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Military Veteran Burials

Thanks to Bill Kendall [GCGS] for compiling and sharing this information.

Burial Locations - All cemetery locations are in Greene County, Iowa unless otherwise noted. The names listed are those that have been recorded through the Veterans Administration Office in Jefferson, Iowa - plus some others added from personal knowledge. This list will not necessarily contain the names of all veterans that have died from Greene County, Iowa.


1812 - War of 1812KO - Korean Conflict
AF - [not complete]MX - Mexican War
BH - Black Hawk WarPT- Peace Time Service
CW- Civil WarSA - Spanish American War
DS - Desert StormVN - Vietnam
GAR - Grand Army of the RepublicWWI - World War I
IQ- IraqWWII - World War II
KIA - Killed in Action 

A - DE - KL - RS - Z

Use Cntl F to quickly find a specific name

NameWar EraCemetery Location
Sabus, Gerald WayneKOSt Patrick's
Saemisch, Romanye AndrewWWIIGreenbrier
Salisbury, Marion DaleWWIIJefferson
Salisbury, Willard F.WWIIFranklin
Salzgeber, Wilbur LeeWWIIPaton
Sammon, John P.WIIWillow
Sammon, Ralph L.WWIIWillow
Sammon, Winfred T.WWIWillow
Sammons, MaxWWIIWillow
Sandeen, Harold R.WWIJefferson
Sargeant, George L.WWIScranton
Sayers, Milton C.CWJefferson
Sayers, S. J.WWIJefferson
Sayre, Bernard JosephWWIIGreenbrier
Sayre, Martin F.CWScranton
Scarborough, Dallas L.CWJunction
Schaal, Carroll William Sr.PTJefferson
Schilling, Betty JaneWWIIDillavou
Schilling, Darrell JosephWWIIJefferson
Schilling, George, L.WWIFranklin
Schilling, Harold EmeryKOUnknown
Schilling, McKinley H.WWIHighland
Schilling, William RichardWWIIJefferson
Schmerhorn, W. S., Dr.CWJefferson
Schmidt, Lyle EugeneWWIISt Joseph's
Schnepf, FlorianCWMt Calvary
Schoonover, Henry B.CWDillavou
Schoppe, Harry ColumbusWWIJefferson
Schoppe, Pau SeagoWWIJefferson
Schoppe, William E.WWIIJefferson
Schroder, LeonWWIIPaton
Schroeder, Albert W.WWIJefferson
Schroeder, Alfred CarlWWIPaton
Schuey, John W.WWIJefferson
Schuler, Fordham O.CWScranton
Schuttler, Stanley E.KOJunction
Scott, Daniel B.CWScranton
Scribner, W. H.CWFranklin
Seaman, GeorgeCWWright
Seaman, Isaac W.CWScranton
Seaman, Reese G.CWJefferson
Seaman, William P.CWJefferson
Secord, J. C.CWJefferson
Sexton, Donald R.WWIIScranton
Sexton, FloydWWIDillavou
Shaffer, Harry JameWWIScranton
Shain, WilliamCWPleasant Hill
Shane, Carroll F.WWIJefferson
Shannon, John B. P.CWJefferson
Shaw, JoelCWPaton
Shearman, James ArthurPTJefferson
Shearman, Raymond WilliamWWIIJefferson
Shelton, Eugene H.WWIIHighland
Shick, Vermyl HolmesWWIIRippey
Sims, Rodney LyleKOHighland
Shipley, Harry M.WWIRippey
Shipman, Alem BrittonCWJefferson
Shockey, ElmerWWIJefferson
Shockey, LeRoyWWIJunction
Shockey, Valentine A.CWGreenbrier
Shoemaker, Frederick O.WWIRippey
Shoff, Clarence O.WWIISt Joseph's
Shorey, Jack D.WWIIJefferson
Shorey, Joy DaleWWIIJefferson
Shorey, Lyle EarlWWIIJefferson
Shorey, MerleWWIIJefferson
Short, George W.CWDillavou
Short, Luther S.CWDillavou
Shriver, Lloyd DouglasWWIIJefferson
Shuler, Harrison BenjaminWWIJunction
