A move is on foot to buy or erect a building to be used for church and school purposes by the colored persons of this vicinity. About $450.00 have been subscribed for that purpose, $100 by the colored persons themselves, and $350 by our white citizens. The money has been subscribed through the efforts of the Rev. Mr. Crane, with the understanding that the property is to be held in trust by the Trustees of the First Baptist church, and that all evangelical denominations shall be allowed to use it for the purpose of religious worship. It has not yet been determined whether a building will be erected or purchased. There are enough colored persons resident in this vicinity to form quite a large congregation, and our citizens are entitled to credit for the liberal aid given to the enterprise.

(“The Home Journal”, Saturday, June 13, 1863, page 3)


Mr. W.P. Howe, who has lately returned home from the army, has been elected by the Directors Principal of the Colored School in this place. "Pem" is in his element when teaching school, is well adapted for the profession by nature, has the ability to teach and we believe will make a good Principal. May his success be fully equal to his merits.


["Mt. Pleasant Home Journal," Friday, September 8, 1865, p 3]

Transcribed and contributed by Pat White, Jun/Jul 2024.

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