Seventeenth Census of the United States
1950 U.S. Federal Census Decatur County, Iowa

Enumerated District Number following the name of area enumerated

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Burrell Township, 27-4 Franklin Township, 27-11 New Buda Township, 27-27
Center Township, 27-5 Lamoni, Fayette Township, 27-19 Richland Township, 27-29
Davis City, 27-2 Lamoni, Fayette Township, 27-20 Van Wert, Long Creek Twp, 27-24
Davis City, 27-3 Leon, Center Township, 27-21 Weldon, Franklin Twp, 27-21
Eden Township, 27-8 Hamilton Township, 27-17 Woodland Township, 27-30

NOTE: This transcription is meant to be a guide only. Every effort has been made to be accurate, but our interpretation maybe different from yours so please remember to check the original. The USGenWeb and IAGenWeb provide genealogical and historical data to the general public without fee or charge of any kind. It is intended that this material not be used in a commercial manner. Transcribed and submitted by Conni McDaniel Hall, March  2024 - .

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KEY to Column Headings:
SH No. [Sheet No.]
(1) Street - Co=county; Cem=cemetery; Rd=road; Sch=school; Ch=church, etc.
(2) House Number - H=house; NSEW=north, south, east, west
(3) Serial # - given to each house
(7) Last name
(7) First name
(8) Relation - to the Head of household
(9) Race - White (W), Negro (Neg), American Indian (Ind), Japanese (Jap), Chinese (Chi), Filipino (Fil), Other - spell out
(10) M/F
(11) Age - last birthday; under one year of age, month of birth
(12) S, M, Wd, D - marital status
(13) Birthplace
(14) Citizenship - If foreign born - Is he naturalized?
(20a) Occupation
(20b) Industry

The Questions below are for persons listed on sample lines
(23) Same County - Was he living in this same county a year ago?
(24a) Residence County - If no, What County and State was he living in a year ago [1949]?
(24b) State
(25) Father's Birthplace - Country father and mother born in
(25) Mother's Birthplace
(26) Highest grade- Codes:
None-0; Kindergarten-K; Elementary-S1 to S8, High S9-S12; Elementary-S1-S6, Jr-S7,S8,S9, Sr High- S10, S11, S12; College or Univ - C1-C5
US Armed Forces
(33a) WWII
(33b) WWI
(33c) Other
(38) # of Children
Transcriber's Remarks/Enumerator's Notes

Census Directory *** Decatur County IAGenWeb

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