J. C.
10th Left
Home to
join the U.S. Army, walked with George and Billie Guthrie to Stumptown. Took
the cars for Keokuk, Iowa.
Went out to some
barracks, got there about 11 o'clock P.M. and turned in. March 11th
Lay around Camp, visiting with acquaintances in the regiment.
(Doing my first soldiering.) March 12th
Was detailed to Camp Guard. Billy
Guthrie and I had some fun with a greeney next to our beat.
We would slip around and run
across his beat to fool him, finally he got so excited that he called
the Corporal of the guard. March 13th
Relieved from duty, nothing doing. March 14th
All quiet. March 15th
Were examined by the Surgeon and passed, being pronounced sound. March 16th
Went into town to be mustered in, but they were not ready.
Returned to Camp. March 17th
Went down again, and formed in the street and as the names were
announced the boys would go into an office and be sworn in and sign the
pay roll. My name and a few
others were not called and the Capt. Kirkendall made out new papers.
Returned to Camp. March 18th
Went down and were sworn in and mustered for pay.
Returned to Camp and drew one months pay and $60.00 bounty -
$73.00. March 19th
Went to town and gave Mr. Earhart $50.00 to take home to Father and
Mother. March 20th
down to the wharf and went aboard the Lucy Bertram and started about 9
A.M. for Dixie. March 21st
Arrived at St. Louis about 10 A.M. landed and marched to Benton
Barracks. Drew tents and put
them up N.E. of the barracks. March 22nd
Moved camp about 300 yards, and was brigaded with the 3rd
Mich. Cav. and the 3rd reg. Cav. near Stink Pond.
From this date until the 30th of April we remained in
camp here drilling and doing camp duty. April 30th
Drew horses, saddles etc., and Co’s A and B started down the
river. Mustered for pay. May 1st
Co. “C” left for down the river. May 2nd
Co’s D, E, G and K started down the river aboard the Silver Lake,
shoved out about 10 A.M. May 3rd
Arrived at Cairo about 3 P.M. left about dark. May 4th
Run all day down the river. May 5th
Arrived at Memphis, Tenn., about 3 P.M. went out to the old Fair
Grounds and went into Camp. May 6th
Co’s F and H arrived. May 7th
The rest of the regiment got there. May 8th
Nothing of Importance occurring. May 9th
The same, except drilling etc. May 10th
“ May 11th
Six Co’s of the 3rd Cav. went out on a scout to
Hernando, about noon. May 12th
Left Hernando at sun up Maj. Mudgett in command and cut across the
country towards Collierville, and camped in 3 miles of the place. May 13th
Marched on. Got to
Collierville about 8 o’clock A.M. took the Memphis road.
Got there about 4 P.M. May 14th
Went down to the wharf to load hay from a barge into wagons. May 15th
On camp guard. Not
very well. May 16th
Relieved from guard duty. May 17th
Went to surgeons call, was put on sick list. May 18th
Went to surgeons call marked off duty.
I was continued on sick list until 31st.
Moved camp over on Memphis and Charleston R.R. near Wolf River. Another scout to Hernando which I missed being still on sick
list. June 1st
The boys left on the Sturges raid to Guntown. June 2nd
Nothing doing, still tending sick call. June 5th
One of the men came in from the Sturges expedition, reporting all
quiet. June 8th
Was returned to duty and sent to the house of Mr. Littlejohn as
safe guard. Remained ther the
9-10-11-12. June 13th
News of the defeat of Gen. Sturges’ forces at Guntown, some of
the boys coming in. I left
the Littlejohn house and went to camp. June 14th
The boys still coming in. The
main body got in about midnight feeling very bitter against Gen. Sturges,
claiming the battle was badly mismanaged.
That instead of forming his army as he should, he run his Artillery
and train into a swamp and moved up small detachments and they were
defeated in detail. He finally ordered a general retreat and everything
abandoned. The Cav. had to
fight like tigers to cover the retreat and save the army.
Lieut. Tom Miller was wounded and captured near Ripley, Miss. June 15th
All quiet except a few stragglers coming in.
16-17-18-19-20-21 passed and nothing occurring, except preparations
for another expedition and general routine of camp life. June 22nd
Received marching orders. June 23rd
An expedition under Gen A.J. Smith left Memphis and marched to
Germantown, went into camp Co. D. on picket nothing happened. June 24th
Marched on to Moscow, went into camp in the other side of Wolf
river in the Brush. June 25th
Crossed back over Wolf river and camped in the bottom.
Gen Moore’s Division came out on the cars and joined us. June 26th
Drew $55.40 pay. Lay
in camp. The Infantry had dress parade. June 27th
Lay at Moscow all day. The
4th Ia. moved on east. June 28th
Moved to Saulsberry. Got there after night.
Delayed by the train. June 29th
Lay at Saulsberry, went out foraging, got outside the pickets.
Dine by first foraging, took some meat from a farm house. June 30th
Went foraging again, got some hams etc. July 1st
Went out on patrol east, nothing occurring. July 2nd
Still laying at Saulsberry. July 3rd
Co’s D and E sent out on pickett.
The videt was attacked about 1 P.M.
The Reserve was taken out and skirmished awhile Then the Johnnies
retired after which we were relieved.
(Dave Miliza wounded in arm.) July 4th
Capt. Kirkendall and 16 of Co. D came out and joined us. July 5th
Saddle up was blown at 5 P.M. Fell in and marched 8 or 10 miles
south and went in camp about 1 or 2 A.M. July 6th
Marched the rest of the day. The
advance saw 4 rebs running. We
found 40 and followed them aways but to no purpose, turned back and camped
on a pine ridge. July 7th
Marched on. Had a
skirmish at a creek 3 miles west of Ripley, Miss.
