1914 Phoenix

Lamoni High School

Contributed by Bob Bixby and the Decatur County Historical Museum
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A Backward View of Our High School

The old East Side High School building was erected about the year 1883, and the first term of school was begun there in the fall of the same year. The more advanced pupils were assigned to the upper rooms of the building with A. A. Roy as teacher. During the first few years very light high school work was pursued, but a beginning was made and the foundation laid for more advanced work in the future. A few years later Mr. W. L. Andrews took charge of the schools and a year later was followed by Mr. D. F. Lambert, who had the honor of graduating the first class, five girls and one boy. After finishing grammar work they centered their efforts mainly on Rhetoric, History, Advanced Arithmetic, and a few weeks in some of the sciences.

In the spring of 1889 J. A. Gunsolley was elected principal and held that position a little over five years. In 1890 he graduated the second class, consisting of five girls and three boys. Algebra had been added and the work in English and Natural Science was continued and enlarged.

The school prospered and the numbers increased from the beginning. In the early nineties it became necessary to provide for more room. For five years there were no graduating classes, nevertheless the school were improving' classes were more evenly graded, and with the additional room which had been added to the north, better work was accomplished, and the demand for more advanced high school studies was met.

D. F. Lambert was again elected superintendent in 1894, and in 1895 eight girls and five boys, representing the third graduating class, received their diplomas. this was the first class that studied Latin, having read part of Caesar.

Following the class of 1895 there have been annual graduating classes, with one exception. In 1897 George N. Briggs of our State University was elected superintendent, and with the aid of one, and later, two assistants, it became possible to make marked improvement in the curriculum. Cicero, Geometry, Civics, Economics, and extended work in English and Literature were some of the new features. High school spirit increased, and standing colors, Scarlet and Black were adopted. Mr. Briggs remained superintendent of the schools for four years. During the last year, provision was made for a four-year high school course.

In 1901 Mr. Griffiths of Columbia, Missouri, University was elected superintendent and remained only one year. There was no graduating class this year because of the change in the course of study.

In 1902 H. S. Buffman was elected superintendent, following in 1904 by Edmund L. Kelley, jr., and in 1907 by R. F. Hannum who continued until 1909. These three men were all from the State University of Iowa, and each one rendered valuable services to our schools. One important feature was the organization of an Alumni Association. German and Latin were made electives; debating team were organized; and contests in English, Oratory, and Athletics encouraged. During these seven year the attendance more than doubled itself, being forty-two in 1903, and ninety-four in 1909, when O.H. Hollen was elected superintendent. He was followed in 1912 by J. W. Fisher from the State University of Iowa, and in 1913 by E. W. Neveln from the State Teachers College at Cedar Falls, Iowa, who has been reelected superintendent for the year beginning September, 1914. These three last-named superintendents also gave excellent service to our schools, although they were greatly hindered by the poor and very crowded condition of the school building. During the last twelve years the attendance has almost trebled itself, as the present enrollment is one hundred and twenty-four. Much advancement has been made in different ways. May we continue to improve.

We look at the past with much pleasure; at the present with great satisfaction, that it is possible we have gained so much, and are looking forward with great expectations of what will be done. May our High School continue to improved, not only by growing bigger but better.

OSCAR ANDERSON, Present of Board.

Joseph Roberts
Oscar Anderson, President
R. J. Lambert, Secretary

right side
Albert Carmichael
A. Otis White
W. A. Grenawalt


E. W. Newlin, Superintendent
Graduate of Iowa State Teachers College
Physics and Physical Geography

Miss Irene Farrell, Principal
Graduate of Iowa State University
Latin and German

Miss Lyma Thomas
Iowa State University
English and Botany

Miss Hattie Hill
Graduate of Drake University
History and Mathematics

Miss Olive Thomas
Graduate of Iowa State University
German, English and Mathematics

Miss Zella Blasdell
Thomas Normal School

O. Thomas

L. Thomas

Top row: Elefson, Smith, Blasdell, Monroe, Kelley
Second row: Davis Schenck, Thompson, Lester, Lambert

LeMay Allen
Ruth Allen
Ida May Anderson
Hazel Brenizer

Mabel Carlile
Lyman Case
Arthur Church
Ada Derry
West Side - D. F. Lambert
East Side - Mrs. Frances Davis

West Side - Harriet Kelley
East Side - Verna Elefson

West side - Earlita Smith
East side - Martha Lester

West side - Marcella Schenck
East side - Grace Thompson

Music - Zella Blasdell
Sub-Primary - Ada Monroe
Senior Organization

Present .... Arthur Church
Vice President .... Gracia Nicholson
Secretary .... Ida M. Anderson
Treasurer .... Gracia Nicholson

Colors - Alice Blue and Gold
Flowers - Purple Iris
Motto - The Elevator to Success is not Running
Take the Stairs

The other classes are a bluff
We the Seniors are the stuff!
We're the class of all creation -
We're the '14 delegation.

