Who's Who in Henry County, 1940 |
County IAGenWeb 1940 Who's Who |
Each sketch in this book is autobiographical, giving in order the following information where submitted: Name, place and date of birth; parents; education; marriage and names of children; business history, showing dates, locations and type of employment or business endeavor; war record; clubs and organizations; politics; church affiliation; hobbies and present office and home address. Where an individual is still active in a capacity as listed, we have given the date when such affiliation began, followed by a hyphen, as "1932- cashier, State Bank"; or "1929- mayor." Where such activity has terminated, both dates are given, as "1932-38 cashier, State Bank", etc. |
Press Cntl F to quickly "Find" a specific entry. |
A & M | Agricultural & Mechanical | |
A&P Rwy | Atlantic & Pacific Railway | |
AA | degree of associate of arts | |
AAA | Agricultural Adjustment Administration | |
American Automobile Association | ||
AAONMS | Ancient Arabic Order of Nobles of the Mystic Shrine | |
AAAS | American Association for the Advancement of Science | |
AASR | Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite | |
AAU | Amateur Athletic Union | |
AAUP | American Association of University Professors | |
AAUW | American Association of University Women | |
acad | academy, academic | |
acct | accountant | |
ACD | American College of Dentists | |
ACP | American College of Physicians | |
Agricultural Conservation Program | ||
ACS | American College of Surgeons | |
ADA | American Dental Association | |
adjt | adjutant | |
adm | admitted | |
AE | agricultural engineer (ing) | |
AEF | American Expeditionary Force | |
AF&AM | Ancient Free & Accepted Masons | |
AFI | All for Iowa | |
AF of L | American Federation of Labor | |
agcy | agency | |
agr (l) | agriculture (al) | |
agt | agent | |
AHEPA | American Hellenic Educational Progressive Association | |
AIEE | American Institute of Electrical Engineers | |
Ala | Alabama | |
ALA | American Library Association | |
AMA | American Medical Association | |
Amer | American | |
AMPA | American Newspaper Publishers Association | |
AOUW | Ancient Order of United Workmen | |
AP | Associated Press | |
appr | apprentice | |
apptd | appointed | |
apptmt | appointment | |
apt (s) | apartment (s) | |
ARC | American Red Cross | |
Ariz | Arizona | |
Ark | Arkansas | |
arty | artillery | |
AS | air service | |
ASAE | American Society of Agricultural Engineers | |
ASCE | American Society of Civil Engineers | |
ASME | American Society of Mechanical Engineers | |
ASSC | Air Service Signal Corps | |
assn | association | |
assoc | associate (d) | |
asst | assistant | |
AT&SF Rwy | Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway | |
att | attended, attending | |
atty | attorney | |
Aug | August | |
aux | auxiliary | |
ave | avenue | |
AZA | Aleph Zadek Aleph | |
b | born | |
B&A RR | Boston & Albany Railroad | |
B & L | Building & Loan | |
B&M RR | Burlington & Missouri Railroad | |
B&O RR Co | Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Company | |
B&PW | Business & Professional Women | |
BA | bachelor of arts | |
BAE | Bureau of Agricultural Economics | |
BAgr | bachelor of agriculture | |
Bapt | Baptist | |
BArch | bachelor of architecture | |
BAS | bachelor of association science | |
batt | battalion | |
BBA | bachelor of business administration | |
B C | British Columbia | |
BCE | bachelor of civil engineering | |
BCL | bachelor of civil law | |
BCS | bachelor of commercial science | |
bd | board | |
BD | bachelor of divinity | |
BDi | bachelor of didactics | |
BDS | bachelor of dental surgery | |
BE | bachelor of education, bachelor of engineering, | |
bachelor of expression | ||
BEd | bachelor of education | |
BEF | British Expeditionary Force | |
BFA | bachelor of fine arts | |
BJ | bachelor of journalism | |
bkkpr | bookkeeper | |
