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Iowa State Gazetteer and Business Directory
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Alexander D R (Soper & Alexander), attorney-at-law. Allen, George, postmaster. Anderson, Bert B, grain and coal. Anderson Drug Co (Albert and L L Anderson, George W. Bale). Anderson & Engstrom (Albert Anderson, Fred A Engstrom), physicians. Armstrong F T, dentist. Bachman Edsil W, physician. Baker Wm, restaurant. Bammer & Harden (Samuel G Bammer, A A Harden), lawyers. Bank of Estherville, F H Rhodes cashier, W T Rhodes and I C Stanley asst cashiers. Benson John F, real estate. Berg Peter O, watchmkr. Beymer & Hendershot (W A Beymer, F F Hendershot), clothing. Bingham Lewis L, cement blocks. Birney Cleanthus E, physician. Bixby A A & Co (A A and A R Bixby), meats. Blakey & Oehrlein (C S Blakey, W R Oehrlein), live stock dealers. Blue & Raife (L D Blue, G H Raife), shoes. Boland Fred C, restaurant. Bowser Jeremiah B, real estate. Bradford Co The (Storm Lake), D B Blake mngr, real estate. Bradley Wm E, physician. Brees Henry C, furn and undertaker. Briggs Isaac H, vet surgeon. Broms Edwin, agt W U Tel Co. Brown Co The (A C and Lee E Brown), real estate. Brown Lee E, drainage engineer. Burt Roy A, flour and feed. Cain Patrick V, vet surgeon. Central House, John L. Bork, propr. Christensen Peter L, grocer. Clinite Jay L, dentist. Cold Henry B, horseshoer. Combs V A, asst cashr Iowa Savings Bank. Converse Fielder W, pres Iowa Savings Bank and Insurance. Cox James S, architect and scenic artist. Crim Chales W, attorney-at-law. Crowell Walter, implements. Crystal Springs Bottling Works, Wm L Hull propr. Davidson Albert H, dry goods and grocer. Doolittle Luke C, photographer. Dow Erwin L, cigars. Drey Mary F, milliner. Ellis Edward L, mason. Ellis Frank, mason. Emmet House, Petersen Bros proprs, rates $1.25 per day, steam heat, electric lights, etc. Automobile meets all trains. Enterprise Printing Co, George E Patterson mngr, publrs Estherville Enterprise. Estherville Commercial College, Mrs J N Herzberg propr. Estherville Enterprise (weekly), Enterprise Printing Co publrs. Estherville Free Public Library, Mrs S M Davidson librarian. Estherville Garage and Machine Works (George W and Alfred J Rhodes), auto supplies and livery. Estherville Produce Co, Christ Kuehl Jr propr. Estherville State Bank (cap $50,000), Howard Graves pres, Garret Zehmann cashr. Estherville Steam Laundry, J B Kurt propr. Estherville Telephone Co, Fred Marshall mngr. European Hotel, W M Turner propr. Farmers' State Mutul Hail Association of Estherville, Iowa, Mack J Groves Pres, Edwin D Sanborn Sec, M E Groves Treas, George E Groves Supt of Agencies. First National Bank (cap $100,000), E B Soper pres, J P Kirby cashr. Fosher Wm, feed barn. Galloway Wm P, dentist. Gardner & Johnston (G G Gardner, Alex Johnston) proprs, The Gardston. Gardston The, Gardner & Johnston proprs. Gaylord & Ross (Alfred E Gaylord, John Ross) hardware and implts. Godden & Ballard (Emmetsburg), Knut N Thompson mngr, marble works. Graaf Fred H, confectioner. Graves & Espeset (Howard Graves, James Espeset), abstractors. Great Western Elevator Co, grain. Greig & Zeeman (H S Greig, Garret Zeeman), grain elevator. Griffith John H, live stock. Gronstal Knut, painter. Groves Mack J, vice-pres Iowa Savings Bank and lawyer. Hancher & Malueg (Alva G Hancher, Leonard J Malueg), shoes. Hansen Jens, tailor. Helinsky Wm P, photographer. Herzberg Mrs J N, proprs Estherville Commercial College. Hill Mrs J W, hairdresser. Hoffman Emil, carpenter. Hogett Richard, cigar mnft. Holmes Jacob, painter. Horswell J S, real estate. Hotel Orleans, Wray & Schneider proprs. Hull Wm L, propr Crystal Springs Bottling Works and confr. Iowa Savings Bank The (Capital $50,000, surplus and profits ($15,000), F W Convere pres, Mack J Groves vice president, W W Walker cashier, V A Combs Asst cashier. Ivey Alexander, dentist. James Ulysses V, meats. Jeffries & Birney (C R Jeffries, C