Episcopal Church. In her death the husband lost a loving wife, the children a kind and indulgent mother. Mr. and Mrs. Carter were the parents of nine children: Nancy M., who was born in Grant County, Ind., Jan. 24, 1852, is the wife of William H. Snell, a farmer in Wayne Township, Henry Co., Iowa; Sarah J., born July 1, 1853, is the wife of John Seberg, a farmer in Kearney County, Neb.; Harriet J., born March 3, 1855, died Nov. 27, 1870; Leroy P., born Feb. 4, 1857, is a telegraph operator and Station Agent on the St. Paul & Duluth Railroad, at Sandstone Junction, Minn.; Rhoda C., born Nov. 6, 1858, is the wife of Frank Tallman, a farmer in Osborne County, Kan.; M. Alice, born Oct. 12, 1860, at home; William E., born Oct. 12, 1862, died May 1,1887; George H., born April 8, 1865; Eva I., born July 25, 1867, in Henry County, Iowa, was married to Alfred H. Anderson, Jan. 4, 1888. Mr. Carter is now one of the prominent and well-to-do farmers of Henry County, but all that he has was made by his own frugality and industry. He has one of the most excellent farms in the county, and upon it may be found a good grade of horses, cattle and hogs. Mr. Carter has held various township offices of trust with credit to himself and his constituents. Politically he is a Republican. He contributes liberally to all charitable and public enterprises, and as a neighbor and citizen none stands higher than does Mr. Carter. (Portrait and Biographical Album, Henry County, Iowa; Acme Publishing Company, Chicago, 1888, pp 212-213.)(JC) |
CORNELIUS C. CASE, one of the prominent and rising young business men of Mount Pleasant, conducting a carriage and wagon repair shop and general blacksmithing business, was born in Blairstown, Benton county, Iowa, June 23, 1870, his parents being Separate and Samantha (Bacheler) Case. The father, a farmer by occupation, was born in Indiana, but when a young man went to Clinton county, Iowa, and later purchased a farm in Benton county, where he spent the remainder of his active business life. He died at the home of his son near Belle Plain, and the mother passed away in 1879, at Blairstown. Cornelius C. Case, having pursued his elementary education in the schools of Benton county, continued his studies in Iowa Seminary, at Blairstown, after which his attention was devoted to farm work in Benton county until he came to Mount Pleasant in 1894. Here he learned the blacksmith's trade, which he followed in the employ of others until he formed a partnership with his brother under the firm style of Case Brothers. They carried on the business which had formerly been established by the brother, Cornelius C. Case having purchased a half interest and until 1903 conducted a general wagon repair and blacksmithing shop. Since that time Cornelius C. Case has been sole proprietor, having purchased his brother's interest and he now conducts an extensive and successful business at No. 213 East Monroe street which he recently erected and fitted with improved machinery for his work, where he furnishes employment to three men and at the same time does active work in the shop himself. His patronage has continually increased and he is now in charge of a good remunerative business. Although he came to the county without capital his ability and industry have been the strong elements in success. On the 1st of June, 1898, in Mount Pleasant, Mr. Case was married to Miss Bertha Nicholson, a daughter of John Nicholson, one of the early residents here. Her grandfather, Thomas Nicholson, is still living in Mount Pleasant. Mr. and Mrs. Case have three sons: John, Everett, and Charles. They attend and support the Methodist Episcopal church, of which Mrs. Case is also a member and they own and occupy a pleasant home on East Monroe street, which is one of the fine residence streets of the city. Mr. Case votes with the Republican party and belongs to Mystic Lodge, Independent Order of Odd Fellows. Although a young man he has won a creditable position in industrial circles and his strong and salient characteristics are such as argue well for future success. (Biographical Review of Henry County, Iowa. Chicago: Hobart Publishing Co.,1906, pps 199-200) (PE) |
On the list of representative business men of Mount Pleasant appears the name of S. S. Case, who from 1902 until December, 1905, successfully conducted a hardware store. He is one of the native sons of Iowa and possesses the enterprising spirit which has been the dominant factor in the upbuilding of the middle west. His birth occurred in Clinton county, this state, January 5, 1862, his parents being Separate and Samantha E. (Bacheler) Case. The father was born near Lafayette, Indiana, and when eight years of age came to Iowa with his parents, the family home being established in Clinton county, where he assisted his father in the farm work. He was educated in the district schools and in the public schools of Charlotte, Iowa. Following his marriage he removed to Benton county, this state, where for many years he followed farming, but about three years ago he sold his property there and went to live with his son at Belle Plain, Iowa, his death there occurring in 1903. He voted with the republican party and filled the office of road supervisor in Benton county. At all times he was a loyal, public-spirited and progressive citizen and reliable business man. Both he and his wife held membership in the Methodist church and were true to its teachings. Mrs. Case was born in Vermont, the family home being in the shadows of the Green mountains, and she came to Iowa when a maiden of eight summers. She, too, passed away, and the husband and wife now rest side by side in the cemetery