Ammie Downey
Naomi Keown
Gracia Nicholson
Nona Poush

Beatrice Smith
Carlos Smith
Velora Smith
Maud Wayne Smith

Nina Traxler
Amy Vredenburg
Gertrude White


President . Dale Scott
Vice President . Alma Goode
Secretary-Treasurer . Ruth Derry

Motto - "Constructive"
Colors - Old Gold and Black
Flower - Tea Rose

Ca yi! Ca yie! Ca Yac!
There's nothing the Juniors lack.
Give way, stand back and let us by,
This Junior goes through on high.

Allen Barrows
Seth Bass
Lester Bender
Ethel Brooner
Zaida Collins
Gladys Creveling

Allen Barrows
Seth Bass
Lester Bender
Ethel Brooner
Zaida Collins
Gladys Creveling

Alma Goode
Hazel Hill
Oren Leetun
Minnie Lovell
Vaughn McElroy
Beulah McWhinney

Viola Nelson
Cleora Pitkin
Olive Roe
Dale Scott
Ralph Scott
Gerald Smith

Theo Smith
Fred Stubbart
Earl Traxler
Fern Woolums


President . Alice M. Smith
Vice President . Mildred V. Rauch
Secretary-Treasurer . Gladys P. Goode
Sergeant-at-arms . D. Ronald Carmichael
Yell Master . Darrel C. Scott

Colors - Old Gold and Royal Purple
Flower - Yellow Chrysanthemums
Mascot - Calico Cat
Motto - "Vita sine litteris mois (sic) est"
Latin to English - Life without learning is death.)

That's what!
What's what?
What they all say!
What do they all say?
Can't you guess?
Sophomores! Sophomores!
L. H. S.

John Feldhahan, Jean Lambert, Veta Hammer, Rex Brenizer, Roberta Rauch, Flossie Woolums, Fred Smith, Ruby Goode, Darrel Scott, Marjorie Gunsolley

Wallace Brackenbury, Hildred Poush, Gladys Goode, Joe Outhouse, Elsie Feldhahn, Lorena Brown, Bert Creveling, Alice Smith, Grace Cracraft, Ronald Carmichael

Not in picture - Mildred Rauch, Ella Landon


President . Dewey White
Vice President . Harriet Newcomb
Secretary-Treasurer . Ruth Bandy

Flower - Lily of the Valley
Colors - Scarlet and Old Gold
Motto - "Plus Longius."
(Latin to English - "More Longer."

We are Freshies hale and hearty,
And we never have a care
Except the studies in the winter
when the heat is far from fair.
But we'll play (sic) for better weather
And we'll all pull ahead together,
For its profits we are after
While our songs bring forth good cheer.

So we're glad we are together,
Be it fair or snowy weather.
give a cheer then, to all Freshies
Let our songs ring loud and clear.

Top row: Leslie Anderson, Rolland Allen, Alvin Woods, Evan Gray, George Gibson, C. larence (sic) Buck, Sidney Barrows
Second row: Oliver Anderson, Harriet Newcomb, Helen Brackenbury, Ruth Bandy, Eva Frink, Fern Roberts, May Needham, George Anway
Third row: Mark Tapscott, Lellia Hiscock, Gladys Hiscock, Lillie Barrett, Dean Wight

Top row: Ralph Teale, Dewey White, Everett Lasley, Harold Lambert, Harold Brenizer, Vinton Barrett
Second row: Vivian McElroy, Ida Case, Agnes Ramshaw, Janet Leetun
Third row: Helene Fleet, Laola Cook, Beulah Downey, Mary Parrish, Jennie Nelson

click on image to read article


click on image to read article

Harriet Newcomb, first in Dramatic, 1914
Olive Roe, first in Humorous, 1914
Roberta Rauch, first in Dramatic, 1913


Top row: Mr. Neveln, manager; D. Scott, R. Scott, Dancer, Case, C. Gibson
Second row: G. Smith, white, Stubbart, Brenizer, G. Gibson, Bender, T. Smith
Raymond Smith, Mascot

Baseball, 1914

Top row: Mr. Neveln, manager; France, T. Smith, White, G. Gibson
Second row: G. Smith, R. Scott, C. Gibson, Brenizer, Case
Raymond Smith, mascot

Zetagathian Team

B. Smith, Leetun, Roberts, Traxler, V. Smith, Derry

Centers- Christine Roberts and Nina Traxler
Line Forward - Velora Smith
Goal Forward - Beatrice Smith
Line Guard - Ada Derry
Goal Guard - Jeanette Leetun

