
Stuart Schools

The Tale Bearer 1929

Stuart High School

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Cover 1929 Tale Bearer, Stuart High School, Stuart, Iowa

The Tale Bearer
Pg 1 1929 Tale Bearer, Stuart High School, Stuart, Iowa

Miss Cleo Feiberg (Freshman)

to Miss Damar Hansen, our class sponsor, in recognition of her valuable assistance in the work of publishing the 1929 "Tale "Bearer," and her help and advice in many other acitivities of the year, we dedicate this book
Class of '29
Pg 2 1929 Tale Bearer, Stuart High School, Stuart, Iowa

Editor-in-chief--Martin Harlan

Asst. Editor-in-chief--Ronald Moore
Business Manager--William Woodman
Activities--Marian Ball
Classes--Margaret Lee
Literary--Mildred Freiberg
Art--Roy Mount
Jokes--Harold Powers
Pg 3 1929 Tale Bearer, Stuart High School, Stuart, Iowa

Lynn E Castle
Pg 4 1929 Tale Bearer, Stuart High School, Stuart, Iowa

Alice Hansell
Pauline Kenney
Fred W. Morgan
I. L. Peters
Claude Brown
Lenore Ballangee
Augusta Towner
Helen Beadle
Dagmar Hansen
Pg 5 1929 Tale Bearer, Stuart High School, Stuart, Iowa

John Brown
Mable Abrams
Richard Brown
Marian Ball
Thelma Craven
Sarah Brooks
Wanda Davis
Edgar Brown
Pg 6 1929 Tale Bearer, Stuart High School, Stuart, Iowa

Earl Giles
Oliver Fink
Willard Girard
Hazel Freiberg
Letha Hafner
Mildred Freiberg
Martin Harlan
Ross Gibson
Pg 7 1929 Tale Bearer, Stuart High School, Stuart, Iowa

Fred McKee
Audrey Jessen
Donald McLuen
Joseph Lamb
Ronald Moore
George Lamb
Roy Mount
Ralph McIntyre
Pg 8 1929 Tale Bearer, Stuart High School, Stuart, Iowa

Charles Thomas
George Peters
Sam Thulin
Harold Powers
Lilah Wambold
Merle Shea
William Woodman
Grace Swanson
Margaret Lee no picture
Pg 9 Sr. Class Officers 1929 Tale Bearer, Stuart High School, Stuart, Iowa

President--Charles Thomas
Vice President--Wanda Davis
Sec'y and Treas.--Marian Ball
Social Chairman--Ronald Moore
Pg 10 Sr. Class History 1929 Tale Bearer, Stuart High School, Stuart, Iowa

Senior Class History
Pg 11  Sr. Class Poem 1929 Tale Bearer, Stuart High School, Stuart, Iowa

Class Poem
Pg 12  Sr. Class Prophesy 1929 Tale Bearer, Stuart High School, Stuart, Iowa

Class Prophesy
Pg 13 Sr. Class Will 1929 Tale Bearer, Stuart High School, Stuart, Iowa

Class Will
Pg 14 Jr. Class 1929 Tale Bearer, Stuart High School, Stuart, Iowa   Pg 15 Jr. Class 1929 Tale Bearer, Stuart High School, Stuart, Iowa

Left, Page 15: Junior Class Roll
Altabelle Armstrong, Oma Barclay, Edmond Clark, Clyde Collins, Lloyd Davis, Vivian Draman, Margrette Eckardt, James Flaugher, Dale Fry, Leonard Girard, Thelma Glasscock, Glen Harlan, Gilbert James, Lucile Jensen, Vera Lee, John Little, Lucille Lyddon, Sheltz Middleton, Alice Morgan, Vera Mowell, Roberta Myers, Lester Proctor, Goldie Putney, Opal Putney, Mabel Schaefer, Mildred Schaefer, Eva Shelton, Harold Smith, Irene Smith, Mae Stotts, John Urquhart, Lamonte Williams, Joseph Woodman, Austin Zink.

President--Lucille Lyddon
Vice President--Lestor Proctor
Secretary--Austin Zink
Treasurer--Glen Harlan
Social Chairman--Lucile Jensen
Sponsor--Miss Hansell

Pg 16 Jr. Class History 1929 Tale Bearer, Stuart High School, Stuart, Iowa

Left Page 16: Class History
When we entered S. H. S. back in 1926, no one supposed (nor had they any reason to suppose) that we were capable of anyting unusual other than to occupy the Freshment section for a year or possibly two or three years. However, with Miss Armstrong as sponsor, we began a climb which has not stopped--yet. In spite of the persecutions imposed upon us by the upper-classmen, our Freshman year remains in our memory as being our happiest and most carefree.