at Blairstown, Benton county. Unto Mr. and Mrs. Case were born six children: S. S., of this review; Lemuel G., who married Louisa Mohler and resides in Belle Plain, Iowa; E. P., deceased; C. C., who married Miss Bert Nicholson and is living in Mount Pleasant; Cora, the deceased wife of Frank Davis, of Blairstown, Iowa; and Nora, the wife of Frank Erhard, also of Blairstown. S. S. Case is indebted to the public-school system of Blairstown for the educational privileges he enjoyed. He worked upon his father's farm until twenty years of age, after which he learned the blacksmith's trade in Mount Pleasant, following that pursuit for four years as journeyman. He afterward established a shop of his own, on East Monroe street, which he conducted successfully for twelve years, or until 1902, when he sold to his brother, and purchased a fine hardware store at No. 113 Jefferson street, and successfully conducted this business until selling out in December, 1905. He carried a large line of hardware and stoves; in fact, had the most extensive stock of goods of this character in the city. He received a liberal patronage because of his honorable methods and earnest desire to please his customers, combined with his reasonable prices. On the 2nd of May, 1888, Mr. Case was united in marriage to Miss Leona Vorhies, a daughter of Levi Vorhies. She was born May 12, 1869, in Indiana, and was educated in Howe's academy, at Mount Pleasant, Iowa. Her parents came to this state, settling in Henry county when she was about eight years of age. Mr. Vorhies was a wagonmaker by trade, conducting a shop in Indiana, but following his removal to Iowa he devoted his energies to agricultural pursuits. He exercised his right of franchise in support of the men and measures of the republican party, and fraternally he was an Odd Fellow. He died December 28, 1904, in Merrimac, Iowa, where his widow still resides. In their family were nine children, of whom five are living: Albert, a resident of Urbana, Illinois; Addison, who is living in Burlington, Iowa; Charles, a resident of Nebraska; Frank, who makes his home in Merrimac, Iowa; and Leona, now Mrs. Case. Unto our subject and his wife have been born three children. Chloe, who was born May 20, 1889, in Burlington, has completed the course in the common schools, and is now pursuing a business course in Antrim's Business College. Linn, born April 14, 1897, is in school. Emmet, born February 18, 1900, completes the family. Mr. Case has always been a democrat in his political views, and upon that ticket was chosen and served as alderman of the city for two years. He is an Odd Fellow, has passed all of the chairs, and is now serving as treasurer of his lodge. He likewise belongs to the Ancient Order of United Workmen, in which he has filled all of the offices. The family home is at No. 311 East Monroe street, where Mr. and Mrs. Case are comfortably situated in life. Without special advantages or pecuniary assistance to aid him in the outset of his career, Mr. Case has steadily and gradually worked his way upward in financial affairs, and is today a leading resident of Mount Pleasant. (Biographical Review of Henry County, Iowa. Chicago: Hobart Publishing Co.,1906, pp 422-424) (PE) |
Bent Caulk
BENT CAULK, deceased, was one of the early settlers of Henry County. He was a native of Guilford County, N. C., born in 1828. In 1834 he went with his parents to Georgetown, Ill., and in 1836 came to Henry County. His parents were Robert and Jane (Hempill) Caulk. In this county Bent grew to manhood, and received his education in the pioneer log schoolhouse. Bent was married on the 17th of October, 1852, to Miss Jane Moore, born in Sangamon County, Ill., Aug. 1, 1832, a daughter of Joseph and Lydia (Cooper) Moore, the former being a native of Indiana and the latter of Tennessee. Both were among the early settlers of Sangamon County, Ill., where they became acquainted and were united in marriage. They were the parents of eight children, seven of whom are now living. They were as follows: Calvin, who died in Ringgold County, Iowa; Rebecca, deceased; Jane, widow of Bent Caulk; Amanda, wife of Daniel Biddlecom, of Cass County, Ill.; Ephraim, a carpenter of Mt. Pleasant; John, residing in Buffalo County, Neb.; Edward, also living in that county, who was a soldier in the war of the Rebellion; and James, residing in Bates County, Mo. In 1835 Mr. Moore came to Henry County with his family, and located on section 6, Center Township. Mrs. Moore was a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church in her early life, but afterward affiliated with the Christian Church. She was a sincere Christian woman, highly respected by all who knew her, and died in August, 1882, mourned by a large circle of friends. In the spring of 1849, Mr. Moore, in company with a party composed of old settlers of Henry County, went to California, and there remained engaged in mining until 1851, when he took passage on board a vessel bound for New York. The ship was never afterward heard from, and all on board are supposed to have been lost. His oldest daughter, Rebecca, wife of Aldred Lotspeich, was also on board the lost vessel. Mr. and Mrs. Caulk grew to manhood and womanhood on adjoining farms; by their union two sons were born, Charles and Frank, both of whom yet reside in this county. Mr. Caulk died in February, 1883, leaving a widow and two sons, and many relatives and friends to mourn his loss. He was a kind husband and father, and was well and favorably known throughout the county as an honest, upright man, who had the confidence and respect of the entire community. Politically he was a Democrat. At the time of his death he was owner of 249 acres of land, 200 of which was under cultivation, and which was valued at $75 per acre. Mrs. Caulk still resides upon the home farm, where she has lived a period of thirty-four years. At the time of their settlement upon this farm, they were the farthest north of any family in the county, and Indians were frequent visitors at their cabin. Today all this is changed, and the farm is one of the best improved in Henry County. (Portrait and Biographical Album, Henry County, Iowa; Acme Publishing Company, Chicago, 1888, p 219.) (JC) |