BL | bachelor of laws, bachelor of letters | |
bldg | building | |
BLitt | bachelor of literature, bachelor of letters | |
BLS | bachelor of library science | |
blvd | boulevard | |
BM | bachelor of medicine | |
BME | bachelor of mining engineering | |
BMus | bachelor of music | |
B of LE | Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers | |
B of LF&E | Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Engineers | |
BO | bachelor of oratory | |
BPd | bachelor of pedagogy | |
BPE | bachelor of physical education | |
BPOE | Benevolent Protective Order of Elks | |
B of RC | Brotherhood of Railway Clerks | |
brig | brigadier | |
BRE | bachelor of religious education | |
BRT | Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen | |
BSA | bachelor of agricultural science, Boy Scouts of America | |
BSc | bachelor of science | |
BSD | bachelor of didactic science | |
BSL | bachelor of sacred literature | |
BTh | bachelor of theology | |
bur | bureau | |
BVM | Blessed Virgin Mary | |
C&EI RR | Chicago & Eastern Illinois Railroad | |
C> Rwy | Chicago & Grand Trunk Railroad | |
C&NP RR | Chicago & Northern Pacific Railroad | |
C&NW Rwy | Chicago & Northwestern Railroad | |
C&O Rwy | Chesapeake & Ohio Railroad | |
C&S Rwy Co | Colorado & Southern Railway Company | |
CAC | coast artillery corps | |
Cal | California | |
capt | captain | |
CAR | Children of the American Revolution | |
carp | carpenter | |
cash | cashier | |
Cath | Catholic | |
CB&Q Rwy Co | Chicago, Burlington & Quncy Railway Company | |
CCC&StL Rwy | Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago & St Louis Railway | |
CE | civil engineer | |
CGW Rwy | Chicago Great Western Railway | |
ch | chapter, charter, church | |
chg | charge | |
chmn | chairman | |
Chris | Christian | |
Chris Sci | Christian Science | |
clk | clerk | |
CLU | Central Labor Union | |
CM&StP Rwy | Chicago, Milwaukee & St Paul Railway | |
CMTC | Citizens Military Training Camp | |
co | company (s), county (s) | |
COF | Catholic Order of Foresters | |
C of C | Chamber of Commerce | |
col | colonel | |
coll | college | |
Colo | Colorado | |
com | committee | |
comdt | commandant | |
comm | commander, community | |
commd | commissioned | |
comml | commercial | |
commr | commissioner | |
conf | conference | |
Congl | Congregational, Congressional | |
Conn | Connecticut | |
contr | contractor | |
conv | convention | |
co-op | co-operative | |
corp | corporation, corporal | |
COTS | central officers training school | |
coun | council | |
CP Rwy | Canadian Pacific Railway | |
CPA | certified public accountant | |
CRI&P Rwy | Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railway | |
CStPM&O Rwy | Chicago, St Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha Railway | |
CWA | Civil Works Administration | |
d | daughter | |
D&RGW RR Co | Denver & Rio Grande Western Railroad Company | |
DAgr | doctor of agriculture | |
DAR | Daughters of the American Revolution | |
DAV | Disabled American Veterans | |
D C | District of Columbia | |
DC | doctor of chiropractic | |
DCL | doctor of civil law | |
DD | doctor of divinity | |
DDS | doctor of dental surgery | |
dec | deceased | |
Dec | December | |
DEd | doctor of education | |
del | delegate | |
Del | Delaware | |
Dem | Democrat | |
DEng | doctor of engineering | |
dep | deputy | |
dept | department | |
DHL | doctor of Hebrew literature | |
dir (s) | director (s) | |
disch | discharged | |
dist | district | |
div | division | |
DLit (t) | doctor of literature | |
dir (s) | dealer (s) | |
DLS | doctor of library science | |
DM&C | Des Moines & Central Iowa Railroad Co | |
DMU Rwy | Des Moines Union Railway | |
DMus | doctor of music | |
DO | doctor of osteopathy | |
DOKK | Dramatic Order of Knights of Khorasson of America | |
DORC | dental officers reserve corps | |
Dr | doctor | |
DRE | doctor of religious education | |
