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1907 Past and Present Biographies

Alexander Duff

Alexander Duff, an enterprising farmer and stock-raiser of Scranton township, was born in Delaware county, New York, February 27, 1851, and is a son of John and Caroline (Warren) Duff, both natives of New York. On coming west the father located in Wisconsin, where he was engaged in agricultural pursuits up to the time of his death. There were nine children in his family, eight of whom are now living.

Alexander Duff's early education was acquired in the schools of the county where he lived, but being one of a large family was obliged to spend many hours working in the fields on his father’s farm. This practical training started him in the pursuit which he has followed all his life. He came to this county from Wisconsin in 1875 and purchased one hundred and sixty acres on section 26, Scranton township. from John Emerline. Only sixteen acres of this farm were broken and Mr. Duff began the hard labor of breaking the remaining acres and bringing the land to a state where it would yield him abundant crops. He erected a small house sixteen feet by twenty-two feet and only twelve feet high and was contented to live in this until he could pay for a better one. So successfully did he conduct this farm and so frugally did he live that he was able in 1900 to build a splendid ten-room house with every comfort and convenience. He enjoyed it the more because he knew that he had the money to pay for it and was glad that he had not gone into debt for a finer house than he could afiord when he first moved upon his farm. He has erected a horse barn twenty four feet by thirty-six feet; a stock barn forty by seventy feet; double corn cribs four feet by thirty feet; and has fenced and tiled his farm and has brought it to a condition which makes it one of the best farms in this county. Little by little he has been able to add to his original purchase. He bought one hundred and sixty acres of Lewis Williams on section 25, Scranton township, and one hundred and sixty more on sections 25 and 26. On this latter he is building a fine new home for his son. When one travels past these attractive farms and enjoys the cool shade of the large maple trees which line the road and surround the home, it may be interesting to know that Mr. Duff bought his maple seed at Coon river and raised these trees. In consequence they seem almost like his children and he has given them the care which has brought them to their fine present condition. He has lately added the enterprise of stock raising to that of his general farming and raises shorthorn cattle, Poland China hogs and draft horses. Though his sons are with him on the farm, he has entire charge of his farming interests.

In 1875 Mr. Duff was united in wedlock to Margaret Johnson, a native of New York state, who died February 14, 1903. This union has been blessed with five sons and two daughters: John, of Warren, Scranton township; Joseph, Allie, William and Carrie, who are at home; Minnie, the wife of Mr. Maher; and Charles, of Scranton township.

All his life Mr. Duff has given his active support to the men and measures of the republican party and has served as trustee of the township and as road supervisor for seven years. He has the satisfaction of feeling that his present position is the result of his own work, for Mr. Duff is a self-made man in every respect. As such he has acquired the enviable characteristics which come to the man who is obliged to make his own way in the world and he is highly respected by a large circle of admiring friends.

Transcribed from "Past and Present of Greene County, Iowa Together With Biographical Sketches of Many of Its Prominent and Leading Citizens and Illustrious Dead,"
by E. B. Stillman assisted by an Advisory Board consisting of Paul E. Stillman, Gillum S. Toliver,
Benjamin F. Osborn, Mahlon Head, P. A. Smith and Lee B. Kinsey, Chicago: The S. J. Clarke Publishing Company, 1907.

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