Trove the Rebs. before us, killing several.
Went in Camp. Co
“D” picketed out on the Ripley road. Nothing further happened. July 8th
Moved on into Ripley, expecting a fight there, but not a Reb. was
to be seen. Took the Pontotoc
road, the 1st Bat. left the colm. Got news that the enemy was in our rear,
returned to road. July 9th
Marched on to the Hatchee. Camped. Drew rations from the supply
train which camped close. July 10th
Marched on. Had a
skirmish at ____ Creek. Co. D
was put out on the left flank. D
is mounted. July 11th
Marched on into Pontotoc with little opposition, the infantry
coming in on another road, throwing a few shell s into town.
Camped near town. July 12th
The Cav. went out to reconnoiter, fount the enemy in position on
the Okalona road. Returned to camp. The
enemy made an advance on the infantry and was repulsed. July 13th
Marched in to Tupelo, skirmishing all the way.
The Rebs. attacked the infantry colm’ and train, but was
repulsed. The infantry took
position at Harrisburg, one mile west of Tupelo.
Some picket firing all night. July 13th
The enemy advanced on the Infantry about daylight, and about 9 A.M.
they charged the Infantry 3 times, but they found it wasn’t Sturges, but
A.J. Smith they were butting up against and they were repulsed, leaving
large numbers dead on the field. The
1st Bat. of the 3rd Ia. under Maj. Duffield went to
the front to reconnoiter, formed in line on a ridge sending out
skirmishers.. I was standing in line on a grey horse and a Rebel
sharpshooter sent a ball that struck my horse right behind the saddle
skirt. She staggered and I
got off and the Capt. rode up, asked what the matter was.
I told him my horse was shot, and he said take back to camp.
I got her back, but she died before morning. July 15th
The col. Ordered me to take my saddle to the train and put it into
the Co. wagon. I found a horse that was to lame to stay in ranks, that I
took to ride and lead along with the train.
The train began to move out at 3 P.M> north.
Marched to Old Town Creek and attacked the rear guard, but was
driven off. July 16th
Marched on with the train, camped on ____Creek without further
molestation. July 17th
Marched on. Camped on
a small stream, went to the Co. and staid the night.. Got rations and
feed. July 18th
Marched on. The Cav. got ahead of the Inf. and train caught up with
the Cav. and camped on Wolf River. July 19th
Marched on to Salem. Met
a supply train and got rations and lay at Salem till next morning. July 20th
Marched to La Grange. Camped. July 21st
Remained at La Grange. July 22nd
Marched to Colliersville, went down to hollow N.E. of town and went
into camp. July 23rd
Marched out before day. Got
to Memphis about 2 P.M. Found
the Bobtails and such there from Little Rock. July 24th
Sunday, Inspection of Arms etc. July 25th
Got my money from local paymaster.
Went to town and to the theater, saw the play “Maggie
Mitchell.” July 26th
Was on Fatigue duty. Had
gone to town without a pass. July 27th
Lay around camp.. Nothing worth noting until Aug 5. Aug 5th
The 2nd Brigade 3rd Ia., 4th Ia.
and 10th Missouri left Memphis Tenn., and went out on the
Pigeon Roost road. Camped at
the town of _______. Aug 6th
Marched across to Holly Springs road. Camped inside of a lot.
Had some horses taken that night. Aug 7th
Marched on to Holly Springs, camped.
Got my horse shod. Aug 8th
Marched out before day, took the road south.
Got to Tallahatchee, had a fight.
There found James McCollum wounded, shot through the arm.
Got him in the shade, carried water and poured on his arm. Camped
in the Talahatchee bottom. Aug 9th
Crossed the river and drove the enemy from their breastworks on the
hill. Followed up.
They made a stand at Herrican Creek Co. D in advance found them
posted on a hill south of the Creek with an open field on each side of the
creek. We came out of the brush on the north hill.
The opened up on us with shells.
Lieut. Morgan got excited, formed us in line, then run off and left
us, going back for Orders. The
Orders he got was to dismount his men, and cross the Creek and charge the
enemy at the top of the hill. When
we started down the hill across an old field, the Rebs. began shelling us,
the shells bursting overhead,
but no one was hurt. There was a strip of brush and timber along the creek
and we halted a re-formed in there, and the threw a load of cannister in
the brush. We somehow lost Lieut. Morgan in that brush and Sargeant
Pickler took command of the Co. and led us up to the other hill, driving
the Rebs from their rail breast works.
Captured one rebel. After
they retreated, Morgan came up as brave as you please.
We followed them into Oxford and went on picket. Aug 10th
Marched back to Abbyville and camped. Aug 11th
Went out under Maj. Jones to look for a confederate train, but it
was gone. Returned to camp. Aug 12th
Went out foraging under Capt. J.D. Brown, went to a mill. Returned
and thought we would get a good nights rest, but to our great
disappointment “boots and saddles” blew just after dark and we were
marched to Waterford where we went into camp. Aug 13th
Marched to Holly Springs, bivouacked east of town. Aug 14th
Lay at Holly Springs all day. Aug 15th
Went patrolling up the Mobile and Ohio R.R. towards La Grange, got
some very fine peaches. Found
no Rebs. and returned to Holly Springs. Aug 16th
Went on cattle detail, drove in a few beef. Aug 17th
“Saddle up” blew early, but we were not ordered out.
Was ordered to unsaddle about 10 A.M., went to an orchard and made
some cider. Aug 18th
Co. “D” went on picket. 10
of them. Was relieved at 3
P.M. and marched to within 2 miles of Talahatchee, camped in an old
orchard, it raining all night. Aug 19th
Marched on to Abbyville and went in camp.
