The Lamoni Chronicle
Lamoni, Iowa
June 22, 1905


Sunday, June 25, will be the election of Sunday school officers. All members are requested to be present.

James MARTIN and Sam SHAKESPEARE went to Lucas, Iowa, Friday to attend the stake conference. They returned Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. Will MOONEY went to Lucas, Iowa, Thursday, to visit relatives. They will stop at Albia, Iowa to visit Mrs. MOONEY's parents, before returning to their home in Kewanee, Ill.

Children's Day was well attended by a large number of people from Lamoni, Lone Rock and Pawnee, Mo. Mr. Charles JONES gave a very interesting talk to the children at the close of the program. All you people are invited back again, whether it be "Children's Day" or not.

There was no preaching service at the church Sunday evening, on account of the storm. Many of the Evergreen people were very disappointed, too - but never mind Mr. G, will see you are invited again to speak for us in the future.

Master Joseph SHAKESPEARE of Lucas, Iowa, is visiting at the home of his uncle, Sam SHAKESPEARE and family.

Levi ATKINSON of Lamoni, was visiting his sister, Mrs. James MARTIN, last week.

Remember Religion tonight. All are invited to come out.

Copied by Stacey McDowell Dietiker
July 18, 2003
The Lamoni Chronicle
Lamoni, Iowa
June 22, 1905


Davis City.

Cement sidewalks are being laid from Bridge street entirely past the school house, which will greatly add to the beauty and convenience of our city.

The real estate deal between the I. O. O. F. and H. EWING was finally consummated last week. H. EWING selling 10 acres of land for a cemetery. Consideration $800.

Miss Ora MOINE came home from Drake University where she is completing her artistic studies.

Anna SHIRLEY returned home from Atwood, Kan., last week, where she has been teaching "the young ideas to shoot" during the past winter.

Robert CARTWRIGHT, wife and son of Chumite, Kan., are visiting relatives and friends here at present.

John FRANKLIN came home last Sunday.

Frank SCOTT and wife of Blythedale, Mo., were visiting his brother Carter SCOTT, last week.

Veta SCOTT and Maggie WERNITCH went to cedar Falls to attend the State Normal, Saturday before last.

R. M. BLACK and wife left last week Monday to attend commencement at Simpson College, where Mr. BLACK's son, Aur, graduates.

Mrs. Stephen RADNICH, sr., is convalescing after a severe attack of fever.

Rubia ARNOLD is spending college vacation here.

H. EWING and son Israel were doing business in Lamoni last Thursday.

A camping party from Osceola were enjoying an outing on the Grand, last week.

Elder Halbert RICHARDS and wife nee Birdie SYLVESTER spent last Thursday night with relatives here. She was a former Davis City school teacher and was raised here. Friday morning they returned to their home in Loveland, Colo.

The boys on the extra R. R. gang at Osceola visited home folks between trains Sunday.

Mr. MOORE of Decatur City was in our city last week.

The Epworth League convention convenes here Wednesday of this week and continues until Friday.

Mr. and Mrs. ELLIOT of Lamoni were in our city last Thursday, visiting H. EWING and wife.

A sister of Mrs. William HAMILTON living near Blockly was badly injured by a runaway team, last Saturday.

Maggie MCINTOSH is again convalescent.

Joe GORE was in Pleasanton several days last week.

Mr. IVENS visited relatives in Leon and Decatur City last week.

The rain of last (Monday) night was of immense benefit to growing crops.

Copied by Stacey McDowell Dietiker
July 18, 2003
The Independent Patriot
Lamoni, Decatur County, Iowa
June 29, 1905

About twenty-five Lamoni people participated in a pleasant surprise at Mt. Ayr, Tuesday. The affair was in charge of the survivors of the old Social Club, and was in honor of one of its old members, Mrs. Bert TEALE, now residing with her husband at Mt. Ayr. Taking the morning train, 6:9, and will-filled baskets, the party departed for their destination, bent on a good time; and they had it, too.

There was no question about is being a surprise. But Mrs. TEALE soon rallied, cleared away the breakfast dishes, and, with the help of Mr. TEALE and Verne, proceeded to take care of the party. Mr. and Mrs. TEALE are known here as royal entertainers and their residence in Mt. Ayr seems to have in no way detracted from their aptness in that line.

Dinner and supper were alike enjoyed upon the lawn, about thirty being seated upon each occasion. And the happy hours passed swiftly in "Do you remembers," "Have you forgottens," and "Isn't it just lovelies," etc. In the afternoon Mr. TEALE engaged rigs and took the entire party driving. This proved one of the most pleasing features of the day. A visit to the Mayor's office was the occasion of no little mirth and comment. It is reported that none of the party were fined, however. On the evening train the band returned, tired but happy, long to cherish the remembrance of this another day of the "Social Club." Those of the party were:;
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. SMITH
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. SMITH
" T. J. SMITH and Wayne
" Otis WHITE and Roland
" Dwight DAVIS & Walker
" W. A. GRENAWALT & Ruth
" C. F. SMITH & Maud
" F. NEWCOMB & Harriet
" O. J. LAWHORN & Marjorie
" D. F. NICHOLSON & Gracia
Mrs. George BLAIR, Kellerton
Mrs. Arthur SMITH
Mrs. Fred TEALE, Leon.

Copied by Stacey McDowell Dietiker
September 6, 2003
The Lamoni Chronicle
Lamoni, Iowa
June 29, 1905

Program of Fourth.

Everything points to a grand time here on Tuesday next. Final arrangements are all made and everything is ready for the celebration. The program of the day is as follows:

Sunrise salute.
Parade 9 a.m. headed by Garden Grove band.
Price $5 for best trade wagon.
Prize $3 for best callithumpian.
Baseball, Lamoni vs. Harrison county, ten a.m.
Dinner, noon.
Exercises at the Park 1 p.m., Pres. Joseph SMITH president of the day.
Music, band.
Invocation, Rev. James BINGAMAN, Davis City.
Star Spangled Banner, Graceland Choral Society.
Reading Declaration of Independence, Hon. B. M. RUSSELL.
Stars and Stripes, Graceland Choral Society.
Speech, Hon. J. B. WEAVER, Colfax, Iowa.
America, Graceland Choral Society.
Music, Band.
For the largest family in number, $2.50.
For the heaviest woman on the grounds, $2.50.
For load driving the greatest distance, $2.50.
Prize for the handsomest baby under one year.
Three prizes to be awarded at the stand immediately after the exercises.
Amusements, 2 p.m. bicycle races, boys under twelve $1.00, 50c, boys under fifteen $1.00, 50c, girls under fifteen $1.00, 50c, girls under ten $1.00, 50c;
old man's race, for men over seventy $1.50, 75c; fat man's race $1.50, 75c;
free for all foot race $3.00, $1.00; foot race for boys under fifteen $1.00,
50c; sack race for boys 75c, 50c; running broad jump $1.50, $1.00; tug of war Iowa vs. Missouri a bunch of bananas.
Baseball, 3:30 p.m., Leon vs. Lamoni.
Grand display of fireworks and band concert, eight p.m.

Copied by Stacey McDowell Dietiker
June 16, 2003
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