As Sophomores, with Thelma Glasscock as president, Dale Fry as vice president and Miss Sample as sponsor we began to hold up our heads and be noticed.

Now we are Juniors. Lucille Lyddon as president, Lester Proctor as vice president and Miss Hansell as sponsor have led us through a year of worries, financial and mental, real and unreal; but superseding and practically submerging our cares are our pleasures. Our annual coasting-party was a hilarious success; our class play was a financial success; it was also a popular success; in a word, everything has been successful

We are Juniors now, but not forever.
Junior-Senior Banquet
Methodist Church, Mary 15, 1929
Toast Program: Invocation--Mr. Castle; The Rainbow Trail; Lightning--Lucille Lyddon; Thunder--Charles Thomas; The Rain--Oma Barclay; The Rainbow--Marian Ball; The Search--Lester Proctor; Detour--Miss Hansen; Fair Weather--Ronald Moore; The Pot of Gold--Mr. Brown; Toastmaster--Glen Harlan

Pg 17 Jr. Class Play 1929 Tale Bearer, Stuart High School, Stuart, Iowa

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Junior Class Play
Athletic Hall, February 7, 1929
Cast: Lester Proctor, Glen Harlan, Austin Zink, Clyde Collins, Dale Fry, Gilbert James, Vivian Draman, Margrette Eckardt, Vera Lee, Lucille Lyddon, Mildred Schaefer, Vera Mowell, Irene Smith, Lucille Jensen, Altabelle Armstrong, Oma Barclay, Thelma Glasscock, Roberta Myers, Dolly Stapes, Barbara Ball, Donald Peers, Robert Castle. Director, Miss Alice Hansell. Stage Manager, Harold W. Smith. Business Manager, Dale Fry.

Pg 18 Soph. Class 1929 Tale Bearer, Stuart High School, Stuart, Iowa   Pg 19 Sophomore Class Roll 1929 Tale Bearer, Stuart High School, Stuart, Iowa

Left, Page 19: Sophomore Class Roll

Ruth Abrams, Howard Alden, Ardena Bakalow, Lilah Blackman, Burdette Brooks, Mae Cooley, Daisy Craven, Leota Eversull, George Fink, Geneva Fry, Mabel Giles, Opal Green, Margaret Hill, Helen Jones, Virginia Jones, Louise Knapp, Wilbur LeMar, Nellie McKee, Fern McLuen, Mary Louise Moulton, Winnifred Pearson, Edna Pine, Helen Pote, Eleanor Redburn, Mary Redburn, Ray Schoonover, Bernice Smith, Robert Thulin, Dale Whitaker, Marjorie Woods, William Wright, Verne Zornes, Wayne Zornes, Bernard Healty.

President--Ruth Abrams
Vice President--Robert Thulin
Secretary--Nellie McKee
Treasurer--Leota Eversull
Social Chairman--Wilbur LeMar
Sponsor--Miss Beadle

Pg 20 Sophomore History 1929 Tale Bearer, Stuart High School, Stuart, Iowa

Left, Page 20:
In the fall of the year 1927, we, the class of '31 started in at S. H. S. as forty-four unripe Freshmen.

We were given a welcome which we shall never forget--an initiation party. After making fools of ourselves to the satisfaction of the upper-classmen, we were allowed to join the wise.

Our sponsor, Miss Celeste Armstrong, was a very great help and through her guidance we became acquainted and organized. Our officers were: Nellie McKee, President; Ruth Abrams, Vice president; William Wright, Secretary; Mary Louis Moulton, Treasurer. Our parent sponsors were: Mesdames Lemar, Wright and Thulin.

During the course of a year our class became smaller and we started our second year with about thirty-five members. Although our class is lacking in boys we have managed to have some very good times at our parties.

Our officers for the second year were: Ruth Abrams, President; Robert Thulin, Vice president; Nellie McKee, Secretary; Leota Eversull, Treasurer; Wilbur Lemar, Social Chairman.

Our class has been well represented in outside activities. One of the most outstanding achievements of the Sophomore class has been the publishing of the "School News" in the Stuart Herald. Miss Hansen has been an able helper and advisor in this work, with Mary Louise Moulton as Editor.

Although we do not have space here to tell you of the manty things we have accompolished, we will be back next year to show what the class of '31 can do.

