Leon Reporter, Leon, Iowa
Thursday, July 14, 1904

MISS SHELL, of Decatur, was a guest at the LANEY home last week.

GLADYS BULLOCK visited Leon friends last week.

Lightning struck a hay barn belonging to MAYOR BROWN last Tuesday evening about ten o'clock and it was burned to the ground. The loss was small.

GEO. SHOEMAKER shipped his goods and left for Humboldt, Kansas, last Friday. His family will follow in a few days. He is largely interested in an oil company at that place, both as a stockholder and manager and thinks the prospects are very bright.

GRANDMA CARTER left for a visit with friends at Hatfield, Mo., last Friday.

MARIE LAWHORN, of Lamoni, visited Davis City relatives last week.

ORVILLE MARBLE returned to his home at Leslie Friday, where he has charge of the Burlington Depot.

PERRY EWING left for Chicago last Tuesday to resume his place on the railroad as brakeman.

BLANCHE BRADLEY, of Kellerton, visited AGNES HARTSHORN the past week.

DR. WAILES answered a call to Kingston Wednesday of last week.

The Davis City ball boys crossed bats with the Mt. Ayr boys last Saturday, coming out victorious for once.

JOHN HORTON visited Mt. Ayr relatives Saturday.

FRANK HORTON made a trip to Leon Friday.

PEARL, JAY and ADA BLANKENSHIP, of Bethany, visited Davis City friends over the Fourth.

The Priscilla Club met with CORA SYLVESTER last Tuesday.

J.N. GATES and wife, and Editor TINCH and wife are attending the World's Fair this week.

MRS. L. KIDY, of Leslie, was the guest of MRS. A. MARBLE over Sunday.

M.G. RATCLIFF, of Albany, Mo., state lecturer of the M.W.A., was in attendance at the log rolling on the Fourth.

CARL MORGAN and wife of Leon, visited relatives in our city the past week.

PAUL RADNICH made a trip to Blythedale, Mo., last Sunday.

DR. HORNER, of Lamoni, was in our city Saturday and Sunday to attend MRS. JAKE FLORA for some throat trouble.

MR. ELLIOTT, one of Davis City's leading merchants, had business at Des Moines the past week.

MRS. C.M. HARRIS enjoyed a visit from a sister and brother-in-law from Missouri last week.

WILL ADAMS and wife, of Albany, Mo., spent the Fourth with his mother in Davis City.

REN WILLIAMS, of Bethany, visited her sister, MRS. M.H. ADAMS, and other friends here the past week.

MISS MARY GATES, of Leon, is again making professional visits to our city. All in need of treatment will do well to see her. Ye correspondent speaks from experience, and not to waste printer's ink.

MRS. J.W. DANIELS visited with her parents near Akron, Mo., the past week.

WALTER FRISBY, of Andover, Mo., was looking after business in our city Wednesday of last week.

Our 4th of July was taken in hand by the Modern Woodmen Lodge and celebrated in an appropriate manner and was calculated to call to mind why that great day is so much revered by all true American citizens. Good music, good speaking and an orderly fair sized crowd were the principal features of the day, which ended up with a small display of fireworks at night.

Copied by Nancee (McMurtrey) Seifert
August 20, 2003
Leon Reporter, Leon, Iowa
Thursday, July l4, l904

MR. EDGINGTON and family, W.H. MCCALLA and family, J.E. BRUNER, of Des Moines, and ANNA HOLLAND, of Mt. Ayr, were Sunday visitors at CHAS. CHASTAIN's.

ELMER KIMPORT and JOHN MCCALLA visited at the home of E.H. LEWIS, west of Leon, Sunday.

GEORGE and MATTIE CLARK, of Leon, visited at MR. BARRY's Sunday.

LIZZIE BARRY, matron of the county farm, spent Sunday at home.

FRANK CHASTAIN and family visited the latter part of the week with relatives at High Point.

DAVE MORELAND and EB STRATTON, of Bethany, are visiting relatives in this vicinity.

ORA IRVING, of Van Wert, is helping ELMER RUMLEY with his harvesting.

MRS. ZIMMERMAN came out from Leon to visit a few days with her son, MARION.

M.D. SHIRA hauled lumber from Davis City, Monday.

Copied by Nancee (McMurtrey) Seifert
August 20, 2003
Leon Reporter, Leon, Iowa
Thursday, July l4, l904

MISS MAGGIE and NORMA COCHRAN took dinner with MRS. C.E. FINCH Sunday.