Still raining. Aug 20th
Marched to Herican Creek. Camped. Aug 21st
Took the left flank of the Infantry and marched into Oxford from
the north, without any opposition, then returned to Herican creek, camped
and on picket. Aug 22nd
A squad of Rebs. charged the videts who fell back on the reserve,
which fell out and formed a skirmish line and the Johnnies retreated.
The skirmish line then fell back in regular order, every other man
falling back so far, then the other men who had been left standing fell
back, passing through the line of the first ones, then halting so far back
and forming a new line, and so on until the main line moved off, thus
always being ready to meet a charge of the enemy.
Marched to the Tallahatchee and camped. Aug 23rd
Lay in camp till afternoon, then crossed the river and camped on
the hill. Aug 24th
Marched to Hollysprings. Camped. Aug 25th
Lay in camp till 5 P.M. saddled up and went out to Salem and
captured some mules etc. Marched all night. Aug 26th
Got in from Salem about 7 A.M. Aug 27th
Marched to La Grange, went to camp on south side of Wolf River. Aug 28th
Marched to Collersville and camped. Aug 29th
Marched into Memphis, finding that while we were gone Gen. N. B.
Forrest had charged into the city one night and went about where we
pleased. Went to Gen.
Washburn’s headquarters, but didn’t find the Gen. then got out without
encountering much opposition. Aug 30th
Nothing doing. Aug 31st
Inspection of horses. Mustered
for pay. Sept 1st
Received orders at dark to get ready to march next morning at 4
A.M. Sept 2nd
Boots and Saddles blew at 4 A.M.
We marched down to the wharf, lay there till some other regiments
crossed to the Arkansas side, then about half of each Co. except G of the
3rd crossed over and marched 8 or 10 miles and camped. Sept 3rd
Marched to the Black Fish Lake, crossed it and marched till after
dark, camped. Sept 4th
Marched on to the St. Francis River, crossed and wwent into camp
back of a large plantation. Sept 5th
Marched all day in the rain and mud.
Corderoy road part of the way. Sept 6th
Got to Clarenden on White River about 11 A.M., lay in camp rest of
day. Sept 7th
Went down about noon, crossed White River on a Gunboat, went in
camp and drew 4 days rations. Sept 8th
Marched on, got out on a very large prairie, camped off to the
right of the road. Sept 9th
Marched on to Brownsville Station, went in camp about 1 P.M., one
half north of Station. Sept 10th
Still at Brownsville. Sept 11th
Drew 3 days rations. News
of the capture of Atlanta by Sherman. Sept 12th
Moved camp about 3 miles, was on picket out at the edge of the
prairie. Sept 13th
Remained on picket till about dark, was relieved by 10th
Mo. Sept 14th
Laying in camp, shoeing horses, getting ready to march. Sept 15th
Laying in camp.. Jake Koons went foraging, got some meat, potatoes
etc. Sept 16th
Lay quietly in camp. Sept 17th
The Infantry and train left, going north.
The Cav. received orders to march. Sept 18th
Saddled up and marched northward, passed through Brownsville,
Searcy and Austin, and caught up with the Infantry, passed through their
camp. Sept 19th
Marched on, camped near Red River. Sept 20th
Marched on, camped at West Point. Sept 21st
Co. D took the advance, made a raid on a house, and looted it. Was
ordered under arrest. Camped in White River bottom.
Captured a horse. Sept 22nd
Marched on to Black River, camped and commenced building a bridge. Sept 23rd
Finished the bridge, crossed and marched 8 or 10 miles and camped
in a swamp. Ordered to move
out at Reveille. Sept 24th
Got out at Reveille, marched aways, stopped and fed and got
breakfast, went on and camped at Lamaville. Sept 25th
Marched on, camped 3 miles above Pocahontas. Sept 26th
Marched on, went through the Infantry camp. Sept 27th
Marched on, crossed Black River again and camped in swamp. Sept 29th
Marched 15 or 20 miles. Sept 30th
Marched through Poplar Bluff, crossed Black River and camped. Oct 1st
Marched on, it raining on us all day, camped on a very high hill
near a mill. Oct 2nd
Marched to Greenville on the St. Francis, went into camp. Oct 3rd
Was 19 years old on this day.
Marched to the forks of the Fredericktown and Jackson road above a
house and carried corn 2 miles across a field, glad to get a bite for our
horses. Oct 4th
Marched to Jackson, Mo., got there about sundown, went in camp 1
mile west. Oct 5th
Marched on into Cape Girardeau, went into camp west of town. Oct 6th
Had our horses inspected and 10 of them condemned. Oct 7th
Went down to the wharf and Co’s D and C went aboard the Steamboat
Enterprise. Lay at wharf all
night. Oct 8th
Some Infantry came aboard and we started up the river about 9 A.M. Oct 9th
Landed at St. Louis at 9 P.M. got off and marched to Benton
Barracks, went in got our horses shod. Oct 10th
Turned in our condemned horses and drew new ones, also some
clothing –“gray backs.” Those were the hungriest graybacks we ever had.
I think there hadn’t been any soldiers in that barracks for quite
awhile, and they proceeded immediately to business. Oct 11th
Saddled up in the morning and marched about 30 miles, went in camp. Oct 12th
Marched to within 3 miles of Washington. Oct 13th
Marched through Washington,
went on and camped 18 miles from there.
Lieutenant Col. George Duffield Commanding the brigade received his
discharge here and left us. Lieut.
Col. Benton of the 10th Mo., taking command of the Brig. Oct 14th
Marched to within 38 miles of Jefferson City. Camped on a small
stream. Oct 15th
Camped on the Osage River 8 miles from Jefferson City. Oct 16th
Marched to Russellville, camped and drew rations. Oct 17th
Camped at Lynn. Lay in some old straw. Oct 18th
Marched all day, passed through California, Mo. Oct 19th
Marched to Sedalia, camped N.W. of town around a fine house, tied
our horses to the yard fence. Oct 20th
Got some mail in the morning, marched out and road very hard until
midnight. Tied our horses to
a hedge fence. Oct 21st
Marched on. Left
Lexington to the right and went into camp on a small stream.
