Leon Reporter, Leon, Iowa
Thursday, February 5, l903

Rev. A.J. MacMurtrie, of Oakland, California, who has just closed a successful revival meeting at Sac City, arrived yesterday morning to assist Rev. W.H. Ilsley in conducting a series of special evangelistic meetings at the Presbyterian Church in this city, the first meeting being held last evening. Meetings will be held each evening, and on Sunday three services will be held. The public is cordially invited to attend the meetings.

Leon Reporter, Leon, Iowa
Thursday, February l2, l903

Rev. Andrew J. MacMurtry began revival meetings in the Presbyterian Church Wednesday evening of last week. Good audiences have attended his preaching, and a good impression has been made upon those who have heard him. He is not a professional revivalist, with the sensational methods of many such, but has been, until recently, a pastor with evangelistic gifts, whom the Assembly's committee pressed into this work. His sermons are pointed and logical, calculated to carry the judgment of his hearers to his conclusions as he reaches them. Meetings are held every evening except Saturday, with three services on the Sabbath. Next Sunday afternoon Mr. MacMurtry will speak to men only on the subject, "Moody vs. Ingersol; or, Christianity vs. Infidelity." A good audience of men was present last Sabbath and it is hoped that as many more will be present to hear this address. During next week there will be addresses to the young people in the afternoon at the close of school, illustrated with stereopticon views. Announcements will be made Sunday morning and evening.

Copied by Nancee(McMurtrey)Seifert
"With permission from the Leon Journal Reporter"
February 27, 2003