Abraham - Arthand

John Abraham

JOHN ABRAHAM, deceased, was numbered among the pioneers of Henry County of 1841. He was a native of Butler County, Ohio, born in 1805, and there grew to manhood, and received a limited education in the old log school-house. By reason and reflection, in after years he became well read and posted in general affairs. In about 1827 he was united in marriage, in Butler County, Ohio with Miss Sarah McCue, a native of Pennsylvania. Lot Abraham, his father, was an extensive dealer in hogs, and in consequence of the hard times following the panic of 1837, failed in business. John, not willing to see his father suffer, or be harrassed by creditors in his old age, sold his farm, and divided the proceeds with him, thus enabling him to settle with his creditors. With the sum remaining, amounting to about $1,400, in 1841 John Abraham emigrated to Henry County, Iowa, and purchased 400 acres of land, for which he paid $1,600. He at once commenced to improve the land but was not long permitted to enjoy the fruits of it. He died in 1843, leaving a wife and seven children, of whom six remain: Susan, residing in Center Township; Rebecca, wife of A. H. Jackman, now of Ft. Robinson, Neb.; Sarah is the wife of Noah Johnson, of this county; Lot resides on the old homestead; John M. lives in Douglas County, Neb.; Catherine married E. W. Roberts, and died in this county in 1871; Margaret is the wife of Samuel Grafft, of Butler County, Ohio. Politically Mr. Abraham was an ardent Democrat. Mrs. Abraham was a member of the Christian Church for twenty years prior to her death.

(Portrait and Biographical Album, Henry County, Iowa; Acme Publishing Company, Chicago, 1888, pp. 482-3)


Lot Abraham
HON. LOT ABRAHAM, section 35, Center Township, was born in Butler County, Ohio, April 18, 1838. In 1841, when but three years of age, he came with his parents to Henry County, Iowa, where he grew to manhood, and received his education in the common schools. In September, 1861, he enlisted as a private in Company D, 4th Iowa Cavalry, and was mustered into the United States service at Camp Harlan. After remaining in camp for a short time, the company was ordered to Benton Barracks near St. Louis, from which place it was sent to Rolla and Springfield, Mo., and at Pea Ridge joined the command of Gen. Curtis. It was next ordered to Batesville, Ark., and then to Helena, in the same State, operating as scouts. From Helena the regiment was sent to Vicksburg, participating in the siege of that city. It was next ordered to Jackson, Miss., where it took part in two battles. Returning to Vicksburg, it was sent up the Yazoo River, and was on what is known as the Winslow raid, engaged in destroying railroads, being in the saddle thirteen days and nights, stopping only long enough to feed their horses, and returning north to Memphis, Tenn. In this raid 300 cars and fifty engines were captured, some of which they destroyed. From Memphis the regiment was sent by boat to Vicksburg, where it went into winter quarters. The Meridian raid next occupied their attention, from which they again returned to Vicksburg, where almost the entire regiment re-enlisted, after which they received a furlough to return home. Much of the credit for the re-enlistment of the regiment was due to Capt. Abraham, who worked hard among the men for that purpose. On their return from veteran furlough, the regiment was sent on the raid to Bolivar and Guntown. Their next fight was at Tupelo, where they fought and defeated Forrest. Returning to Memphis, it was next sent to Holly Springs, and was there when Forrest made his raid. Sept. 2, 1864, they crossed the river and went to intercept Price, and participated in all the fights of that campaign. The regiment was next ordered to St. Louis, where it was supplied with new uniforms. Here Capt. Abraham was left in command of the regiment, and it was ordered to Nashville, Tenn., and subsequently was sent to Louisville, Ky., where they refitted, and later was on the Wilson raid. After the close of the war, and while the armistice was still pending, Capt. Abraham being at Macon, Ga., with his command, with Lieut. L. Mann and fifty enlisted men, he was sent to Washington, Ga., to parole Wheeler's cavalry, which consisted of 4,000 men and eight Generals, among whom were Gen. John Vaughn, who had displeased Jeff Davis, and was under arrest, Gen. G.G. Gibbrel, Gen. Williams of Kentucky, and others. They arrived there the day after the last cabinet meeting of the Southern Confederacy was held. At Washington Capt. Abraham met Toombs and had a long talk with him, and was requested by the latter to come down and get some money which he had at his house. The Captain got the money and gave his receipt for $5,180, which he soon after turned over to the General Government. At Washington he remained for ten days, and they reported to Gen. Wilson at Macon, Ga., but was sent back with his company to look after rebel property, and there remained until the 4th of July. They were then sent to Atlanta, Ga., where they were mustered out Aug. 8, 1865,receiving their final discharge at Davenport, Iowa, August 24 of the same year. On receiving his discharge, Capt. Abraham returned to Henry County, where, on the 13th day of September, 1865, he was united in marriage with Miss Sarah C. Alden, a daughter of Zephaniah and Damaris (Thompson) Alden. She is a native of Guernsey County, Ohio, and came with her parents to Henry County, Iowa, in 1841. Four children have been born unto them: John G., now a student in the Ames Agricultural College, in the class of 1888;Sallie, also attending the same school; and Mary and Katie at home.

On her father's side Mrs. Abraham traces her ancestry back to the celebrated John Alden, who came over from England in the "Mayflower", in 1620, and who has been immortalized by Longfellow in his celebrated poem, "TheCourtship of Miles Standish", where John was pleading the cause of Miles to the beautiful and loving Priscilla, urging her to wed his friend, while at the same time his heart had been lost to the one with whom he was so eloquently pleading, and who, unknown to him, returned his love, and in reply said: "Why don't you speak for yourself, John?" The result of this question was, that John did speak for himself, and of their union was born Joseph Alden, of Bridgewater, Mass., who was the father of a son, also named Joseph, and who died at the age of seventy-three. The second Joseph also lived in Bridgewater, and died at the age of eighty, leaving a son Daniel, who resided at Hartford, Conn., and who also lived to the ripe old age of eighty. He had a son Daniel, who made his home in Lebanon, Mass., and who lived to the age of seventy. Both Daniels were well known in their native State, and for many years held the honorable position of Justice of the Peace. Daniel, of Lebanon, had a son Barnabas, who died aged sixty, leaving a son bearing the same name, who passed away at the age of seventy. His son, Jonathan, lived to be eighty years of age. Jonathan was the father of Zephaniah, the father of Mrs. Abraham. Zephaniah Alden was born in Massachusetts, in 1812, and there learned the trade of a stone-cutter. In 1837 he wedded Damaris Thompson, in Guernsey County, Ohio, to which place he had previously removed, and four years later the young couple removed to Henry County, Iowa, where Mr. Alden died in 1850, at the age of thirty-eight, being the youngest member of the family to ever pass away. On coming to this county, for a time he combined farming with his trade of stone-cutter, but in consequence of ill-health could not follow the plow, and therefore gave his attention solely to his trade. He dressed the first marble in Henry County, and put the first lettering on tombstones. He was a man of excellent character, and was respected by all who knew him. His widow is still living, and makes her home with her daughter. Of their six children, but two are now living: Mrs. Abraham and John B. Alden, the well-known book publisher of New York City. The latter, though yet comparatively a young man, has made his name a household word, his catalogue of publications comprising the best standard works, and all sold at a price bringing them within the reach of the very poorest. The grandfather of Mrs. Abraham, on her mother's side, was a well-known pioneer and minister. Samuel Thompson was a native of Maine, born in 1782. He grew to manhood in his native State, his early life being spent upon the farm, while his educational advantages were meager, indeed. Making the best use of all the advantages within his reach, reading little, and reflecting more, he became well posted upon all topics of general interest. At the age of twenty he made a profession of religion, and united with the Methodist Episcopal Church, and, showing an aptness for public speaking, he was at once licensed as an exhorter, and one year later united with the conference, was ordained, and assigned to the Cape Cod district. He continued to labor as a minister in his native State until about the close of the war with Great Britain, when he removed with his family to West Virginia, where he remained about five years, and then removed to Guernsey County, Ohio. In 1847 he came to Henry County, Iowa, and located in what is now Tippecanoe Township, where he combined farming with preaching, continuing actively in the latter work until within four years of his death, which occurred in 1866. In about 1803 he was united in marriage with Miss Sarah Harrington, by whom he had twelve children, seven boys and five girls, of whom seven are yet living. For nineteen years he was a citizen of Henry County, and few among the older citizens but well remembered the good old man. Of that rugged nature peculiar to those born among the hills of Maine, he was not afraid to express himself freely upon all questions affecting the public interests. Living for a time in a slave State, and witnessing the beauties of the "peculiar institution", he came to abhor slavery, and therefore determined to do all he could for its abolition. He was not afraid to be called an Abolitionist, but rather gloried in the name. He left the Methodist Episcopal Church, and united with the Protestant Methodists on account of the more radical position of the latter body on the slavery question. On the temperance question he was likewise radical, and believing the use of intoxicating liquors hurtful, he waged continual warfare against their use. No uncertain sound came from his lips on this question. As a minister of the Gospel, he believed in "declaring the whole counsels of God" as he understood them, and therefore was a most earnest laborer in the Lord's vineyard. He was by nature an eloquent man, with a good command of language, and was eagerly listened to by the thousands who sat under the sound of his voice.

In early life Capt. Abraham was politically a Democrat, but since 1864 he has affiliated with the Republican party, at that time casting his vote for Abraham Lincoln for the Presidency. In political matters he has usually taken an active part, and in 1881 received the nomination from his party to the State Senate, was elected and served in the Nineteenth and Twentieth General Assemblies with credit to himself and his constituents. A member of McFarland Post No. 20, G.A.R., he takes an active interest in all its works. In the temperance cause he is also quite active, and is never afraid to express his opinions freely upon that question. Capt. Abraham, with his family, occupies a beautiful home on section 35, Center Township, where he is the owner of 345 acres of land, all of which is under a high state of cultivation.

(Portrait and Biographical Album, Henry County, Iowa; Acme Publishing Company, Chicago, 1888, pp. 483-486)


Captain Lot Abraham

The broad prairies of Iowa have furnished splendid opportunities to the agriculturist, and taking advantage of the natural resources of the state in this regard have been many men of excellent business capacity, keen discernment and untiring industry, who, through the utilization of the opportunities here afforded, have advanced to a position of affluence, if not of wealth. To this class belongs Captain Abraham, now recognized as one of the prominent farmers of Center township, Henry county. Moreover, he is an honored veteran of the Civil war and is a recognized leader in republican circles. He stands as a high type of our American manhood, manifesting business integrity, public-spirited citizenship, and due regard for man's obligations to his fellow man.

Captain Abraham was born in Butler county, Ohio , on the 18 th of April, 1838 , a son of John and Sarah ( McCue ) Abraham. When three years of age he was brought by his parents to Center township, Henry county, his father purchasing land on section 35, where the son still resides. John Abraham, however, was not long permitted to enjoy his new home, being called to his final rest. He left a widow with seven small children, one of whom was born subsequent to the father's demise. With most commendable courage and resolution, Mrs. Abraham kept her little flock together until her sons and daughters had attained adult age and were able to care for themselves. The educational advantages of the locality were poor and the "temple of learning" was but a log building. Through broad reading, general observation and experience, however, Captain Abraham has obtained a good education. Being the eldest son, he took charge of the home farm, and was yet a young lad when brought before the business world. After he had attained his majority he and his brother began purchasing the interest of the other heirs in the home property, and to the further improvement and cultivation of the land Captain Abraham devoted his time and attention, until after the outbreak of the Civil war in 1861.

He then enlisted for three years' serving as a private of Company D, Fourth Iowa Cavalry. Within six months, however, he had been promoted to the rank of first lieutenant, having passed through the intermediate grade of orderly sergeant. At the end of the year he had become captain. The regiment first went with Curtis through Missouri and Arkansas , and later participated in the siege of Vicksburg and was with Sherman on the Meridian expedition in February, 1864. In 1864 Captain Abraham was on active duty under Generals Sturgis and Smith, and in the fall of that year made a trip after Price through Missouri . He then re-enlisted with his company for three years more and from there received his veteran furlough, and in 1865 returned to Nashville , but was too late for the battle there. His command was then attached to Wilson 's cavalry corps, and from that point started on the Georgia campaign. Captain Abraham was prominent in his command, and General Upton in his report says of him: "The Fourth Iowa Cavalry, dismounted, under Captain Lot Abraham, passed through the breach, turned to the right, charged the redoubt, capturing ten guns, and then sweeping across the bridge with the flying rebels, captured two howitzers loaded with canister. Mounted companies from the same regiment followed in the rear of Captain Abraham, and after crossing the bridge turned to the right and charged in flank the works at the lower bridge. * * * Captain Lot Abraham, Company D, Fourth Iowa, for his gallantry at Columbus, Georgia, April 15, 1865, and at Selma, Alabama, April 2, 1865, is recommended for brevet major." These extracts are from pages four seventy-one, four seventy-five and four seventy-seven of volume forty-nine of the official reports of the war of the rebellion. On page four eighty-two of the same volume General Winslow says: "I respectfully recommend that the rank of major by brevet be conferred on Captain Lot Abraham, Company D, Fourth Iowa Cavalry. This officer has frequently displayed great courage, handled his command in a very gallant manner at Columbus and Selma , captured a four-gun battery at Selma repulsing the enemy in his attempt to recover it." Also complimentary mention is found in other places of the war reports concerning Captain Abraham's service. Following the close of hostilities he was sent to Washington , Georgia , where he paroled Wheeler's cavalry, spending two months there in charge of the government property. He also had charge of the archives of the Confederacy and sent car loads of such material to Washington, D. C. He was discharged at Atlanta , August 8, 1865 .

Returning to his home, Captain Abraham soon began independent farming, purchasing one-half of the old homestead, to which he added from time to time until he owned six hundred and forty acres, but he has since sold one-half of this to his son. He has been a prominent stock-raiser and feeder and his live stock has found ready sale on the market. At the present time he is making a specialty of breeding registered Hereford cattle, he having purchased eighteen of Captain Beckwith's registered white-faced females, and has probably the best animal in the county to head his herd, and pure bred Duroc Jersey hogs.

Captain Abraham is recognized as a distinguished republican leader in his district, active in support of the party, while his labors are most effective in advancing its interest. He has served for a number of times as chairman of the Central County Committee and has put forth effective effort in securing the nominations of good candidates. He was nominated and elected in 1881 to the senate, serving form 1882 until 1884, being a member of that body during the last session held in the old capitol and the first in the new capitol. He was a member of the committee on agriculture and four other committees, including that on prohibition. He was elected on the republican ticket, but was known as an ardent advocate of prohibition principles. He took a most active and helpful part in passing the prohibitory law in 1884 and was also active in his work for the benefit of the agricultural interest of the state. He also became widely known through his efforts to prevent the acceptance of passes by the members of the legislature, thereby placing themselves under obligations to further legislative movements for the benefit of the railroad companies, often to the detriment of the public at large.

While not holding office since his retirement form the senate, Captain Abraham has never faltered in his efforts to benefit his state and country by his active political work and he is now one of the leading members of the republican party in Henry county. He has, moreover, wide and favorable acquaintance in Grand Army circles, his membership being in McFarland Post, No. 20, Grand Army of the Republic, of which he has served as commander. For many years he has attended the state encampments and is an active worker in behalf of the interests of the old soldiers. He was likewise a delegate to the national encampments at Minneapolis , Pittsburg , Cleveland and San Francisco , and in a private capacity has attended many other meetings of the national body of the Grand Army of the Republic.

Captain Abraham was married in 1865, soon after his return from the war, to Miss Sarah C. Alden, a sister of John B. Alden, a well known publisher of New York city . She was killed in a runaway accident, August 5, 1888 , leaving three daughters and a son. John G., who is a graduate of Ames Agricultural College , married Miss Alice Barger and is now a well known farmer of Jackson township. Sarah, who was also educated at Ames College , is the wife of William H. Waugh, an extensive rice planter living near Galveston , Texas . Mary is the wife of George Wright and resides in Jackson township, Kate is the wife of Morton Bourne, of Long Beach , California . For his second wife Captain Abraham chose Mrs. Mary E. Blacker, a daughter of Peter Blant. She was born in Butler county, Ohio , where she resided until the time of her marriage to Captain Abraham on the 22 nd of October, 1891 . They now have one son, Frank P.