Philomathian Team

Feldhahn, Rauch, Nelson, McWhinney, Creveling, Goode

Centers - Beulah McWhinney and Viola Nelson
Line Forward - Elise Feldhahn
Goal Forward - Gladys Goode
Line Guard - Gladys Creveling
Goal Guard - Roberta Rauch
Ackerly, Lois Walker, 1891 Kelley, Samuella Bailey, 1899
Allender, Bessie C. (deceased) 1897. Kelley, Harriet, 1911.
Anderson, Audentia Smith, 1888. Keown, Charles, 1896.
Anderson, Nellie M., 1895. Kelley, Pearl Danielson, 1907.
Anderson, Helen Annie, 1910. Lambert, Belle Anderson, 1895.
Anderson, Scott, 1911 Lane, Clara Bell, 1896.
Archibald, Nellie Stoddard, 1891. Lester, Martha, 1899.
Allen, Robert, 1910. Lasley, Audentia (deceased), 1905.
Baguley, Ruby, 1903. Lasley, Maude, 1911.
Bailey, Vaughn, 1901. Linse, Jesse, 1907.
Bailey, Lida Hayer, 1906. Lysinger, Lucy Smith, 1901.
Banta, Mary E., 1898. Lawhorn, Marjorie, 1913.
Banta, Ethel M., 1899. Mader, Minnie, 1888.
Barrett, Bert, 1897. Mader, Ed., 1896.
Bergersen, Mary Bradfield, 1897. Mader, Jay, 1895.
Black, Mary Evans, 1888. Mader, Grace, 1903.
Brand, Cara Bailey Moore, 1888. Mader, Lucile, 1911.
Briggs, Nora Gillen, 1891. Magesson, Genia Crosby, 1891.
Bradley, Mabel, 1896. Mason, Roscoe, 1891.
Blair, Lou A Gillen, 1901. Moore, Ada Hopkins, 1896.
Blair, Wayne, 1912. Mills, Maude Lambert, 1897.
Bowerman, Florence Baggerly, 1900. Mills, Laura Mader, 1898.
Bandy, Earl, 1908. McLees, Clara Lasley, 1900.
Bandy, Stella, 1909. Monroe, Zilpha, 1906.
Burgess, Bertha Bailey, 1908. Monroe, Ada, 1909.
Barnes, Sarah Jamison, 1907. Monroe, Wave, 1910.
Badham, Lois Elizabeth Smith (dec.) 1910. McDonald, Montgomery, 1907.
Barrows, Nina G., 1913. McClure, Delta Richardson, 1908.
Bergman, Johannes C., 1913. Moore, Emmett, 1913.
Brenizer, Ruth N., 1913. Nicholson, Harry C., 1895.
Butler, Eva Lasley, 1912. Newberry, J. V., 1901.
Brackenbury, Verna Hayer, 1908. Nicholson, Todd, B., 1901.
Carpenter, Gertrude Seeley, 1895. Osborn, Nora Collins, 1895.
Chasey, Emma Richey, 1895. Prall, Charles, 1908.
Criley, Della, 1900. Pitkin, Loren, 1907.
Conover, W. L., 1899. Robinson, Martha, 1888.
Collins, Minnie, 1911. Robinson, Walter, 1896.
Case, Milnor Ward, 1911. Reese, Belle, 1903.
Cochran, Clyde, 1909. Rhodes, Faye, 1910.
Craig, Jeneatte Kelley, 1904. Rhodes, Leighton, 1912.
Chasey, Ray H., 1913. Robinson, Carrie Lester, 1907.
Davis, Frances Walker, 1888. Smith, Clara Cochran, 1891.
Danielson, Henry, 1900. Smith, Frederick M., 1891.
Daniels, Elsie, 1903. Smith, Israel A., 1895.
Davis, Ethel Sprague, 1908. Smith, Hale W., 1900.
Davis, Inez Smith, 1908. Smith, Arthur H., 1897.
Dancer, David A., 1913. Smith, Mark N., 1898.
Dillon, Gracia M., 1913. Smith, Pauline Cooper, 1903.
Emsley, Irene Reed, 1899. Smith H. Hale, 1905.
France, Elizabeth, 1911. Smith, Lillian Conover, 1896.
France, Joseph, 1911. Smith, Joy, 1908.
Fleet, Grace C., 1908. Smith, Glaud L., 1909.
Ferguson, Harold J., 1913. Smith, Earlita, 1909.
Fetty, Ora G., 1913. Smith, Freda, 1911.
Graham, Charles, 1891. Smith, Helen Silsbee, 1907.
Graham, Lena Lambert, 1895. Smith, Avis Hopkins, 1908.
Gillen, Wilbur D., 1895. Smith, Winsome, 1913.
Grenawalt, May Atkinson, 1897. Scott, Lorna M., 1895.
Grenawalt, Vane, 1909. Scott, Virgil, (deceased), 1896.
Gurley, Zenos, 1898. Scott, Raymond, 1908.
Garvey, May, 1904. Scott, Aileen, 1913.
Gelatt, Blanche Hatcher, 1905. Scott, Rothmar, 1913.
Gaulter, Wilbur, 1909. Salyards, Joseph, 1907.
Gunsolley, Lucy, 1910. Salyards, Richard S., Jr., 1909.
Garvey, Blanche, 1907. Salyards, Zaide, 1907.
Gruman, Anna Weedmark, 1904 Stubbart, Ira D. M., 1908.
Gunsolley, Harold, 1913. Still, Gladys McWhinney, 1908.
Gold, Pauline Anthony, 1901. Stafford, Pearl Stubbart, 1905.
Hansen, Audentia, 1897. Stearns, Zaide Rabidou, 1906.
Haroff, Thomas, 1898. Tapscott, Harry, 1906.
Haroff, Benjamin, 1906. Tapscott, Mabel, 1910.
Haroff, Zada, 1909. Tapscott, Blanche, 1913.
Hill, Frank, 1905. Thompson, Grace, 1906.
Huntsman, Arlo 1900. Thompson, Florence, 1908.
Hopkins, Floyd, 1900. Thompson, Walter, 1909.
Horner, Coral Smith, 1901. Thomas, Lydia, 1906.
Howard, Edmund J., 1901. Thomas, Olive B., 1909.
Hudson, Flossie, 1911. Truman, Mary Hill, 1908.
Heathman, Florence, 1910. Tilton, Edna Brownell, 1907.
Hartshorn, Zaide Mader, 1907. Trumble, Gladys Smith, 1906.
Hammer, Ethel Tapscott, 1908. Vandel, Silvia, 1899.
Hopkins, Horner, 1913. Vandel, George, 1901.
Hatcher, Alice, 1913. Vanderflute, H. H., 1900.
Hogue, Helen Rabidou, 1912. Vanderflute, Minnie, 1901.
Jones, Martha, 1897. White, Louie Smith, 1895.
Jones, Pearl, 1897. White, Frank, 1899.
Jones, James F., 1898. Williams, Mansel T., 1896.
Jones, Frank, 1905. Williams, David G., 1910.
Johnson, Ray, 1908. Wickes, Elbert A., 1901.
Judson, Richard, 1897. Wight, Leslie, 1908.
Judson, Carl, 1912. Wight, Cyril, 1909.
Kelley, Winfred B., 1895. Wight, Rupert, 1911.
Kelley, Ed. L., Jr., 1896. Willey, James A., 1910.
Kelley, Laura B., 1901. Wurgess, Anna Sweeley, 1906.
Kelley, Richard C., 1898. Yonker, Mabel Blair, 1900.
Annual Board