Sol Cavenee
SOL CAVENEE, farmer, also importer and breeder of thoroughbred Norman horses, Shorthorn cattle and Poland-China hogs, residing on section 5, New London Township, is the only importer in that township of blooded horses. His post-office address is Mt. Pleasant. The subject of this sketch was born in the town of New Lexington, Perry Co., Ohio, May 20, 1841, and is the son of Patrick and Jane (Montgomery) Cavenee. His father was born in Bedford County, Pa., in 1812, and was of Irish descent. His mother was born in North Carolina, Dec. 2, 1811. The family emigrated to Henry County, Iowa, in 1856, and settled in Center Township, where the father purchased a farm and continued to reside until the time of his death, which occurred Aug. 28, 1855. The mother survived her husband and resides at Mt. Pleasant. Our subject was reared on his father's farm, and when twenty years of age enlisted, in September, 1861, as a member of Company K, 4th Iowa Cavalry, and served four years, or until the close of the war, and was mustered out Aug. 10, 1865. Mr. Cavenee's regiment was assigned to the 15th Army Corps, and took part in most of the principal battles in the Southwest. In the battle of Guntown, Tenn., his company lost half their number in killed and wounded. He was detailed as Orderly on the staff of Gen. Thomas and served in that capacity several months. On his return from the army he resumed farming, and was married at Trenton, Iowa, Nov. 3, 1868, to Miss Jane Williams, daughter of Hopkin Williams. Mrs. Cavenee was born in Marshall (now Wayland), Henry Co., Iowa, May 19, 1840. Her people were from Wales, and emigrated to Henry County in 1834, being among the very earliest pioneers (see sketch of Evan Davies). Mr. and Mrs. Cavenee have four children, one son and three daughters: Georgiana, born Oct. 27, 1869; Nellie Winnie, born Sept. 2, 1872; Mary Jane, born July 12, 1876; Clark M. was born on the fifth Sunday in February, 1880, which was the 29th, and he will be forty years old before his birthday again falls on Sunday. Mr. Cavenee purchased his present farm in 1865, where he has made his home continuously since, and has 220 acres of well-improved prairie land. He has been largely engaged in importing and breeding thoroughbred Norman and English Shire horses. On his last trip to Europe he imported ten fine horses, and has now in his stables two of the finest specimens of Norman and one of English Shire stallions that can be found in the West. He also breeds full-blood Short-horn cattle and Poland China hogs. Mr. Cavenee has devoted much time to the study of the best methods of improving the stock best adapted to this region, and his travels and investigations of the various breeds in the great stock-growing centers of Europe, have enabled him to mature his judgment and select the best. He is widely and favorably known as a successful stockman, and his horses have a reputation second to none in the State. He has held various local offices, and has been a consistent Republican since the organization of that party. Both Mr. and Mrs. Cavenee are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. (Portrait and Biographical Album, Henry County, Iowa; Acme Publishing Company, Chicago, 1888, p 340) (JC) (NOTE: The date for Patrick Cavenee's death (1855) occurs before the family reportedly came to Henry County (1856). It is clear that one of these dates is incorrect, but they are the ones contained in the biography.) |
Casper Chandlee
CASPER CHANDLEE, a farmer of Henry County, Iowa, resides on section 13, Wayne Township. We desire to make individual mention of each of the family, as all are well known. the three youngest children were born in Henry County. Our subject was born near Brookeville, Montgomery Co., Md.; Oct 4, 1827, and is the son of Mahlon and Catherine (Frame) Chandlee. She was a daughter of David Frame, of Bucks County, Pa., who late in life purchased a farm near Brookeville, Md., and attended the Washington markets with his vegetables. At the time of his death he was a resident of his market garden farm. George Chandlee, the paternal grandsire of our subject, was a native of New Jersey, born at Mt. Holly, and married his wife, Miss Gainer Brooks, in Maryland, and during his lifetime was a large land-owner and speculator in real estate. His father was William Chandlee, a native of England, who came to America prior to the Revolutionary War. By trade he was a cutler, and opening a forge at Mt. Holly, he made sickles and swards for Washington's army. Mahlon Chandlee was united in marriage with Miss Catharine Frame at Sandy Spring, Md., near which place he owned a large plantation. By birth the Chandlees and Frames were Quakers, and the great Sandy Spring Quaker Church yet stands near the old ancestral manor. Mahlon Chandlee was born in 1790, and is yet living in the same old manor and in the same house he erected before marriage, and in which his seven children - Sarah, Edwin, Eliza, Sarah M., Casper, William G. and Albert - were born. All are deceased but Casper and Albert. The eldest son was a doctor of dental surgery, and