F Birney), drugs. Jehu Mrs Margaret E, florist. Johnston Jay & Co (Jay Johnston, R B Collwell), drugs and jewelry. Johnston John T, furniture. Kerr W A, manager Shurbeck-Lambert Co. Kingman Bros (W L and I H), shoes. Klopp John J, drugs and jewelry. Kunkel Joseph G, baker. Kurt John B, propr Estherville Steam Laundry. Ladd Wm A, lawyer. Lawrence Hugh B, clothing. Lee & Coon (Nelson J Lee, Byron M Coon), lawyer. Littell John P, life insurance. Lohr Evan B, hardware. Lucas Dray Line, C E Lucas propr. Lungren & Peterson (Charles J Lungren, George A Peterson) lumber. McArdle Cash Mercantile Co, Wm McArdle pres and treas, Gordon Hulett sec, grocers. Mahlum Henry W, furn and undertaker. Martinek Anton, harnessmaker. Miller, Christensen Co, H A Miller Jr pres, L M Christensen sec-treas, dry goods. Montgomery John, real estate. Morse James W, lawyer. Morse R Irving, jeweler. Municipal Electric Light and Water Wks. Myhre & Jeglum (Theodore Myhre, Carl Jeglum), general store. Napoleon Hotel, George B Anderson, propr. Nash Albert H, lawyer. Nau Bros (K K and C K), clothing. Nelson Fred L, carpenter. Nelson Fred O, drainage engneer, mnfr targets and racks for grading sewers and tile drains. (See classified contractors - excavating.) Northern Lumbar Co, G A Lyon sec. Oehrlein Wm R, meats. Olson Carl H, jeweler. Opera House Reporter (weekly), W H Bruno mngr. Oransky Herman, dry goods. Osborn George, well driller. Osgood Charles D, real estate. Osmundsen John W, real estate. Palmateer Louis, agt C R I & P Ry. Person & Pitcher (C E Person, Arthur Pitcher), real estate. Petersen Bros (Jens and Hans), proprietors Emmet House. Peterson Bros (Clem N and Charles H), grocer. Provident Savings Bank (capital $25,000), E B Soper pres, J P Kirby cashr. Rhodes F H & Co (Frank H and Wm T Rhodes), proprs Bank of Estherville. Richman Fred H, real estate. Riley Mrs Henry, miliner. Robb Wesley, live stock. Roberts Thomas G, oesteopath. Rogers Isaac, carpenter. Rohde Herman N, real estate. Root Amasa D, lumber, etc. Rugtiv & Lee (G O Rugtiv, Goodman Lee), hardware. Ruhle Jacob, rug mnfr. Salisbury R Wallace, physician. Salyers Isaac N, carpenter. Schloeman Melrose H, city property, farms and loans. Sconberg & Kilgore (H M Sconberg, F S Kilgore), grocers. Shadle Frank S, drugs. Shadle F M & Sons (Francis M, Owen, George W, Christ and Merlin), dry goods and shoes. Silige Henry O, harnessmakr. Sizer Frederick, drayage. Skewish Grain Co, E J Skewish mngr, elevator. Smith Charles P, civil engineer. Smith John G, notions. Smith Thompson, dairy. Soper & Alexander (E E Soper, D R Alexander), attorneys-t-law. (See adv in legal blue book.) Spurbeck-Lambert Co (Algona, Ia), W A Kerr manager, creamery supplies. Staggs Wm A, physician. Standard Oil Co, A O McKinney agt. Stinson Alice C, physician. Stone Wm A, photographer. Straight John B, painter. Strube Bros (E C and J H), music dirs. Taylor A L & Co (Alfred L and Archie), hardware. Thompson Leonard G, drayage. Thompson & Sweet (Thomas O Thompson, Wm V Sweet), carpenters. Toll Philip R, livery. Tone Mrs Emily, baker. Tosdal Henry H, general store and photographer. Tracy & White (Wm Tracy, Fred White), auto garage. Turner W M, propr European Hotel. United States Express Co, Isaac Sherin agt. Vindicator & Republican Co, G A Nichols sec and mngr, publrs The Vindicator and Republican. Walker C H & Co (Charles H Walker), flour and feed. Vindicator and Republican The (weekly), Vindicator and Republican Co publrs. Walker W W, cashier Iowa Savings Bank. Warren Edwin B, notions. Waterman Wm H, pianos. Wells Delos, painter. Western Union Telegraph Co, Edwin Broms agt. White & Howe (McMary H White, Mary Howe), miliners. Williams Charles E, restaurant. Williams Sumner H, drugs. Wilson Charles M, harnessmkr. Wilson Maurice E, physician. Wing Frank, restaurant. Wilkins George D, meats. Woods Bros (L R and Frank P), real est. Worling Charles, carpenter. Wray & Schneider (John F Wray, Victor Schneider), proprs Hotel Orleans. |