The Lamoni Chronicle
December 2, 1909

A Very Pleasant Session was Enjoyed.

The annual meeting of the Decatur County Historical Society was held in the Latter Day Saints church Lamoni, Iowa, November 23, 2909. Meeting was called to order at ten a.m. by the secretary. A piano solo was acceptably rendered by Miss Edith Burlingin of Graceland College faculty. Invocation was offered by Elder E. A. Smith. A vocal solo was pleasingly rendered by Miss Lola May Buckingham of Graceland faculty.

In the absence of the president and vice president Heman C. Smith was chosen chairman pro tem and Richard S. Salyards secretary pro tem. Minutes of the last annual meeting were read and approved. The chair stated the order of business as provided for in the rules. Upon motion the election of officers was deferred until the afternoon session. The chairman of the editorial committee reported that the pamphlet provided for at the last session was not published on account of lack of means in the treasury. He recommended that he committee be authorized to again open the work for bids. This was approved. He recommended that the constitution and bylaws be published. The meeting authorized the publication of one thousand copies. He also recommended that publications of the society be furnished free of cost to members of the society who have paid their dues at the time of distribution. This was approved. The secretary's report was read including a catalogue of books and other property of the society in his hands. This report also announced the death of four of the members of the society, and a committee was appointed to draft suitable resolutions concerning the deceased. Report of the treasurer was read showing receipts amount to $43.55 and expenditures amounting to $5.75. A committee was appointed to audit the report, consisting of A. S. Cochran, D. F. Lambert and C. I. Carpenter. This committee subsequently reported that they found the report in harmony with the books. The historian's report was read, showing that he had in contemplation all matters of interest of the county for the past year, but had been unable on account of poor health to complete his plans. He asked for an appropriation of $10 to pay expense of office work. The request for funds was referred to the board of directors. Miss Lucy Good, a student of Graceland College, gave a reading which was highly appreciated. Adjourned until 2:30 p.m.

Convened as per adjournment at 2:20 p.m. Invocation was offered by Elder John Smith. A choice reading was rendered by Miss Zaida Gains of Graceland College which delighted the assembly. The committee on memorial to deceased members reported as follows: Whereas the passing of time has depleted our ranks by death, we therefore present the following resolution of condolence relative to our esteemed and respected, and departed members: John Dennison BENNETT, Mrs. Carried Judd BRIGGS, Rev. H. G. PITTINGER, and Elder Alexander H. SMITH. Resolved that we bowing to Divine Providence extend to the families of our deceased members the sympathy and condolence of the Decatur County Historical Society, and herewith request the papers of Garden Grove, Leon, and Lamoni to publish this report and resolution, and we instruct our secretary to furnish a copy of the same to the relatives of our honored dead. F. M. WELD, John SMITH, Robert M. ELVIN, committee.

The officers serving last year were all reelected: They are Guy P. ARNOLD of Garden Grove, president; O. E. HULL of Leon, vice president; Heman C. SMITH of Lamoni, secretary; R. S. SALYARDS of Lamoni, treasurer; Duncan CAMPBELL of Pleasanton, historian. Members of the board of directors in addition to the above officers: J. A. GUNSOLLEY, of Lamoni, Mrs. Emaline A. MALOTTE of Garden Grove, Stephen VARGA and J. W. HARVEY of Leon. The editorial committee consisting of Heman C. SMITH, Duncan CAMPBELL, and Stephen VARGA was continued. Mr. John SMITH gave notice that at the next meeting there would be a motion made to amend the constitution by striking out the words "one dollar" in the last sentence of Article three and inserting in lieu thereof the words "fifty cents."

Mr. Daniel F. LAMBERT then gave a very instructive address on the importance of the work of the society. By vote he was requested to reduce it to writing and it was referred to the editorial committee for consideration. Miss Frances White rendered a vocal solo to the satisfaction of the audience. The secretary was instructed to furnish a copy of the minutes of this meeting to each of the secular papers of Decatur county. A vote of thanks was extended to Misses Burlingim, Buckingham, Goode, Gaines and White for their services in entertaining the society.

Adjournment was had to meet at Leon the fourth Tuesday in November, 1910, at ten a.m. and a committee on program and arrangements consisting of O. E. HULL, E. J. SANKEY, and Stephen VARGA was appointed. HEMEN C. SMITH, Sec.

Copied by Stacey McDowell Dietiker
April 23, 2003