practiced for twenty-five years on Howard street, Baltimore, Md., in which city his death occurred. His wife was Cassie Turner, of Baltimore, and she is also deceased. Eliza died unmarried; Sarah the deceased wife of Samuel Pidgeon, of Wadesville, Clark Co., Va.; William deceased, married Martha Sutton, of Baltimore. Albert is the only one living, except our subject, and is a resident on the ancestral homestead. His wife is Sarah A. Branson, of Hopeville, W. Va. Casper Chandlee became the husband of Miss Mary B. Mount on the 2d of May, 1855, and at the residence of the bride's parents, John and Eliza (Thomas) Mount, of Waterford, Loudoun Co., Va., the ceremony was performed. In their marriage a courtship was completed that last for four long years, Casper living forty miles away, and in going to see the lady of his choice a mountain range and river had to be crossed. his visits, however, were made annually, and the result was a union that has been one of most pleasant. The father of Mrs. Chandlee was a cabinet-maker of Waterford, and for sixty consecutive years operated a shop, beginning in 1816, and ce3asing at the time of his death, in 1876. Two children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Mount: William T., the husband of Betty Castleman, of Clarke County, Va., now resides in Omaha, Neb., and Mrs. Chandlee. After her marriage the young couple began life on a part of his father's farm, and there the eldest child, a son, Elliott, was born. He is now the husband of Carrie Hunter, a native of this county, and resides in Holt County, Neb., where he owns a quarter section of land. In 1860 Casper Chandlee and his young wife left Maryland and came to Clinton County, Iowa, reaching Eden Township in the spring of that year. Shortly after arriving in this county the family narrowly escaped death, being in the track of the cyclone of June 3, 1860, which swept across the country, carrying away many houses and other buildings. Their house was a one-story frame building. Supper was just finished when the blow came, which demolished their house, and left nothing but a few boards and the debris of furniture, etc. Strange to say, only a few bruises were received, and Mr. Chandlee and wife, thankful for their miraculous escape, each clasped a child in their arms, and crawling along the ground to a neighboring straw stack, found temporary shelter from the pitiless storm that followed. As Mr. Chandlee looked from their place of refuge a feather bed was blown past them, which was almost the only thing saved from a well-furnished home. Their clothing was found scattered over a wide extent of country. House, barns and fences shared a like fate. Clara Chandler, deceased, who wedded Alfred Cooper, of this county, was born in Clinton County, Iowa; she was married on her eighteenth birthday, Sept. 5, 1877, and 20th of that month her spirit passed from earth. Eliza, wife of Benjamin Deyarmon, of Uniontown, Pa., and Edwin, now deceased, were also born in Clinton County. Mr. Chandlee had purchased a piece of land which he improved in Henry County, to which they removed the same year. Every stick, every tree, and all the improvements which add beauty to this now valuable farm, were placed there by Mr. Chandlee. In 1883 the first house built was consumed by fire, but from its ashes rose a handsome country residence. To their Henry County home came their three children -m Mollie B., William and Pearl. This trio are quite accomplished vocalists, and the eldest daughter is a musician of note. Their home is made attractive by music and social pleasures. In the sitting-room is an easy chair, made by the father of Mrs. Chandlee, that has been in constant use for more than half a century, and is a relic highly prized as a gift from her father. (Portrait and Biographical Album, Henry County, Iowa; Acme Publishing Company, Chicago, 1888, p. 380-1) |
Addison Chandler
ADDISON CHANDLER, harness-maker, saddler and dealer in horse furnishing goods, New London. Mr. Chandler settled in New London in 1852, and for twenty-five years has served as Postmaster of that village. He was born in Cayuga County, N. Y., Oct. 24, 1817, and is the son of Ebenezer and Lucinda (Niles) Chandler. He served a regular apprenticeship to the saddle and harness making trade at Skaneateles, N. Y. He removed to Indiana in 1837, and located at Moore's Hill, where he worked as a journeyman. He started in business at Wilmington, Ind., in the line of his trade, and later removed to Manchester, Ind., where he also carried on a shop. He was married at Moore's Hill, June 17, 1839, to Miss Mary Emeline Hedge, daughter of Samuel Hedge. Mrs. Chandler was born in Steuben County, N. Y. Seven children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Chandler: Isabel is the wife of C. Whit Smith, and resides in Burlington, Iowa; James married Martha Dc Long, and lives in Lincoln, Neb.; Janett died aged five years; Otho A. died at the age of one year; those named above were born in Manchester, Ind. The remainder of the children were born at New London: Thomas married Nettie Lewis, and lives in Burlington; Frank is at home, and Maggie is the wife of S. E. Symons, of Saginaw, Mich. Mr Chandler removed from Indiana to Ft. Madison Iowa, Nov. 20, 1851, and the following September came to New London. He opened a harness-shop at that place, and carried on the business till 1862, when he was appointed Postmaster of New London under President Lincoln, in August of that year. He had been Acting Postmaster from the April previous, was reappointed, and held office until January, 1887, when he resigned. During his twenty- five years of service as Postmaster he was