
Greene County IAGenWeb


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Iowa State Gazetteer and Business Directory

Population 2,700. The county set of Greene county, is located
on the C. & N. W. and C., M. & St. P. Rys., (depots 3/4 mile apart),
67 miles northwest of Des Moines and 119 northeast of
Council Bluffs. It is lighted by electricity, has an excellent
system of water works, fire department, churches of the
Baptist, Methodist, Catholic, Christian and Presbyterian
denminations, graded public schools, an opera house, 3 banks,
a large cigar factory, and one of the largest stock food manufactories
in the west. Ships grain, flour, product and live stock. Exp., Am. and
U. S. Telegraph and telephone facilities. Gardner S. Turrill, postmaster.

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Adkinson Mrs Mary E, music teacher.
Allen Wm, live stock.
American Express Co, J E Smith agent.
Anderson Abijah, apiarist.
Anderson Fred, horse dealer.
Anderson S B, insurance.
Arnold C F, marble.
Barker Samuel G, dentist.
The Bee (weekly), Bee Publishing Co, publrs.
Bee Publishing Co (capital $16,000), Frank J Stillman Pres, Gardner S Turrill Vice-Pres, P E Stillman Sec and Treas, Publrs The Bee.
Belding Mrs J W, music teacher.
Black Thomas, live stock.
Blake Charles W, physician.
Bohnk Charles, hardware.
Bohnk & Marquis (Charles Bohnk, Miles E Marquis), live stock.
Bouvia Edward W, barber.
Bradley M L, meats.
Bradley Wm G, meats.
Brandon George F, hardware.
Brockway Jed, jeweler.
Brown Pleasant O, insurance.
Brown Wm W, restaurant.
Bucks Lincoln H, jeweler.
Cadd George E, bill poster.
Cain E E & Co, laundry.
Carlisle Byron B, agt C, M & St. P Ry and Postal Tel Co.
Carlton H H, agt C & N W Ry and W U Tel Co.
Carnegie Library, Mrs W O Head librn.
Cerney John, wagonmaker.
Church Zela A, judge district court.
City Bank (capital $100,000), Chas Bofink pres, Henry Haag cashr.
Clark B O, county attorney.
Cobb Martin L, mngr Kelly Bros.
Concannon & Pirie (Wm J Concannon, Wm Pirie), blacksmiths.
Conger Charles M, pianos.
Currie & Jones (F R Currie, F M Jones), hardware.
Dean Fred M, physician and coroner.
De Witt Simon, plasterer.
Dick Orr L, books.
Dodge & Henderson (J E Dodge, J W Henderson), real estate.
Dunlap James, real estate.
Dyke Mrs Emily A, milliner.
Ehrstein Rev J J (Presbyterian).
Eichhorn Bros (Wm and Rolly), rest.
Eightman Andrew J, carpenter.
Elliott & Son (Emery ) and James W), general store.
Ellis Thomas B, grocer.
Enfield Charles, physician.
Finch Delano E, shoemaker.
First National Bank (capital $50,000), Albert Head pres, M M Head cashr.
Fitz James W (member Abstracters' Association of Iowa ), abstracts.
Flack S, real estate, lands, loans and insurance.
Forbes James M, lawyer.
Forbes Land and Loan Co (James M, Frank J and John B), real estate.
Fowler Thomas, lumber and supervisor.
Foy Edward W, drugs.
Freeman Edward C, drugs.
Freund Frederick B, tailor.
Freund Lee, meats.
Gallaher & Graham (J Albert Gallaher, Emory G Graham), lawyers.
Gallup Edgar E, grocer.
Gilliland Alvan S (member Abstracters' Association of Iowa), abstracter.
Gose E S, county auditor.
Greene County Abstract Co (
Abstracters' Association of Iowa), A L Sarcher mngr.
Greene County Savings Bank (capital $25,000), M M Head pres, C E Marquis cashr.
Greene County Telephone Co, Wm E Jenison mngr.
Griffin W O, carpenter.
Grinnel L J Co (Louis J, Wm C and John M), general store.
Halbert W H Rev (Baptist).
Hamilton Benjamin C, physician.Hammer O F, barber.
Hanna Wm F, jeweler.
Hassett John F, confectioner.
Hayes Bros, blacksmiths.
Head House The, R A Welser propr, an up-to-date, first-class hotel, steam heat, electric lights, good smple rooms.
Head Mahlon, loans.
Henderson James A, attorney-at-law.
