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1907 Past and Present Biographies

Jacob Thaler

Jacob Thaler is one of the residents of Greene county who, born across the Canadian border, has come to the United States to enjoy its better business opportunities where competition is greater and advancement more quickly secured. He is now engaged in general agricultural pursuits and the raising of fine stock on section 22, Greenbrier township, where he owns a good farm improved with many modern accessories and conveniences. He was born in Canada in the year 1844, a son of David Thaler, whose birth occurred in Europe, whence he came to America with his parents, the family home being established in Canada. He continued a resident of the British province throughout his remaining days and devoted his life to general agricultural pursuits in order to provide for his family. He wedded Miss Rosa Madier, who was of European birth and who passed away in the year 1904.

Jacob Thaler was reared and educated in his native country, where he resided until 1880, in the meantime receiving thorough training in all departments of farm work. Thinking to have better business advantages in Iowa, he made his way to this state, settling in Greene county, where he invested his earnings in one hundred and twenty acres of raw prairie land in Greenbrier township. He at once began to break the sod and till the fields and as the years have gone by he has converted the place into an excellent farm property, improving it with good substantial buildings, also setting out a fine orchard and other fruit.

In the year 1870 Mr. Thaler was married in Canada to Miss Mary Sailor, who born in Europe. They have become the parents of nine children: Mrs. Carrie Carter, now living in Lake City, Iowa; Ezra, in Wisconsin; Angeline, at home; Susan, who is engaged in teaching school; Ira and William, who assist their father in the work of the home farm; Mrs. Julia Hall, living in Greenbrier township; Fred, at home; and Katie, who is teaching school. The sons are now connected with their father in the cultivation and improvement of the home farm and in addition to tilling the soil in the production of crops best adapted to climatic conditions here found they are also engaged in the raising of shorthorn cattle and of Poland China hogs, meeting with success in both branches of their business.

Mr. Thaler is a republican in his political views and is interested in the success of the party, to which he has given his support since becoming a naturalized citizen. His religious faith is that of the Methodist church and its teachings and principles constitute the governing force in his life, making him a man of high purposes, ever straightforward and reliable in his dealings with his fellowmen. His wife, who died April 9, 1905, was also a member of the Methodist Episcopal church and was a most estimable lady.

Transcribed from "Past and Present of Greene County, Iowa Together With Biographical Sketches of Many of Its Prominent and Leading Citizens and Illustrious Dead,"
by E. B. Stillman assisted by an Advisory Board consisting of Paul E. Stillman, Gillum S. Toliver,
Benjamin F. Osborn, Mahlon Head, P. A. Smith and Lee B. Kinsey, Chicago: The S. J. Clarke Publishing Company, 1907.

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