Pg 21 Soph. Class Jokes 1929 Tale Bearer, Stuart High School, Stuart, Iowa


Names: John Baxter, Bill Woodman, Mack, Oma, Jack Brown, Sam, Fred, Lilah, Mrs. Moulton, Miss Hansen, Roy Mount, Austin Zink, Lester Proctor, Ronald Moore, Motorman-Conductor Fink, Brown Bros. Drug Store, Ross, Wanda, Mable, Hoot, Shea.
Pg 22 Freshman 1929 Tale Bearer, Stuart High School, Stuart, Iowa   Pg 23 Freshman Class Roll 1929 Tale Bearer, Stuart High School, Stuart, Iowa

Freshmen Class Roll
John Ball, Elmo Baxter, Velma Blakely, Ruth Buckmaster, Franklin Carr, Helen Cooley, Iva Lee Couch, Mary Louise Doherty, Eldon Fink, Cleo Freiberg, Henry Freiberg,Raymond Giles, Cora Godwin, Thelma Grunwaldt, Estell Hanson, Millicent LeMar, Winnett Lenhart, Lloyd Lenhart, Evalyn Eversull, Robert Durr, Inez Little, Howard Piper, Howard McKee, Irene McIntire, Bruce Moore, Oscar Morgan, Sam Morrison, Gerald Nolte, Cully Nordman, Merle Schoonover, Frederick Schultz, Paul Soesbe, Floyd Strong, Bernadine Tassell, Carl Tate, Winnifred Thulia, Kenneth Urquhart, Arlene Wambold, Ethel Whittum, Charles Wirt, Mary Evelyn Wright.

President--Charles Wirt
Vice President--Arlene Wambold
Secretary--Floyd Strong
Treasurer--Estel Hanson
Sponsor--Miss Kinney
Social Chairman--John Ball

Pg 24 Freshman Class History 1929 Tale Bearer, Stuart High School, Stuart, Iowa
Left, Page 24:
Freshmen History

It was a dark and dreary day when a group of long faced frightened scholars entered life at Stuart High. Most of us had a feeling that life was treating us "awful" for we heard many cutting taunts about "those little freshies and greenies."
Initiation night came with all its horrors. It was not so bad after we got inside but that isn't mentioning what some went through in getting there. After they got through with us we were accepted as full pledged members of Stuart High.
Organizing the freshman class was a matter not to be lightly considered on the contrary it was a matter of very grave importance. Our officers were: Charles Wirt, President; Arlene Wambold, Vice-president; Floyd Strong, Secretary; Estel Hanson, Treasureer [sic]; John Ball, Social chairman and Millicent Lemar, Program chairman.
Pg 25 Photos 1929 Tale Bearer, Stuart High School, Stuart, Iowa

"Viz"; "Joe"; "Babs"; Pete, Rex, Fred; Kenneth, Harvard, Millicent; "Lonnie"; "Lindy"; "Host"; "Pete"; Willy.
Pg 26 Activities 1929 Tale Bearer, Stuart High School, Stuart, Iowa

Pg 27 Girls Glee Club 1929 Tale Bearer, Stuart High School, Stuart, Iowa
Left, Page 27:
Girls Glee Club
Marian Ball, Mary L. Moulton, Helen Pote, Oma Barclay, Margaret Eckardt, Margaret Little, Virginia Jones, Lilah Blackman, Wanda Davis, Thelma Glasscock, Robert Myers, Lilah Wambold, Alice Morgan, Winnette Lenhart, Daisy Craven, Irene Smith, Helen Jones, Nellie McKee, Millicent LeMar, Vivian Draman, Grace Swanson, Thelma Craven, Geneva Fry, Eleanor Redburn.

Boys Glee Club
Ronald Moore, George Peters, Austin Zink, Glen Harlan, Martin Harlan, William Woodman, Harold Powers, Fred McKee, Ralph McIntire, Lester Proctor; Willard Girard, Wilbur LeMar, Robert Thulin, Howard McKee, Oliver Fink, Harold Smith, Sam Thulin, Dale Fry, Edgar Brown, William Wright.

Pg 38 Girls Glee Club 1929 Tale Bearer, Stuart High School, Stuart, Iowa

Girls' Glee Club
The Girls Glee Club was unusually successful this year. They were well trained under the direction of Miss Blalangee. The Glee Club was unfortunate in losing at the Sub-District contest held in the Athletic hall by a very close decions. We believe that had they won in this contest they would have ranked high in other contests.
The Glee Club was organized with marian Ball, President; Wanda Davis, Vice President; Thelma Glasscock, Recording Secretary; Grace Swanson, Corresponding Secretary; Margrette Eckardt, Treasurer. Although several of our girls will graduate this year there will be a great deal of good material for next year.