Saddled up at Midnight. Oct 22nd
Marched on aways. The
Colm. halted until daylight, then advanced to _____ Creek.
Had some skirmishing on to Independence, charged them and took some
guns from them. Winslow’s
Brigade drove them 3 or 4 miles after dark, stopped till morning, then
advanced to the Big Oct 23rd
Blue, found them posted on the south side of the Creek behind some
rail breastworks. A Mo. Militia Brigade was put forward but refused to attack
them. Winslow’s Brigade was
put forward and drove them back. Col.
Winslow was wounded and turned the command over to Col. Benton of the 10th
Mo. Cal., a very gallant and efficient officer.
We charged and drive them beyond a strip of brush onto the open
fields. They were in a pretty
tight place. Gen. Pleasenton
on their rear with a large Cavalry force and General’s Curtis and Blunt
coming out from Kansas City, so Old Pap found the best thing for him to do
was to break for Dixie. We
mounted and followed them 5 or 6 miles, and went into camp, our horses
almost done up. Oct 24th
We started out early in
pursuit of Price’s Army, rode in a trot all day and until 2 o’clock
next morning. Oct 25th
The Mo. State Militia and some U.S. Regiments charged their camp
and drove them from their breakfast, taking 2 cannon.
We then took across the open prairie after them, and pas pressing
them so hard that they had to form a line of battle at Mine Creek, a
tributary of the Osage River to protect their train and Benton and
Phillips Brigade’s swung by Co’s into line and charged General
Marmaduke’s Division, which had formed west of the creek to try to check
our pursuit, but there was no check to us, we galloped right through their
lines, capturing a battery of seven guns.
Bob Buzzard jumping off his horse and climbed up on one of the
guns, but was shot and killed, and thus we lost a brave comrade. In this charge James Dunlavy of Co. D had a shell burst near him which wounded him in the arm, and also wounded his horse, which became unmanageable and wheeled round and started to the rear, but he got control of it again and got it headed to the front and of course that put him behind his comrades, he saw a bunch of men he took to be Union soldiers and started to go to them. Then he saw a Rebel Officer, who came riding toward him, calling him not to shoot those men, they were his own men. Dunlavy shot at the officer as he came towards him but missed him, and the officer rode up to him and was very much surprised to find he was a Yank, saying that he thought he was one of his own men. Dunlavy ordered him to surrender and hand over his revolver, which he done. He was then marched to the rear under Dunlavy’s gun. They went back aways and met a Union officer dismounted, who told Dunlavy to dismount Marmaduke and let him have his horse, which he did then started him back on the double quick. Marmaduke remonstrated with him saying he hadn’t slept for 2 or 3 nights and asked to go a little slower, which was granted. Pretty soon along came one of Gen. Curtis’ Staff, when Marmaduke introduced himself. They then turned him over to Gen. Curtis, who put him in charge of Provost Marshall.
Just before we reached the Rebel lines when we were charging onto
them Jake Koons, my bunk mate and Colm mate on the march, was struck in
the leg by a musket ball, told me his leg was mashed and asked me to stop
and help him off his horse, which I did and staid with him till the
ambulance came round, gathering up the wounded.
Got him in the ambulance, then took charge of his horse, went up to
the battle ground where the prisoners were corralled and concluded to wait
till the train came up, but after a while Com. A. M. Harris came along
dismounted. I got him onto
Koon’s horse and we started on after the army, followed on till after
dark, then tied our horses to a fence, which were few and far between in
that country then. The result
of the battle was the capture of Marmaduke and Cabell and 7 or 8 cannon
and 600 men with 5 or 5 Col.
I wish here to call attention to the claims of James Boyle of Co.
B, 3rd Ia. that he run onto Gen. Marmaduke in the timber on the
opposite bank of Mine Creek. He
and his staff ordered him to surrender, they said for him to come over the
Creek and they would, he told them to lay down their arms and they would.
They refused to do that, then Dunlavy came down the same path he
had and he leveled his gun on them and Dunlavy went over and them and
Marmaduke gave them his spur etc.
A pure fabrication as Dunlavy captured the Gen. out on an open
prairie. He was by himself and no James Boyle near, nor was any Staff
officers with the Gen. Oct 26th
Harris and I got out and found our regiment, they informed us that
the evening before Gen. Price had formed a line of battle 3 miles from Ft.
Scott with his whole army to check our pursuit.
Or men were formed and were getting ready to charge them, when they
drew off, and the men and horses were so near worn out that it was thought
best to let them go.
We marched to Ft. Scott, where we drew rations and feed. Oct 27th
Marched to Lamar and camped. Co.
D on picket. Someone fired the prairie to thy to burn the train.
Failed. Oct 28th
Marched to one and one half miles of Carthage, Mo., passing through
Newtonia. Oct 29th
Marched on, camped neat a large orchard. Oct 30th
Marched on, camped by a Mill run by a Spring.
Some of the 10th Mo., run it all night grinding corn. Oct 31st
Marched through Cassville, took the Ft. Smith road.
Camped the other side of Keetsville, to the left.
It raining in the night. Nothing
heard of Price. Nov 1st
Marched on, camped in 4 or 5 miles of Pea Ridge, went in camp about
noon, went out and got a sheep. Nov 2nd
Lay in camp until about noon, raining most of the day, went
foraging through the mud. Nov 3rd
Marched at 8 A.M. Camped in 3 0r 4 miles of Mudtown.
