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1907 Past and Present Biographies

A. H. Walker

A. H. Walker, whose home farm on section 15, Dawson township, is the visible evidence of his life of thrift and industry, justly deserves classification with the self-made men who, dependent upon their own resources, have labored earnestly and persistently to achieve success and at the same time have proven that prosperity and an honored name may be won simultaneously. A native of the Green Mountain state, he was born in Barre, Vermont, on the 26th of August, 1850. The family of which he is a representative is mentioned on another page of this work in connection with the history of C. P. Walker, a banker of Paton.

The removal of the family from New England to the middle west enabled A. H. Walker to pursue his education in the public schools of Chicago and of Naperville, Illinois. He also spent one year as a student in Lake Forest Academy and, thus well equipped by liberal intellectual training for life’s practical duties, at the age of twenty years he went to Kankakee county, Illinois, where he engaged in farming for seven years upon land which was owned by his father. In 1877 he arrived in Greene county, Iowa, and secured a quarter section of raw prairie land, for which he paid seven and a half dollars per acre. There was not a single improvement upon it and in fact the sod was covered with its native grasses and wild flowers. This was largely a frontier district and, locating thereon, Mr. Walker has since made it his home but the farm today bears little resemblance to the tract of land which came into his possession thirty years ago. He now owns four hundred acres, all well improved, the place having been converted into rich and productive fields, from which he annually gathers good harvests. In the midst of the farm stand substantial buildings and everything about the place indicates the careful supervision and progressive spirit of the owner. The fields are well tiled and well fenced and the latest improved machinery is used to facilitate the work of cultivating the crops. He first built a prairie stable with a thatched roof, hauling the poles for the same from the Des Moines river twenty miles to the east. Now there is every modern equipment on his farm and indeed it is one of the attractive properties in this section of the state.

Mr. Walker was married in Kankakee county, Illinois, to Miss Julia Pemble, who was born in New York, a daughter of Stephen and Philadelphia Pemble. Her parents died in Greene county some years ago. Mr. and Mrs. Walker now have a family of five children and death has not as yet broken the circle. All are sons, the record of whom is as follows: Frank L., who married Clara McCullough and is a farmer of Dawson township; Charles H., at home; Fred B., who wedded Grace Stribling and follows general agricultural pursuits in Dawson township; George and John P., who assist in carrying on the home farm.

Mrs. Walker is a member of the Friends church. Mr; Walker gives his political allegiance to the republican party but has never held office other than that of school director. He feels that his business interests need his undivided attention and he is accounted one of the most industrious men of this community, his farm being the visible evidence of his life of thrift and labor. He is highly respected throughout the county by reason of what he has accomplished and his life work should serve as a source of inspiration and encouragement to others.

Transcribed from "Past and Present of Greene County, Iowa Together With Biographical Sketches of Many of Its Prominent and Leading Citizens and Illustrious Dead,"
by E. B. Stillman assisted by an Advisory Board consisting of Paul E. Stillman, Gillum S. Toliver,
Benjamin F. Osborn, Mahlon Head, P. A. Smith and Lee B. Kinsey, Chicago: The S. J. Clarke Publishing Company, 1907.

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