Henderson J Wm, insurance.
Howard & Howard (Arthur D and Ralph G), lawyers.
Hoyt Lucius F, physician.
Huber Frank J, tailor.
Hutchinson Fred, automobiles.
Hytland Sinkler, photographer.
Iowa Stock Food co, M M Head pres and treas, R C Head vice-pres, D L Howard sec.
Iowa Telephone Co, J Clyde Shannon mngr.
Irvin A Edward, blacksmith.
Jackson George W, grocer.
Jefferson Bee, Bee Publishing Co publrs, Paul E Stillman editor.
Jefferson Hotel, Geo H Morrison propr.
Jefferson Ice Co.
Jefferson I O O F Band, John Cerney ldr.
Jefferson Light, Heat, Power and Water Co (capital $50,000), Percy Gray sec.
Jefferson Opera House
Jefferson Savings Bank (capital $25,000), E H Carter pres, J W Huntington cash.
Jefferson Standard, G S Turrill propr.
Jefferson Water Works, L H Masters supt.
Jeger Hother, furniture.
Jenison Wm E, mngr Greene County Tel Co.
Johnson Frank S, meats.
Johnson John K, osteopath.
Jones J N, mason.
Kelley Charles G, real estate.
Kelly Bros, Martin L Cobb mngr, shoes.
Kendall Jerome B, confectioner.
Kendall & Keeney (Lawrence B Kendall, John B Keeney), billiards.
Kittell Herbert C, dentist.
Kreger H H, Baker.
Lawton Philip J, hardware.
Lawton Sidney C, insurance.
Lovejoy Owen, lawyer.
Lower & Toliver (C D Lower, D R Toliver), livery.
McCarthy Fred R, real estate.
McCarty John, live stock.
McClure D B, county treasurer.
McClurg J E & Co (John E McClurg, Charles E Marquis), real estate brokers, exchanges, loans and lands.
McCully Bros (George B and Wm S), general store.
Madden J J, painter.
Mann George W, barber.
Marquis & McClurg (Charles Marquis, John E McClurg), milinery.
Mason Thomas E, photographer.
Matteny Rev R W (Methodist).
Mattingly George W, veterinary surgeon.
Maurice R & Co (Robert Maurice, James R Bowie), dry goods.
Miller John E, shoes.
Milligan & Co (David, Frank J and Elmer), lumber.
Minnehan Patrick, live stock.
Morden Robert B, marble.
Morrison George H, propr Jefferson Hotel.
Mugan Anna, restaurant.
Mugan T A, lawyer.
Neola Elevator Co, grain.
O'Brien & O'Brien (Samuel W and Roy), agricultural implements.
Ohlinger A J, county supt of schools.
Oliver D W, auctioneer.
Oliver J P, auctioneer.
Oppenheimer & Co (Julius Oppenheimer), clothing.
O'Riley Rev B (Catholic).
Palmer F E, prin of schools.
Potter & Greiner (Herman J Potter, Charles A Greiner), barbers.
Powell Sherman, live stock.
Ridenour Isaac, restaurant.
Roberts Ira A, dentist.
Sayers Samuel J, lawyer.
Sempe & Hoggett (L D Semple, R Hogett), cigar mnfrs.
Shannon J Clyde, mngr Iowa  Tel co.
Sherman C B & Co (G F Grinnell), plumbers.
Shuey James F, drugs.
Smith George W, dry goods.
Smith J Elliott, agt American Exp Co.
Smith J Elmer, feed yard.
Smith J E & Son (J Elliott and Howard E), grocers.
Stevenson John, clerk of court.
Taylor Charles W, drugs.
Thompson George M, county surveyor.
Thompson Joseph, live stock.
Tinsley Frank R, photographer.
Toliver Gillum S, lawyer.
Troxell Edward, mason.
Union Bus and Transfer Line, Albert Head proprietor.
United States Express Co, F W Fahrbach agent.
Vest Theodore, live stock.
Wagner John W, City Baker, leading cafe and restaurant and soda fountain, etc.
Warrington & Cockerill (Chas Warrington, P L Cockerill), real estate.
Wehrle Wm, live stock.
Weiser R A, propr The Head House.
Welford Emma, dressmaker.
White Lilly B, county recorder.
Wilkinson John W, insurance.
Willoughby Frank W, harness.
Wilson MacBride, sheriff.
Wilson & Albert (Edmund B Wilson, E G Albert), lawyers.
Wood Mark, furniture.
Wright Bros (Merrill W and Loama C), livery.
Wynkoop Ora G, general store.
Young E S, loans.
Young Gus B, physician.
Young Wm M, physician.

Transcribed by Lynn Diemer-Mathews and uploaded August 14, 2024.

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