never absent a single day on account of sickness, and rarely from any other cause. His administration of the office was prompt, efficient and courteous, and most satisfactory to the people. Soon after taking the postmastership Mr. Chandler formed a partnership with his son-in-law, Mr. Smith, in the mercantile business, under the firm name of Chandler & Smith. They dissolved partnership soon after the close of the war, and Mr. Chandler conducted the business alone until 1884, when he closed out his stock in anticipation of going out of office. He has just perfected his arrangements to resume business again in the harness-making line. Mr. Chandler has served two terms as Justice of the Peace at New London, and is a member of New London Lodge No. 28, A. F. & A. M. Mrs. Chandler was a member of the Protestant Methodist Church, and was a most estimable Christian lady, and a devoted wife and mother. Her death occurred April 30, 1884. Mr. Chandler's father was born in Vermont and his mother in Cayuga County, N. Y., and both families date their origin in America back to Colonial days. (Portrait and Biographical Album, Henry County, Iowa; Acme Publishing Company, Chicago, 1888, p 275) (JC) |
Barton C. Chandler
BARTON C. CHANDLER, of Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, is the son of Edward and Jane E. (Marsh) Chandler, who were natives of Vermont, but who removed to Spafford, N. Y., where, on the 19th of May, 1829, Barton was born. In 1832, while Barton was yet a child, they moved to Huron County, Ohio, and subsequently to Knox County in the same State, and then to Ripley County, Ind. In 1851 they came to Henry County. Of their family of seven children four are now living: Nancy, wife of Milo Chandler, of Smith County, Kan.; Lydia is married to John Bangham, a resident of Wilmington, Ohio; William H., who enlisted in the 4th Iowa Cavalry and served four years, now resides in Dallas County, Iowa, and Barton C., the subject of this sketch. Edward Chandler was a shoemaker by trade, and was a member of the Missionary Baptist Church, of which body his wife was also a member. They are both now reaping the reward of a righteous life. He was born in Mulberry, Vt., Oct. 23, 1799, and died at Smith Center, Kan., Oct. 10, 1878. His wife was born at Niles, N. Y., Oct. 28, 1810, and died in New London Township, this county, Nov. 28, 1853; their marriage was celebrated Jan. 10, 1828, in Scott, N. Y. The subject of this sketch, not unlike thousands of others at that time, received but limited educational advantages. In 1849 he came to Henry County, settling in Mt. Pleasant, where he was employed as a carpenter and stonemason. In 1858 he was united in marriage with Miss Mary M. Chandler (see above), born June 19, 1839. By this union there are three children: Vincent K., educated at the Burlington Commercial College, is now a bookkeeper at Perry, Iowa; Eliza J. was educated at Howe's Seminary, Mt. Pleasant, and at the Business College of Burlington, Iowa; Carrie May was educated at the University of Mt. Pleasant. Religiously, Mr. Chandler is a Seventh-Day Adventist, and he takes an active interest in all educational matters. He has lived in Henry County since early times, and has witnessed the changes which transformed its natural wilderness to beautiful farms and elegant homes. In his life Mr. Chandler endeavors to live in faithful obedience to all the commands found in the Word of God, and in so doing feels that comfort and satisfaction not enjoyed by those who do not believe. (Portrait and Biographical Album, Henry County, Iowa; Acme Publishing Company, Chicago, 1888, pp 219-220.) (JC) |
![]() Elihu Chandler's mother's name was Harlow. In the Congregational Church Record at Fox Craft Maine is the name Elihu Chandler, baptized infancy. Our grandfather Elihu came west. He helped build a fort in 1832 as a defense against the Indians. Soon after he went to Burlington, where he made the first rails made in "Old Flint Hills" as the village was then called. He helped lay out Jefferson Street in Burlington. He lived there but a short time then took a claim in Danville Township in 1834. It was later owned by, or was near, Peter Wilson and is now owned by Henry Giese of Ames, Iowa. Kent Bailey's family live there at present. Finally he settled in Baltimore Township 18 miles from Burlington, about 6 miles from Danville and 2 1/2 miles from Lowell, the oldest settlement in the State. He paid $1.25 an acre for 320 acres of timberland. There were lots of Indians when grandfather came to southeastern Iowa. Wild turkey and deer were plentiful. He was a great trapper. On the 18th of May, 1834, he had a presentment that something had happened at his Maine home which he had left. Three months later he learned that his mother had passed on, on that day. He would go to Burlington 18 miles away with an ox team leaving in the morning and getting back about 2:00 a.m. There were log stores in Burlington at that time. Elihu (our grandfather) was over 40 years of age when he married our grandmother Jeminia Mathis Dobson, who came from Kentucky, a widow with four children. To them were born three children, Jane who married Mrs. Joe Ward. She passed on and left a little girl May. The grandparents raised her and as we lived in a double house with the grandparents, she seems like a sister to us. Olive who married Wm. Suan and had a daughter. Their daughter Versa Suan Fisher lives at 602 C Street in Tacoma, Washington. James S., our father, who married Lucietta Miller. They started housekeeping in the same house with James' parents. To them were born eleven children. Two passed on in infancy. Nine grew up on that farm. Besides Lucretia Smith and Wm. Clemmons lived there for quite awhile. (Biography written by Elihu's granddaughter, Mary Alice "Mayme"