Carried rails one fourth mile across a field. Nov 4th
Marched to Fayetteville. A salute of 20 guns was fired. Went into
camp. Nov 5th
Marched out at 11 A. M. Camped at Prairie Grove, where we joined
Curtis and Blunt’s commands. Nov 6th
Marched on through Cane Hill.
Co. D went ahead of the Colm. to hunt for corn.
Camped near an old mill. Nov 7th
Marched on. The 1st
Batallion rear guard of the Pack train marched till 2 o’clock A.M. Nov 8th
Marched to Ark. River. Threw
a few shells across the river, turned back and camped on the hill, bidding
Pap Price good bye. Co. D
gave a Maj. for McClellan. Nov 9th
The vote of the Iowa Soldiers was taken for President, we then
started back. Camped in a
Valley and grazed our horses on young cane. Nov 10th
Marched on slowly. Camped
near a very high stable lot fence, got a little corn the first in 5 days. Nov 11th
Went out to look for corn. Camped
on a small stream, five miles from Cane Hill, got corn to the right. Nov 12th
Went out foraging. Ground
some corn on a hand mill. Camped
at Prairie Grove. A wagon
train met us with bread, which was very welcome. Nov 13th
Marched on and camped. Was
on picket duty. Nov 14th
Passed through Bentonville. Camped
on Valley west of Pea Ridge. Nov 15th
Marched on pretty briskly. Camped in 8 mile of Cassville. Nov 16th
Marched to Spring Creek. Went
in camp. Nov 17th
Marched to Little York, got there after night.
Col. Benten turned the command of the brigade over to Maj. Lusk and
left us. Nov 18th
Marched to Springfield. Got there about noon.
Went to town to get our horses shod. Nov 19th
Lay in camp at Springfield. Nov 20th
Sunday. Still at Springfield. Went
to church at night. Nov 21st
Went to town and loafed all day. Nov 22nd
Marched six miles past Sandsprings.
Camped. Nov 23rd
Marched to within 3 miles of Lebanon, drew rations. Nov 24th
Marched on to Waynesville, camped, drew corn from the
Quartermaster. Nov 25th
Marched to Little Piney. Camped. Nov 26th
Marched to Raleigh. Went
into camp and turned over our condemned horses.
Pickler stole a demijohn of whiskey. Nov 27th
Boarded the cars in the evening, after having a row with the
provost guard. Some of the
boys took on too much drink and the guards tried to arrest them.
Started about 9 P.M. Nov 28th
Rode on the cars till 2 A.M. when we arrived at St. Louis.
It wasn’t Pullman sleepers but common freight cars.
We laid on the floor with our saddles for pillows.
We got off the train and saddled up and marched to Benton Barracks,
was put in #7. Nov 29th
Was moved from No. 7 to 29 then rested. Nov 30th
Still resting. Dec 1st-2-3-4-5-6-7
Taking it easy. Dec 7th
Took sore eyes. Dec 8th
Drew horses. Eyes
getting worse. Dec 9th
Eyes hurting so bad I could not bear the light. Dec 10th
Was sent to Benton Barracks Post Hospital.
The Regiment leaving for the boats. Dec 11th
Eyes some better. Dec 12th
The Regiment returned to camp, the river being frozen over and one
boat Headquarters and Co. H on board blowing up. Dec 14th
News of Sherman’s reaching Savannah.
Remained in Hospital until the 26th of Dec., when I was
appointed nurse in ward one. Dec 18th
My right eye getting sore again, I quit nursing and went to
doctoring again. Remained in
the Hospital until Jan 9th, when I was returned to duty, went
to Scofield Barracks to await transportation. Jan 10th
News of _______raid through Mississippi. Jan 20th
Remained at Scofield Barracks til Jan 20th, when a squad
of the 3rd Ia. received orders to go to East St. Louis to take
the cars for Louisville, Ky. Left
East St. Louis about 4 P.M. Arrived at Mitchell, Indiana at 3 P.M. the 22nd.
Lay there till 8 A.M. took cars for New Albany, Ind.
Arrived at 1:30 P.M., crossed the Ohio River at Portland, Ky., and
went to the Regiment in camp at Louisville, Ky., greatly pleased to be
with the comrades again. Jan 24th
Drew Spencer rifles, Sabers and belt and cartridge boxes. Jan 25th
Drew a revolver. Jan 27th
Drew $136 pay. Saddled
up an went down to Portland Wharf. The
detachment left at Memphis, Tenn. And the Missouri Price Detachment being
united at Louisville, went aboard the St. Patrick. The river being so full
of ice, boats could not run. Remained
waiting for the river to clear until Feb. 2, when we sailed down the
river. Feb 3rd
Landed at Evansville, Ind. Wrote
a letter home and put $100.00 in it, which arrived safely. Feb 4th
Moved on down the Ohio river, landed a Paduka, Ky., took on coal. Feb 5th
Left Paduka at daylight, going up toe Ohio river.
The H. Raymond being lashed to the side of the St. Patrick, all the
boats moving at once. A
gunboat in the lead. Feb 6th
Run all day up the Tennesse, landed at Savannah about dark. Feb 7th
Landed at Eastport about 1 o’clock on the 7th.