Captain Abraham has been a member of the Christian church. He believes in Christianity without creed, recognizing that the true spirit of religion is found in Biblical teaching and not in its interpretation by men. He has been an extensive traveler, visiting every state and territory of the Union and also the Canadian provinces. He has likewise traveled abroad, visiting England , France , Switzerland , Italy and other sections of Europe , also Syria , Palestine and Egypt . He has been a close and careful observer of the forms and customs of the various people whom he has met and through travel and reading has become a broad-minded, intelligent man. He possesses, moreover, a retentive memory and his mind is stored with many interesting reminiscences of his trips. He has over four hundred camera views of different scenes, a portion of which he has made into stereopticon slides for the entertainment of himself and friends.

Captain Abraham is always in touch with the progress of the times in business life, in political thought, in religious sentiment and in the general movement of the world toward a higher civilization, and he has been a forceful factor in molding public thought and opinion, leaving the impress of his individuality for good upon many lines of thought and activity.

(Biographical Review of Henry County, Iowa. Chicago: Hobart Publishing Co.,1906, p. 284)


John Alfred Abrahamson

John Alfred Abrahamson is the owner of an excellent farm of eighty acres in Wayne township, well improved with all modern accessories and equipments and the spirit of enterprise and progress is manifest in his work and constitutes the secret of his success. He is yet a young man, but has already attained a very creditable position as a representative of agricultural interests in his native county. He was born in Wayne township, November 28, 1871 , and is a son of William and Sophia ( Johnson ) Abrahamson.

The father, a native of Sweden , came to America and to the Mississippi valley prior to the Civil war, settling first in Illinois . At the time of hostilities between the north and the south he enlisted for service in behalf of the Union cause, becoming a member of Company K, Eighty-fourth Illinois Infantry. The command was ordered to the front and he took part in active field duty until he was shot in the leg and one of his shoulders, which disabled him for some time. When he had sufficiently recovered his health he was stationed to guard prisoners and he thus continued in the army until the close of the war. After receiving an honorable discharge he returned to his home in Illinois , but soon removed to Iowa , settling in Jefferson county, for a short time. He afterward purchased fifty-three acres of farm land on section 34, Wayne township, Henry county, which was a tract of wild prairie, on which he placed all of the improvements. He afterward traded that farm for eighty acres in the western part of the same section and upon the new farm made his home until his death, which occurred September 30, 1877 . He worked untiringly year after year to develop his property and transformed a wild tract into a richly cultivated farm. His widow still survives him and continued to reside upon the old homestead until 1904, since which time she has made her home with her son John.

In taking up the personal history of John Alfred Abrahamson we present to our readers the life record of one whose persistency of purpose and unfaltering energy have enabled him to rise from a humble financial position to one of affluence. In his youth he attended the district schools and worked at farm labor upon the old homestead, remaining with his mother until twenty-six years of age. He was then married on the 12 th of January, 1898, to Miss Hilma Sophia Peterson, who was born near Stanton, Montgomery county, Iowa, and is a daughter of Oscar and Almeda Sophia ( Swanson ) Peterson, the former a native of Sweden and the latter of Jefferson county, Iowa. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Abrahamson has been blessed with two daughters: Bessie Almeda, born March 28, 1899 ; and Myrtle Naomi, born January 9, 1902 .

Throughout his entire life Mr. Abrahamson has been connected with agricultural pursuits. In connection with his brother Frank he purchased one hundred and six acres of land on section 34, Wayne township, and this they operated together for four years. Their brother Oscar, according to arrangements previously made, was then taken in as an equal partner and the business interests were conducted by the three brothers until 1900, when their land was divided, fifty-three acres coming to John A. Abrahamson as his share. He has purchased from his brother on the north an amount of land sufficient to make his farm eighty acres in extent and he has now a good and well improved property, having erected a house of six rooms, also with pantry, closets and halls. He afterward built an addition to and remodeled his barn, which is thirty-four by thirty feet, furnishing ample shelter for hay and horses. He also has a double corn crib, twenty-six by thirty-two feet, and a portion of this is used as a granary. He has drilled a well to the depth of one hundred and thirty-seven feet and he carries on general farming and also raises cattle and hogs. He has likewise a good orchard upon his place, containing thirty apple trees, thirty peach trees and also eight plum trees and three cherry trees. The farm indicates his careful supervision and practical methods in its splendidly cultivated and cared-for appearance.

In all his work Mr. Abrahamson is practical and quickly recognizes and utilizes any business opportunity. He early came to a realization of the fact as stated in the admonition of the old Greek philosopher, "Earn thy reward; the gods give naught to sloth," and as the years have passed by he has labored so energetically that he is now classed with the substantial agriculturists of Wayne township. He votes with the Republican party and he holds membership in the Swedish Lutheran church, and at all times he is recognized as one who is fearless in support of his honest convictions.

(Biographical Review of Henry County, Iowa. Chicago: Hobart Publishing Co.,1906, p. 304)


Oscar Victor Abrahamson

Oscar Victor Abrahamson, youngest brother of John Alfred Abrahamson, is also a well known land owner of this community, having a well improved farm of eighty acres on section 34, Wayne township. He was born August 11, 1874 , on the old home place and received his preliminary education in the public schools and then attended the Lutheran Academy , at Wahoo, Nebraska , for one term. He worked on the farm with his brothers until he was about eighteen years of age, but was never very robust, and on account of failing health he was compelled to go to Nebraska for two and one-half years, then returned to Iowa . He completed his education in the Mount Pleasant Academy and in Elliott's Business College . On the 29 th of March, 1900 , he was united in marriage to Miss Elizabeth Amelia Johnson, born and educated in Ottumwa , Iowa . To them have been two born children: Prudence Irene; and Margaret Louise, both born in Wayne township. Mr. Abrahamson is a man who has not been easily discouraged, and though hindered by ill health, has put forth every effort to overcome all difficulties, and his efforts have been crowned by success as is shown by his well kept and prosperous appearing farm and his pleasant home. He and his family are member of the Swedish Lutheran church, and are faithful attendants of that body.

(Biographical Review of Henry County, Iowa. Chicago: Hobart Publishing Co.,1906, p. 306)


Andrew Allen

Andrew Allen, now deceased, was for many years actively engaged in general farming and stock-raising in Henry county and became a prosperous citizen. His birth occurred in Knox county, Missouri , on the 31 st of October, 1842 , his parents being Robert Oden and Keziah ( Davis ) Allen, both of whom were natives of Indiana . In early life they went to Missouri with their respective parents and were married in the latter state. They then began their domestic life there and continued to reside in Missouri until called to the home beyond.

Andrew Allen was educated in the common schools near his father's home and was reared to farm labor, gaining in proficiency in the work of the fields as the years passed by. He continued with his parents until twenty-six years of age, when he removed to McDonough county, Illinois . On the 8 th of August, 1865 , he was united in marriage to Miss Malvena Hungate, who was born in McDonough county, and was a daughter of Charles and Catherine ( Dorothy ) Hungate, both of whom were natives of Kentucky , whence they removed to McDonough county, Illinois , in an early day and were there married.

Not long after his marriage Mr. Allen came to Henry county, Iowa , settling in Canaan township, where he purchased one hundred and twenty acres of land, building thereon a good house. He otherwise improved the property, which was a tract of wild prairie when it came into his possession. He turned the first furrows in the fields and continued the work of plowing, planting and harvesting until annually he gathered rich crops, which found a ready sale on the market and thus brought him a good financial return for his labor. He worked persistently and untiringly year after year, giving his undivided attention to his agricultural pursuits up to the time of his death.

Unto Mr. and Mrs. Allen were born six children:

Charles , born June 1, 1867 , and died at the age of thirty-one years. He was a farmer and resided in Canaan township. He married Miss Fannie Lynn, who now resides in Missouri.

Robert, born November 20, 1868 , resides in Canaan township, where he is engaged in farming. He married Jennie Bryson. They have one daughter, Donna.

Frank , born on the 20 th of December, 1871 . He resides in Baltimore township, Henry county, Iowa , and is a farmer. He married Stella Davey, and they have two daughters, Vida and Fern.

Mary Catherine , who was born February 16, 1875 , in Canaan township, Henry county, Iowa , was educated in the public schools of Mount Union . She married Richard Peckham, now deceased, who was born in Washington township, Des Moines county, Iowa . He was born October 20, 1869 , and was a farmer and resided in Washington township until his death, which occurred February 22, 1899 . They had one son.

Perl Monroe , born in Washington township, Des Moines county, Iowa , on March 25, 1896 , is now a student in the Mount Union schools.

Mrs. Peckham now resides with her mother.

Clara , born February 8, 1878 , the wife of Howard Snyder, of Canaan township. They have one daughter, Vera.

Lura , born June 2, 1881 , is the wife of Frank Young, of Canaan township. They have two children, Adelbert Allen and Frances Lucile.

All the children of Mrs. Allen were born in Canaan township, Henry county, Iowa

The death of Mr. Allen occurred on the 1 st of August, 1886 , when he was but forty-four years of age. He voted with the democracy, but was never a politician in the sense of office seeking, preferring to devote his energies to his business interests, which were carefully conducted and brought him a good return. His life was characterized by integrity as well as industry and his name was an honored one. Following her husband's death Mrs. Allen continued to reside upon the farm and there erected a fine residence in 1893. She purchased eighty acres of land on section 14, Canaan township, which was improved and which she sold in 1894 to her son, Robert, who has further improved the property. She still lives upon the old homestead and is one of the esteemed ladies of the community, having a large circle of warm friends.

(Biographical Review of Henry County, Iowa. Chicago: Hobart Publishing Co.,1906. p. 527)


George W.S. Allen

GEORGE W. S. ALLEN, dealer in clothing, hats, caps and furnishing goods, has been established in that business in Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, since 1882. He is a native of Rutland County, Vt., born Oct. 15, 1850, and is a son of Robert and Eliza (Albee) Alien, both of whom were also natives of the Green Mountain State. The Allen family were of English and Scotch ancestry, and for many generations had been residents of New England. The parents of the subject of this sketch removed to Iowa in 1855, and made their home in Lee County, whence they removed to Salem, Henry County, in 1862, in which year the elder Allen died, aged forty-three. His wife is now living at Creston Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. Allen had four children, all of whom are now living, and are named: John F., who is a hotel-keeper at Creston, Iowa; Elvira, wife of Levi Snell, formerly a merchant in Mt. Pleasant, now a real-estate dealer in Lincoln, Neb.; Ella M., wife of Charles Dahlburg, in charge of the telegraph lines on the West Division of the C., B., & Q. R. R., and living at Creston, and George W. S., who was the youngest. After getting such education as was afforded by the public schools, the latter attended the High School at Mt. Pleasant, and began his business life as clerk for E. L. Penn & Co. He remained with that firm some time, and then sought employment with Mr. George H. Spohr, clothier, with whom he remained until he engaged in business for himself, which was in the year 1882. He carries a stock of from $10,000 to $15,000 worth of goods.

Mr. Allen was married, Oct. 28, 1886, to Miss Mary Whiting, daughter of John H. Whiting, of Mt. Pleasant, of whom see sketch in another part of this volume. Mrs. Allen is a native of Mt. Pleasant.

(Portrait and Biographical Album, Henry County, Iowa; Acme Publishing Company, Chicago, 1888, pp 289-290) (JC)


Isaac W. Allen

ISAAC W. ALLEN, of Henry County, Iowa, resides on section 9, Jefferson Township, and is engaged in farming. Jackson Allen, the father of our subject, came with his family from Clarke County, Ohio, in October, 1846, and located in Henry County, and filed a claim upon land one mile south of where Wayland now stands. Braxon Benn had built a small cabin, and for this and his claim Mr. Allen traded a span of horses. In Ohio, Jackson Allen wedded Mary Ann Wade, and eleven children were born to them in that State, two of whom were twins, who died in infancy, their names being Mary A. and Julia A.; John, who is married and resides near Stockton, Cal.; Maria became the wife of Erastus Warren, who died in the army; Jesse, husband of Rachel Anderson, is a farmer residing in Jefferson Township; Reece wedded Melissa J. Warren, and resides in Jefferson Township; Ellen D. wedded J. N. Allen, now deceased, who was ex-County Clerk of Henry County; his widow resides in Mt. Pleasant. Our subject followed; then came Jane, who died unmarried; Samantha, residing in Council Bluffs, is the wife of Edward Sayles, agent at the Union Depot in that city; Sarah E. is the widow of Dennis Warren, and Alvin S., husband of Am Mahafsfy, resides in Wayland, and was born in this county. Alvin was older than Sarah. The last three were born in Henry County. Jackson Allen entered forty acres of land and purchased the claim mentioned. After a long lifetime spent on the farm, he sold the first purchase, removed to Wayland and lived a retired life. Mrs. Allen died at the age of sixty-seven years, and Mr. Allen in his eightieth year. Jackson Allen was for several years in the early history of the county, Assessor, and afterward represented the township as Trustee. He was active in the erection of the Methodist Episcopal Church at Wayland, of which his wife was a member. He was by birth and profession a Friend, and worshiped at their church in Wayland Township.

Isaac Allen was born in 1844, and from his second year has been a resident of Henry County, with the exception of two years spent in California. He was educated, married, and has reared a family on her soil, and is one of her best known men. In 1867 Miss Keziah Musgrove, of this county, became his wife. She was born and reared in Clark County, Ill. Her people have all removed from that State to Kansas, and her father, John Musgrove, a member of Company H, 25th Iowa Infantry, died in the service. Reece Allen was a member of the same company and regiment, and also Erastus Warren. Since the marriage of Isaac Allen and Miss Musgrove five children have graced their home: Cora B.; Ella M., who married C. C. Wenger, Jr., of Wayland, Dec. 8, 1887; John Jackson, Bessie I. and Anna. Mr. Allen resides upon the farm last purchased by his father, adjoining the town of Wayland, known as the R. M. Pickle farm, and a portion of which comprises the village plat of Wayland. When a young man he learned the blacksmithing trade of M. C. McCormick & Son, and started a shop of his own in Wayland, at which trade he worked twenty years, then bought his present farm and went to farming. He is a successful farmer and owns 120 acres of land, and is a credit to the township in which his family resides. We are pleased to make such mention as the Allen family deserve in the history of the county, where for many years they have resided.

(Portrait and Biographical Album, Henry County, Iowa; Acme Publishing Company, Chicago, 1888, pp 274-275) (JC)


Dr. J.B. Allen

DR. J. B. ALLEN, Hillsboro, Iowa. Few men in a business or professional life remain for a quarter of a century in one city or village, but the subject of this sketch has been a continuous resident and physician of Hillsboro for almost two score years. He was born in Muskingum County, Ohio, in 1822, and is a son of Thomas and Rachel (Green) Allen. The death of Thomas Allen occurred when his son, our subject, was one year old. Thomas Allen was a Major in the War of 1812, and died at the age of thirty-five years, leaving a widow and five children. The mother owned a small farm upon which they lived for a few years, and all was harmonious and the children were happy in the love of their mother and the companionship of each other until the death of the mother in 1833. The children were named respectively-Jane, Alfred A., Thomas G., Joseph B. and Calvin. The eldest daughter wedded Julius Beach, a farmer of that county, about a year after her mother's death, and the eldest son became an inmate of the family of David Bacon. Later he taught school in Ohio, and afterward practiced medicine in Elizabethtown, Ind., later in Mercer County, Ill., and is now a practicing physician in Dakota. He was twice married; the first wife was Sarah Heal, who bore one daughter; the deaths of both mother and daughter occurred in Illinois, and in that State Nancy Maloy became his wife. She bore several children, one of whom, Austin B., is a physician and surgeon of prominence in Missouri.

