Bloomfield Democrat Company, Publishers

April 1, 1947



A "Gilt-edge" Proposition

Gilfillan Memorial Clinic

Davis County Hospital


Davis County Voters Want a Hospital

HOSPITAL Drive is extended to MAY 1, 1947

The deadline for Davis County's Hospital drive has been extended to May 1, according to Heinrich Taylor, chairman of the Finance Council. At the present time the total of the campaign stands at $60,135.98. Taylor reports that the Board of Trustees, the Finance Council and the project committee will meet Tuesday evening, April 1, at the courthouse. The township chairmen and workers will meet with the hospital leaders: Union, M. H. Hargrove; Fox River, H. C. Quigley; and Matson Cary; Prairie, V. L. Heskett and Mrs. Lowell Wagler; Roscoe, James Burns and Mrs. Grace Whirrett; Soap Creek, C. C. Pitman; Grove, B. L. Daniels and Mrs. Oscar Dieffenbach; Wyacondah, Roy Davis and James Melvin; Cleveland, George Smith and A. K. Plank; Perry, Mrs. Glen Huffman and Ralph Christy; Drakesville, Earl Cary and Mrs. Bert Kirk; Fabius, J. W. Jones and Jesse Jones; Marion, Hampson Lowe; Salt Creek, Dewey Carbaugh and Carl Aeschliman; Lick Creek, W. R. Baker and Mrs. Ray McReynolds; West Grove, Mrs. Clay Harper and Mrs. Flossie Robinson; 1st Ward, Chauncey Francis; 2nd Ward, Mrs. Ray Baumgarten; 3rd Ward, Ira Wilkinson. Members of the Board of Trustees will meet with federal officials in Des Moines April 22 and at that time will learn requirements concerning the allocation of federal funds for the hospital construction. It is known, however, the the ability of the community to raise funds is used as a factor in the allocation of the funds. Therefore, it is important that the community gain the $100,000 goal as soon as possible.

       April 1, 1947-  32 Hospital workers, including members of the Board of Trustees, Finance Council, publicity committee and township chairmen, met at the courthouse Tuesday evening to discuss the county wide campaign to raise $100,000 for the construction and equipping of a Davis County Hospital. Edward Burchett, chairman of the Board of Trustees, revealed that  the group will meet with federal representatives in Des Moines April 22 to learn government requirements for hospitals similar to the Davis County project. At the time of the meeting, Burchett revealed it will be necessary to report the total amount raised by donations thus far in the campaign and to indicate the source for the remainder of the total. It is known that the allocating officials will be deeply interested in the community's ability to raise funds and will use this factor as a yardstick in determining the allocation of funds. It is for that reason that city and township workers are being urged to make complete solicitations of their respective districts immediately. Township chairmen present at the meeting reported that there were numerous districts of the county unsolicited and pledged their support in bringing the campaign to a close as soon as possible. C. C. Hockersmith, member of the finance council, reported that 28 contributors have provided funds for the furnishing of rooms in the proposed Hospital. Additional projects, designed to increase the momentum of the campaign, were also discussed at the meeting and will be revealed in the near future.

    Source: Bloomfield Democrat