Elgin Echo
Elgin, Iowa
November 27, 1930
The following
committees have been named to act at the annual M.E. Ladies’ Aid
bazaar which will be held at the church parlors, Thursday, December
4. Supper will also be served, starting at 5:30 p.m. and continuing
until all are served.
G. N. Schori, Mrs. Ern Schori, Mrs. Mary Skarsbaug, Mrs. Ida
Al Schori, Mrs. Sam Lehman, Mrs. Thos. Knudtson, Mrs. Clem Schmid,
Mrs. Bunting, Mrs. Max Thoma, Mrs. H. S. Steele, Mrs. F. R. Berg,
Mrs. Ed Klingman, Mrs. M. V. Kiple, Mrs. R. P. Strauch.
Room-Mrs. L. B. Carter, Mrs. J. J. Snyder, Mrs. H. D. Yack, Mrs. Mel
Kohler, Mrs. R. W. Muehlenthaler, Mrs. Mae Bopp, Mrs. Ray DeSart,
Mrs. L. G. Lehman, Mrs. Max Hunsberger, Mrs. Elmer Schori, Mrs. R.
B. Brandt, Mrs. H. W. Helms.
Fancy Work
Booth-Mrs. Mosby, chairman, Mrs. Chas. Feller, Mrs. C. S. Kniel,
Miss Celia Lehman, Mrs. Lana Henderson, Mrs. J. D. Shaffer.
Coffee-Mrs. N.
M. Fritz, Mrs. Fred Reichert.
Franc DeSart.
Emma Lewis, Mrs. Robert Peters.
Silverware-Mrs. H.B. Gilson, Mrs. Ern Holzer, Mrs. N. H. Bakeman.