Shuler, Thomas J.CWJunction
Shultz, Lee H.WWIJefferson
Sifrit, Dolpha E.WWIJefferson
Sigler, Roy OliverWWIIPaton
Siladge, DouglasWWIIDillavou
Silbaugh, FrancisWWIIScranton
Sims, John HenryCWJunction
Simons, Duane E.CWHighland
Simmons, Abraham S.CWScranton
Slater, CharlesWWIDillavou
Slater, Charles E.WWIJefferson
Slininger, Clyde L.WWIJefferson
Slininger, Howard ElmerWWIJefferson
Smith, Arthur D.WWIJefferson
Smith, Byron AlexanderWWIJefferson
Smith, Dorward BurnettWWIIHighland
Smith, Elvin LeRoyWWIJunction
Smith, Frank V.WWIJefferson
Smith, HaroldWWIDillavou
Smith, Henry W.CWJunction
Smith, James E.WWIJefferson
Smith, James W.CWJefferson
Smith, John A.CWDawson
Smith, Leslie ElmerWWIJefferson
Smith, Lowell RussellWWIIFranklin
Smith, Lowrie WaverlySAScranton
Smith, Marion RussellWWIIWright
Smith, Pardon A.CWScranton
Smith, Raymond MarcellusWWIIJefferson
Smith, Reuben P.CWJefferson
Smith, Robert BenjaminWWIJefferson
Smith, Robert MarvinWWIIJefferson
Smith, Theodor R.WWIIJefferson
Smith, Thomas J.WWIJefferson
Smith, Wayne WesleyWWIIJefferson
Smurr, John S.CWJefferson
Snook, Louis F.WWIJunction
Snook, Raymond K.WWIJunction
Snyder, George R.CWScranton
Snyder, JacobCWScranton
Spangler, Raymond SamuelWWIICremation
Spencer, Leland J.WWIHighland
Sperry, FauldsCWRippey
Springer, Roy EdwardWWIJefferson
Squibb, Charles E.WWIIScranton
Stanley, Milton R.WWIJefferson
Staring, Charles M.CWJefferson
States, Dick LaverneKORippey
Steigerwalt, William FranklinCWScranton
Stephenson, William G.CWHighland
Stevens, Fred L.WWIJefferson
Stevens, Henry HowardWWIJefferson
Stevens, Jacob R.WWIJefferson
Stevens, James DennisPTRippey
Stevens, James E.SAJefferson
Stevens, Kenneth W.WWIIJefferson
Stevens, Weston O.CWJefferson
Stevenson, Benjamin F.CWJefferson
Stevenson, James DouglasWWIIJunction
Stewart, Jay W.WWIJefferson
Stewart, John LesliePTHighland
Stiles, John R.CWGreenbrier
Stiles, MarcusWWIIScranton
Stine, Harold LeroyWWIIPaton
Stoline, John MelvinWWIIJefferson
Stofer, Kenneth DeanKOFranklin
Stougard, NormanWWIScranton
St Peter, JohnCWJefferson
Strait, EllisWWIPaton
Stream, Fenton S.CWJefferson
Stream, William C.CWJefferson
Stribling, Byron B.WWII & KOHighland
Stoufer, John WesleyCWRippey
Stougard, NormanCWScranton
Subbert, Donald DeanWWIIScranton
Sullivan, Marvin LeeWWIIJefferson
Sutton, Albert C.WWIJefferson
Suydam, Charles H.CWRippey
Suydam, James W.CWRippey
Swaney, Rickey EugeneVNGrand Junction
Swansen, Joseph DeanVNPaton
Swartz, Lloyd DeanWWIIJefferson
Swartz, Raymond LesterWWIIWright
Swearingen, Ira LeonWWIJefferson
Tackaberry, Thomas H.SAScranton
Tallman, Elmer W.WWIPaton
Tasler, Rudolph EwaltWWIIChurdan
Taylor, Harold RichardWWIIJefferson
Taylor, Herbert ReidusWWIIJefferson
Taylor, Roy ElmerWWIJefferson
Tazewell, CharlesCWPaton Twp
Teagarden, Wilbur A.WWIIJefferson
Temple, Albert ClaudeWWIPaton
Temple, Keith EugeneWWIIPaton
Terrill, Thomas E.WWIPleasant Hill
Terrill, Wilmer DuaneWWIIJefferson
Terwilliger, Robert HenryWWIISac City, Iowa
Tew, VitruviusCWJefferson
Theulen, Frank M.WWIIWillow
Thomas, John R.CWJunction