The death of Calvin occurred in infancy, and the two younger surviving sons, Thomas and Joseph B., were consigned to the care of Deacon John Hammond, by the loving mother upon her dying bed. He was a father to the two orphan boys and they were given all the opportunities for an education that the Deacon's children enjoyed. All were reared upon a farm. Thomas remained a bachelor, and at one time was a merchant of Hillsboro, Henry Co., Iowa, but is now a resident of Nebraska. Our subject, Dr. Joseph B. Allen, always desired to become a physician, and having secured all the education afforded by the common schools, his foster-father, the good Deacon mentioned, sent him to an academy in Guernsey County, Ohio, he being at that time eighteen years of age. At twenty he began the study of medicine with Dr. Welcome Ballou, of Cumberland, and his first practice was in partnership with his brother in Indiana. In 1844 the Doctor came West and located in the country in Mercer County, Ill., and a few months later settled in Little York, Warren County, where he remained ten years. While a resident of that village, in 1845, he wedded Dorothy M. Hammond, a niece of the Deacon mentioned. She bore four children, two of whom are yet living: Richard E. and Mary A., the latter the wife of Cyrus Newbold, a brother of ex-Gov. J. G. Newbold. After the death of Mrs. Allen the Doctor removed to Iowa, and located in Hillsboro, Henry County, in 1854. He purchased the practice of the resident physician, Dr. Weir, and eighteen months later was wedded to Miss Sarah J. Kimes, a daughter of Dr. Royal P. and Priscilla (Hull) Kimes, who were residents of Hillsboro, where Dr. Kimes had practiced, but at the time of his death was in St. Louis, whither he had gone for, the purpose of graduating. His widow later wedded John Billingsley, whose death occurred afterward, and she now resides in Van Buren County, near Hillsboro. Two children were born to the second marriage-Mary and Samuel. Dr. Allen has been actively engaged in the practice of medicine for thirty-three consecutive years, and also has engaged in mercantile business in Hillsboro. During his residence in that village and since his last marriage five children have graced his home: William S., a lawyer of Birmingham, Iowa, the husband of Ella McCormick; Louis B. is a practicing physician of Humboldt, Neb., the husband of Queen V. Gaylor; he was formerly a partner of his father in Hillsboro, and after three years spent with him removed to his present location, and is now the principal physician of that city. Louis is a graduate of Keokuk Medical College, and William is a graduate of the law department of the State University. Emma was the first daughter, followed by Anna B., now the wife of John W. Harper, of Ravenna, Garfield Co., Kan., where he is in part proprietor of the probable county seat. Flora, the youngest daughter, died in infancy. During a long lifetime of honorable management our subject has earned and saved a competence. He is one of the most widely known physicians of his county, and among society and in public he and his family enjoy a most enviable reputation. Dr. Allen is a graduate in medicine from New York City and belongs to the regular school. Forty years of active practice have made him an expert in diagnosis. We are pleased to give him a place as a deserved one among the professional men of his county.

(Portrait and Biographical Album, Henry County, Iowa; Acme Publishing Company, Chicago, 1888, pp 265-266) (JC)


Jesse B. Allen

JESSE B. ALLEN is a farmer and resides on section 4, Jefferson Township, Henry Co., Iowa. He was born in 1837, and was nine years of age when his parents came to Henry County, which has been his home ever since, excepting two years spent in California with his brother John. Reared and educated upon a farm he chose that avocation, and in it has gained the success which comes to those of industrious habits. In 1867 Miss Rachel, daughter of Jonathan and Julia (Gardiner) Anderson, of this county, became his wife. Her family came to Henry County in 1865, from Licking County, Ohio, in which State Mr. and Mrs. Anderson were married. Julia Gardiner was a native of Maryland, and Jonathan Anderson of Virginia. There were nine children born to this worthy couple: Daniel, who wedded Eliza J. Palmer, resides in Smith County, Kan.; Catharine wedded Edward Crosby, a farmer of Page County, Iowa; Nancy married David Davies; Maria became the wife of Sterling Davis, of Smith County, Kan.; Jennie married Calvin Oglesby, of Osborne County, Kan.; James, deceased; Rachel, wife of our subject; Ellen, widow of Sebastin Roush, of Page County; Mr. Roush died in this township, where he was well known. William became the husband of Mariab Harlan; they reside in Page County. The parents of these children removed to that county in 1879, and three years later the wife and mother died. Jonathan Anderson, now an aged gentleman of eighty-three years, finds a comfortable home with his children, all of whom are in easy circumstances, the sons being farmers and the daughters wives of farmers. Two children have blessed the union of Jesse and Rachel Allen-the first, Wade J., born March 29, 1869, and the second died in infancy.

In 1865 Mr. Allen purchased his present farm near the village of Wayland, which furnishes excellent school facilities, markets and church privileges. The family are, like those of their name and kindred, honored in society, esteemed by their neighbors, and prominent factors in the township in which they reside.

(Portrait and Biographical Album, Henry County, Iowa; Acme Publishing Company, Chicago, 1888, pp 249-250)(JC)


Joseph Boyd Allen, M. D.

Dr. Joseph Boyd Allen, who for many years was actively engaged in the practice of medicine and surgery and still at the age of eighty years writes prescriptions and does some office work in the line of his profession, was born in Muskingum county, Ohio, a son of Thomas and Rachael ( Green ) Allen. His paternal grandfather was a soldier of the Revolutionary war and his wife lived to be one hundred and two years of age. There is no very extended history, however, of the ancestry of Dr. Allen, for both of his parents died when he was less then ten years of age, so he learned little concerning the stock from which he sprang. His father was a major in the war of 1812 and was with Hull at the time of the surrender of Detroit , after which he was exchanged, together with other American soldiers, with the Canadian prisoners. He was a farmer by occupation and his political support was given to the Democracy. In the family were four children, of whom two are yet living. Jane, the eldest of the family, became the wife of Julius Beech and both are now deceased. They had five children: Thomas; Augustus, who married Leah Isamon; George; Eugene, who wedded Lillian Piper; and Lucy, who became the wife of Colby Smutz and is living in Nebraska . Alfred Augustus Allen, the second member of the father's family, married Sarah Heel and after her death wedded Nancy Malloy, who is also now deceased. Thomas Green, the third member of the family, has passed away.

Dr. Allen, the youngest member of the household, was educated in Cumberland, Ohio, and afterward read medicine in that state until twenty-four years of age, when he began practicing in Indiana. In 1845 he removed to Monmouth, Warren county, Illinois, where he practiced for ten years and in 1854 came to Hillsboro, where he has since remained, practicing as a physician of the regular or allopathic school. He has also displayed splendid ability as a surgeon and has occupied a position of prominence in the ranks of the medical fraternity in this county because of his superior ability.

Dr. Allen gave his early political support to the Whig party and has been a stanch republican since the organization of that party. He has served as a member of the school board both in Illinois and Iowa , but otherwise had held no office, preferring to concentrate his energies upon his professional duties. He is a Mason of Belmont Lodge, No. 451, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, and for many years was an Odd Fellow. He and his wife are members of the Congregational church, and at one time he served as secretary and treasurer of the church, to which he belonged, but there is no organization of that denomination in Hillsboro .

Dr. Allen has been married twice. He first wedded Miss Dorothy Hammond, a native of Alabama , whose father was a lawyer. She was born December 27, 1827 , was married May 27, 1845 , and died in 1854, the interment being made at Little York, Illinois. By this marriage there were three children. Richard Eugene, born March 12, 1846 , in Little York, Illinois, is now living with his sister in Hillsboro . Mary A., born January 12, 1848 , is the wife of Cyrus Newbold, of Hillsboro , and had had five children, all of whom are living. Edwin Allen, the younger son of the first marriage, died when only two years of age, soon after the arrival of Dr. Allen and his family in Hillsboro . The daughter, Mrs. Newbold, has five children: Willis B., who married Emily Whitaker, by whom he has two sons, Joseph and Cyrus, their home being in Farmington; Otis C., who married Mrs. Jessie Newbold and lives in Hillsboro; Ellis b., who married Jessie Cleve and resides in Milan, Kansas; Belle, the wife of Professor Wright, of Howe's Academy, in Mount Pleasant; and George E. Newbold, who married Miss Mae Groves and lives in Hillsboro. They have one daughter, Mina A.

On the 18 th of October, 1855 , Dr. Allen married Sarah J. Kimes, of Van Buren county, Iowa . She was born in Cuba , Illinois , March 7, 1838 , a daughter of Dr. R. P. and Priscilla ( Hull ) Kimes. Her father was born in Ohio and her mother in New Jersey . He was a practicing physician and died at the comparatively early age of thirty-six years, his remains being interred in St. Louis . He was a republican and served as postmaster and justice of the peace in Illinois . He was making his home in Hillsboro at the time of his death, but had gone to St. Louis on business and there passed away. His widow still survives at the advanced age of eighty-seven years and is one of the oldest residents of Hillsboro and still quite active for one of her age. She makes her home with her daughter, Mrs. Allen. In the family of Dr. and Mrs. Kimes were three children, of whom two are living. After the death of the Doctor his widow married John Billingsly, a farmer. Royal P. Kimes, a younger brother of Mrs. Allen, is living in Moulton , Iowa . Joseph S. Kimes was a soldier of the Civil war and served for three years as a member of Company K, Sixth Iowa Infantry, but is now deceased. By her second marriage Mrs. Billingsly had two children: Mary, the wife of J. W. Runyan, of Hillsboro ; and Samuel Billingsly, of Hillsboro , who married Kate Woods, and has three sons, Vernon , Ralph, and Roy, all in Hillsboro .

Unto Dr. and Mrs. Allen have been born five children. W. S. Allen, born August 26, 1856 , in Hillsboro , was married November 13, 1878 , to Miss Ella D. McCormick. He is a lawyer of Birmingham , Iowa , and was educated at Denmark and Iowa Colleges , graduating in the university of the later place before he was twenty-one years of age. Unto him and his wife have been born two children: Roy D. and Grace Helene, both of whom are students in the public school. Louis Allen, born May 22, 1858 , in Hillsboro , was educated in Keokuk Medical College , from which he was graduated and is now practicing in Mount Pleasant , Iowa . He married Miss Queen V. Goler and they have a daughter, Florence , who is teaching music in Howe's Academy. Emma, born March 11, 1861 , in Hillsboro , is the wife of Elmer Alton, of Birmingham , Iowa , and they have one child, Craig, a furniture dealer and undertaker. Anna Belle Allen, born May 22, 1863 , is the wife of J. M. Harper, a fur dealer of Fairfield , Iowa , and they have three children: Leslie D., Zola, and Myrtle, who are attending either the high school or Parson's College, in Fairfield , Iowa . Flora Allen, born June 26, 1868 , died August 8, 1869 .

There is now no citizen living in Hillsboro that was here when Dr. Allen came to the village. He has done an excellent work for his fellow men, not only in the line of his profession but also in his efforts to improve the village and promote its substantial development. The country all around was unbroken and the work of progress had scarcely been begun at the time of his arrival. He is a self-made man in the truest and best sense of the term. His energy and ambition coupled with strong mentality and force of character have enabled him to work his way steadily upward and he has prospered in business, and at the same time has done much charity work. Mrs. Allen came to Hillsboro when a little girl, there being only one frame building in the town-the Pope Hotel. The family lived in a log house until the father could build a frame dwelling in the lot where the Methodist parsonage now stands. He had to carry pistols in those early days to protect himself from the attacks of the wolves while on his round of visits. Dr. and Mrs. Allen are very widely and favorably known in this part of the county and his life history indeed forms an integral chapter in the annuals of Hillsboro.

(Biographical Review of Henry County, Iowa. Chicago: Hobart Publishing Co.,1906. p. 656)


Rease Allen
REASE ALLEN is a farmer residing on section 10, Jefferson Township, Henry Co., Iowa. In connection with the Allen history we furnish many facts connected with other families into which they have married, that were it not for this means would necessarily be omitted from this work. Our subject, Rease Allen, was born June 15, 1841, in Clarke County, Ohio. The early history of the family will be found in the sketch of Isaac W. Allen, a brother of our subject, and his history from boyhood is identical with other members of the family. As noted in that sketch, the family settled near Wayland, Henry County, and when a boy Rease Allen plowed corn upon the south half of the village plat. What great changes have come since that time! A handsome village has been built, the contiguous territory developed, and the pioneer lad has developed into a strong man of sterling worth, and is now the father of an interesting family. He was married, Feb. 22, 1866, to Melissa J. Warren, a daughter of William A. and Elizabeth G. (Edwards) Warren. Her mother was born in Maine, Dec. 2, 1839, and her parents later moved to McLean County, Ill. William A. Warren was a native of Connecticut, and was married in Ohio, in which State their children were born: Wesley, who died in the United States Army, Jan. 31, 1863; Erastus F., who died Jan 12, 1863, was the husband of Maria Allen; Elmira is the wife of John Jones; and Melissa the wife our subject. Mr. Warren, father of Mrs. Melissa Allen, was generally known through the county as "Uncle Billy" Warren, and was one of the foremost men in all public enterprises, being remarkable for his energy and push in whatever he undertook. He was largely instrumental in advancing the cause of religion and being a good singer generally took the lea in this exercise, having a remarkably strong voice, which many old settlers will remember. He was a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and one of six to form the first class in Jefferson Township, the members holding meetings weekly at the various houses of the class. His wife, Elizabeth, was a helpmeet indeed, seconding her worthy husband in his every endeavor, and like him was remarkable for her perseverance, energy, benevolence and piety, being also a member of the class of six who first organized.

The family came to Henry County in the autumn 1845, locating in the neighborhood of Wayland. Both parents lived, died and were buried in Jefferson Township; William died Nov. 16, 1863, and his wife Aug. 5, 1880. After they came to Henry County other children were born: Jesse P. was a soldier, a member of Company H, 7th Iowa Infantry, and died during his term of service, unmarried, Dec. 1, 1861; Belinda died in childhood; Landon, the husband of Mary York, removed to California; and Dennis, who wedded Sarah E. Allen, a sister of our subject; Almira, wife of John Jones of Clay County, Ill.; and Landon, a resident of Eureka, Humboldt Co., Cal.

Rease Allen and his wife have always since coming to Iowa lived within sight of the present village of Wayland. They were married after his return from the army, in which he served three years, as a member of Company H, 25th Iowa infantry, participated in the battles of Arkansas Post, siege and capture of Vicksburg, Resaca, Atlanta, and with Sherman to the sea, thence back through North Carolina, and was with Sherman until the last engagement at Bentonville, N. C. Although twice struck by rebel bullets he was never seriously disabled. He participated in the great military review at Washington, D. C. and was in that city mustered out of the United States service, and discharged from the State service at Davenport, June 12, 1865. Since his marriage Mr. Allen has been a farmer. He purchased his present farm in 1885, and is cosily settled in a pleasant home, presided over by a lady of taste and culture. Two children, both unmarried, have been born to them: William Jasper, Jan. 8, 1867; and Nellie, Nov. 16,

(Portrait and Biographical Album, Henry County, Iowa; Acme Publishing Company, Chicago, 1888, p. 390-1)


William Jasper Allen

William Jasper Allen, who is serving as postmaster at Wayland is a representative of one of the honored pioneer families of Henry county. The student of history cannot carry his investigation far into the records of this portion of the state without learning of the close and honorable connection of the Allen's with the agricultural development of this locality. Jackson Allen, grandfather of our subject, was a native of Ohio , and was married there to Miss Mary Ann Wade, who was also born in that state. In the early 40's he made arrangements to establish his home west of the Mississippi river and came to Henry county, settling in Jefferson township, where he purchased a tract of land which he converted into a good farm. Pioneer conditions existed at that early day and the task of developing new land was an arduous one, but Mr. Allen persistently carried on his work and was long classed with the enterprising agriculturists of his community. He resided for many years upon his farm and then removed to Wayland, where he continued to make his home up to the time of his death, which occurred in 1887.