Chandler. Submitted by his great, great granddaughter, Barb
Chandler.) |
Samuel Chandler
SAMUEL CHANDLER, a soldier of the War of 1812, he was born Feb. 18, 1795. He was married to Miss Eliza Kenyon, who was born in 1805. They were the happy parents of six children, four of who are now living, viz: James K. is a resident of Los Gatos, Cal.; Thomas B., a Sergeant in the late Rebellion, he was taken prisoner at the battle of Shiloh and confined at Macon, GA., and is now living in Burlington, IA.; Hon. Joseph H. was in the Michigan Cavalry, and served through the war and drilled a company of colored men, of which he was Captain; Mary M. is the wife of B. C. Chandler and lives in Mt. Pleasant. Two, Edwin and Martha, are deceased. The mother finished her work on earth Nov. 19, 1851. Mr. Chandler still resides in Mt. Pleasant, and is a man worthy of the deepest respect and love of all. Though ninety-three years of age, he is in full possession of all his faculties. (Portrait and Biographical Album, Henry County, Iowa; Acme Publishing Company, Chicago, 1888, p. 218) |
ISAAC CHILD, who for many years was identified with agricultural interests in Henry county, was born in Plomstead township, Bucks county, Pennsylvania, on the 15th of December, 1799, and was a representative of an old colonial family, his ancestors having come to America when this country was still numbered among the possessions of Great Britain. His paternal grandfather was Isaac Child, who on one occasion in the destruction of his home by fire had his four children burned to death. Later four other children were added to the family and they were named for those whom he had previously lost. This number included Jonathan Child, father of our subject, who was born in Pennsylvania and there married Deborah Michener, a daughter of John Michener. Isaac Child acquired his education in the subscription schools of his native county, became a well informed man and engaged in school teaching in Pennsylvania through the winter months for nine years in one district which speaks highly of his ability and the esteem in which he was held as an educator. He was married in December, 1833, to Esther Price, who was born in Buckingham township, Bucks county, Pennsylvania, on the 13th of December, 1803, her parents being James and Naomi (Preston) Price, the former a native of Pennsylvania and the latter of New Jersey. Mr. and Mrs. Child while still residing in Pennsylvania became the parents of five children: Deborah, who was born in May, 1834, died in 1865, when about thirty-one years of age. Samuel Joseph was born November 25, 1835. Homer was born February 24, 1838. Phebe, born December 12, 1839, became the wife of Pizarro C. Arnold, who is now a retired merchant residing in Cameron, Missouri. A child who died in infancy, and James, born May 8, 1846, died in Zolfo, Florida, in 1895, after having carried on merchandising there for some years. In the year 1859 Isaac Child came with his family to Iowa, making his way to Salem. He lived in the town for one year and then purchased one hundred acres of land on section 15, Salem township, removing to the farm in the spring of 1860. There he carried on general agricultural pursuits, placing his fields under a high state of cultivation. In 1868 however, he was called upon to mourn the loss of his wife, who died on the 20th of April of that year. In May, 1869, Mr. Child was again married, his second union being with Mrs. Ellen Kimberley, whom he wedded in the month of May. She was a native of Ohio and was the widow of Amos Kimberley. Mr. Child remained a resident of Henry county until called to his final rest on the 24th of May, 1882, his second wife having died in 1869. He was reared in the faith of the Friends church and always continued a believer in its doctrines. His early political allegiance was given to the Whig party and upon its dissolution he joined the ranks of the new Republican party, with which he continued to vote until called to his final rest. He was never active as an office seeker, preferring to do his public duty as a private citizen. During the years of his residence in Henry county he became widely known as a reliable business man, who was loyal to the public welfare and to all private trusts which were reposed in him. In business he was strictly honorable and when he was called to his final rest Henry county mourned the loss of one of its leading citizens. It will be interesting in this connection to note something of his children and their history. His daughter, Deborah, following the removal of the family to Iowa, returned to Pennsylvania, where she engaged in teaching school from 1861 until the spring of 1865. She then came again to this state, where her death occurred in the fall of the same year. James Child went to Colorado, where he was superintendent of mines, continuing there until the winter of 1885, when he went to Florida, where he carried on merchandising until his death in 1895. Phebe was married January 1, 1881, and resided in Salem until the spring of 1888, her husband, Pizarro C. Arnold, being engaged in the hardware business in that town. He then removed to Missouri and they are yet living in that state. The representatives of the family who now reside in Henry county are Homer and Samuel J., who are living upon their father's old farm. Homer Child has traveled extensively, having been in all the states of the Mississippi valley and also to Manitoba, Canada. They now carry on general farming and also raise horses, cattle and hogs and both branches of their business are attended with a desirable measure of success. (Biographical Review of Henry County, Iowa. Chicago: Hobart Publishing Co.,1906, pp 587-588) (PE) |