Roe, White, A. Derry, R. Derry, Gibson, Keown
Goode, Carlile, Smith, Dancer

Editor in Chief . Ada Derry
Business Manager . Lyman Case
Assist Business Manager . Carlos Smith
Cartoonist . Alma Goode
Joke Editor . Howard Dancer

Assistant Editors
Senior . Naomi Keown
Junior . Ruth Derry
Sophomore . Alice Smith
Freshman . Dewey White
Music . Olive Roe
Athletics . Clarence Gibson
Society . Mabel Carlile

Fern Cafe, Ray C. Howard, Proprietor
B. D. Fleet
W. A. Grenawalt & Bro.
Chas. Brackenbury & Son
State Savings Bank of Lamoni
Hopkins Bros. Co.
Briardale Pure Food Products
D. C. White & Son
The Supply Store
C. H. Barrows, Registered Druggist
White-Smith Furniture Co.
The Farmers State Bank
McElroy's Drug Store
Lamoni Hardware Company
Lamoni Electric Light Plant
The Parlor Shop
Lamoni Land & Loan Co., G. W. Blair, Secretary
Silsbee Mercantile Co.
The Variety Store
Foreman's Cafe
W. J. Mather, D. D. S.
Dr. A. Dill Greer, Graduate Optometrist
C. H. Barrows, Reg. Optometrist
H. M. Mills, A. M., M.D., Physician and Surgeon
Lamoni Chronicle
C. U. Grenawalt, "Wear-Ever Aluminum" Ware.
Lamoni Auto Co., G. H. Derry, Prop.
Original page created by Sharon Becker, 2013; reformatted by Conni McDaniel Hall, Oct 2019. Transcribed July 2024.
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