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Forsythe, Gruver, Halfa, Hoprig, Huntington,
Maple Hill and Raleigh Businesses
Emmet County IAGenWeb

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A discontinued postoffice in Denmark township,
Emmet county, 30 miles s. e. of Estherville, the county seat,
and 4 from Ringsted, its banking and shipping point,
whence mail is supplied by rural delivery.

Population, 100. On the C., R. I. & P. Ry., in Center township,
Emmet county, 7 miles from Estherville, the county seat.
Has Methodist Episcopal and Presbyterian churches and a bank.
Tel. W. U. Exp. U. S. C. Higinbotham, postmaster.
Andrews H A, meats.
Brown J L, live stock.
Central Land Co.
C., R. I. & P. Ry.
Clump Charles, hotel.
Farmers' Elevator Co.
Graves Paul H, implts and live stock.
Gruver Savings Bank (cap $10,000), E P Soper pres, F R Dowden cashier.
Higinbotham Charles, postmaster and general store.
Merriatt James & Son, livery.
Northern Lumber Co.
Peterson A, general store.
Taylor L, carpenter.
United States Express Co.
Western Union Tel Co.

Population, 16. On the C. & N. W. Ry., in Armstrong Grove township,
Emmet county, 13 miles s. e. of Estherville, the county seat,
and 4-1/2 from Ringsted, the nearest banking point.
Has a Presbyterian church.
F. L. Wilson, acting postmaster and general store.

A farmers' postoffice in Jack Creek township, Emmet county,
22 miles southeast of Esthervile, the seat of justice, and 7 from
Ringsted, the nearest banking and shipping point. Mail daily.
Blair Charles, general store and postmaster.
Hoprig Farmers' Creamery Co.


Population, 250. On the M. & St. L. Ry., in Ellsworth township,
Emmet county, 8 miles n. of Estherville, the judicial seat.
Has a Methodist church and a bank. Tel. W. U. Exp., Adams.
Albert Myhre, postmaster.
Adams Express Co, A. C. McVean agt
Great Western Grain Co.
Huntington Savings Bank (capital $10,000), E B Soper pres, George Ports cashier.
McVean A C, r r. exp and tel agt.
Myhre Albert, postmaster.
Myhre Albert & Co, general store.
Stade Leo Grain & Lumber Co.
Sunde T T Jr, grocer and hardware.
Weir J D, agrl implts.
Western Union Telegraph Co, A C McVean agt.

Maple Hill

Population, 20. A country postoffice on C. R. I. & P. Ry.,
in Swan Lake township, Emmet county, 13 miles e.
of Estherville, the judicial seat. Exp., U. S. Tel., W. U.
Anderson Alva W, postmaster.
Anisson F, elevator.
Hurst J W, r r. exp and tel agent.
Maple Hill Mercantile Co, Fred W Ruef mngr, general store, lumber, machinery, drain tile and cream.
Western Electric Telephone Co.
Western Elevator Co, B J Dunn, mngr.


On the M. & St. L. Ry., in Twelve Mile Lake township, Emmet county,
6 miles s. of Estherville, the judicial seat. Exp., Adams.
Albertson J E, postmaster and general store.
Oates E W & Co, grain, coal and lumber.
Schaefer F A & Son, cattle breeders.

Transcribed by Lynn Diemer-Mathews and uploaded February 1, 2025.

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