Rease Allen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jackson Allen, and father of our subject, was born in Ohio and was a young lad when his parents came to Iowa . No event of special importance occurred to vary the routine of farm life for him in his boyhood days. After arriving at years of maturity he sought a companion and helpmate for life's journey and was married to Miss Melissa Warren, also a native of Ohio and a daughter of William O. and Eliza ( Edwards ) Warren, who first opened their eyes to the light of day in the Buckeye state. They, too, became early and prominent settlers of Henry county, and Mr. Warren was one of the organizers of the Methodist Episcopal church in Wayland, and took an active and helpful part in promoting the early moral development of the community.

At the time of their marriage Mr. and Mrs. Rease Allen began housekeeping on a farm southwest of Wayland, which he rented and which he continued to cultivate for some time. In 1885, with the capital saved from his earnings, he purchased sixty acres of land south of Wayland and there he lived for seven years, when, in 1892, he disposed of the property and took up his abode in the city of Wayland , where he and his wife now make their home. They are respected and worthy pioneer residents of this part of the state, and are widely and favorably known in their part of the county, having a large circle of warm friends. He enlisted in Company H, Twenty-fifth Iowa Volunteer Infantry, served three years, being with the Army of the Tennessee , and was twice wounded in a slight manner. He served in all of the important engagements in which his regiment participated, being in the noted march to the sea, and also in the grand review, at Washington, D. C., where he was discharged in 1865, and was mustered out at Davenport , Iowa , after which he returned to his home and soon after married.

William Jasper Allen was born on the old farm near Wayland, January 8, 1867 , and at the usual age entered the public schools, therein acquiring a fair English education. He made his home with his parents until his marriage, which occurred when he was twenty-two years of age. It was on the 28 th of November, 1889 , that he wedded Miss Nellie McCuen, who was born in Henry county and was educated in the public schools of Wayland. She is a daughter of Harlan and Sarah ( Lute ) McCuen and her maternal grandparents were among the early settlers of this part of the state. The marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Allen has been blessed with two sons and two daughters: Inez, born August 9, 1891 ; Warren R., December 24, 1899 ; Wayne , March 22, 1902 ; and Mildred, on the 1 st of March, 1904 .

Following his marriage Mr. Allen engaged in farming for several years, but in 1895 turned his attention to the livery business in Wayland, which he continued until July 1, 1897 . He then took charge of the post office and is still acting in that capacity. In his political views he is an earnest republican, thoroughly in sympathy with the principles of the party as embodied in its platform. He was appointed during President McKinley's administration on the 1 st of June, 1897 , to the office of postmaster, and has since served in that capacity, faithfully discharging the duties which devolve upon him in this connection. Socially he is affiliated with the Modern Woodmen of America and religiously is connected with the Methodist Episcopal church. He has always lived in this county, and the fact that many of his staunchest friends are those who have known him from his boyhood days down to the present is an indication that his life has been in harmony with honorable, manly principles.

(Biographical Review of Henry County, Iowa. Chicago: Hobart Publishing Co.,1906. p. 658)


Thomas G. Allender

THOMAS G. ALLENDER, deceased, was born near Baltimore, Md., Jan. 28, 1818, and moved from there with his parents to Ohio when but a small boy. In 1838 the family moved to the Territory of Iowa, which had just been organized, and located in Trenton Township, Henry County. On the 31st day of March, 1842, Mr. Allender was united in marriage with Miss Jane M. Allred, a native of North Carolina. By this marriage there were ten children: Elizabeth Ann, born Jan. 11, 1843, married M. L. Rice, a native of Pennsylvania, June 9, 1859, and died in July, 1870; Martha I., born Oct. 26, 1844, married J. C. McCoy, March 25, 1866; Eliza Jane, born July 26, 1846, died Sept. 4, 1865; William H., born Aug. 23, 1848, married Mary E. Downing, Nov. 7, 1869; she was born in Jefferson County, Iowa, March 5, 1849, and died Jan. 20, 1882. He again married, Sept. 20, 1883, Martha O. Schloder, a native of Henry County, Iowa, born Aug. 2, 1849. Benjamin R., born in November, 1850, died in infancy; Thomas E., born March 23, 1852, married Anna Coleman, Dec. 7, 1879, and now resides in Nebraska; John A., born March 13, 1854, married Martha E. Logsdon, Aug. 26, 1875, a native of Mt. Vernon, Knox Co., Ohio, born Dec. 10, 1855; Cornelia F., born Jan. 18, 1856, married Charles W. Downing, Sept. 6, 1872, and now resides in Furnas County, Neb.; James F., born Sept. 22, 1860, married Margaret A. Lawrence, Oct. 24, 1882; she was born Feb. 22, 1855, at Cleveland, Ohio. One died in infancy.

After their marriage our subject and wife lived three years in Trenton Township, where Mr. Allender engaged in farming. He then moved to Tippecanoe Township, lived there two years, then moved to Jefferson Township, where he remained five years, returning then to Trenton Township, in 1852, where he resided thirty-two years. Mrs. Allender died March 25, 1882, and Mr. Allender two years later moved to Mt. Pleasant, where he died March 23, 1886. They were both members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. For nearly forty years he filled official positions in church and state. As a School Director he was very efficient, and would employ only the best teachers procurable. In him the cause of education always found a steadfast friend, and in his death the county lost a most valuable citizen.

(Portrait and Biographical Album, Henry County, Iowa; Acme Publishing Company, Chicago, 1888, pp 247-248)(JC)


J.C. Allsup

J. C. ALLSUP was born in Jackson County, Ind., on the 3d of February, 1823. His parents were John and Nancy (Shumaker) Allsup, the former a native of Virginia and the latter of Tennessee. In 1816 they emigrated to Indiana and settled in Jackson County, where John Allsup felled the trees, and in the midst of the forest developed a fine farm. There were eight children in the family who grew to manhood, but only two of these are now living: Richard H., of Jackson County, Ind., and J. C., our subject. John Allsup was reared in the Dunkard Church. Mrs. Allsup died a member of the Christian Church. She was a true mother, a sincere Christian, an earnest worker for the Master.

The subject of this sketch is a pioneer of two States, Indiana and Iowa. He was reared in the new country of Indiana, educated in the primitive schools, and was apprenticed to his trade of a carpenter in 1838, receiving his board and a suit of clothes. His apprenticeship was over a term of two years. In the fall of 1841 he came to Henry County, remaining one winter on Skunk River, and in 1845 he led to the marriage altar Miss Elizabeth M. Burge. She was born in Licking County, Ohio, in April, 1825. One child was born to them, R. Elizabeth, now the wife of John Noble, of Page County, Iowa. Mrs. Allsup was called to her final home in the year following her marriage. Mr. Allsup was again married, in 1847, to Mrs. Elizabeth Sharp, widow of Davis Sharp, by whom she had three children: Davis, of Lee County, Iowa; Hannah, wife of Edward Forbes, of Oregon, and Robert J., of Oregon.

Mr. and Mrs. Allsup had a family of six children, five of whom are now living: Ellen, who is the widow of Francis M. Prickett; Jennie, residing in Taylor County, Iowa, is the wife of Charles Richardson; Leni Leoti lives at home; Harrison resides at Canton, Ill.; Jessie is the wife of Hiram Allen, of New London. In 1865 Mr. Allsup came to Mt. Pleasant, where he has since resided. When he first came to this county the settlements were so few that each man knew all of the settlers of the county. One could travel miles and not strike a farm, and there were but two or three settlers between New London and Middletown. Mr. Allsup will always be remembered for the good he has done for Mt. Pleasant and Henry County, Iowa. In politics, he is a Republican, though he has voted with the Greenback party.

(Portrait and Biographical Album, Henry County, Iowa; Acme Publishing Company, Chicago, 1888, pp 275-276) (JC)


Henry Ambler

HENRY AMBLER, who was for many years a leading member of the bar of Henry County, has now retired from the active practice of his profession, devoting his time and attention mainly to his large real-estate and other interests in Omaha, but retaining his residence in Mt. Pleasant, where he and his family are highly esteemed. He is of English ancestry and was born in 1821. His early life was spent in Allegheny County, Pa.; he studied law and was admitted to the bar in 1848, and practiced in Southeastern Ohio, residing in Salem. He has been a resident of Henry County since 1856, and was actively engaged in the practice of his profession until 1885. In 1862 he was admitted to the bar of the Supreme Court of the United States, and was as successful in his practice before that court as in the State courts. For a number of years he was Professor of Law in the Iowa Wesleyan University. His family consists of his wife, Louisa P. Ambler (formerly Phillips), and their children-Nellie Ambler Campbell, Fannie Ambler Higley, Jane Ambler, Pauline Ambler (deceased), Glaucus S. Ambler and Louie Ambler Janes.

(Portrait and Biographical Album, Henry County, Iowa; Acme Publishing Company, Chicago, 1888, p 369) (JC)


Richard Ambler

RICHARD AMBLER, of the firm of R. Ambler & Son, is a well-known and successful attorney of Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, of thirty years' practice in this city. He was born in Pittsburgh, Pa., in 1831, and is the son of Henry and Hannah M. (Spright) Ambler. He received a liberal education, and engaged in the study of law in New Philadelphia, Ohio, and was admitted to the bar in 1855. In 1857 he came to Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, and entered upon the practice of his profession, and in 1862 formed a partnership with his brother Henry, which connection continued for twenty-three years. The existing partnership with his son Harry was formed in 1886, under the firm name of R. Ambler & Son. Mr. Ambler was married in Henry County, Iowa, in the fall of 1858, to Miss N. H. Andrews, born in Trumbull County, Ohio, and a daughter of D. G. Andrews. Four children were born of this union, one son and three daughters, all of whom were born in Mt. Pleasant, namely: Sarah, Harry, Lulu and Dolly. Harry was educated at the Iowa Wesleyan University, at Mt. Pleasant, studied law with his father, and was admitted to the bar in 1884, and in 1886 formed the existing partnership with his father, and has since pursued the practice of his profession at this place. The children are living with their parents.

Mr. Ambler has been a Republican since the inception of the party. He is a Knight Templar Mason, a member of Mt. Pleasant Lodge No. 8, A. F. & A. M., of Henry Chapter No. 8, R. A. M., and of Jerusalem Commandery No. 7, K. T.

(Portrait and Biographical Album, Henry County, Iowa; Acme Publishing Company, Chicago, 1888, p 287) (JC)


Charles Clifford Anderson

Charles Clifford Anderson, representing agricultural interest of Henry county, was born May 4, 1868 , on the farm on which he yet resides, in Marion township. His parents, E. D. and Eliza J. ( Smith ) Anderson, were natives of Ohio , the father's birth having occurred in Highland county on the 10 th of December, 1828 . Eliza J. Smith was born in Fayette county, Ohio , December 8, 1831 , where she was married. Her death occurred in Henry county, February 14, 1872 . He was a stock-raiser and in 1856 came to the west, settling in Henry county upon the farm where our subject now resides, in 1866. To the further cultivation and development of that property he devoted his energies, bringing his farm up to a high state of cultivation. In December, 1872, he was again married, his second union being to Miss Hattie J. Spry, of Henry county, who is now living with our subject.

Mr. Anderson died November 15, 1895 , and both he and his first wife are buried in Hickory Grove cemetery. Mr. Anderson was an earnest republican, and both he and his wife were consistent Christian people, holding membership in the Methodist Episcopal church, in which he served as class leader for forty years. Their religious belief permeated their lives and they were devoted followers of the golden rule. In their family were four children: Carroll B., Ella L., the widow of Homer Spry; Frank L., and Charles Clifford, of this review, all children of the first wife.

The last named at the usual age began his education in the district schools of Marion township, and throughout his entire life has been connected with farming and stock-raising. He has long been an extensive horse-breeder, owning fine registered English shire horses, and now has eight stallions, the head of his herd being Alexander, No. 7,218, and Lord Curzon, No. 7,038. He also has fine registered Percheron and road horses. Mr. Anderson breeds many young horses, and always has good stock on hand for sale, and is known throughout this section as one of the best judges of horses in this vicinity.

On the 10 th of May, 1893 , occurred the marriage of Mr. Anderson and Miss Lena Sutton, a teacher of Henry county, and a daughter of Joseph and Martha J. ( Craig ) Sutton. Her father was born in Pennsylvania , and the mother in Ohio . He was supervisor of the Mount Pleasant Hospital for the Insane for eight years after which he was in the government employ in South Dakota in connection with the Indian agency for eighteen years, when he returned to Trenton township, where he has a stock farm.

Mr. Anderson's political position is not an equivocal one, for he his a stalwart champion of republican principles and fearless in defense of his honest convictions. Mr. and Mrs. Anderson attend and support the Wesley Methodist Episcopal chapel, but Mrs. Anderson an accomplished and refined lady of pleasing personality, is a member of the Baptist church of Mount Pleasant. A self-made man, he has eagerly embraced the opportunities for advancement and has realized that labor is the basis of all success and has therefore worked persistently and diligently in his efforts to acquire a competence. He is also reliable in his dealings and has the friendly regard of many with whom he is associated.

(Biographical Review of Henry County, Iowa. Chicago: Hobart Publishing Co.,1906. p. 168)


    E. D. Anderson

E. D. ANDERSON, a prominent farmer and stock-raiser of Marion Township, Henry Co., Iowa, was born Dec. 10, 1828, and is the son of Rev. Benjamin and Rhoda (Dinratt) Anderson. The former was born in 1794, and latter in 1797. He was one of a family of eight children: Daniel D., a resident of Highland County, Ohio; Malinda, now the wife of Morris Ellis, resides in Plainfield, Ind.; Rachel married Dr. David Taylor, of Hamilton County, Ill.; they have both gone to their final home. Benjamin B. Jr., deceased; Louisa, the widow of Hiram Rush, now resides in Washington, Fayette Co., Ohio; James C. is a farmer in Highland County, Ohio; Lucinda is the wife of Hugh Fishback, a resident of Kokomo, Ind.; Hannah, who is the widow of Mr. Hall, is residing in St. Louis, Mo.; her husband was killed while gallantly fighting for the Union. The mother of these children was called to her final rest in 1853, and was buried in Highland County, Ohio. Of her the highest praise bestowed on woman can be said; she was a true mother, an earnest Christian, a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church for many years, and was ready when the final summons came. Her husband was a local minister, and began preaching at the age of twenty-two. He died at the age of eighty-six, in Plainfield, Ind., having been in the service of his Master for sixty-six years.

The subject of this sketch comes of old Revolutionary stock, his grandfather Anderson and four of his sons being regularly enlisted soldiers in the Revolutionary War. Most of the family lived to a very advanced age, the father being one hundred and six years of age when he was called to his rest; his son John lived to be nearly one hundred; Jessie to be eighty-six; David was nearly ninety; and Mr. Anderson's father was eighty-six. Mr. Anderson remained under the parental roof until the age of twenty-two. His early life was spent upon the farm, and in attending the common schools. On the 16th of January, 1851, he led to marriage altar Miss Eliza J. Smith, who was a native of Ohio, born in Fayette County, Dec. 8, 1831. She was a daughter of Adam and Lyda (Bruce) Smith, the father being a native of Kentucky and the mother of Virginia. Mr. and Mrs. Anderson were the happy parents of four children: Carrol was born on the 30th of November, 1851, and he died Nov. 21, 1859, being buried at Hickory Grove, Henry Co., Iowa; Lyda E., born Nov. 17, 1860, was united in marriage with Homer Spry, a farmer of Marion Township; Frank L. was born Nov. 8, 1864, and died Sept. 21, 1872; Clifford C. was born May 4, 1868, in Henry County, where he still lives. In 1856, Mr. Anderson with his young wife and child removed from Fayette County, Ohio, to Henry County, Iowa, where he bought forty acres of land, now owned by Thomas Campbell, living upon his purchase for six years. In 1862 he sold his farm and bought forty acres on section 24, where he has since resided. He added to original farm until at one time he owned a farm of 320 acres, under a fine state of cultivation. Being a lover of fine horses, he, in 1859, turned his attention to the raising of those animals, in which business he has been very successful. He started with the Morgan English draft, but is now turning his attention to the famous Hambletonian stock. Wishing to give all of his attention to the raising of the fine stock, he sold all his farm land with the exception of forty acres. No man in Henry County has done more for the improvement of fine stock than has Mr. Anderson. He is well posted on all matters pertaining to the breeding and raising of horses, and to him much credit is due for the fine grade of stock in Henry County.