SANT MCGAHUEY and wife, A.E. FINCH and wife, T.M. QUICK and wife celebrated the Fourth at Leon.

Several citizens of Decatur attended the basket dinner and baptizing at the Miller ford Sunday.

BEN SMITH, of Ringgold County, visited friends and relatives in this vicinity.


JOE MULLEN mowed hay Tuesday.

JOHN MCCULLEY had business at Squire FINCH's Tuesday.


R.M. QUICK and best girl and HERBERT SMITH and sister attended the show at Decatur Wednesday.
MART SMITH came up from St. Joe to visit with friends. MART says there is no place like home.

ABBY SMITH went to Ringgold County to help MRS. ASHER with her work during haying.

TOM WALLER had business at A.E. FINCH's Thursday.

JOHN MCDOWELL and best girl, FRED ALLEY and RUSSELL NORMAN attended the show at Decatur Friday.

GEORGE and MILT WILLIAMS were Lamoni callers Saturday.

THOMAS WILLIAMS and wife called at Decatur Saturday.

Copied by Nancee (McMurtrey) Seifert
July 3l, 2003
The Independent Patriot
Lamoni, Decatur County, Iowa
Thursday, July 14, 1904


Prof. E. R. DEWSNUP, president of Graceland College, returned from his native land, England, last week after an absence of about four months. While away he was pursuing some unfinished work and research work in other lines. He had a pleasant voyage, was in excellent spirits and was looking well.

Banker D. F. NICHOLSON was called to Aurora, Ill., Thursday evening, to be present at the funeral services over the remains of his brother's wife, Mrs. T. C. NICHOLSON. Mrs. NICHOLSON died Wednesday evening, the funeral and interment occurring Friday.

Miss Martha DILLON, a graduate from Graceland's music department with the class of '04, went to Blythedale, Mo. last week, where she has a class of about twenty in instrumental music. Miss DILLON was a faithful, conscientious, energetic student and will be a faithful conscientious energetic teacher. We bespeak for her success, and congratulate Blythedale upon its good fortune in procuring for a music instructor one of Miss DILLON's ability and excellent character.

The Methodist church building lately reshingled and repainted without has more recently gone through a transformation within. Painting, papering, matting for the aisles and an elegant new carpet for the rostrum give it an appearance of freshness and tidiness that is good to see.

The Davis City ball team came up yesterday for a game with Lamoni. We go to press Wednesday afternoon and consequently too early for an account of the game in this issue. A good game was anticipated and good attendance insured. Our ball team is worthy of support. They ask nothing of us as many other teams do of their towns. Last year the income from gate receipts met all expenses and netted each of the players a neat little sum besides and from past and present indications they will do as well this year. Of course their success financially is due largely to Manger DERRY's able management. All that they hope for is a good crowd when a game is pulled off here; and we can certainly do that much for them.

In referring to the rebuilding of the Swift & Co. poultry plant at Leon the Decatur County Journal says: "one car of lumber is on the sidetrack for Swift & Co. and more is expected today. Indications point to an early start on the work of rebuilding the big poultry plant destroyed by fire last winter. Nothing definite is known regarding the size of the new plant at present or whether the material will be brick or not."

The Pleasanton Index says, "L. O. BRADLEY of Lamoni, was a business visitor here one day last week. He is expected this week again and will call on our farmer friends, in the interest of fruit trees and shrubbery."

At the semi-annual election of the local Religion Society, Friday evening, the following were chosen as officers for the ensuing six months: John F. GARVER, president; Charles BRACKENBURY, vice president; Jessie CAVE, secretary; Kate SMITH, treasurer; Allie THORBURN, librarian; A. May WHITE, chorister; and Etta WHITE, organist. The assistant librarian and various committees are to be chosen at the tomorrow evening session. Elections hereafter, in accordance with the revised constitution will occur yearly only.

The regular semi-monthly "Calamity" wreck occurred at the same old place, four miles west of Kellerton, Friday afternoon. Several freight cars were ditched, about one hundred ties smashed and a few rails demolished - the extent of the damage, not considering the discomfiture of the passengers aboard the evening train, which did not pull in until 4:30 the following morning.

Dr. HORNER's fine driving team broke away from the hitching post at the Robert HUTCHCROFT farm, four miles from town, Monday, and ran all the way home. There were met in front of the M. E. church building by Earnest HORNER and Henry DENIO, who were driving the Russell & Co. delivery team. They ran into the delivery team knocking one down and running over it. They drew up at the bar, no serious damage being done, the delivery horse and rig suffering the most.

