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1907 Past and Present Biographies

Franklin Andre

Franklin Andre, postmaster at Adaza, and also engaged in business as a successful grain dealer, was born in Cedar county, Iowa, in 1853. His father, William Andre, was a native of Pennsylvania, and in the year 1837 came to Iowa when it was still under territorial rule and few settlements had been made within its borders save along the Mississippi river. He homesteaded one hundred and sixty acres of land and also bought a quarter section at a dollar and a half per acre, which is today worth a hundred dollars per acre. The arduous task of developing the farm then devolved upon him. The entire countryside was just as it had come from the hand of nature, and placing the plow share in the soil he broke the sod and in due course of time gathered rich harvests where once grew the wild prairie grasses. Year by year he resolutely continued his labor until he had an excellent farm property, yet all was not smooth sailing, for in 1860 he lost nearly all that he had in the Comanche tornado. He persevered, however, and won success by reason of continuous and honorable effort. He remained upon the farm until his death, which occurred in 1900, when he had reached the venerable age of seventy-nine years. He married Miss Elizabeth McKinstry, a native of Pennsylvania, and as the years passed twelve children were added to the family, of whom seven are yet living.

To this number Franklin Andre belongs. He was educated in the common schools and for five years he was a member of Company C of the First Regiment of Militia, so that he has had considerable military experience and training. Much of his life, however, has been devoted to farming and merchandizing. He came to Greene county in 1882 and gave his energies to general agricultural pursuits near Churdan for four years. He then had charge of the Johnson farm.for three years, after which he took charge of the elevator at Adaza for the McFarland Grain Company, continuing with them until the business was sold to the Atlas Grain Company. Mr. Andre continues as manager and is doing an excellent business in furnishing a market for the producers and also conducting the interests of the company in such a manner as to realize for them a good return upon the money invested. It was through the instrumentality of Mr. Andre who obtained signatures to a petition that the postoflice was established at this point in 1892. He was appointed postmaster in 1900 and has remained in the oflice continuously since. It is a fourth class oflice with one rural route.

In 1878, in Cedar county, Iowa, Mr. Andre was joined in wedlock to Miss Emma Archer, who was born in that county and is a daughter of Joseph and Phoebe A. Archer. Six children have been born of this union: Mrs. Luella Board, living in Adaza; Calvin, also of that place; Elizabeth and Adaza, both at home; and Willie and Minnie, who are deceased.

Mr. Andre is a stalwart republican in his political views, doing all in his power to promote the growth and insure the success of the party, the principles of which he has advocated since age gave to him the right of franchise. In his fraternal relations he is connected with the Yeomen and the Knights of Pythias, while in his religious faith he is a Methodist, being one of the active working members of the church. He is now serving on the building committee for the erection of a new house of worship of that denomination. He is a man true to every trust reposed in him whether in business or political circles, in social or in private life. He has not sought to figure prominently before the public but has been content to do his duty in whatever relation of life he has been placed and yet he is not without that ambition which seeks for the betterment of business conditions and for the improvement of public interests.

Transcribed from "Past and Present of Greene County, Iowa Together With Biographical Sketches of Many of Its Prominent and Leading Citizens and Illustrious Dead,"
by E. B. Stillman assisted by an Advisory Board consisting of Paul E. Stillman, Gillum S. Toliver,
Benjamin F. Osborn, Mahlon Head, P. A. Smith and Lee B. Kinsey, Chicago: The S. J. Clarke Publishing Company, 1907.

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