Boys' Glee Club
The Boys Glee Club was fortunate enough to win in the Sub-District Contest held at Stuart and were entitled to compete at the District Contest at Ames. At Ames they won second by a close decision. The club was commended on every appearance and displayed a great deal of training due to Miss Ballangee's careful training.
The club was organized with: William Woodman, President; Ronald Moore, Vice President; George Peters, Secretary and Treasurer.
The Boys Glee Club will lose several members who are graduating, but we have great hopes for next year's Club.
Pg 29 Chorus 1929 Tale Bearer, Stuart High School, Stuart, Iowa

Left, Page 29: The Chorus won in the Sub-District Contest held at Stuart because of lack of competition and were entitled to compete at Ames. There wer eseveral choruses entered but only one besides Stuart appeared. Stuart won and was entitled to compete at Iowa City in the State Contest. Six choruses were entered and five appeared. Stuart was placed in the finals with a rating above the other choruses. In the finals Stuart was again placed ahead and at the close of the evening performance was presented with a large silver loving cup. The first, we believe, which Stuart has even won in state-wide competition.
Pg 18 30 Orchestra 1929 Tale Bearer, Stuart High School, Stuart, Iowa

The Orchestra did not have any competition in the Sub-Distrcit Contest but appeared in the evening program of winners. The Orchestra went to Ames to play in the District contest and won third place, there being several other orchestras entered. The orchestra has appeared at various functions throughout the year and although several members will be lost through graduation there are good prospects for an orchestra next year.
Pg 31 Boys Sextette 1929 Tale Bearer, Stuart High School, Stuart, Iowa

Boys Sexette

Left, Page 31:

Top: Austin Zink, Ronald Moore, Glen Harlan. Bottom: Martin Harlan, Lester Proctor, George Peters.

The Boys Sextette is probably one of the best musical organizations in the school. The sextette appeared in the Sub-District Contest in the boys small vocal group and won first with the commendation of the judge, Mr. E. H. Wilcox. The sextette sang at Ames but was awarded second due to a misunderstanding as to what composed a boys vocal group.

The sextette sang at various functions during the year and was commended on every appearance.
Pg 32 Winning Words 1929 Tale Bearer, Stuart High School, Stuart, Iowa

The Winning Words
Pg 33 Safe and Sound Throughout 1929 Tale Bearer, Stuart High School, Stuart, Iowa

Safe and Sound Throughout
Pg 34 Safe and Sound Throughout 1929 Tale Bearer, Stuart High School, Stuart, Iowa

Safe and Sound Throughout (Con't)
Pg 35 Safe and Sound Throughout 1929 Tale Bearer, Stuart High School, Stuart, Iowa

Safe and Sound Throughout (Con't)
Pg 36 Declamatory 1929 Tale Bearer, Stuart High School, Stuart, Iowa
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Oratorical: Mabel Abrams, Margrette Eckardt.
Dramatic: Thelma Craven, Thelma Glasscock, Inez Little, Mary Evelyn Wright.
Humorous: Ardena Bakalow, Millicent Lemar, Mary Louis Moulton, Roberta Myers

Mrs. Meek of Des Moines coached the contestants this year. The home contest was held October 19th and Miss Sylvia Snook from Des Moines was the judge. Mary Louise Moulton won first over all and the honor of representing Stuart in the State Contest to be held here April 19th. Thelma Glasscock won first in Dramatic and Mabel Abrams first in Oratorical. At the preliminary contest at Menlo, THelma Glasscock got second place and Mabel Abrams third. At the Sub-County Contest at Casey, Roberta Myers got first and at the County at Panora, second.
The State Declamatory contest was held at Stuart through the efforst of Mr. Castle, who is State Secretary of the Iowa High School Declamatory Association.

State Declamatory Contest
Stuart, Iowa, April 19, 1929
Oratorical Class: Guy Dunn, Robert Ferguson, George Van Nostrand, Ina Wilson, Stuart High School Boys Sextette. Dramatic Class: Marjorie Dorsey, Chauncey Fay, Arlene Grove, Helen Kenkel. Humorous Class: Richard Baker, Ray Johnson, Eldon Masters, Mary Louise Moulton, Edward Wendell, Stuart High School Chorus. Judges: Mrs. Helene Fitzgerald, Mason City; Professor J. J. Fiderlick, Drake University; Professor John Barnes, Iowa State College, Ames, Iowa.
Schools Represented: Anthon, Avoca, Bronson, Fairfield, Guthrie Center, Humeston, Missouri Valley, Mount Vernon, Osage, Ottumwa, Player, Reinbeck, Stuart.
Pg 37 Football 1929 Tale Bearer, Stuart High School, Stuart, Iowa