Lay there 2 or 3 hours, then run up the river some 10 miles, landed
and took off the forage and wagons etc. Feb 8th
Disembarked and marched about 15 miles and went in camp where some
other Regiment had been quartered in split log huts at Gravely Springs,
Ala. Feb 9th
Hauled brick on an old cart and built up out chimney and with
clapboards stopped up the cracks. Feb 10th
On duty to carry forage one and one half miles. Feb 11th
Spent the day quietly. Feb 12th
On detail. Went to the
landing to unload a barge. Feb 14th
Detailed as safeguard out in the country at the house of Mr. White,
remained ther until the 27ty, when I was ordered to report to camp. Feb 28th
Mustered for pay. March 1st
Started on a scout. The
squad separated, marched around and went into Florence Ala., arresting
every citizen seen. Rained. March 3rd
Went out to big Cypress, couldn’t cross, returned to Florence. March
Still water bound at Florence. March 6th
Marched from Florence to camp. March
Drilled. March 9th
Rained all day. March 10th
Co. went on picket out on the Florence road. March 11th
Relieved from picket. March 12th
Sunday. Inspection. Matlick
and I made a visit out to Mr. White’s. March 13th
Regimental Inspection of arms, clothing and horses, general
equipment and quarters. March 14th
On detail, went down to the river. March 15th
Getting ready to march drilled an received marching orders, was
detailed to remain with camp equipment, protested and traded places with
Z. D. Buckles. Went out in
the evening to see my friends at White’s. Came near being captured.
Was told by my friends out there, that the Rebs would try to
capture, me so going back along a bridle path I heard horsemen coming.
I slipped out in the brush and let them pass, then got into the
path and came on to camp. March 16th
Moved out, went down to the river at the Waterloo crossing, crossed
and got to camp about 10 o’clock. March 17th
On detail. Went down to bring some wagons across the river.
They wasn’t there so returned to camp. March 18th
Drilling. March 19th
Sunday Inspection. Received
marching orders. March 20th
Marching orders revoked. March 21st
Marched at 2 o’clock, went out within 3 miles of the Memphis and
Charleston, R.R. Went in camp
at 8 o’clock. March 22nd
Marched all day south in to Ala. March 23rd
Co. “D” advanced guard, marched to Newburg and Franklin.
Co. on picket. March 24th
Marched in rear of the train, camped by a large frame house near
the Warrior river. March 25th
Crossed Warrior river by a mill and falls.
Camped on a creek. Drew
hardtack. March 26th
Marched on, halted in the afternoon and fed our horses 2 hours.
Marched on to the Black Warrior. March 27th
The 2nd Brigade commenced crossing in the morning, we
crossed about 3 o’clock, it being very rocky and rough many horses got
down, went in camp on the other side, were turning in about 10 o’clock
when bugles sounded “Boots & Saddles,” so we had to roll out and
march to the crossing of the Locust Fork.
Camped. March 28th
Commenced crossing about
9 or 10 A.M. and marched to within 1 mile of Elyton.
Camped on a large plantation, found some corn for horses. March 29th
Didn’t march until about 3 P.M.
Marched to the Catawbia river and camped, passing through Elyton
and Blue Mt foundry, burning it. March 30th
Moved out about noon, crossed the Catawbia river on the railroad
bridge. Crossed Buck creek at
a mill, burning a foundry. Camped
at Montevelle. March 31st
The 10th Mo. went out on patrol.
The 3rd Ia. moved out having some brisk skirmishing in
the advance. Went on to with in 3 miles of Randolph. April 1st
Moved out in rear of the 2nd Brigade, the advance of
which had some skirmishing at Randolph, and on to a creek, where the 3rd
Iowa took the advance, Co’s D. and H advance guard.
The Confederates made a stand at Plantersville.
Whe charged them and drove them before in confusion.
Was relieved and camped at Plantersville. April 2nd
Broke camp about 9 o’clock.
The 2nd division taking the advance.
Got to the Rebel lines at Selma about 4 o’clock.
Soon the order came to prepare to fight on foot.
No 8 held horses and the dismounted men to the front. The 4th Division taking the center, the 2nd
the right, 1st in reserve mounted.
The 2nd Division charged and took the works on the
right. The 4th
drove them in the center, driving them out of town, taking possession. April 3rd
Was put on guard at the Arsenal, drove everyone away.
Was shortly relieved. Marched
at 10 A.M. out on the Summerville road passed through Summerville. Camped. April 4th
Started back, went 2 or 3 miles.
Got orders to go and reinforce Gen. McCook, turned to the left went
through Perryville. Camped on the forks of the Randolph and Centerville
roads. April 5th
Moved out of camp about sunup, on the Randolph road, camped at
Plantersville. April 6th
Broke camp at sunup, marching to Selma via Summersville, where we
stopped and fed then went on through Selma, turned and went out 4 miles on
the Plantersville road went on camp.
It raining on us all the way from town. April 7th
Moved camp a little ways, remained there all day. April 8th
Had Co. Inspection. Boots
and saddles blew about 9 P.M. Went
down to the river, lay there till morning, the bridge having given away. April 9th
Sunday. They got the bridge fixed about noon. The 1st Battalion crossed, one Co. of the 2nd
the bridge gave way. 1st
Bat. went out and formed in line 1-2-3 were ordered to go repair the
bridge. Went into camp and
went foraging. 1-2-3 were
relieved about dark.. April 10th
Moved out about 8 A.M. on the Montgomery road, went on seven miles
past Benton, the advance having some fighting there.
Camped at the forks of the Montgomery and Haynesville road. April 11th
Moved out about 8 o’clock on the Haynesville road, was delayed
crossing the Big Swamp Creek, got across about dark.
Marched on through Thomasburg, on to a mill and camped. April 12th
Moved out about sunup, crossed Matumas Creek.
McCooks Division in advance. Marched
on into Montgomery, the Mayor surrendering the city.
The 4th Division marching through at “Carry Sabers”
went on 3 miles and went in camp. April 13th
Went out to forage meat under Capt. Brown. April 14th
Marched out about sunup, Co’s C and D in the rear of the train.