E. D. Anderson commenced breeding horses about 1863, and has been engaged quite extensively in the business ever since. The first horse owned by him was Champion, known at the "Stone horse." On his sire's side he was from Black Hawk Morgan, and on his dam's side he was from Canadian. In color he was black, weighing 1200 pounds. He was a good mover in his day, and a first-class stock horse. Champion died the property of John Winters, of Mt. Pleasant. While still the owner of Champion Mr. Anderson had also a noted Hambletonian horse known as Red Bird, a dapple-grey, weighing 1450 pounds. On the dam's side he was from Eclipse and Bacchus. Red Bird took more first premiums than any horse in the county, of any age or breed. A graded Norman was his next purchase, and in connection with him he owned Col. Thayers, a fine roan, weighing 1200 pounds. His sire was the noted horse California, who had a record as a trotter of 2:26, and as a pacer of 2:20. Gen. Grant, sixteen and one-half hands highs, weighing 1450 pounds, next came into his possession. He was purchased in February, and died three months later. Gen. Grant was of Morgan and Canadian stock, and had a man four and one-half feet long. John Ball, a brown, seventeen hands highs, and Gen. Sherman, the latter a graded Norman, in color a chestnut sorrel, weighing 1700 pounds, were among his next purchases. Then came Capt. Bismarck, a Morgan, now owned by Dr. T. A. Simmons, of Belmont, N. Y., followed by Bob, a dark mahogany color, of the Messenger breed, and a full-blooded Norman, imported by Norris & Co., of Delaware, Ohio, in color a light grey, and weighing 2000 pounds. A beautiful brown horse, of the Morgan breed, weighing 1350 pounds, a good mover, was sold to Nathan Nicholson in the fall of 1887.

At the present time, in the spring of 1888, Mr. Anderson has in his stables five horses old enough for service, in addition to several colts. He is justly proud of the quality of his horses, and the success attending him in the business. Normad, known as the Bush horse, is a Percheron Norman, in color a beautiful white, and is sixteen hands high. He was sired by imported Normad, known in Madison County, Ohio, as Old Bill or Valley Horse. His dam was a Norman imported by Wilkins G. Grey, of Ohio, while his grand-dam was by one of Old Napoleon's colts, making him one of the best bred horses in the West. Young Napoleon is a dark roan, sixteen hands high, weighing 1400 pounds, with a big head, a rangy type, long in the neck, with fine throttle, beautifully rounded body, full loin, long hips of perfect formation, very wide, flat and cordy legs, with best of feet, and when in the motion his fine form is a model, doubly attractive by the rapidity of step and elegance of action. Young Napoleon was foaled in June, 1883. He was sired by Normandy, imported by John Reber, of Lancaster County, Ohio, in 1869. His grand-dam was sired by Ajax, imported by the Delaware Importing Company, in 1863. His great-grand-dam was sired by Old Bill or Valley Horse, imported by Dr. Marcus M. Brown, of Circleville, Ohio in 1857. His great-great-great-dam was sired by Louis Napoleon, imported by Fullington & Martin, Union County, Ohio in 1857. Probably the most noted horse in the collection is Prince Albert, purchased of ex-Gov. Newbold, who bought him at Quincy, Ill. He is a dapple-grey, sixteen hands high, his sire being a full-blooded Clydesdale named Grey, while his dam is a thoroughbred racing mare, brown in color, sixteen hands high, weighing 1200 pounds. Prince Albert is as nearly perfect as any horse in the State, his weight being 1400 pounds. For beauty, none excel and as a stock horse, for his class, he is not excelled. Cyrstal Abdallah, Wallace's Trotting Register, 4th Vol., No. 1052 Pedigree, is a blood bay, with black points, stands sixteen hands high, weight 1150 pounds, six years old, long and rangy, very stylish, good worker, gentle disposition and a good stepper; think with age and training he may be made very fast; he has a long stride and goes without a click. Having the blood of the best and fastest trotters on American soil coursing in his veins, there is no good reason why he may not become the sire of many winners. Joe, the Banter, comes next. He is a beautiful dapple-bay, three white feet, blaze face, was sired by C. Winger's noted horse, Duke, an imported Clydesdale. He is seven-eighths Clydesdale and weighs 1700 pounds; is short-legged, high-headed, and for a horse of his size is a good mover, and a first-class stock horse.

For the accommodation of his patrons who desire to raise mules, Mr. Anderson has a fine Jack. To no man are the farmers of this county more indebted for the fine breed of horses now here in use than E. D. Anderson, of Marion Township.

In connection with this is a fine lithographic view of the residence of Mr. Anderson, and drawings from life of some of his fine stock.

On the 14th of February, 1872, Mrs. Anderson was called to her last rest. She was a kind wife, an indulgent mother, and a sympathetic neighbor. She was a devoted member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Nov. 17, 1872, Mr. Anderson was again married, his second wife being Miss Hattie J. Spry. She was the daughter of Benjamin and Mary (Johnson) Spry. She was born in Muskingum County, Ohio, Feb. 19, 1845. Mr. Anderson is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, as is also his wife. He is a true, earnest Christian, contributing liberally to the support of the church, and is a friend to the poor and needy, ever ready to lend a helping hand to the afflicted. He stands in the front rank as a public-spirited man, always ready to advance the interests of the community. None more truly deserves the respect and esteem of all than does Mr. Anderson. In politics he favors the Republican party.

(Portrait and Biographical Album, Henry County, Iowa; Acme Publishing Company, Chicago, 1888, pp 290) (JC)


Elijah Anderson

ELJJAH ANDERSON, of Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, one of the pioneer settlers of Henry County, Iowa, was born in Hampshire County, Va., Dec. 18, 1825. His father, Jesse Anderson, was also a native of Virginia, while his mother, Anna (Harvey) Anderson, was born in Licking County, Ohio, to which State her parents emigrated at an early day, but subsequently returned to Hampshire County, Va., where she wedded Jesse Anderson. They were the parents of fifteen children, only five of whom are now living: Elijah, residing in Mt. Pleasant, is the subject of this sketch; Abraham resides in Buffalo County, Neb.; David also resides in Buffalo County, Neb.; Rachel lives in Marshall County, Va.; Margaret is the wife of John Allen, a resident of Marshall County, Va. Politically, Mr. Anderson was a Whig, and was well informed on all questions of interest in his day. He was a devoted member of the Methodist Episcopal Church for many years, of which body his wife was also a member. They had the respect and confidence of all who knew them, and were always ready to help a fellow traveler over the difficulties and trials which he could not meet unaided. Both died in Marshall County, Va.

The subject of this sketch received his education in the log school-house so common in early days, in which were the puncheon floor and seats, while a portion of one of the logs was removed, and the aperture covered with greased paper served as a window. The fireplace was of enormous size, occupying nearly the whole of one end of the building. In 1855 Mr. Anderson came to Henry County, Iowa, at a time when the country was yet comparatively new. Here he became acquainted with Miss Mary E. Curtis, and the acquaintance ripened into love, and on the 15th of October, 1858, he led her to the marriage altar. By this union seven children were born, six of whom are now living: Gertrude is the wife of Harvey Harrison, a butcher of Mt. Pleasant; Wyley lives on a farm; Laura and Lula, twins; Stella and Carrie Maud. For many years Mr. Anderson has given his attention to the raising of fine stock. At one time he owned Kentucky Bill, one of the finest horses ever brought to this county, measuring sixteen hands high, and widely known throughout the State. At present he owns Little Matt, a gelding, seven years old, and one of the finest steppers in the county. He can now trot his mile in 2:25, and by judicious training will doubtless make it in 2:20. Little Matt is from old Iron Duke, he by Cassius M., he by Henry Clay, he by Andrew Jackson, he from a colt by old Bashaw, and he by a colt from Kentucky Boy.

Mr. Anderson holds political views with the Democratic party, in which he is an active worker. When he came to Henry County he was poor in this world's goods, but he and his estimable wife by their hard labor, thrift and economy, have accumulated a fine property. For thirty-two years he has been identified with the county, and has seen the forest leveled, and the wild prairies transformed into beautiful homes. In the various changes that have been made he has borne well his part.

(Portrait and Biographical Album, Henry County, Iowa; Acme Publishing Company, Chicago, 1888, pp 290) (JC)


Mathias Anderson

Mathias Anderson, who is living on section 34, Wayne township, where for many years he has devoted his energies to general agricultural pursuits, has now passed the seventy-seventh milestone on life's journey and is a respected and venerable gentleman, who is entitled to the esteem of his fellow men by reason of what he had accomplished, for he started out in life empty-handed and without any advantages to aid him. He was born in Sweden on the 23 rd of November, 1828 , his parents being Andrew and Mary C. Anderson. He never had any school privileges, but in the hard school of experience, where all sooner or later become students, he learned many valuable lessons. He was only ten years of age when he started out to make his own way in the world by working at farm labor and he was thus employed as the years went by, so that his youth was a period of earnest and unremitting toil. He continued his service as a farm hand until February, 1857, when he was united in marriage to Miss Hilda C. Tunquist. He had come to America in 1855 and following his marriage he took up his abode in Jefferson county, Iowa , where he worked at farm labor for three years. He then removed to Henderson county, Illinois , and four years later, in 1864, arrived in Wayne township, Henry county. In the meantime he had carefully hoarded his earnings with the desire to accumulate enough to purchase a farm and here he invested his savings in forty acres of land on section 34. It was then a tract of wild prairie, but soon his labors transformed it into a richly cultivated farm. He built a house and barns and otherwise improved the place and he now carries on general farming, raising the cereals best adapted to the soil and climate.

Mr. and Mrs. Anderson have two children: Olive, who is the wife of Franc Olson, now engaged in farming in Scott township; and Phenie, the wife of Edward Lauger, a resident farmer of Wayne township. Mr. and Mrs. Anderson now live together at their pleasant home and have traveled life's journey as man and wife for almost a half century. He votes with the Republican party and belongs to the Lutheran church. Starting in life as he did without any advantages to aid him he has made a splendid record in the business world through honesty and industry and is now in possession of a comfortable competence.

(Biographical Review of Henry County, Iowa. Chicago: Hobart Publishing Co.,1906. p. 283)

Peter M Anderson

PETER M. ANDERSON is a farmer, residing on section 29, Wayne Township, Henry Co., Iowa. One of the prominent families and one of the most substantial men of Wayne Township is our subject, who was horn in Kristeanstad, Sweden, in 1830, and is a son of N. B. and Nellie (Christianson) Anderson. The father of our subject died when Peter was four years of age. The widowed mother was left with three small children-Peter, Christiana, and a son who died in childhood. The mother is yet a resident of Sweden and finds a home with her daughter, who married a soldier, Mr. Lindo, who is yet a member of the regular army. Peter Anderson was adopted by his uncle, Hans Malm, who lived in the village mentioned. He learned the trade of brick-making and in 1854 decided to try his fortune in America, He made the voyage in a sailing-vessel, the trip between Liverpool and Quebec lasting eight weeks.

Peter had just enough money to pay his passage to Galesburg, Ill., where he secured work with a farmer, and two years later went to Biggsville, Ill., where after two years he was married, Miss Mary Malmburg becoming his wife. The young couple began life upon a rented farm, Peter's earthly possessions at that time consisting of a team and wagon, and for seven years they prospered, and when they left Illinois in 1867 he brought money enough, the result of their thrift, to buy the farm upon which they now live. This for a score of years has been their home, and here their children have grown to man and womanhood, and here all except the three eldest were born. Here they have become important factors in the church and in society, and as Peter and his good wife near the meridian of life, they feel that a useful and happy wedded life has been theirs. Their children are-Edwin O., Charles E., John M., Minnie D., Joseph A., Nellie, Bertha, Tillie and Lilian J. The two eldest sons have taken a classical course at Howe's Academy. Charles is a clerk in a dry-goods store at Mt. Pleasant; Edwin is with Keys & Bros., hardware dealers of Red Oak, Iowa. All the others are residents beneath the paternal roof.

Mrs. Anderson was also born in Sweden, and is a daughter of John and Christiana (Nelson) Malmburg, who were married in Sweden, and were the parents of seven children before they left their native land for America. They sailed in 1863 and settled in Biggsville, where their daughter lived. There the father died seven years later, and the mother survived until 1887, and died in Red Oak, Iowa, at the age of eighty-five. Three of their children are living: Andrew, who resides in Gladstone, Ill., the husband of Helena Knutstrom; John, residing at Red Oak, Iowa, is a grocery merchant, and the husband of Sophia Haugland; and Mrs. Anderson completes the family. Of her and her family we are pleased to make mention. Their home is a pleasant one, and books, music, and all the evidences of wealth and culture grace that home. All this too has been brought about in a few years, for when they were married only a few dollars composed their united fortune.

(Portrait and Biographical Album, Henry County, Iowa; Acme Publishing Company, Chicago, 1888, pp 306 & 309) (JC)


Peter Anderson

Peter Anderson, proprietor of the only exclusive furniture and undertaking establishment in Winfield, was born in Skone , Sweden , on the 9 th of November, 1859 , his parents being Andrus Hokanson and Helen Larson, who were also natives of Sweden . In the common schools of his native land Mr. Anderson acquired his education and remained a resident of Sweden until 1880, when at the age of twenty-one years he came to the new world. He had heard favorable reports concerning business opportunities in this country and believing that he might more rapidly secure advancement in business life across the water, he sailed for New York , taking up his abode in the city of Westchester , in the Empire state. He learned the stove molder's trade, which he followed for two years and then turned his attention to bridge building on the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad. He has also had charge of the bridges and buildings for twenty years for the Burlington & Northwestern, and the Burlington & Western Railroad, now a part of the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad system. In these connections much responsibility was attached to his work and he proved ever capable and reliable.

On the 1 st of October, 1904 , he became identified with commercial pursuits in Winfield as the successor of D. E. Eicher, becoming proprietor of a furniture and undertaking establishment at Winfield, which is the only exclusive store of this kind in the city. He carries a carefully selected line of furniture such as is in demand by a general patronage, and his trade is constantly growing. He also handles the New Home sewing machine and a general line of house furnishings. He is a graduate of the Western School of Embalming at Chicago, also a registered embalmer by the Iowa State Board of Health, and is therefore well equipped to carry on the undertaking department of his business.

On the 23 rd of May, 1893 , Mr. Anderson was united in marriage to Miss Selma S. Johnson, who was born in KalmarLan , Sweden , on the 19 th of June, 1867 , and is a daughter of O. F. Johnson. This marriage has been blessed with four children, but Ruth died in infancy. The others are: Ivar F., Ellen L., and Minnie.

Mr. Anderson is a valued representative of the Knights of Pythias and Masonic fraternities, and the Modern Woodmen of America. His study of the political issues, questions and situations of the country has led him to give his support to the Republican party since becoming a naturalized American citizen and although he has never sought office he is as loyal to the interests of America as any native born son. He has never had occasion to regret his determination to come to the new world, for here he has found the business opportunities he sought, which, by the way, are always open to ambitious young men, and by reason of his resolute purpose, close application, and indefatigable energy he has made steady advancement and is today recognized as one of the substantial and thoroughly reliable citizens of Winfield.

