Elgin Echo
July 7, 1927
Front Page
Twenty cars, carrying about 75 Fayette county
folks went on the annual tour to the state college and experiment
station at Ames on Friday and Saturday, July 1 and 2. Perfect
weather and road conditions added to the pleasure of the trip and
everyone seemingly enjoyed and profited from the trip.
Two stops were made on the way down in order
to make the trip less tiresome and the group arrive about 11:30.
The program opened with both men and women
inspecting the livestock barns and meat laboratory. The group then
divided, the women going to the gardens, home economics building and
library and the men to the alfalfa, clover and sweet clover plots
and then to the agricultural engineering building where all of the
newer types of machinery were on display.
At 6 p.m. the program was broadcast from
station W.O.I. The following people took part: Illyria
orchestra; Violin Duet, Renold Strong and Otis Rothlisberger; Solo,
W. L. Peters; Male Quartette, Strong, Rothlisberger, Thoman and
On Saturday morning the entire group visited
the soils plots at the agronomy farm and also the small grain
breeding plots. From here the group were taken to the dairy barns
and then to the poultry farm.