DSc | doctor of science | |
DSC | distinguished service cross | |
DST | doctor of sacred theology | |
DTM | doctor of tropical medicine | |
DUV | Daughters of Union Veterans | |
DVM | doctor of veterinary medicine | |
DVS | doctor of veterinary surgery | |
E | east | |
ed | educated | |
ED | doctor of engineering | |
EdB | bachelor of education | |
EdD | doctor of education | |
EdM | master of education | |
edn (l) | education (al) | |
EE | electrical engineer | |
elec | elected | |
elem | elementary | |
emp | employed | |
engr (s) | engineer (s) | |
enl | enlisted | |
ent | entered | |
Episc | Episcopal | |
est | estate | |
estab | established | |
Evang | Evangelical | |
exec | executive | |
ext | extensive | |
extn | extension | |
FACD | Fellow of the American College of Dentists | |
FACP | Fellow of the American College of Physicians | |
FACS | Fellow of the American College of Surgeons | |
FBI | Federal Bureau of Inventigation | |
FCA | Farm Credit Administration | |
FDDM&Sou RR | Fort Dodge, Des Moines & Southern Railroad | |
FDIC | Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation | |
FE&MV RR | Fremont, Elkhorn & Missouri Valley Railroad | |
Feb | February | |
fed | federal | |
fedn | federation | |
FFA | Future Farmers of America | |
FHA | Federal Housing Administration | |
Fla | Florida | |
FOE | Fraternal Order of Eagles | |
frat | fraternity | |
FSA | Farm Security Administration | |
FSB | Federal Securities Board | |
FTDA | Florists Telegraph Delivery Association | |
FtDM | Fort Des Moines | |
furn | furniture | |
Ga | Georgia | |
GAR | Grand Army of the Republic | |
gen | general | |
GFWC | General Federation of Women's Clubs | |
GHQ | general headquarters | |
GMC | General Motors Corporation | |
GN Rwy | Great Northern Railway | |
gov | governor | |
govt | government | |
grad | graduate | |
groc | grocer | |
GT Rwy | Grand Trunk Railway | |
hdqrs | headquarters | |
hdw | hardware | |
HG | Home Guard | |
hist | historical | |
HOLC | Home Owners Loan Corporation | |
hon | honorable, honorary | |
hosp | hospital | |
HS | high school | |
ICC | Interstate Commerce Commission | |
IC RR | Illinois Central Railroad | |
ICS | International Correspondence School | |
IERA | Iowa Emergency Relief Administration | |
IFWC | Iowa Federation of Women's Clubs | |
IGA | Independent Grocers Alliance | |
IGN RR | International Great Northern Railroad | |
Ill | Illinois | |
impl | implement | |
inc | incorporated | |
Ind | Indiana | |
indep | independent (ly) | |
inf | infantry | |
ING | Iowa National Guards | |
ins | insurance | |
inst | institute | |
instr | instructor | |
int (s) | interest (s) (ed) | |
internatl | international | |
IOGT | International Order of Good Templars | |
IOOF | Independent Order of Odd Fellows | |
IPA | Iowa Press Association | |
ISTA | Iowa State Teachers Association | |
ISTC | Iowa State Teachers College | |
ITU | International Typographical Union | |
Jan | January | |
JCD, JDC | doctor of civil law | |
JCL | Juris Canonici Lector | |
JD | juris doctor, doctor of laws | |
JP | Justice of the Peace | |
jr | junior | |
JSD | doctor of juristic science | |
JUD | doctor of canon & civil laws | |
Kas | Kansas | |
KC | Knight of Columbus | |
KCCH | Knights Commandery of the Court of Honor | |
KCS Rwy | Kansas City Southern Railway | |
KP | Knights of Pythias | |
KT | Knights Templar | |
Ky | Kentucky | |
L & B | Loan & Building | |
L&N RR | Louisville & Nashville Railroad | |
La | Louisiana | |
LA&SL RR | Los Angeles & Salt Lake Railroad | |
lab | laboratory | |
lbr | lumber | |
LHD | doctor of the humanities, doctor of letters of humanity | |
LI RR | Long Island Railroad | |
lib | library | |
lic | licensed | |
LitD | doctor of letters, doctor of literature | |
LittB | bachelor of letters | |
LittD | doctor of letters | |
LLB | bachelor of laws | |
LLD | doctor of laws | |
LLM | master of laws | |