(Biographical Review of Henry County, Iowa. Chicago: Hobart Publishing Co.,1906. p. 427)


Judge M. L. Andrews

Judge M. L. Andrews, now deceased, was connected with the educational development of Henry county at an early day, was a veteran of the Civil war and in later years filled various local offices, the duties of which he discharged with a promptness and fidelity that left no room for questioning as to his motives or worth in office. As the years passed he left upon the pages of history a record clean and honorable and he well deserves mention among the representative men of the past and present who have been closely associated with the welfare and upbuilding of this section of the state.

He was born in Trumbull county, Ohio , March 16, 1836 , parents being Daniel and Mary Ann Andrews. He had four sisters; Hannah, the wife of Daniel Booth, of Green, Ohio; Lucy, the widow of Reynolds Bascom, also of Green; Eliza, the widow of Allen Meacham, of Washington, Iowa; and Nancy, the widow of Richard Ambler, of Washington, D. C. The first eighteen years of his life were spent in the state of his nativity and he then came to Iowa in 1854. He found here a country largely wild and unimproved but it was making steady and substantial progress toward the more advanced civilization of the older east. He became a factor in the educational development as a teacher in the early schools of Henry county and later he continued his own education in a business college. Subsequently he removed to Mills county, Iowa , and was engaged in merchandising at what was then Pacific City , but is now Pacific Junction.

On the 15 th of February, 1858 , Judge Andrews was united in marriage to Miss Maria Deming, the wedding being celebrated at Taylorville, in Fayette county, Iowa . Mrs. Andrews was born in Trumbull county, Ohio , June 23, 1838 . At the time of their marriage they crossed the state in a private conveyance and Judge Andrews continued in active merchandising until after the outbreak of the Civil war. In the meantime, however, he made one trip across the plains to Pike's Peak . In 1862 he enlisted for service in Mills county as a member of the Twenty-ninth Iowa Infantry and was elected to the captaincy of Company B. During the last months of his connection with the army he was appointed and served as provo marshal at Little Rock , Arkansas , and was mustered out in 1865. In the same year he took up his abode in Little Rock and was there admitted to the bar. In connection with his legal practice he also engaged in the real-estate and insurance business and he served for a time as state land agent. He was twice police judge and as a member of the school board he did effective service for the cause of public education there. He held membership in the Methodist church, was Sunday school superintendent for years and assisted in building the finest house of worship for the Methodist church North that is today found in the south, acting as business manager during the course of its construction.

In 1874 Judge Andrews returned to Iowa and took up his abode on a farm in New London township, Henry county. In 1881 he was chosen to fill out an unexpired term as clerk of the courts, the vacancy having been occasioned by the death of J. N. Allen. He was then twice elected to the office, which he filled altogether for five years, proving prompt and capable in the discharge of his duties. His political allegiance was always given to the republican party and he did everything in his power to promote its growth and insure its success. He kept well informed on questions and issues of the day and was thus able to support his position by intelligent argument. Other public interests and organizations felt the stimulus and benefited by the efforts of Judge Andrews. He was a valued member of McFarland Post, Grand Army of the Republic, and at the time of his demise was its senior vice commander.

He was also president for one year of the Henry County Soldiers' Association, was a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, of New London , and was district deputy during the last year of this life. His last public service was in the organization of the Henry County Farmers' Institute, of which he was president.

Unto Judge and Mrs. Andrews were born six children: Florence, now Mrs. John W. Palm; Mary, the wife of Frank Herrick, of Woodbine, Iowa; Rose, the wife of Ellsworth Rominger, of Bloomfield; Mark D., who is living in Menlo, Kansas; Walter, who resides in Lamoni, Iowa; and Helen, the wife of Bruce Young, of Kalispell, Montana.

Judge Andrews was called to his final rest in 1890, and his wife's death occurred in 1895. He was a man of broad and liberal mind, of quick intuitive insight, of charitable views and of warm personal attachments. He was well pleased with the world as he found it, was grateful to his Maker and sought by his life to make the world still better and happier. He was always light hearted and cheerful and the most serious and perplexing circumstances were viewed hopefully, for he had confidence that earnest endeavor and active work would bring their own compensations, lighten the burdens and produce better results.

He was very devoted to his home and family and he held friendship inviolable. It was at his own fireside that his nature was most sunny and genial. He delighted in the companionship of his wife and children and he was their friend and counselor as well as husband and father.

"His life was gentle and the elements were
So mixed in him that nature might rise up
And say to all the world, 'This is a man.'"

(Biographical Review of Henry County, Iowa. Chicago: Hobart Publishing Co.,1906. p. 699)


Nelson B. Andrews

Nelson B. Andrews, wholesale and retail dealer in queensware, crockery, glassware, etc., at Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, was born in New London Township, Henry Co., Iowa, Dec. 7, 1843. His parents, Wells and Laura (Brockway) Andrews were among the pioneers of that county, and his father is still a resident of New London Township. His father was born in Trumbull County, Ohio, in April,1810, emigrated to Henry County, Iowa, in 1837, and located in New London Township, where is known as one of the wealthiest and most highly respected citizens. Nelson B. was reared on the farm, and educated in the district schools of his native town, and in Prof. Howe's private school at Mt. Pleasant. He began business as a teacher of country schools, doing chores before and after school hours. After following that occupation for three years, he had, by economical habits, saved up a capital of $300. He then formed a partnership with Mr. D. I. Holcomb, at Mt. Pleasant, as jobbers and dealers in crockery and glassware. Their customers were located principally along the line of the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad, through Iowa and Nebraska. At the end of five years he closed out his interest in the business and found himself possessed of a good farm of eighty-four acres, situated in Center Township, and a small cash capital. He then went to Salt Lake City, California, and the Pacific Coast. Starting in June, 1873, he spent nearly a year in travel, and brought up in Washington, D. C., where there was a peculiar attraction in the person of Miss Maggie J. Van Voast, to whom he was united in marriage April 14, 1874. Mrs. Andrews is a daughter Nicholas Van Voast, and was born in Trenton Township, Henry Co., Iowa. Her people were among the pioneers of that region. Immediately after their marriage Mr. and Mrs. Andrews returned to Henry County, Iowa, and Mr. Andrews engaged in the cultivation of his farm in Center Township. He carried on the farm for five years, when he rented his farm, and engaged in the crockery and glassware trade at Mt. Pleasant, this time with his father-in-law as partner. That connection continued for three years, when he bought his partner's interest, and has since conducted the business alone, and still does a jobbing trade.

Mr. Andrews is a thorough business man, active, prompt and systematic. He began business with a capital of only $300, and has by strict attention to the details of business, and fair dealing, built up a fine trade and a prosperous business, and is recognized as one of the leading business men of Mt. Pleasant. Mr. Andrews served three years as Treasurer of the Henry County Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Company, was Secretary for two years of the Center Township School Board, and is the present Secretary of the Henry County Old Settlers' Association. He was Treasurer of the Old Settlers' Association for three yeas, and is a member of the Executive Board of the Henry County Agricultural Society. Mr. Andrews is a Republican in politics, but has never been a politician in the office-seeking sense of the word. Both he and his wife are members of the Presbyterian Church, of which he has for the past five years been a Trustee.

(Portrait and Biographical Album, Henry County, Iowa; Acme Publishing Company, Chicago, 1888, p. 376-7)


Timothy Langdon Andrews, M. D.

A life of usefulness now crowned with years and honors-such in brief is the history of Dr. Timothy Langdon Andrews, now living retired in Mount Pleasant . He has passed the eighty-seventh milestone on life's journey, his birth having occurred in Danbury , Connecticut , on the 9 th of May, 1819 , a son of William and Sarah ( Parkhill ) Andrews. His ancestors became residents of the new world during the colonial epoch in the history of the country. His father, Rev. William Andrews, was a Congregational minister and during his active connection with the pastoral work of the church was located at Windham , Danbury and Cornwall , Connecticut , his death occurring in the last named place, while his wife passed away at Marietta , Ohio.. They had six sons and a daughter, and five of the sons became ministers of the Congregational denomination, while the other also entered professional life.

The early boyhood days of Dr. Andrews were spent in Danbury and Cornwall , Connecticut , and after acquiring his elementary education in the common schools he subsequently attended the Cornwall Academy , acquiring a good, liberal education. He likewise profited by instruction from his father, who was a most highly educated man. When he had completed his own course of study he engaged in teaching school and was variously employed in his early manhood. For a time he conducted a store, but becoming imbued with a desire to make the practice of medicine his life work, he began studying with Dr. North, of South Cornwall , afterward entering the Vermont Medical College , at Castleton , Vermont , where he was graduated in November, 1845, with the degree of Doctor of Medicine.

Leaving New England for a more congenial climate, for he believed the rigorous winters of New England were detrimental to his health, he made his way to Cincinnati, Ohio, immediately after his graduation, and there spent some time in attending medical lectures and visiting hospitals. Later he went to Clarksville , Tennessee , where for a year he engaged in teaching in an academy. Believing that his lungs were affected, in the spring of 1847 he went to New Orleans , hoping to be entered upon the practice of medicine.

In January, 1849, he was employed by the American Colonization Society as physician and surgeon to accompany a cargo of emancipated slaves to Liberia , Africa . Cholera broke out on shipboard and eighteen died in the first few days, but the disease was checked before there were any more deaths. The voyage lasted seventy days. On leaving Africa in April, the same year, Dr. Andrews crossed the ocean to South America , landing first at Brazil and afterward went to Rio Janeiro. Not finding any boat to take him back to New Orleans, he became a passenger on a German vessel bound for San Francisco by the way of Cape Horn, and arrived at the Golden Gate in November, 1849. There performing various services acting as inspector of customs, as editor of a newspaper and as a school teacher.

In the spring of 1851 he made a voyage into the Southern Pacific waters and remained on an island of the Navigator or Samoan group for four months, trafficking with the natives. He then returned by way of the Sandwich Islands , where he spent several months with a cousin, Rev. Lorrin Andrews, a missionary in Honolulu .

In March, 1855, Dr. Andrews returned to New England by the Nicaragua route and in the fall on the same year located at Marietta , Ohio , where in the spring of 1856 he assumed editorial control of the Marietta Intelligencer , a whig newspaper. While acting as its editor and publisher, he used his influence for the formation of the Republican party and the adoption of its principles, supporting John C. Fremont for president and Salmon P. Chase for governor of Ohio . He made a close study of the great questions which resulted in the organization of the party and was the champion of the principles which gave it birth.

In May, 1856, Dr. Andrews was united in marriage to Miss Laura A. Childs, of Niagara Falls, New York, who died in January, 1871, at Orient, Adair county, Iowa, leaving five children: John F.; Daisy, now the wife of Howard E. Eide, of Providence, Rhode Island; Edward C.; Herbert B.; and Laura A., the wife of Walter F. Fowler, of Kansas City. The sons are now residents of Los Angeles , California .

Impaired health and the close confinement necessary to his editorial work obliged Dr. Andrews to abandon the field of journalism, and in 1862 he removed to Niagara Falls , where he remained until 1869. In that year in company with his eldest son he made his way to Iowa , settling in Adair county, where his family later joined him. There he turned his attention to farming and to the practice of medicine. In October, 1874, following the death of his wife, he removed to Creston, Iowa, his children having in the meantime returned to the east. Having changed his professional views and embraced homeopathy, Dr. Andrews entered its practice in Creston, where he continued until 1883, when he went to Wichita , Kansas , and in the practice of medicine and surgery secured a large patronage, which claimed his attention until about 1890.

He then went to St. Joseph , Missouri , where, in collaboration with Mrs. Andrews, he wrote for the St. Joseph Daily News and the Journal of Commerce , of which he was editor. He had been married in the meantime, on the 27 th of March, 1877, to Mrs. Sarah E. White, a daughter of William H. Taylor, one of the pioneer residents of Henry county, Iowa, and in 1892, following the death of Mrs. Taylor, they returned to this county to care for Mr. Taylor, with whom they remained until his demise. Here Dr. Andrews has since lived retired. He and his wife attend and support St. Michael's Episcopal church.

Mrs. Andrews was born in Marietta , Ohio , November 30, 1839 , her parents being W. H. and Susan H. ( Talbot ) Taylor. She was a resident of Marietta while the Doctor was an editor there during her girlhood days. In 1865, in Henry county, she became the wife of Edward T. White, then a resident of Mount Pleasant , Iowa . He was the founder of the Free Press , a republican paper of Mount Pleasant , and later was editor of a paper in Bloomfield , Iowa , where his death occurred. Mr. Taylor was one of the early residents of this county and owned and conducted a fruit farm near the town.

Dr. Andrews in the midst of a busy life has given considerable attention to the study of botany and collected a fine herbarium, which he gave to Ames Agricultural College in 1903. He kept this up from time of graduation at all times and all places. One plant which he discovered in California was named in his honor by Dr. Torrey, the celebrated botanist. Always fond of scientific research and investigation, he has continually broadened his knowledge as the years have advanced.

His life record has contained various experiences, and in his visits to many parts of the globe he has gained the culture and learning which only travel can bring. The Doctor, a man of strong religious nature, has lived his religion in his every-day life. His character is one of beauty, and today he is one of the honored and esteemed citizens of Mount Pleasant, spending the evening of his life here in the enjoyment of a well merited rest.

(Biographical Review of Henry County, Iowa. Chicago: Hobart Publishing Co.,1906. p.177)


Wells Andrews  Wells Andrews

Wells Andrews, an honored pioneer of Henry County, Iowa, of 1837, and a farmer of New London Township, residing on section 20, was born in Hartford, Trumbull Co., Ohio, April 10, 1810. His father, Chester Andrews, was born near Hartland, Conn., was of Scotch descent, and a farmer by occupation. He married Miss Hannah Gates in 1804, and a few weeks later emigrated with ox-teams to the Western Reservation, Ohio, then almost a wilderness of heavy timber. He cleared up a large farm in Trumbull County, and reared a family of nine children, six sons and three daughters, three only of whom are living at this writing (1888). Besides our subject, there is Asa, of Warren County, Ohio, and Noyes, residing at Terre Haute, Ind. The parents passed the remainder of their days in their Ohio home.

Wells, the subject of our sketch, learned the carpenter's trade, and in 1836 went to Mississippi, where he worked at the same until the following spring, when he returned to Ohio, and in July of that year came to Iowa, purchasing a claim in what is now known as New London Township, situated on section 20, and again went South, and spent the winter in Mississippi at Vicksburg, and the following spring returned to his claim. Mr. Andrews improved his land and added to the original purchase until he now has 400 acres of choice and well-improved land, with a tasty residence and extensive barns, making it one of the most attractive places in the township. When he took his claim the Government had not yet surveyed the land with the exception of township lines. Claims were adjusted after the section lines were run, and the land did not come into market until 1839. Under the squatter law, claimed were limited to 240 acres, and the additional acreage Mr. Andrews acquired by private purchase.

He was united in marriage, in Lee County, Iowa, June 30, 1839, with Miss Laura Brockway, daughter of Titus Brockway. Mrs. Andrews was a native of the same township that her husband was born in, the date of her birth being Nov. 20, 1819. Her people were from New York and settled in Ohio, from which place they moved to Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. Andrews had five children, three sons and two daughters: Asa Edwin was born Aug. 2, 1841, and married Mary Waller, and is now employed at the penitentiary at Anamosa; he was a soldier of the late war, and served as a member of Company D, 4th Iowa Cavalry, and was wounded near Raymond, Miss., by a gunshot through the cheek and neck, and was captured and paroled. Nelson B. was born Dec. 7, 1843, and married Maggie J. Van Voast, and is a dealer in china and queensware at Mt. Pleasant, Iowa (see sketch); Albert D. was born July 3, 1846, and married Editha Borden, and is a farmer of New London Township; Almira Fidelia was born March 27, 1850, and died in infancy; Laura Emeline, born Sept. 12, 1853, is the wife of George Lee, express messenger, residing at Des Moines, Iowa. Mrs. Andrews died May 5, 1854. Mr. Andrews was married again, in Warren, Ohio, to Mrs. Helen H. Beach, widow of Edwin Beach, and daughter of Milton Holcomb, of Ohio. Mrs. Andrews is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and was born in Granby, Hartford Co., Conn., Sept. 16, 1825, coming to Ohio in childhood. Mr. Andrews was a Whig in early life, but now is a Republican. He is one of the most highly respected of Henry County's early pioneers.

