Fayette County Leader
January 23, 1919 Front Page
Business Meeting Followed by Serving of
Fayette Chapter O. E. S. met in regular session
Thursday evening, Jan. 16. there were present about sixty members
including several visitors. After the usual business was transacted
the degrees were conferred on Mrs. Frances Coleman, after which
occurred the annual installation of officers impressively conducted
by Mrs. H. P. Clark, Past Worthy Matron of Windsor chapter, of
Hawkeye. The following officers were installed in their respective
officers for the ensuing year: W. M., Mrs. W. I. Robinson; W. P.
E. J. Bray, A. M, Mrs. G. S. Hartman; Sec'y, Mrs. E. O. [blur];
Treas. Mrs. Emma Clotheir; cond. Mrs. R. W. Thompson; chap., Mrs. H.
E. Bentz; Mar., Mrs. E. J. Bray; Organist, Mrs. M. L. Hathaway; Adah,
Mrs. F. E. Finch; Ruth, Mrs. S. W. Geiser; Esther, Mrs. D. N.
Holmes; Martha, Mrs. E. N. Humiston; Electa, Mrs. W. E. Howell; W.,
Mrs. A. J. Fox, S., Mr. W. E. Hunt.
At the close of the installation ceremonies the W.
P. , Mr. E. J. Bray, in behalf of the chapter, presented Mrs. A. H.
Thompson, the retiring Worthy matron, with a fine past matron's pin.
Also, Mrs. M. L. Hathaway was given a beautiful cut glass fern dish
in appreciation of her services as organist since the organization
of the Chapter. Delicious refreshments were served and a most
enjoyable evening spent by all present.