Thompson, Allen WardWWIIJunction
Thompson, Charles N.VNJunction
Thompson, Charles W.WWIJunction
Tompson, Elvin DeanWWIIJefferson
Thompson, ErwinWWIJunction
Thompson, John A.CWJunction
Thompson, John CarterCWJunction
Thompson, John KennethWWIIJunction
Thompson, Ray S.WWIScranton
Thompson, Robert WilliamWWIIJefferson
Thompson, Wayne H.WWIJunction
Thornburg, Gary KeithVNFranklin
Thornburgh, EdwinWWIIRippey
Thornburgh, Wilbur C.WWIIRippey
Thornton, Francis DonaldWWIIHighland
Thornton, Wayne RoscoeWWIIJefferson
Thorp, Elmer CashiusWWIFranklin
Tietsort, Jerome W.CWScranton
Tiffany, Francis BernardWWIIJunction
Tiffany, Raymond FrancisWWIIRippey
Tigner, Richard R.WWIHighland
Timbrel, Guy L.WWIJefferson
Timbril, LotCWJefferson
Timmons, Byron L.WWIHighland
Tipton, Sharon L.WWIFranklin
Toal, Edward W.WWIISt Joseph's
Toliver, John H.CWOld Rippey
Toliver, Gillum SolonCWJefferson
Tomlinson, Robert GeneWWIIJefferson
Toms, John H.WWI & WWII Scranton 
Towers, Bruce NormanWWIIHighland
Townsend, Ralph EdwardWWIIFranklin
Trafton, Donald RichardWWIIPaton
Trafton, Rex B.WWIJefferson
Trafton, Robert ClydeWWIIPaton
Tronchetti, LouisWWIJefferson
Troxell, Micheal EdwardCWJefferson
Trumbo, John H.WWIJefferson
Try, George EmilWWIJefferson
Tucker, Wayne WilliamKOJefferson
Tuhn, William RichardWWIIJefferson
Tumbleson, John K.CWRippey
Turpen, Duane RaymondWWIIRippey
Turpen, Homer DeanWWIJunction
Turner, Dean EugeneWWIIJefferson
Turner, Robert RustWWIIJefferson
Turrill, H. A.CWJefferson
Tyson, IsaacCWDawson
Umbaugh, EliasCWScranton
Umbaugh, Glen R.WWIIScranton
Underwood, Donald KeithWWIIScranton
Underwood, Elton E.WWIGreenbrier
Underwood, JamesCWJunction
Upton, Harry A.WWIJefferson
Upton, Robert DeanWWIIJefferson
Urie, ThomasMXJefferson
Vader, WayneWWIIBody donated Iowa State
Vanderham, Leo C.WWIIJefferson
VanDyke, Roy WesleyWWIIJefferson
VanGundy, RalphWWIJunction
VanHorn, John ErnestWWIIFranklin
VanHorn, Milo G.WWIJunction
VanSickle, JohnCWScranton
Vaughan, DennisCWMt Calvary
Veenstra, Clair E.WWIIHighland
Vermillion, Scott A.WWIDillavou
Vipond, Darwin O.WWIIJunction
Vogel, Frank R.WWISt Mary's
Wagner, John WesleyCWJefferson
Wagner, William E.WWIICoon Rapids, IA
Wahl, Horace HenryKOSt Joseph's
Walker, Dale EdwardWWIIDawson
Walker, Frank PhillipWWISt Mary's
Walker, George McLaneWWIIPaton
Walker, John R.WWIDawson
Walker, LyleKO Jefferson
Wallace, DavidCWSt Patrick's
Wallace, JohnCWWillow
Walrod, HoraceCWJefferson
Walter, Fred O'nealWWIIJunction
Walter, Rudolf AntonWWIISt Joseph's
Warren, Lowery G.WWIScranton
Waterman, Charles E.WWIFranklin
Watters, Thomas DavidWWIJefferson
Watts, Andrew A.CWJefferson
Weaver, GroverWWIRippey
Weaver, James K.WWIIJefferson
Weaver, Lester S.PTJefferson
Weaver, WilliamCWGreenbrier
Webber, Franz WilliamWWIHighland
Weddle, Abraham C.CW(Conf) Paton Twp
Welch, John S.CWJefferson
Wells, Alfred C.CWJefferson
West, Harold EllisWWIScranton
West, William McKinleyWWIHighland
Whalen, Jerome E.WWIIJefferson
Wherry, Matthew M.CWHighland
Wherry, Samuel S.CWJefferson
White, Abner B.CWJunction
White, B. F.1812Old Rippey
