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1907 Past and Present Biographies

F. A. Free

F. A. Free, who is successfully engaged in agricultural pursuits on section 27, Washington township, was born in Parke county, Indiana, December 20, 1845, a son of Samuel and Catherine (Saxton) Free, the former a native of Pickaway county, Ohio, and the latter of New Jersey. In 1869, the father took up his abode in Boone county, Iowa, and in the following spring came to Greene county, carrying on general agricultural pursuits until the time of his death in 1880. He had been married in Ohio and unto him and his wife were born ten children, three of whom are still living: Samuel Q., a resident of Beatrice, Nebraska; J. F., who makes his home in Iowa; and F. A., of this review.

F. A. Free acquired a common-school education and remained on the home farm until the outbreak of the Civil war, when, his patriotic spirit being aroused, he joined the army as a member of Company I, Ninety-second Illinois Volunteer Mounted Infantry. He remained at the front for two years and took an active part in several important engagements, including those at Resaca, Georgia; Atlanta, Georgia; Kenesaw Mountain, Lovejoy’s Station and Kilpatrick’s cavalry raid around Atlanta. He was always a brave and loyal soldier, never faltering in the performance of any duty assigned him. He was never wounded, however, and after being mustered out he returned to Illinois, accompanying his father on his removal to the west in 1869. In 1868 our subject came to Greene county, Iowa, and has here since remained in the successful control of his agricultural interests, being now the owner of one hundred and sixty acres of well improved farming land on section 27, Washington township. In addition to this tract he also has three hundred and twenty acres near Sheldon, North Dakota, and is meeting with a well merited measure of prosperity in the conduct of his farming interests.

In 1872 Mr. Free was united in marriage to Miss Margery A. McIntyre of Carroll county, Illinois, and they have become the parents of six children: Frank, a member of the firm of Bennett & Free, who operates the coal mines on his father’s farm; Hugh S., at home; S. P., who is engaged in the practice of medicine at Perry; and Alice, Mary and Grace, all of whom are at home.

Mr. Free has always been a staunch republican in his political affiliations and has served in the positions of township trustee and school director, though he has never sought office, preferring to give his undivided time to the management of his business interests. Both he and his wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal church at Rippey and are highly esteemed throughout the community as people of genuine personal worth. Mr. Free belongs to Redfield post, G. A. R., at Perry, Iowa, thus maintaining pleasant relations wtih the boys in blue who fought valiantly for their country in its hour of need. For more than a third of a century he has been connected with the agricultural development of this county and by reason of his well directed and capable business management has met with a gratifying measure of success.

Transcribed from "Past and Present of Greene County, Iowa Together With Biographical Sketches of Many of Its Prominent and Leading Citizens and Illustrious Dead,"
by E. B. Stillman assisted by an Advisory Board consisting of Paul E. Stillman, Gillum S. Toliver,
Benjamin F. Osborn, Mahlon Head, P. A. Smith and Lee B. Kinsey, Chicago: The S. J. Clarke Publishing Company, 1907.

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