Copied by Stacey McDowell Dietiker
September 26, 2003
Leon Reporter, Leon, Iowa
Thursday, July 28, l904

MRS. JOSEPH MEDLEY called on MRS. A.J. CALDWELL Wednesday.

ANGIE SEARS has the fall and winter terms of the Pleasant Hill School.


WILL MILLER and wife, of Van Wert, visited with A.J. CALDWELL's Wednesday.

Copied by Nancee(McMurtrey)Seifert
August 20, 2003
Leon Reporter, Leon, Iowa
Thursday, July 28, l904

C.B. FRAZE, of Los Angeles, Cal., came Monday to visit old friends and attend to business matters here.

GERTRUDE WATSON of Derby, came Monday to visit her sister, MRS. WM. WHITESIDE.

The famous Buxton colored ball team has been secured to play ball here both days of the Old Settler's reunion.

MR. HARTMAN and wife, of Woodland, went to Derby Saturday to visit their daughter.

DUSALLA ADAMS, of Ackworth, came Saturday to visit at the home of DUG ROBERTS near High Point.

PRESTON WILLEY and family, who have been in New Mexico for several months for MRS. WILLEY's health, returned Saturday to visit her sister, MRS. JOHN COWDEN.

Quite a large crowd of the Humeston young people attended the concert Saturday night.

MRS. KATE COX, of Allerton, came Saturday to visit MRS. BENNETT.

ETHEL CRONIN, who has been visiting at Ackworth, returned Saturday, accompanied by SADIE ROBERTS whio will visit relatives here.

MARY ARNOLD went to St. Louis Monday, accompanied by RUTH and MARCELLA STEARNS and RUTH SMITH, where they will visit the Fair.

MRS. ROBT. MCKEE, who has been visiting her parents at Leon, returned home Monday.

NATHANIEL SEYMOUR, of Andover, Mo., came Monday to visit relatives.

Born to MR. and MRS. JONATHAN HINBAUGH, Friday, a girl.

DR. MITCHELL, of Weldon, was here Monday in consultation with DR. DOOLITTLE in the case of MRS. WALTER MILLER, and returned Tuesday.

MRS. WILSON, of Chariton, who has been visiting her sister, MRS. WALTER BROWN, went to Red Oak last week.

MERWIN HUNTER, of Tabor, was here last week on business, returning Monday to his home.

Copied by Nancee (McMurtrey) Seifert
August 20, 2003
Leon Reporter, Leon, Iowa
Thursday, July 28, l904


J.B. MCDANIELS was a Blockley caller Sunday.

ODE DALE was in this vicinity one day last week.

A.C. DALE, A.J. WOOLSEY and wives spent Sunday at the ROBINSON home.

VIRGIL and CHARLES ROBINSON spent one night last week with their grandparents.

WM. MOORE and daughter were calling on Leon friends Friday.

Quite a number of our young people attended the ice cream supper at HENRY MILLS' Saturday night.

VIE STONER is spending this week with her sister, MRS. J.H. MCDANIEL.

WM. ROBINSON and family were the guests of their daughter, MRS. S.B. LATTA, one day last week.

JOE and RAY CLAY were calling on friends in this vicinity Sunday.

ANNA MCDANIEL is recovering from a severe case of poisoning, caused by poison ivy.

DAN ROBINSON and family took dinner at WM. MOORE's Sunday.

MAMIE KIMPORT was the guest of LELAH SPENCER Saturday night.

GRACE MOORE and ANNA MCDANIEL spent Sunday evening with BESSIE STILL, of Blockley.

ORA WOOLSEY and PERCY DALE were the guests of SARAH ROBINSON Sunday.

LULU HUBBARD spent last week with home folks.

J.N. STILL, wife and daughter ANGIE, took dinner at E.J. HORNEY's Sunday and attended the funeral of Grandma WEBSTER.

Copied by Nancee(McMurtrey)Seifert
June 2, 2003
Leon Reporter, Leon, Iowa
Thursday, July 28, l904

H.A. HIATT has been suffering from rheumatism and he is in a precarious condition.

CAPT. BROWN has had bad luck with three of his horses.

SIM EVANS and family were out visiting Sunday.

PEASE BROS. gave us a short serenade Saturday night which sounded much better than a corrupt politician lying about our good times.

JUDGE GARDNER was down the Fourth shaking hands with old friends. He is well informed and even a Republican could learn from his years of experience and observation.