White, FrankWWIJefferson
Whitecotton, Harry M.WWIIJefferson
Whitecotton, Robert WayneVNFranklin
Whitecotton, Roy W.WWIFranklin
Whitecotton, Russell L.WWIIFranklin
Whitecotton, Walter NewtonWWIFranklin
Whitney, George E.WWIIHighland
Whitsell, Wayne DouglasKOJefferson
Whitver, Paul LawrenceWWIIJunction
Wiant, George W.CWRippey
Wiedman, LaMoyne W.WWIIRippey
Wiepert, ElmerWWIIJefferson
Wiggins, Charles FredrickKOJefferson
Wiggins, Charles S.WWIFranklin
Wiggins, Summer W.CWFranklin
Wiggins, Utley KelleyWWIFranklin
Wight, StephenCWFranklin
Wight, Arthur H.WWIIFranklin
Wight, Thomas M.WWIIFranklin
Wilbur, WilliamWWIMt Calvary
Wilcox, Charles EdwardWWIIPaton
Wilcox, Harold FrancisWWIIJefferson
Wilcox, Lumand FowlerWWIIJefferson
Wilcox, N. G.CWPaton
Wiley, RobertCWJunction
Wilkinson, Floyd A.WWIPaton
Wilkinson, JohnCWJefferson
Wilkinson, Lewis W.WWI & WWIIJunction
Willard, RobertCWJefferson
Willey, WilliamCWRippey
Williams, Charles L.WWIIPaton
Williams, Charles O.WWIJefferson
Williams, Edwin H.CWJefferson
Williams, John Z.CWJunction
Williams, Nicholas M.CWJefferson
Willison, William A.WWIIScranton
Wills, Cecil E.WWIJefferson
Wilson, Alfred CharlesWWIIJunction
Wilson, Claud W.CWScranton
Wilson, Donald Junior KIAKO Jefferson
Wilson, Edwin J.CWJunction
Wilson, Forest M.WWIJefferson
Wilson, Harold B.WWIIJefferson
Wilson, Samuel E. W.CWJefferson
Wilson, WilliamCWJefferson
Wilt, Michael D.WWIIJefferson
Wiltse, Claude H.WWIIJunction
Wiltse, Harry EltonWWIIJunction
Winchell, Alvin V.CWFranklin
Wind, John MarionVNFranklin
Winger, Eugene AlbertWWIIScranton
Winkelman, Ralph F.WWIIJefferson
Winterer, Loran JosephWWIIPleasant Hill
Wise, SamuelCWJefferson
Wistenberg, Carl R.WWIWillow
Witter, Daniel DeWittWWIScranton
White, Robert (Bob)WWIIDillavou
Wolf, Dean CliffordWWIIMunicipal, Ames, Iowa
Wolf, MatthewWWIJefferson
Wolf, Ronald R.WWIIPaton
Wolfe, Charley TheodoreWWIWillow
Woltz, Gail EugeneWWIIJunction
Woltz, Marvin S.WWIJunction
Woltz, Ray J.WWIIJunction
Woodring, JacobCWRippey
Wood, Victor DeanKOScranton
Woods, Joseph A.VNDillavou
Woods, Ralph JamesWWIGreenbrier
Woolwine, Don WarnerWWIJefferson
Workman, WilliamWWIDawson
Workman, William, Dr.CWJunction
Wright, FredWWIJefferson
Wright, George H.CWJunction
Wright, Hiram B.CWJefferson
Wright, Jay FranklinWWIIJunction
Wright, LeRoy Sr.WWIIRippey
Wright, Walter S.WWIJefferson
Wright, William G.WWIJefferson
Wuebker, Melvin BernardKOSt Joseph's
Wurr, Lawrence GeorgeWWIIScranton
Wyatt, John W.CW Jefferson
Wynkoop, James A.CW Jefferson
Wynkoop, W. H. V.CW Jefferson
Yepson, Ralph AndrewWWI Jefferson
Yeager, AugustusCW Jefferson
York, Virgil D.WWII Junction
Young, Albert F.CW Scranton
Young, Earl M.WI & WWII Jefferson
Young, Elmer K.WWI Junction
Young, Frances L.CW Scranton
Young, James HughWWI Jefferson
Young, John WilmontWWII Junction
Young, Orrin L.CW Scranton
Young, Orren W.CW Scranton
Zeither (Zeitler), HilburnCW Jefferson
Zimmer, Louis JohnWWII Jefferson
Zimmerle, John WilliamWWII Franklin
Zimmerle, Phillip OresWWII Dawson

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