The 3rd and 4th Battalions were left under
Maj. Kirkendall at Montgomery. Passed
through Mt Meigs and crossed lime creek, got in camp at 12:30 P.M. April 15th
Moved out about daylight, passed through Tuskeegee, since noted as
the home of the Booker Washington Negro College. April 16th
Moved out on the Columbus road, going through Crawford, arrived on
the hill in sight of Columbus. About
3 o’clock there was Artillery firing.
The order came to prepare to fight on foot.
No’s 1-2-3 dismounted and fell into line.
I being No. 4 took charge of the horses, then the order was
countermanded and the men mounted again (we were then southwest of town)
and moved around to the northwest and the 1st and 2nd
Battalions of the 3rd Iowa were again ordered to prepare to
fight on foot. One of the members of my four said he was sick and asked me
if I would take his place and let him stay with the horses, “yes” I
told him I would if he was sick. So
we fell into line, by then it was dark.
We had strict orders not to fire until we got the order to do so. We were standing in line and there was a rebel battery off
and seemed to be directly to out left.
The Confederate skirmishers in out front began firing and at that a
few of our men forgetting their orders also began firing.
Capt. Miller started along the front of the Co. and gave the order
to cease firing. Just then
this battery to our left opened on us, sending a cannon ball right down
the line, passing just in front of the line striking Capt. Miller, tearing
away one side of hid body, and just then we were ordered forward, and only
a few of the Co. knew that the Capt. was hit and no under officer took
command of the Co., but we went on just the same in our place in line,
crossed over an old field. I
remember stumbling into a ditch filled with blackberry briers, going on
till we came to a lot fence, climbed over it into the lot, then we
didn’t know which way to go next, and everyone began calling for Co. D
and no one rallied us.
I and Comrade Matlick got together and hearing most of the firing
off to the left, we concluded the Co. had gone that way, so we climbed out
of the lot on that side, crossed the road and went into the brush, crossed
a slight swag in the ground and started up a gradual raise, taking our
directions by the firing and flash of guns.
I discovered that my gun was empty, coming to a large stump, I
dropped down behind it while I filled the magazine of my gun, the bullets
were striking the stump, whack, whack, and clipping the brush overhead.
I could have lain behind that stump and been safe, but that was not
what I was there for. I had
started in the fight and was going to do my part.
So when I got my gun loaded I started on.
My comrade had gone on so I thought I must catch up with the line,
supposing of course it was ahead. Presently
I came to where the brush and young trees had been cut down and lapped
across each other in a way to make it as difficult as possible for a man
to get through, but I worked my way through, and a little farther on came
to a line of sharpened stakes set in the ground, the sharp ends pointing
towards me, leaning at an angle of about 45 degrees.
I worked between two stakes then soon reached a breastworks, and
heard men talking. Then I was
sure I had caught up with the line. I
heard a man rail out “Where are you going? No you get back into that
ditch or I will box your jaws.” Well
I thought that was curious language for any of our officers to use, but
yet I didn’t suspect it not being our line, because I had reached there
without finding our line, so I climbed upon the loose dirt and then saw a
rifle pit full of men. I stooped down to slip into the ditch among them, and that
brought my eyes closet to the men and I saw that they had grey hats and
coats. I was just on the
point of saying “well you drove them out did you boys,” but when I saw
where I was I didn’t say it. They
didn’t say anything to me, they hadn’t noticed me.
In fact I saw their heads were tuned and they were all looking at
the tussle of the officer and the soldier who started to run.
After realizing what I had run into my next thought was
Andersonville. The next was
to make my getaway. I
realized that it was a desperate chance, but I determined to chance it, so
I raised up, turned around, stepped down off of the breastwork, started
slowly and cautiously back, till I thought I was out of sight, then I
started to run, run into those down brush, would fall down, get up and try
it again, and down I would go again.
I realized how soldiers feel when they stampeded, only I didn’t
throw away my gun, clothes or anything else, that I had about me, but when
I got clear of the down brush, you had better bet I tried by speed.
I don’t think there was a horse in the Regiment that could have
kept up with me, I was scared and whipped because I had discovered there
was no Union line in front of those fellows, and I wanted to inform our
commander of the fact. But
over 300 men of the 3rd IA had captured their right wing
including a small fort, was in danger of being gobbled up if those men
came out and charged us, but mounted men had charged in and captured the
bridge, which gave us free passage into the town defeated by about 3000
men behind breastworks, whom, what were not captured left precipitately.
The Confederates had stuffed every crack and crevice (it being a
covered bridge with cotton saturated with coal oil and planted a battery
at the east end of the bridge to rake it and set it afire, but our
horsemen charged across, they thinking is was some of their own men coming
over, and didn’t know any better until our men drove them from their
guns, and captured them. We
mounted and crossed over into town and were then told to scatter out and
find supper and lodging among the citizens and see that no harm came to
civilians or their property, which was done. April 17th
We remained in Columbus the 17th on Provost duty and
staid at private residences at night again and was treated nicely.
The next morning the 18th we went over to the battle
ground and took Capt. Miller’s body and took him back over to the river
to a cemetery in Columbus and buried him, then moved out on the Macon road
and camped on a creek. April 19th
Marched on passing Waverly Hall and Bellview.
Camped near Flint River. April 20th
Marched on across Potato River at Thomas’ Foundry went into camp
after dark, passing through Thomastown. April 21st
Marched out about sunup on the Macon road.
Got news of an armistice between Sherman and Johnston.
Macon surrendered with 1500 Confederates.
Marched through Macon, crossed over Okemulgee River on the R.R.
Bridge and went into camp. April 22nd
Lay in camp all day. Rumors
still prevalent of Peace. April 23rd
Sunday. Lay in camp. April 24th
The Regiment went in regular camp. April 25th
Nothing doing. Everybody
anxious. April 26th
Official news of the assassination of Pres. Lincoln. April 27th
All quiet. April 28th
Particulars of Gen. R.E. Lee’s surrender. April 29th
Saddled up and went out on the Clinton road six miles, formed in an
old field and was searched for stolen or jahawked property.
