Fayette County Leader
December 4, 1930
Adjourned session of the Town Council met in
Fox's furniture store at 3:30 p.m., Nov. 7, 1930, called to order by
the Mayor F. A. Hoyt. Members present: Hartman, Hettler, Fox and
Mr. West was present to represent the Reo Motor
Co. of Waterloo.
Moved by Carter, seconded by Hettler, that the
Town buy a fire truck of the W. S. Nott Co., according to
specifications and contract and the Mayor and Clerk authorized to
sign same. Roll call, all voted yes. Motion carried.
By motion meeting adjourned. F. A. HOYT,
Mayor, FITCH PAYNE, Town Clerk.
Regular session of the Town Council met in the
Town Hall at 7:30 p.m., Dec. 1, 1930, Mayor F. A. Hoyt presiding.
Members present: Hettler, Billings, Fox, and Carter. Minutes of
meetings held Nov. 3 an dNov. 7 read and approved.
Motions made and seconded that a permit for
operating a ppol and billiard hall in the town of Fayette be granted
to Floyd Miche and Wm. Mullins. Motion carried.
there were two applications presented to the
Council for permits to see cigarets and cigaret papers by Miehe &
Mullins, and Clair S. Darrow.
Motion made and seconded that a permit be
granted to Wm. Mullins and Floyd Miehe to seel cigarets form Jan. 1,
1931 to July 1, 1931. Motion carried.
Motion made and seconded that a permit be
granted to Clair S. Darrow to sell cigarets from Jan 1, 1931 to July
1, 1931. Motion carried.
Motion made and seocnded that Ordinance No. 138
be replealed. Motion carried.
Ordinance No. 13 was read for the first
A motion was made and seconded that the rules
requiring an ordinance to be read at three different meetings be
suspended and that we proceed with the second reading. Motion
carried. Ordinance No. 139 was then read for the second time.
Motion and seconded that the above rules again
be suspended and that we proceed with the third reading. Motion
After the third reading it was moved and
seconded that Ordinance No. 139 be adopted. Roll call, all voted
yes. Notion was carried.
The following bills were read:
C. W. Knight, hardware
Central States, Oct. and Nov. lights
Central States, Oct. and Nov. pumping
gomer Pritchard, labor
L. L. Fauser, labor $8.05
Gould Pumps, pump supplies $24.09
A. A. Bailey, salary and labor
Fitch Payne, salary $21.75
Hawkeye Supply co., valuves $5.87
W. S. Darley Co., marshall stars $2.96
A. W. Whitford, marshal $75.00
Henry Hettler, labor $2.60
J. W. Bolton, street work $10.20
C. H. Earl, labor $5.10
Sam McElree, st. com. $57.96
W. A. Stranahan, coal and gas $13.15
d. F. Hall, sp. police $4.00
John Hildebrand, labor $2.10
Chas. Felkey, labor $3.50
Motion made and seconded that the bills be
allowed as read. Motion carried.
Motion made and seconded that the Clerk be
authorized to draw warrants on the Town Tres. for the amounts. Roll
call, all voted yest. Motion carried.
By motion meeting adjourned. F. A. Hoyt, Mayor,
An Ordinance vacating all that portion of Clark
Street in the town of Fayette, Iowa, which lies east of the east
side of Jones Street in said town of Fayette.
Be it enacted by the Town Council of Fayette,
Iowa, as follows:
Sectioon One: That all that portion of Clar
Street in the Town of Fayette, Iowa, which lies east of the east
side of Jones street in said town of Fayette, Iowa, according to the
Recroded Plat of S. H. Robertson's addition to the Town of Fayette,
Iowa is hereby vacated as a street.
Section Two: This Ordinance shall take effect
upon its passage and publication in one issue of the Fayette County
The foregoing Ordinance passed the 1st day of
December A. D. 1930.
Approved this 1st day of December, 1930, by F.
H. HOYT, Mayor. Attest: FITCH PAYNE, Town Clerk.