Jeremiah Hall
MR. JEREMIAH HALL, a nat ive of Merrimack County, N. H., was born
July 4, 1807; he is the second son of Jeremiah Hall and Hannah Smith, his
wif e, both of whom were native s of New Hampshire . November 3, 1830, Dr.
Hall lef t the parent al roof to seek his fortun e in the new country far to the
west.” Aft er tra vel ling two years he loc ated in Wisconsin , where he
his profes sion about six years; he then went to Burlingto n, where he remained
until 1837, when he loc ated in Danvil le Township, his present home. Aft er
preparing for
col leg e, he ent ered Dartmouth and remained one year; he then began
the stu dy of medicine in Concor d, N. H., where he spent three yea rs in
and attending lec tur es. April 23, 1835. Dr. Hall and Harrie t A. Corning
were joined in marria ge. By thi s union eight chi ldren have been born, only
five of whom are now living . Two sons are marrie d, one res iding in New York
City and the oth er in Ill ino is; a thi rd son lives in Mt. Ple asant. Two
s are living at home. In 1848, the Doctor became a member of the Congre -
gation al church, sin ce which time he has been a zea lou s worker in the cause
Christian ity . He has watched the growth of the church at Danvil le from a mere
germ of seven members to a congregat ion of more than one hundred. In pol i -
tic s, Dr. Hall is a Republ ica n; he formerly belonged to the Whig party.
to the county in an ear ly day, he saw its bir th as he now sees its prime. He
now has an extended practi ce, and a comfortable home. Of the Doctor it may
tru ly be said that —
"Along the cool sequestered vale of life
He has led the noiseless tenor of his way."
Transcribed from:
An Illustrated Historical Atlas of Des Moines County, Iowa.
A.T. Andreas, Lakeside Build