LOOM | Loyal Order of Moose | |
lt | lieutenant | |
ltd | limited | |
Luth | Lutheran | |
m | married | |
M&StL RR | Minneapolis & St Louis Railroad | |
MA | master of arts | |
MAgr | master of agriculture | |
maj | major | |
Mar | March | |
Mass | Massachusetts | |
math | mathematics, mathematical | |
MB | bachelor of medicine | |
MBA | master of business administration | |
mbr | member | |
mcht | merchant | |
MC&CL RR | Mason City & Clear Lake Railroad | |
MCL | master of civil law | |
MCS | master of commercial science | |
Md | Maryland | |
MD | doctor of medicine | |
MDi | master of didactics | |
MDip | master in diplomacy | |
MDS | master of dental surgery | |
mdse | merchandise | |
Me | Maine | |
ME | mechanical, military or mining engineering | |
med | medical, medicine | |
MEE | master of electrical engineering | |
merc | mercantile | |
Meth | Methodist | |
MFA | master of fine arts | |
mfg | manufacturing | |
mfr (s) | manufacturer (s) | |
mgr (s) | manager (s) | |
MGTC | machine gun transport company | |
Mich | Michigan | |
mil | military | |
min | minute | |
Minn | Minnesota | |
Miss | Mississippi | |
MIT | Massachusetts Institute of Technology | |
MK&T Rwy | Missouri, Kansas & Texas Railway | |
MLitt | master of literature | |
MME | master of mechanical engineering | |
M&O RR | Mobile & Ohio Railroad | |
Mo | Missouri | |
Mont | Montana | |
MoP Rwy | Missouri Pacific Railway | |
MORC | medical officers reserve corps | |
MPd | master of pedagogy | |
MPE | master of physical education | |
MRE | master of religious education | |
MS | master of surgery | |
MSc | master of science | |
MST | master of sacred theology | |
MStP&SSM Rwy | Minneapolis, St Paul & Sault Ste. Marie Railway | |
MTC | motor transport company | |
MTD | motor transport division | |
MTh | master of theology | |
MusB | bachelor of music | |
MusD | doctor of music | |
MusM | master of music | |
MWA | Modern Woodmen of America | |
N | north | |
N&W Rwy | Norfolk & Western Railway | |
NAA | National Aeronautics Association | |
NARD | National Association of Retail Druggists | |
natl | national | |
Natl Edit Assn | National Editorial Association | |
N C | North Carolina | |
NC&StL Rwy | Nashville, Cattanooga & St Louis Railway | |
N D | North Dakota | |
NE | northeast | |
NEA | National Educational Association | |
Neb | Nebraska | |
Nev | Nevada | |
NG | National Guards | |
N H | New Hampshire | |
N J | New Jersey | |
N M | New Mexico | |
Nov | November | |
NP Rwy | Northern Pacific Railway | |
NRA | National Recovery Administration | |
NW | northwest | |
N Y | New York | |
NYA | National Youth Administration | |
NYC&HR RR | New York, Central & Hudson River Railroad | |
NYC RR | New York Central Railroad | |
NYNH&H RR | New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad | |
Oct | October | |
OES | Order of Eastern Star | |
ofcl | official | |
ofcr | officer | |
off | office | |
Okla | Oklahoma | |
opr (d) | operator, operate (d) | |
oprn | operation | |
ORC | Order of Railway Conductors, Officers Reserve Corps | |
Ore | Oregon | |
org (r) | organized, organizer | |
orgn | organization | |
ORT | Order of Railway Telegraphers | |
O/S | overseas | |
OSL RR | Oregon Short Line Railroad | |
OTC | officers training camp | |
OTS | officers training school | |
O-W RR&N Co | Oregon-Washington Railroad & Navigation Company | |
PCA | Production Credit Association | |
pct | precinct | |
PdB | bachelor of pedagogy | |
PdD | doctor of pedagogy | |
PdM | master of pedagogy | |
PeB | bachelor of pediatrics | |
Penn | Pennsylvania | |
Penn RR | Pennsylvania Railroad | |
Pharm | pharmacy (ist), (eutical) | |
PhB | bachelor of philosophy | |
PhC | pharmaceutical chemist,chiropractic philosopher | |
PhD | doctor of philosophy, doctor of pharmacy | |
PhG | graduate in pharmacy | |
phys | physician | |
P I | Philippine Islands | |
P M | postmaster | |