Bottom R: Thulin, Manager; Hamm, FB; Moore, LH; Powers (Capt.) QB; Gibson, RH; Whitaker, LH; Peters, (Coach).
2nd R: D. Brown, RT; Woodman, QB; McKee, LH; Shea, LG; Brown, LE.
3rd R: J. Brown, RG; Peters, C; THomas, RE; Giles, RE; James, LT; Strong, RT; Zornes, RG; McLuen, C; Mount, LT.
Back R: Miner, E; Lamb, G; Wright, G; Thulin, HB; Fry, RT; Ball, G; Soesbe, LE.
Pg 38 Basketball 1929 Tale Bearer, Stuart High School, Stuart, Iowa

Boys' Basketball Team

J. Ball, (manager), R. Thulin, J. Woodman, D. Whitaker, F. Strong, E. Giles, F. McKee, B. Woodman, Coach Peters, M. Shea, J. Lamb, J. Brown, G. James, D. McLuen.

Center: Donald McLuen
Forwards: Merle Shea, Joe Lamb
Guards: John Brown, Gilbert James, Bill Woodman
Pg 39 Football 1929 Tale Bearer, Stuart High School, Stuart, Iowa

The Season (Football)

[See image for record]
The Football season this year was very successful. Stuart won four games, tied three and lost one. There were about thirty fellows out all season and they all deserve honorable mention considering the good record made bty the team. Much of the success of the season must be attributed to Coach Peters. All of the games were hard and all of them well played. Thirteen letter men will be lost by graduation.
Pg 40 Basketball 1929 Tale Bearer, Stuart High School, Stuart, Iowa

The Season (Basketball)

[See image for record]
The team was unually good and many hard games were won. A great deal of credit goes to Coach Peters, for his splendid work in coaching the team. Several letter men will be lost by graduation but there should be a good team next year.
Pg 41 Girls Basketball 1929 Tale Bearer, Stuart High School, Stuart, Iowa

Left, Page 41:
Girls' Basketball Team

Front Row: Millicent LeMar, Mabel Abrams, Ruth Abrams, Marian Ball, Lucille Lyddon, Helen Jones.
Back Row: Nellie McKee, Mary Redburn, Miss Towner, Wanda Davis, Eleanor Redburn.
Forwards--Marian Ball, Mabel Abrams
Centers--Lucille Lyddon, Helen Jones.
Guards--Ruth Abrams, Millicent Lemar.
Pg 42 Girls Basketball 1929 Tale Bearer, Stuart High School, Stuart, Iowa

Girls Basketball (Season)
Ruth Abrams, Captain
Miss Towner

Pg 43 Track 1929 Tale Bearer, Stuart High School, Stuart, Iowa

Pg 44 Advertising 1929 Tale Bearer, Stuart High School, Stuart, Iowa

Spark's Jewelry, Watches, Clocks, Diamonds, Records, Music
E. A. Cullen, Batteries, Tires, Radio Supplies
Stuart Creamery Co., Ice, Poultry & Eggs
Geo. C. Buckley, Furniture, Rugs, Draperies, Undertaking
Stuart Commercial Club
Pg 45 Advertising 1929 Tale Bearer, Stuart High School, Stuart, Iowa

Good Clothes Shop, Joe Redburn
Stuart Poultry Farms & Hatchery
R. F. Chambers, Grocer
Princess Cafe
Stuart Motor Company
The Fair Store
Green Bay Lumber Co., E. G. Butterbaugh, Mgr.
The Stuart Herald
Pg 46 Advertising 1929 Tale Bearer, Stuart High School, Stuart, Iowa

First National Bank
Sanitary Meat Market, H. A> Travis
Raber's Drug Store
Kirlin Auto Co.
Clark's Jewelry Store, Diamonds, Watches & Jewelry
E. R. Proctor, Clothing, Shoes
Grank Eckardt, Hardware & Plumbing
Service Barber Shoppe, Evans-Williams, Prop.
Pg 47 Advertosomg 1929 Tale Bearer, Stuart High School, Stuart, Iowa

E. T. Warren, M. D.
Fred H. Nolte, Optometrist
Dr. H. H. Stevens, Chiropractic
Anderson Bros., Genuine Cafe
The Photographs in the Annual Were
Made by
The Bramson Studio, Des Moines

Contributed March, 2022.

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