Mr. Andrews claims to be the only man now living on the road from Burlington to Mt. Pleasant who took up an original claim and still lives upon it, he holding by the original Government title. When he came to this section of country, in 1837, it was part of the Territory of Wisconsin. A carpenter by trade, his first work on the Territorial House in Burlington, intended for meetings of the Territorial Legislature, John Smith being the contracting builder, and Esquire Davidson master mechanic. Moses Jordan, long a well-known resident of Burlington, who died in 1886, also worked on the same building. This building was occupied by the Wisconsin Territorial Legislature the following winter, and in the spring of 1838 was burned down.

It affords us much pleasure to present the portrait of this pioneer to the patrons of the Album. Of all the men represented, none are more deserving than Wells. Andrews.

(Portrait and Biographical Album, Henry County, Iowa; Acme Publishing Company, Chicago, 1888, p. 491-2)


Professor Lincoln Antrim

Professor Lincoln Antrim, a well known educator of Iowa, formerly connected with the system of public education in the state and now at the head of the Mount Pleasant Academy, a preparatory school of note, was born in Wilmington, Clinton county, Ohio, on the 10 th of July, 1860, his parents being Calvin Hackney and Jane ( Cohagen ) Antrim. The father was also a native of Clinton county, Ohio , where the grandfather, Hiram Antrim, settled in pioneer days, removing to the Buckeye state from Pennsylvania . He followed the occupation of farming, and Calvin H. Antrim was reared to that pursuit and continued as a farmer there for many years. He was married in Clinton county to Miss Jane Cohagen, a daughter of William Cohagen, also a pioneer resident of that locality.

The young couple began their domestic life upon a farm and he continued the cultivation and improvement of his fields in Ohio until 1867, and in 1877 he removed with his family to Iowa , settling near Primrose, Lee county, where he first rented land. In 1888 he removed to Orosi , California , where he and his wife now reside. They are members of the Methodist Episcopal church, and in their family were seven children, of whom Lincoln is the youngest.

Professor Antrim of this review acquired his early education in the common schools of Clinton county and after coming to Iowa attended the State Normal School at Cedar Falls , being graduated with the class of 1888, at which time the degree of Bachelor of Didactics was conferred upon him. Subsequently he entered the Western Normal School in Page county, Iowa , and was graduated in 1890 with the degree of Master of Science. His entire life has been devoted to educational work.

On the completion of his collegiate course he accepted the position of principal of the graded schools at Primrose, Iowa, where he remained for eight years, when, in connection with Professor C.W. Larkin, he established, in 1898, the Mount Pleasant Academy, for the purpose of teaching an academic course, fitting the students for all colleges and universities. They later instituted a commercial course, including stenography, typewriting and various forms of commercial work. This school seemed to fill a needed place in educational circles and has been a success from the beginning, there being an average attendance of two hundred and twenty pupils. The schoolrooms are commodious and centrally located on the north side of the squire and are fitted with all modern conveniences connected with such institutions and with the latest appliances that facilitate the work of the pupil. In 1902 Professor Larkin retired, leaving Professor Antrim as sole proprietor and manager of the school. There is a large attendance not only from this, but also from other states, and the Mount Pleasant Academy ranks as one of the excellent preparatory schools of eastern Iowa .

On the 2 nd of January, 1889 , Professor Antrim was married to Miss Ida L. Smith, of Primrose, Iowa , a daughter of Chris and Henrietta Smith. She is a graduate of the Primrose high school, and for a number of years was a capable teacher in the schools of Lee county. Mr. and Mrs. Antrim have two children, Florence and Etta, and they occupy a beautiful home at No. 603 East Washington street , which was built by Professor Antrim in 1897. It is tastefully furnished and shows many evidences of the culture and refinement of the family.

He and his wife hold membership in the Presbyterian church, and his fraternal relations are with Mount Pleasant Lodge, No. 8, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, Eastern Star, Lodge, No. 6, Knights of Pythias and the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, in which he is past grand and also past chief patriarch. He is likewise past master workman of the Ancient Order of United Workmen, and is one of the three trustees of Mystic Lodge, No. 55, Independent Order of Odd Fellows, having the trust of over ten thousand dollars.

He has given his life to a profession which is of eminent service to his fellow men, and his zeal and enthusiasm in his chosen calling, supplementing a naturally strong mind, have made him an educator whose ability is recognized.

(Biographical Review of Henry County, Iowa. Chicago: Hobart Publishing Co.,1906. p.152)


William Archibald

WILLIAM ARCHIBALD, a farmer of Baltimore Township, residing on section 20, was born in Hamilton County, Ohio, and is a son of Edmund and Belinda (Calhoun) Archibald. The sire was a native of Massachusetts, and Belinda Calhoun was a relative of the noted John C. Calhoun. In Indiana the parents of our subject were married, and their eldest child, Alva, was born in that State. Later the family removed to Hamilton County, Ohio, where Mr. Archibald worked at his trade, that of wagon-making, in connection with farming. While residing there Laura, now deceased, was born, as was also our subject. In the autumn of 1837 the Archibald family emigrated to Iowa, and settled on Skunk River, where Edmund took a claim adjoining the present village of Lowell on the west. He entered this land later, improved it, and upon this spot both himself and wife lived and died.

William Archibald was born in 1834, and was only a little past three years of age at the time his father located here, and the Black Hawk tribe yet had their village located upon his father's claim, and their old wigwams were still standing, and the same were used when sugar-making time came in the spring. But little of the Indian language was learned by our subject, but he
remembers well the band of Indians who passed through on their way east, in 1838, for the chief's son, John Black Hawk, made a speech, in which he denounced bitterly the building of the dam across the river. He said: "I am mad at this thing, the dam is mad; hear it roar." The homes which the Indians knew are now peopled by white men, and their choice hunting-grounds
have brought back large returns of wealth to the white man who settled in this fertile valley. After all the other Indians had gone, one lone savage was loath to leave the forests where he had passed so many happy days. By name he was known as Dr. Jim, and for a long time he brought in lead or ore and sold to the settlers, who would make him drunk and try to learn the place
where it was obtained, but Dr. Jim was too shrewd for them, and to this day no trace of the ore has ever been discovered, although he would bring in supplies two hours after he had found a customer. He went to the second purchase near the Osage Agency, and it is currently reported that his own tribe killed him.

After Mr. Archibald settled here one other child was born, Sarah E., now the wife of John W. Grigg, of Lowell, Iowa. Edmund Archibald studied medicine after he came to this county, and became one of the most successful men of his profession in his day, and enjoyed a reputation, both far and near, which was truly an enviable one. He amassed a large fortune during his life, and left his children wealthy. He died at the age of seventy-three, respected alike by rich and poor, old and young. His wife died in her sixty-eighth year.

Our subject was married when twenty years of age, to Miss Sarah A. Hufstedler, the daughter of Martin and Mary Hufstedler, who came from Indiana in 1852, and settled in Van Buren County, Iowa, and in 1857 became residents of Henry County. Her father died near Hillsboro, and her mother now resides in Osceola, Clarke County, at the age of eighty-four. Mr. and Mrs. Archibald are the parents of eight children, some of whom are deceased. They are named: William M., the husband of Kate Flenor, resides near Clarinda, Page County; George W. is engaged in railroading; Mary F. is the wife of Howard Root, of Marion County; Ola, Albert, Harry and Ernest are unmarried. William Archibald has been a resident of the county for half a century, and during his business life has been a successful farmer. Declining all official positions, his time has been given to the furtherance of his business, and almost within sight of his boyhood home he has lived and reared his family, and the name of Archibald is as widely known in Henry County as any of the many names which have given her a desired prominence.

(Portrait and Biographical Album, Henry County, Iowa; Acme Publishing Company, Chicago, 1888, p 315)


William Archibald

William Archibald, now deceased, was for many years a worthy and respected citizen of Henry county, where he devoted his energies with signal success to the occupation of farming. He was born in New Haven , Ohio , October 2, 1834 , his parents being Dr. Edmond and Belinda ( Calhoun ) Archibald, the former a native of Massachusetts and the latter of Indiana . The paternal grandparents were William and Elizabeth Archibald, natives of Massachusetts and the maternal grandfather was Major John Calhoun, who served as a soldier of the war of 1812. The parents were married in Indiana and arrived on the present site of Lowell , in Baltimore township, Henry county, Iowa , in 1837, although the town had not yet been founded. They traveled westward by way of the Ohio and Mississippi rivers to Fort Madison, and thence drove across the country in wagons to Lowell, which name was given to the town by Dr. Archibald in honor of Lowell, Massachusetts.

He entered land adjoining the town site and thus established his home in the midst of a wild and unimproved district. The Indians made their way up and down the Skunk river in their canoes and pitched their tents in the forests, hunting for wild game. The trees were uncut, the streams unbridged and the prairie land uncultivated and in fact, the most far-sighted could not have dreamed that within a short space of time all of this was to be converted into highly cultivated farms with flourishing towns in their midst. The land which Mr. Archibald secured was covered with timber and in the midst of the green forest he built a log cabin and then began to clear and improve the land. His first home was one and a half miles west of Lowell and there he made many improvements. Later he lived for many years in the village, where he died April 26, 1878 , having for several years survived his wife. He was one of the honored and valued pioneer residents of this part of the state and aided in laying broad and deep the foundation for the development of the county.

William Archibald spent his boyhood days in his parents' home in Lowell , there remaining until his marriage, which was celebrated on the 6 th of September, 1854 . In the meantime he had acquired a good education in the district schools of Lowell . He wedded Miss Sarah Hufstedler, who was born in Parke county, Indiana, January 11, 1835 , and attended the public schools of that state. Her parents were Martin and Mary ( Kirkum ) Hufstedler, natives of Kentucky and Illinois respectively. Unto Mr. and Mrs. Archibald have been born five sons and two daughters. William M., born September 3, 1855 , married Kate Fleenor, who was born in Des Moines county, Iowa , March 19, 1865 . They resided near Clarinda , Iowa , where he died November 14, 1901 , leaving two children: Grace A., born July 5, 1891 ; and Irvin A., born February 25, 1898 . Mary Frances, born May 11, 1858 , is the wife of Howard Root, of Kansas City , Kansas and has two children: Archibald W., born April 6, 1886 ; and Richard Ross, born May 2, 1888 . George W., born May 20, 1860 , died July 30, 1903 . Viola, born April 26, 1866 , is the wife of John Stewart, of Lee county, Iowa , and their children are Beatrice and Rastus. Albert E., born October 6, 1868 , Harry E., September 23, 1871 , and Ernest, May 27, 1874 , are all at home.

Following his marriage Mr. Archibald resided in Lowell until 1896, when he purchased a farm of one hundred and ninety-two acres on section 20, which was partially improved. He erected a residence of nine rooms in 1903 and it is one of the attractive farm residences in this part of the county. He built two large barns upon the place. It is divided into fields of convenient size and he carried on general farming in connection with his two sons as long as he was able to work, but ill health at length forced him to retire. At length he was compelled to undergo an operation on the 20 th of April, 1906 , but he never rallied therefrom and died about midnight on Saturday night, the 21 st of April. His remains were interred in Lowell cemetery on the 24 th , and his death was deeply regretted by many friends. He had passed the seventy-first milestone on life's journey.

His political allegiance was given to the republican party and his religious faith was indicated by his membership in the Cumberland Presbyterian church at Bethany . All who knew him respected him for his many sterling traits of character and his good qualities of heart and mind. In his business he prospered, owing to his carefully directed efforts and he left his family in comfortable circumstances.

(Biographical Review of Henry County, Iowa. Chicago: Hobart Publishing Co.,1906. p.215)


Nathaniel E. Armstrong

NATHANIEL E. ARMSTRONG, a prominent and well-known citizen of Henry County, residing on section 24, Tippecanoe Township, was born in Hamilton County, Ohio, in 1816, and is the son of Leonard and Rebecca (Riggs) Armstrong, the former a native of Virginia, and the latter of North Carolina, the father being of Scotch and the mother of German descent. Leonard Armstrong settled at Columbia, Ohio, in 1796, near where Cincinnati now stands, though at that time there was no settlement there. Here he lived a short time, then moved a few miles east to the Little Miami River, where he and three brothers, John, Thomas and Nathaniel, each claimed a mill site and built a mill. These mills were widely known as the Armstrong Mills, and were among the first erected in that part of Ohio. They were visited by the settlers for 100 miles around. One of them was used for the manufacture of woolen goods and the others were saw and flouring mills.

Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong reared a family of eleven children, four sons and seven daughters, all of whom grew to man and womanhood, and lived to rear families of their own, and eight of them are still living. They were as follows: Nathaniel, our subject; William F., who now resides in Missouri, and is a miller by trade; John R., also a miller, residing in Illinois; Hannah Ann, wife of John C. Webb, of Hamilton County, Ohio, both deceased; Harriet, the wife of John W. Millspaugh, a carpenter of Winfield, Kan. ; Philomelia, wife of Thomas Spellman, a resident of Kansas; Selina, wife of Andrew Riggs, residing in Eddyville, Iowa; Frances V., wife of Alfred Riggs, of Mahaska County, Iowa; Amanda, wife of John Slemmons, residing at Council Bluffs, Iowa; Zelia Jane married B. K. Pharr, a citizen of this county, and departed this life in Salem, in 1868, he dying in the same place in 1865; Clayton W. died in Winfield, Kan., at the age of sixty-five.

Our subject passed his youth on a farm and worked in a mill. He was educated at the public schools and at Parker's Academy in Clermont County, Ohio. At the age of twenty-seven, in 1843, he was united in marriage with Miss Charlotte Millspaugh, who was born in 1826, in Clermont County, Ohio, and is a daughter of James and Cynthia (Corwin) Millspaugh. The latter was a cousin to Thomas Corwin, the distinguished orator and Statesman of Ohio. In the spring of 1844 Mr. Armstrong emigrated with his young wife to Warrick County, Ind., there purchasing eighty acres of land in the forest, with but a few acres cleared, on which was a log cabin. In this cabin he lived happily in true frontier style for four years. Selling this, Mr. Armstrong purchased a tract of land of seventy-six acres in the suburbs of Boonville, Ind., residing there for ten years engaged in farming and running a mill. In 1858 he emigrated to Henry County, Iowa, purchasing the Oakland Mills and 320 acres of land in connection with his three brothers-in-law, Messrs. Riggs, Spellman and Millspaugh. Mr. Armstrong still owns his interest, his partner being John P. Stringer, the husband of his daughter Eugenia.

Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong are the parents of six children, namely: Marcellus, who resides in Center Township in this county; Sarah Belle died at the age of fifteen; Alice died at the age of eighteen; T. N., who resides with his father; Eugenia, wife of John P. Stringer, of this county; Milton, residing in Colorado, is engaged in the mercantile business, and Josephine, who makes her home with her parents, is an artist of considerable ability.

Mr. Armstrong is very liberal in his political views, believing in political reform, and at present heartily indorsing the principles of the Union Labor party. In religion he is a free thinker. He has held many township offices with credit to himself and satisfaction to the community, and has held the office of Township Treasurer for twelve years. Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong are among the pioneer settlers of this county, and are well known and highly respected by all who know them.