James K. Clark
JAMES K. CLARK, editor and proprietor of the Mt. Pleasant Herald, was born in the city of Waterford, Ireland, May 10, 1846, and is a son of John and Anna (Jennings) Clark. His father was likewise a native of Waterford, and his mother was born in Dublin, in which city she died. His father is now a resident of New York. James K. was reared and educated in Dublin, and came to America in 1863, living in New York City until 1866, when he removed to Chicago, where he was married, in June, 1869, to Miss Theresa Titus, daughter of Henry Titus. Mrs. Clark was born in Chicago. Their union has been blessed with two sons and three daughters: Ida was born in Chicago, and is now seventeen; George W. was born in Kansas, and is fifteen; the rest were born in Mt. Pleasant, are are: Iola, aged eight; Carried, aged four, and Titus J., one year old. Mr. Clark was a resident of Chicago at the time of the great fire in 1871, and was one of the sufferers. After that he went to Iola, Kan., where he engaged in the boot and shoe business, and the following year removed to Topeka, where he was in the same trade for about a year, when he returned to Chicago, and became a wholesale manufacturer of boots and shoes, under and firm name of Reed & Clark. In 1874 the firm met with severe financial reverses, and the business was closed out, Mr. Clark coming to Mt. Pleasant, where he again engaged in the boot and shoe trade, carrying it until 1880, when he took up the newspaper business. The paper of which he is editor and proprietor was established as a "Greenback" paper in 1880 by Brown & Clark, Mr. R. C. Brown being the senior partner. That connection continued until 1884, when a stock company was formed to carry on the business. This was in force until the fall of 1886, when Mr. George H. Spahr bought the property, which he put under the management of Mr. Clark. Other changes had however intervened. In November, 1885, the paper was removed to Ft. Madison, where it was published under the name of Lee County Republican Herald. In February, 1886, Mr. Clark had started the Herald in New London, this county, but had removed it to Mt. Pleasant in March, 1887. It is now conducted solely by him, as editor and proprietor, and is a Union Labor organ, a seven-column quarto, published Fridays. Mr. Clark had led an active, stirring life. He has met with misfortunes but has risen superior to them, and being yet a young man, full of energy and ambition, will undoubtedly make for himself an honorable name and position. Bright and talented, he has already been called to important public trusts. During his short residence in Kansas he was a member of its Legislature, and in 1885 received the honor of a nomination for Lieutenant Governor of this State on the Greenback ticket, on which was the name of Elias Doty for Governor. A man of probity of character, he commands the respect of those who know him. (Portrait and Biographical Album, Henry County, Iowa; Acme Publishing Company, Chicago, 1888, p. 525) |
Michael Clark
MICHAEL CLARK is a farmer and stockraiser, residing upon section 1, Jackson Township. He was born in County Cavan, Ireland, in 1833, and is a son of Thomas and Ellen (Smith) Clark. The family emigrated to America in 1845, settling in Sullivan County, N. Y. In 1848 they came to Chicago, but returned the same year to New York. At that time there was but one hotel in that now prosperous city, and the swampy location offered but little inducement for the family to remain. They remained three years in New York, then went to New Haven, Conn., and remained until about the year 1854, when they came to this county. Here the parents lived and died, and were buried in the pioneer cemetery at Mt. Pleasant. They were pious Catholics, and were the parents of three children, two of whom died in New York State, leaving our subject the only one to represent a family whose name has been a familiar one in this county for more than a quarter of a century. He was married in this county to Miss Annie, daughter of John and Mary (Cassidy) Courtney, Jan. 4, 1871, Rev. Father Welch, of Mt. Pleasant, performing the ceremony. Our subject had earned by hard labor with his own hands every dollar that he paid for his nice farm, which was purchased before the marriage, and the young bride came immediately to the cosy little cabin which her husband had built in anticipation of her coming. From the beginning they have prospered, and their pastures are dotted with herds of cattle, and his well-tilled fields bring abundant crops. A new frame house took the place of the cabin in which their married life was begun, and the union has been blessed with several promising children. The sons are stalwart young men, and the daughters resemble their mother in both intellect and features. They were named in order of their birth: James, John, Ellen, Pearl, Mary, Rose, Kate and Sylvester. The family have ever been reckoned by their neighbors as one whom they can value as people of intelligence and thrift. As a self-made man Michael Clark is entitled to credit, and his good wife is an honor to her sex, and the faithful mother of her happy family of children, all of whom were born on the farm in Jackson Township. At the breaking out of the late war our subject joined Company D, 4th Iowa Cavalry, and for four years braved the shot and shell along with his comrades under Capt. Spearman. He was in every engagement in which his regiment participated, and was only in the hospital two weeks during his four years of service. All honor is due our gallant men who fought to preserve the Union, and we are pleased to make honorable mention of them. By his gallantry as a soldier, his integrity of character, and his honorable record as a good citizen, Mr. Clark is entitled to a place among the best people of Henry County. (Portrait and Biographical Album, Henry County, Iowa; Acme Publishing Company, Chicago, 1888, pp 323-324) (JC) |
