The Chariton Leader, Chariton, Iowa
Saturday, September l6, l875


MRS. L.M. HASTINGS, with her two little boys, left this place for Aurora, Ill., last week. MRS. H's visit to Iowa this summer has been made extremely sad, by the death of her father, mother and her little daughter, all occurring in the space of two short months. The sincere sympathies of many friends attend MRS. HASTINGS to her new home.

J.C. KERR and ALLEN JUDD, both young men of high intelligence and moral standing in this community, left Wednesday evening for Iowa City, where they will complete their education at the State University.

We notice from the last Eagle, that BRO. WIGHTMAN is willing to come back to Iowa. He's had a position tendered from this State.

Little FRANKIE ROBERTS fell from a tree in the woods last Saturday, and broke his arm. He is recovering nicely under Dr. Chester's care.

IGNACE HAINER of New Buda, attended by a real County, from Hungary, visited G.P. ARNOLD recently.

The Des Moines Presbytery of the Presbyterian Church is in session in Leon this week.


Copied by Nancee (McMurtrey) Seifert
January 18, 2004
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