(Portrait and Biographical Album, Henry County, Iowa; Acme Publishing Company, Chicago, 1888, pp 261-262) (JC)


C.V. Arnold

C. V. ARNOLD, Treasurer of the Iowa State Hospital for the Insane, and senior partner of the firm of Arnold & Lyons, druggists of that city, was born in Morristown, Belmont Co., Ohio, Jan. 10, 1830. His parents, James H. and Sarah (Ewing) Arnold, were natives of Fayette County, Pa., who moved to Ohio in early life. The subject of this sketch learned the tinner's trade in his youth, and in 1853 removed to Henry County, Iowa, locating at Salem, where he engaged in a stove, tinware and drug business, in which line he continued until 1863, when he was elected Treasurer of Henry County and removed to Mt. Pleasant. He entered upon the duties of his office Jan. 1, 1864, and serving the people faithfully, he was twice re-elected and continued in office until 1870. Returning to Salem he engaged in general merchandising, and continued in that business until 1873, when he accepted the position as cashier of the First National Bank, of Mt. Pleasant, and served as such until the fall of 1874, when he resigned and again engaged in the drug business at Salem. On the 1st day of January, 1876, he removed the drug-store to Mt. Pleasant and entered into partnership with Dr. Lyon. At the same time he accepted the Deputy Treasurer-ship of the county under Addison Roads and served in that capacity with Mr. Roads and his successors, Samuel I. Shaner and George S. Gass, until Jan. 1, 1888, making the period in the County Treasurer's office eighteen years in all. In October, 1879, he was appointed Treasurer for the State Hospital for the Insane at Mt. Pleasant, and has served in that position for more than eight years.

On the 23d day of November, 1854, Mr. Arnold was united in marriage with Miss Amanda D. Richey, whose parents were among the early settlers of Henry County. She was born in Pike County, Ill., Dec. 31, 1835. Five children were born to them, one son and four daughters: Marcellus O., born in Salem, Iowa, Sept. 7, 1855, is living in Talladega, Ala.; Nellie, born in Salem, June 16, 1860, is the wife of T. J. Pittinger, of the same place; Effie L., born in Salem, Sept. 8, 1863, is the wife of Alfred H. Williams, of Arcadia, Fla.; Mabel, born Jan. 12, 1866, and Sarah Agnes, born Sept. 15, 1868, reside at home. One son, James B., born April 3, 1858, died at the age of eleven years. Mrs. Arnold died Feb. 11, 1874.

Mr. Arnold was again married, at Mt. Pleasant, May 12, 1875, to Miss Addie E. Howard, daughter of Horton J. Howard, and a granddaughter of Elijah Bates, the eminent Quaker divine of Ohio. She was born at Mt. Pleasant, Jefferson Co., Ohio, March 25, 1844. Two children were born of the latter marriage: Mary Eliza, born in Salem, Iowa, Feb. 29, 1876, and Harold, in Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, May 12, 1877. Mrs. Arnold is an active member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Mr. Arnold is a stalwart Republican, and an acknowledged potent factor in local politics. He is a Knight Templar Mason, a member of Jerusalem Commandery No. 8, of Mt. Pleasant; of Henry Chapter No. 8, R. A. M.; of Salem Lodge No. 17, A. F. & A. M., and of Salem Lodge No. 48, I. O. O. F. Of the latter body he was the first actual Noble Grand thirty-four years ago.

Mr. Arnold has been a resident of Henry County for thirty-four years, more than twenty of which have been spent in public positions of trust and responsibility. During this time he has formed a more extensive acquaintance throughout the county than probably any other man. His methodical habits and fine executive ability, supported by a reputation for the strictest integrity, and close attention to details, have made him a most popular officer. A conscientious discharge of the duties devolving upon him, even to the smallest detail of business, has become a habit of his life. His long continuance in the responsible position he holds speaks in no uncertain tone of the high esteem in which he is held in the community where he has spent more than half his life.

A fine portrait of Mr. Arnold is herewith presented to the readers of the ALBUM, which will be appreciated as the years go by.

(Portrait and Biographical Album, Henry County, Iowa; Acme Publishing Company, Chicago, 1888, pp 205-206.)(JC)


James Hammond Arnold

JAMES HAMMOND ARNOLD, retired. The importance of the history of Henry County depends largely upon the accuracy of the personal sketches of the men who have for a generation been interested in the development of her soil, her society, her schools and her churches. Among such men we are pleased to notice James Hammond Arnold, the second oldest man now living in the county, and the oldest in Salem Township. His family are all widely known and highly respected, and of each one we will make mention in their proper place. James H. Arnold was born Dec. 7, 1797, near Brownsville, Fayette Co., Pa., and is a son of James and Comfort (Conwell) Arnold. Three brothers, Andrew, Jonathan and Jesse Arnold, emigrated from Chester County, Pa., near Philadelphia, to Ft. Redstone, on the east side of the Monongahela River, and settled within protecting distance of the fort, in 1765. Jonathan Arnold, grandfather of our subject, wedded Rachel Scott, whose parents came from Scotland, in which country she was probably born, and he located on the east bank of the river opposite the mouth of Ten-Mile Creek, and the others immediately below. The claim of Jonathan consisted of over 1,000 acres, which he improved, and upon which he lived and died. Of his children there were Jonathan, Benjamin, Levi, Hannah, Rachel, Sarah, William and James, the two latter being twins. James, like the others of his name, was a farmer. His father, and Jonathan, his oldest brother, also owned and operated a powder mill on the old homestead, and James owned a mill in Jefferson County, Ohio. He removed with his family to Jefferson (now Harrison) County, Ohio, in 1803, the date of her admission as a State. He was wedded in Pennsylvania to Comfort Connell, who bore in that State, James H., our subject, Hyatt and Narcissa L. Time Arnolds were among the first families settling in that part of Ohio, and there a daughter, Matilda, was born the same year they made their settlement. Her birth was followed by those of Putnam and William C., the date of the birth of the latter being 1808. From the best knowledge of our subject, the family were of Quaker stock, but his mother was a member of the Presbyterian Church, and James Arnold donated a church site for the latter denomination, and the same site is still known as the "Beech Spring" meeting-house, and is yet occupied as church property. The death of James Arnold occurred in Harrison County, Ohio, Jan. 24, 1811, and his widow afterward married George Keller, a farmer of the same county. To him she bore no heirs, She died in that neighborhood in her fifty-first year.

Our subject is the only surviving member of the family. After the death of his father lie returned to Washington County, Pa., and learned the process of wool manufacturing. He then took a trip down the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers, and then to Cuba, and back to Philadelphia. This voyage exhausted his cash resources, so on foot, with his bundle on his back, he tramped over the mountains 300 miles to Fayette County, Pa., where he rented a woolen-mill, and again accumulated some money. While there lie formed the acquaintance of Sarah, daughter of John and Martha (Sample) Ewan, to whom he was married April 29, 1821, in Fayette County, Pa. She was born Jan. 24, 1798, in Winchester, Va. They remained in Pennsylvania till 1823, Mr. Arnold all the while engaged in the manufacture of woolens. In that State the eldest daughter, Martha, was born, but died in infancy, He removed in the fall of 1821 to Belmont County, Ohio, where he rented another woolen-mill, at Belmont Station, operating it for five years, then going to Morristown, where he erected a large factory, and for years carried on the same. In 1842 he sold the factory, and engaged in merchandising, and being also appointed Postmaster, he continued in business until their removal to Iowa, in 1853. The mechanical ingenuity of our subject led to his invention of many valuable devices in the manufacture of woolens, and he has the honor of being the patentee of the first threshing-machine ever patented, July 8, 1830, the patent bearing the signature of President Andrew Jackson, with Martin Van Buren, Secretary of State. Mr. Arnold built a machine which was later improved by other patents, and he then decided to have nothing more to do with it. The children born in Ohio are Louisa N., now the wife of George Pitman, a farmer of Salem Township; Libertatia, the widow of Hon. A. J. Withrow, who was a former Representative of this county in the State Legislature; Columbus V., ex-Treasurer of this county (see sketch); he is now the husband of Addie Howard, and resides in Mt. Pleasant. Bolivar W. and Cleopatra died in childhood; Pizzaro C., the hardware merchant of Salem, wedded Phoebe Childs; Galileo died in childhood; Xenophon H., with whom our subject resides, wedded first Mary Haskett, and after her death Miss Emma V. Armstrong, of Fayette County, Pa. In April, 1853, James H. Arnold purchased the farm which is yet his home, and without any experience as a farmer decided to reside in the country. After his sons became old enough to work it, they assumed its management, and each child married and removed to other localities, except X. H., familiarly known as M., also the direction of the wind. It is noted in the plainest script, and gives exact information regarding the above points for every day covering the period mentioned. Not only is he one of the oldest, but one of the most respected, citizens of the township, and a host of friends wish for him many more years of life and health.

(Portrait and Biographical Album, Henry County, Iowa; Acme Publishing Company, Chicago, 1888, pp 248-249)(JC)


Jacob Arthand

JACOB ARTHAND, a farmer residing on section 15, Wayne Township, Henry Co., Iowa, was born in Upper Canada, near Hamburg, Sept. 2, 1843, and is a son of Emile and Susannah (Ebersole) Arthand, both natives of France, he born near the central part, she in Alsace. The parents of Emile Arthand both remained and died in France. By trade, Emile was a cutler, but after emigrating to Canada purchased a farm or rather woodland which he made into a farm later. While single he made a prospecting trip over part of the United States, making the journey on foot from the Dominion of Canada to the city of New Orleans, and thence back to his first location in Canada, after which he sold his land. It was in about 1827 that he came to America, and his marriage was celebrated at the age of thirty-three. This union was productive of a family of fifteen children, only three of whom are deceased. The eight eldest were born in Canada-Christian, John, Jacob, Leo, Magdalena, Jonathan: Samuel, deceased; and Enos. In 1850 the family left Canada and located in Porter County, Ind., near Valparaiso, where a farm was purchased, but fifteen months later it was sold, and the family moved direct to Iowa, locating permanently in Washington County in 1853, where the family resided until 1868, when the father purchased a farm in Henry County, a part of which is owned by his son Benjamin. The death of Emile Arthand occurred Jan. 26, 1887, having reached his eighty-first year. In Iowa, Daniel; Martin, deceased; Benjamin; Barbara, deceased; Mary, Frank and Joseph, were born. The mother resides in a cottage near our subject, with her son Joseph and daughter Mary. Joseph and Frank are teachers by profession, having received their education at Howe's Academy ; Leo also taught some in Muscatine County, but is now, as well as the others, engaged in farming; John is the husband of Anazelle Odell, and resides in Taylor County; Leo wedded Diantha Moffett, of Muscatine County, and now resides in Dallas County; Jonathan married Sarah Welch, of Sherman County, Neb., where they reside; Christian is also a farmer in Sherman County, Neb.; Lena is the wife of Egbert Vanscoy, a farmer of the same county; Daniel wedded Mary Henry, of Lee County, and resides in Taylor County; Benjamin became the husband of Stella Beriman, and they reside on the old homestead.

Jacob Arthand, our subject, is the husband of Miss Christinia Conrad, daughter of Daniel and Mary (Klopfenstein) Conrad. She was born in this county, Dec. 29, 1852, and deserves special recognition as one of the daughters born on Henry County soil. On the 30th of October, 1870, the nuptials were celebrated at the home of the bride's brother Daniel in Washington County, and the young couple began their domestic life, the first year in Henry County, and the next six months in Washington County, where Mr. Arthand had purchased a farm. Later this was sold, and his present farm in Wayne Township was purchased in the autumn of 1872, when they removed to the same and since that day have been identified with the business and prosperity of Henry County. Here their children-Clara Lillian, William W. and Bertha-were born.

Possessing the characteristics of his race, Mr. Arthand has led a life of enterprise, which has brought large returns in a financial sense. With his citizenship came the confidence of his townsman in his capabilities as an official, and he has been thrice elected Trustee of Wayne Township, and is now his own successor in that capacity. Since 1874 he has been connected with the School Board, several years of which time he was Treasurer. His fine farm house was completed in 1882, one of the nicest in the northern part of the county, and overlooks the growing village of Olds, which furnishes school and railroad facilities. Not only has this been done, but many of the most important improvements of the county have been completed since the family first became residents of Henry County. The Arthands are not only well known, but are by virtue of a long and honorable citizenship entitled to representation in the pages of her history. The parents of Mrs. Arthand are both deceased. They were parents of thirteen children, nine living and all married; Christinia, wife of our subject; Marin wedded Anna Klopfenstein; Barbara is the wife of Christian Bachler; Catherine wedded John Rich; Daniel married Catherine Zeigler, now deceased; Fannie is the wife of Michael Klopfenstein; Peter married Carrie Kapfercr; John is the husband of Mary Ferdamwalt, and Sarah wedded Peter Augspergur. Those deceased are Hannah, wife of S. B. Wyse, a merchant of Wayland; Lydia, Mary and Anna.

(Portrait and Biographical Album, Henry County, Iowa; Acme Publishing Company, Chicago, 1888, pp 216-217.)(JC)



Susan was born in Trumbull Co., Ohio, the fourth of eleven children of Alexander Ashbaugh and Lydia Fox, who both appear to be descendants of Palatine Germans. Her father Alexander was the great-grandson of Johann Heinrich Eschbach who sailed aboard the Winter Galley in 1738 to Philadelphia, and, calling himself Henry Ashbaugh, settled in what is now Mountjoy Twp., Adams Co., Pennsylvania. Her mother Lydia was the great-granddaughter of John Michael Sprinkle (variations: Sprankle, Sprenckel, Sprenkle), who came from Palatine Germany in 1725 to settle in what is now York County, Pennsylvania, and later moved with his sons to become the first settlers in Huntington Twp., Huntington County, Pennsylvania. Lydia's father John B. Fox may also be German; the family name perhaps was Fuchs.

In 1853 Susan's parents moved the family to Michigan State and then in 1857 to Iowa where they farmed land in Des Moines County. Susan was working on a neighbor's farm when she met John M. Mickey. She was probably cooking for the farm crew that included John, his brother Robert, and two other men hired for the summer. John in his diary says he was smitten with Susannah right from the start but hesitated to court her because his friend also had his eye on her. But Susan took things into her own hands, throwing John a kiss from the window one day and later contriving to meet him at the well (according to John, "like Rebecca and Jacob"). They were married February 13, 1862, and went to live in Henry County, Iowa on the farm John had purchased with earnings from his gold mining days in Oregon.

Under the cloud of war and the threat of John's being drafted into the Union Army, Susan and John worked especially hard that first year to pay off the debt they incurred farming their own land. John noted in his diary that the calico dress he bought Susan cost twenty bushels of corn, the high cost due to the loss of southern cotton supplies.

On May 4, 1863 Susan gave birth to her first child, a girl they named Dora May. Four of the eight children Susan bore died as small children and are buried in the Winfield, Iowa cemetery "on the sunny slope". Dora was her only surviving daughter, and it was she who cared for her mother in the last years of her life when Susan became bedridden after a hip fracture.

If one reads between the lines of her husband's diary, Susan must have resisted for many years his arguments for moving to the West Coast, for it was not until 1890 after the completion of the Northern Pacific Railroad that she agreed to go. She was fifty years old and her husband fifty-six. They chartered a boxcar to move their household goods and livestock across the county. Susan and her youngest child Dowd traveled by passenger train to Portland, Oregon, where they joined her husband John and son John Alexander who had ridden on the freight train with the family goods. Susan and John had more difficult years in Battle Ground, Washington, trying to turn stump land into a productive farm.

Susan must have welcomed the arrival of several other members of her family to the Northwest. Son James, who never married, came to help on the farm; daughter Dora and her husband Jim Christy left their homestead in Nebraska to live in Vancouver, Washington, and two of her sisters came west with their families: Priscilla Herrold to Ilwaco, Washington, and Sarah Elliott to Portland, Oregon. Susan's ten grandchildren were raised in the Battle Ground area.

In 1908, Susan and John sold their Battle Ground farm and bought a house in Vancouver, where friends and relatives came to celebrate their golden wedding anniversary in 1912. Susan was raised in the Methodist Episcopal Church and was a member of the Baptist Church in Vancouver. She is buried beside her husband in the Old City Cemetery in Vancouver.

Submitted by Sharon (Mickey) Norton, January 2003; to the Henry County IAGenWeb, January 2014.

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