HARRY WEAVER CLAWSON, conducting a profitable tin smithing and roofing business in New London, was born in Preble county, Ohio, September 3, 1857, and is a son of John and Lucy (Fisher) Clawson, who in the year 1853 took up their abode in Mount Pleasant, so that the son was educated in the public schools of that city, where he also attended Howe's Academy. His choice of an occupation led him to take up the tin smith's trade under the direction of his father and he has always continued his connection therewith. In 1876 he went to Creston, Iowa, where he was located until 1890, when he removed to Mount Pleasant, where he carried on his trade. He was also located for a time in both Fairfield and Ottumwa. He afterward returned to Mount Pleasant and since 1895 he has been engaged in business in New London, doing the entire tin work and roofing of this vicinity. He has equipments for carrying on work in every department of this line of activity and does all kinds of sheet metal work in every design. He also handles both gasoline and heating stoves and he has a well equipped establishment at the corner of Main and East Main streets, where business is carried on under the firm style of H. W. Clawson & Son, for he is associated with his son in the conduct of this enterprise. On the 8th of May, 1874, Mr. Clawson was united in marriage to Miss Mary Gunn, a daughter of Louis and Anna Belle Gunn. Unto them has been born a son, Frank LeRoy, who is a partner of his father in the tinning business, having thoroughly learned the trade under the direction of the senior member of the firm. He married Alberta Pixley and they had three children: Emma and Laura, now living; and Grace, who died in infancy. In his political views Mr. Clawson is an earnest democrat and in the year 1901 served as treasurer of New London. He belongs to the Universalist church and is interested in all that pertains to the intellectual and moral progress of the community as well as to its material growth and upbuilding. Mr. Clawson is a popular citizen, being a favorite with many warm friends and his position therefore in New London both in a business way and socially is an enviable one. (Biographical Review of Henry County, Iowa. Chicago: Hobart Publishing Co.,1906, pp 614-615) (PE) |
Harold E. Clement
HAROLD E. CLEMENT, M. D., of Trenton, Iowa, is a native of Wisconsin, born at Racine in 1853, and is the son of the Hon. Charles Clement, a native of Newburyport, Mass. His mother was Miranda (Crosby) Clement, a native of New Hampshire. Charles Clement was one of the first editors and publishers at Racine, Wis., having established the Racine Journal, which paper he edited until 1868. At that time his health failed, and he moved South with the hope that a change of climate would benefit him, he settled in McMinnville, Tenn., where he died Jan. 11, 1885, when seventy years of age. He was a leading man in political affairs in Racine for a number of years, was elected Superintendent of Public Schools of Racine County in 1851, filling that office for several years. He was afterward elected by the Republican party to the State Legislature, serving as Senator for several terms with credit to himself and to the satisfaction of his constituents. He was a well-read man, a college graduate and a thorough scholar. Mr. and Mrs. Clement were the parents of seven children, all of whom survive them. They are named respectively: Charles F., engaged in a railroad office in Minneapolis, Minn.; Florence M., residing in New York City; J. S., residing in Racine, Wis., is in the Manufacturers' National Bank of that city; George E., a locomotive engineer, lives in Minnesota; Mary S. is the wife of Frank S. Strong, a merchant of Chicago; Harold E., the subject of this sketch, and Lewis R., residing in Racine, Wis., engaged in the Union National Bank, in that city. Harold E. Clement was educated at the public schools of Racine, Wis., and at a private school in Tennessee. He also attended for one year the Vanderbilt University, at Nashville, Tenn., taking a course in the medical department of that institution. Afterward he attended the Medical College at Keokuk, Iowa, graduating there in 1884. He located first at Richland, Iowa, where he practiced successfully for a year, and next located at Lowell, Henry County, in 1881, and here also enjoyed a good practice. In 1884 he came to his present location at Trenton, where he has since remained and has an extensive practice, which many an older doctor might well envy. Dr. Clement is a thorough physician and a polished gentleman, and his worth is appreciated by the people of Trenton and vicinity, among whom he deservedly stands high. Dr. Clement has been twice married, first in 1875, to Miss Willie A. Hopkins, a native of McMinnville, Tenn., and a daughter of Samuel A. and Martha (Scales) Hopkins. By this union two children were born-Minnie M. and Louise E., the mother dying in August, 1880, at the age of twenty-two. On the 11th of December, 1884, Dr. Clement was again married, his wife being Miss Manche Miller, a native of Iowa. (Portrait and Biographical Album, Henry County, Iowa; Acme Publishing Company, Chicago, 1888, p 215.)(JC) |
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