None found that I heard of. April 30th
Sunday. Inspection and
mustered for pay. Received
news of Joe Johnson’s surrender. May
Nothing of importance going on. May 4th
On chain guard. Got
orders to march. May 5th
Relieved about 3 AM. Marched
out about sunup, crossed the river on the pontoon bridge and took the road
for Atlanta. Camped at Forsythe. May 6th
Moved out at 4 AM. Camped
in 2 miles of Griffin. May 7th
Marched on through Jonesborough.
Camped at Morrow Station. May 8th
Lay in camp all day, the led horses going on into town. May 9th
Moved out early in the morning towards Atlanta, passed through
Rough and Ready, got to Atlanta about 1 o’clock and went in camp out in
the timber, left of Peachtree road. May
10-11-12 Lay in
camp. No news. May 13th
Received news of the capture of Jeff Davis. May 14th
Inspection. May 15th
Jones buried. May 16th
All quiet. May 20th
Went out on inspection. May 21st
Sunday inspection. On
guard. May 22nd
Relieved from guard. May
Routine of camp. May 28th
Sunday inspection, dress parade at 6:30 PM. May 29th
Drilled from 5-9 PM. May 30th
On water guard. May 31st
Dress parade. June 1st
A day of humiliation and prayer.
Fell into line at 2 o’clock and marched to the city to the
Presbyterian church, where Chaplain Lathram preached a funeral sermon for
Pres. Lincoln. June 2nd
Drilled one hour in the evening. June 3rd
News of Kirby Smith’s surrender. June 4th
Inspection of arms and clothing. June 5-6
Nothing doing. June 7th
Received a letter from home. June
All quiet. Drilled. June 11th
Sunday. Inspection. Detailed
to go out and work on the bridge over the Chatahootcha river.
Traded with Lem Baker, who had been working and returned to camp on
the train. June 12th
An invoice of Co. property was taken.
Went to graze the horses, and got a fine mess of Dewberries. June 13th
The 4th Ia. went out on inspection. June 14th
The 3rd Ia. went out on inspection, had inspection of
horses. June 15th
Nothing doing. All
anxious to go home. June 16th
Was detailed to go to town on Quartermaster guard. June 17th
On Quartermaster guard. June 18th
Relieved from guard, rested and slept. June 19th
Nothing doing. June 20th
On guard again. June 21st
Relieved from guard. The
1st Ohio left for S. Carolina. June 22nd
All quiet. Went to camp in the evening. June 23rd
On duty. June 24th
Relieved. All quiet. June
On guard every third day. July
All quiet. Having a good time. July 4th
The troops had a general review.
The 4th U.S. Battery fired a salute of 36 guns.
Stayed in town at Quartermasters until July 24, when we were sent
out to a corral to guard a lot of mules. July 25th
Moved to another corral and remained there until the 6th
of August. Aug 6th
Was relieved and went to camp, the mules being turned over on the 5th. Aug 7th
Some indication of going north. Aug 8th
Some more indications. Secured
a carbine and saber to take home. Aug 9th
Mustered out of U.S. service at 10 A.M. and went down to the depot
and got on the cars, and left at 2 o’clock for Chatanooga, Tenn.
Got to Chatanooga, Tenn. about 4 A.M. the 10th, pulled
on for Nashville, got there about dark the 11th, about 4 P.M.
Remained on the cars all night. Aug 12th
Got off the cars and went to the Louisville depot, got aboard at 1
P.M., left at 5 P.M., got to Louisville at 11 A.M.
Crossed the Ohio, got on the cars and left about 6 P.M. Aug 13th
Run all day and night. Aug 14th
Fog to Michigan City , Ind. at 8 A.M., run on and got to Chicago
about noon, took dinner at the Soldiers Rest, started for Rock Island
about 6 P.M., run all night, arrived at Rock Island about 1 P.M. the 15th.
Crossed over to Davenport and went to Camp McClellan. Aug 16th
Helped to carry up the arms. Aug 17th
Signed the pay roll. Aug 18th
No pay yet. Aug 19th
Payed off and discharged about 4 P.M.
Went tot the Wharf and got on the Packet Savannah. Aug 20th
Tun past Burlington and Ft. Madison, laid over at Montrols on
account of rapids. Aug 21st
Arrived at Keokuk about 7 A.M.
Went up in town and bought a suit of clothes.
Boarded the cars for
home, sweet home, all danger, privations and hardships of a soldiers life
forgotten and feeling sure of a cordial welcome by my Father and Mother
and friends, and feeling proud of the fact that I had done a little
towards the preservation of the glorious Union of these States.
Our trains arrived at Stumptown, now Selma, Ia., about 8 P.M.
Some friends from Troy met us there.
Samuel Guthrie was there with his farm wagon and hauled his boys,
George and Billy and I home, arriving about 10 A.M. Aug 22, 1865, thus
ending my Military experience.
I then entered civil life and tried to be of some assistance to my
On Oct 27, 1870 I married Sarah C. Carroll and we remained on the
old farm until July 4th 1886 when she passed away.
October 16, 1892 I married Lizzie M. Darnell and remained on the
farm until 1900, when we moved to Bloomfield, Ia.
In 1900 I was elected County Clerk in which I served four years.
July 1905 I entered the Mercantile business in West Grove in which
I continued till May 1910, when I sold out to Jesse B. Day and moved to
Bloomfield, buying out Chas. Bullock’s grocery in which I continued
until Jan 1, 1912 when I sold out to J. A. Owens and retired from
business. |
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