MISS PERRY, of Denver, Col., one of the teachers in the public schools, celebrated the Fourth with relatives at Ocean farm.

R.D. MARTIN has a derrick stacker.

RAY LONG is harvesting for G. GEORGE.

FRANK GARDNER has a Jersey cow whose milk tests 8 percent butter fat. The Pine Grove herd tests 5.8 percent butter fat off of the grass, 4.6 percent being considered good.

One of the splendid articles in The Reporter recently was from 'The Commoner', reviewing the action of St. Louis Convention and platform. Mr. Bryan is certainly doing a great good in developing men's political consciences. Mr. Bryan was introduced to the Kentucky legislature by one of its members as "the most lovable man in public life today."

Copied by Nancee (McMurtrey) Seifert
August l9, 2003
Leon Reporter, Leon, Iowa
Thursday, July 28, l904


We learn that Dr. W.C. Ward, of Kansas City, has purchased Dr. Guffy's interests at Kellerton, and will make regular visits to Grand River, the first trip being about June 2lst to 25th.

Forty-five of our citizens in the town limits registered for a land claim in Dakota and about that many registered from the country round about. No wonder the trains are loaded with people if that is the way they go from everywhere.

ANDREW BIDDLE and wife, of St. Louis, were here visiting last week with MRS. BIDDLE's parents, HENRY HAUENSTEIN and wife.

W.W. PALMER and wife left last Friday for Conway where they will visit MRS. PALMER's parents before going to Alcester, S.D., where MR. PALMER will practice law.

MELLIE PALMER, of Lawrence, Kas., was here during the last sickness and death of his mother.

GRIFFIN & LEE fixed up their scales in front of their office last week.

J.H. DAVIS returned from visiting his father in Nebraska, who was quite sick when he left.

J.H. SCHMITT ordered The Reporter and St. Louis Republic sent to his daughter, MRS. JAMES RAMSEY, of Van Wert. SCHMITT knows the best paper in the county when he sees it.

MADISON CHICK is not any better and has had a very hard time during his long sickness. We hope he will improve if not fully recover.

P.H. GRIFFIN and S.H. COVINGTON went to Dakota to register and are lingering in Nebraska on business and pleasure.

HOYLE GILREATH and wife were over Sunday visitors at MARION WOODARD's in Leon. HOYLE will leave this week for Lake Andes, S.D., and will return shortly to move his household effects to that place where he will make his future home.

J.E. BEARD is stacking hay for R.R. TROWER.

CHRIS OVERHOLTZER will teach his first term of school in the O'Grady District and we think he will give good satisfaction.

We have it just as usual, no ice for sale in town again. We have plenty of pure ice handy but not enough is put up.

J.N. SILL preached at the Methodist Church Sunday evening to a large congregation.

B.F. KOGER, of Des Moines, is visiting his old friend, Mayor J.S. DAVIDSON.

MRS. IOWA JENNINGS SIPHERD, of Pittsburg, Pa., is here visiting her father and sisters. She reports her husband and his brother HUGH as doing well. They are in the bridge business and like it very well.

Our section foreman, W.B. SNYDER, is doing good work and getting his section in fine shape.

Copied by Nancee (McMurtrey) Seifert
June 2, 2003
Leon Reporter, Leon, Iowa
Thursday, July 28, l904

JOHNNIE and HOMER MASSEY, of Cainsville, Mo., are visiting relatives here this week.

MRS. MILLER CHANDLER and family, of Colorado, are visiting her mother at this place.

REV. RUPPERT, of Brooks, Iowa, filled the pulpit at the A.C. Church Saturday and Sunday.

The young people of this vicinity spent a pleasant evening at T.B. ADAIR's Saturday night. Ice cream and cake were served and all report a fine time.

BESSIE REED and LETHA NEWLIN, of Leon, visited relatives near here over Sunday.

J.W. HARTMAN and wife visited their daughter at Derby over Sunday.

JESSE STILL and wife visited at JOE KELLER's near Leon, Monday.

CLAUD BEAVERS and GALE BROWNING were Lineville visitors Monday.

EVA DYE has been visiting her sister here the past week.

County Supt. ELI HUTCHINSON held teachers' examinations here Monday and Tuesday and the following took the examination: GRACE WARNOCK and NELLIE ROCKHOLD, Lineville; ELLA SEUTER and CYNTHIA RICHARDS, Garden Grove; LENNA STEPHENS, Woodland and LENNA BEAVERS, High Point.

Copied by Nancee(McMurtrey)Seifert
August l9, 2003
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