PM RR | Pere Marquette Railroad | |
P O | postoffice | |
prac | practice (d) | |
prep | preparatory | |
pres | president | |
Presby | Presbyterian | |
prin | principal | |
priv | private | |
prof | professor | |
prop | proprietor | |
Prot | Protestant | |
PTA | Parent Teachers Association | |
ptr | partner | |
pub | public | |
pur | purchased | |
PWA | Public Works Administration | |
QMC | quartermasters corps | |
QMRC | quartermasters reserve corps | |
RA | resettlement administration | |
RACC | Regional Agricultural Credit Corporation | |
RAM | Royal Arch Mason | |
R&SM | Royal & Select Mason | |
REA | Rural Electrification Administraion | |
recd | received | |
Rep | representative, republican | |
res | reserve, residence | |
ret | retired | |
retd | returned | |
Rev | Reverend | |
RFC | Reconstruction Finance Corporation | |
RFD | Rural Free Delivery | |
R I | Rhode Island | |
RN | registered nurse | |
RNA | Royal Neighbors of America | |
ROA | Reserve Officers Association | |
RR | railroad | |
s | son | |
S | south | |
S & L | Savings & Loan | |
SA | Salvation Army | |
SAL Rwy | Seaboard Air Line Railway | |
SAR | Sons of the American Revolution | |
SATC | Student Army Training Corps | |
SBA | Security Benefit Association | |
S C | South Carolina | |
SC | Signal Corps | |
sch | school | |
Scot | Scottish | |
S D | South Dakota | |
SE | southeast | |
secy | secretary | |
sen | senator, senate | |
Sept | September | |
sgt | sergeant | |
SJD | doctor juristic science | |
SNTC | student naval training corps | |
soc | society | |
SP Co | Southern Pacific Company | |
Sp-Amer | Spanish American | |
SPEE | Soc for the Promotion of Engineering Education | |
sr | senior | |
SS | steamship, Sunday School | |
St | Saint, street, state | |
STB | bachelor of sacred theology | |
STD | doctor of sacred theology | |
steno | stenographer | |
StJ&GI RR | St Joseph & Grand Island Railroad | |
StL&SF RR | St Louis & San Francisco Railroad | |
StL&M&S MoP | St Louis & Missouri & Southern Missouri Pacific | |
STP | professor of sacred theology | |
supt | superintendent | |
supvr | supervisor | |
surg | surgeon | |
SUV | Sons of Union Veterans | |
SW | southwest | |
T&P Rwy | Texas & Pacific Railway | |
tchr | teacher | |
TDS | Telegraphic Delivery Service | |
tech | technical | |
tele | telephone | |
teleg | telegraph | |
Tenn | Tennessee | |
Tex | Texas | |
T H | Territory of Hawaii | |
ThD | doctor of theology | |
ThM | master of theology | |
TPA | Travelers Protective Association | |
treas | treasurer (s) | |
tsfrd | transferred | |
tsptn | transportation | |
TVA | Tennessee Valley Authority | |
twp | township | |
U | university | |
U B | United Brethren | |
UCT | United Commercial Travelers | |
UMWA | United Mine Workers of America | |
Uni | university | |
UP | Union Pacific, United Press | |
US | United States | |
USDA | United States Department of Agriculture | |
USN | United States Navy | |
USS | United States Ship | |
USWV | United Spanish War Veterans | |
Va | Virginia | |
vol | volunteer | |
VP | vice-president | |
vs | versus | |
Vt | Vermont | |
W | west | |
Wash | Washington | |
WCF&N RR | Waterloo, Cedar Falls & Northern Railroad | |
WCTU | Women's Christian Temperance Union | |
Wes | Wesleyan | |
WFMS | Woman's Foreign Missionary Society | |
WHMS | Woman's Home Missionary Society | |
whol | wholesale | |
Wis | Wisconsin | |
WOW | Woodmen of the World | |
WP RR | Western Pacific Railroad Company | |
WPA | Works Progress Administration | |
WRC | Women's Relief Corps | |
W Va | West Virginia | |
Wyo | Wyoming | |
Y D | Young Democrats | |
YMCA | Young Men's Christian Association | |
Y R | Young Republicans | |
YWCA | Young Women's Christian Association | |
From "Who's Who in Iowa," by
Iowa Press Association, Des Moines: Iowa Press Association, 1940, pp. 8-10. |
1940 Who's Who ** Biographies Index ** Henry County IAGenWeb