Cemetery Directory |
Fayette County Funeral Homes ~ Transcribed and compiled by Lynn McCleary ~ |
Funeral home records vary greatly. One book may contain hand written information as to the name of the deceased, date, cost of funeral services and who paid for it. Another book might give age at death, date of death, date of burial, place of internment, itemized components of the funeral and their cost. Notes could include who ordered the services and their address. In recent years funeral homes have been keeping copies of obituaries in their files. Many now have web sites and offer free access to obituaries on-line.
Jamison-Schmitz Funeral Home Web site: http://www.jamisonschmitzfuneralhome.com/fh/home/home.cfm?fh_id=11860 Direct Obituary search: http://www.jamisonschmitzfuneralhome.com/fh/obituaries/results.cfm?fh_id=11860
Grau Funeral Homes Grau Funeral Homes serves Clayton County also Direct Obituary search: http://www.graufuneralhomes.com/html/obituaries.php http://www.graufuneralhomes.com/
Bernham-Wood-Grau Funeral Home and Cremation Services, West Union, Iowa Direct Obituary search http://graufuneralhomes.com/ current obituaries http://graufuneralhomes.com/category/obituaries/ Obituary search page Direct Obituary search for S.K. Rogers Funeral home: http://www.skrogersfuneralhome.com/fh/obituaries/home.cfm?&fh_id=13558 Also serves Sumner, Bremer County, Iowa http://www.skrogersfuneralhome.com/fh/home/home.cfm?fh_id=13558
Becker-Milnes Funeral Services & Rettig Funeral Home Direct Obituary Search: http://www.beckermilnesrettig.com/obituaries.html http://www.beckermilnesrettig.com/home.html Also serving Bremer County Locations in Fayette Co. Becker-Milnes Funeral Home 601 King Street Fayette, Iowa 52142 (563-427-3244
Geilenfeld Funeral Home Direct Obituary search: http://www.geilenfeldfh.com/obituaries.html Web site: http://www.geilenfeldfh.com/home.html 309 1st Avenue Ne Oelwein, Iowa 50662 (319) 283-4653
Hugeback Johnson Funeral Homes Also serving Chickasaw county, Iowa Direct Obituary search: http://www.hugebackfuneralhome.com/obituaries/ Web site: hhttp://www.hugebackfuneralhome.com/contact-us/facilities-and-directions