THE REPUBLICAN +++++++++++++++++++++++ JOHN J HAMILTON, Editor AH FORTUNE, Business Manager |
Bloomfield, July 22, 1880.
Gen Weaver announces himself in favor of a return to "the old time
Democracy of Jefferson and Jackson, and the pure Republicanism of
Abraham Lincoln and Thaddeus Stevens." As the Democracy of Jefferson and
the Republicanism of Lincoln were as unlike as midnight and noon-day, it
is not quite clear what our imaginative townsman is driving at. Jackson,
the enemy of the United States Bank and the father of Wild-cat currency,
also belonged to a very different school of parties from that of
Lincoln, the friend of the National Banks and redeemable greenbacks.
GEN. WEAVER, having indulged in some of his tall talk about what mighty things he would do in Maryland, the Baltimore American reads him a little lecture on the magnifying power of his imagination, and reminds him that his party polled only 77 votes in the large city of Baltimore, last fall, and only about 200 in the entire state.
MONEY TO LOAN I will make loans for any period of from one to five years, in sums of $200 and upwards, at 7, 8 and 10 percent. Any further information wanted will be cheerfully given. Office in Sheaffer & Walton's jewelry store, northeast corner of square, Bloomfield, Iowa. John R Wallace.
P E O Means Protect Each Other. Is the sisterhood organized as a reflection upon the gallantry of the gentlemen? Urias Likes, of Union Township, and a son of his were badly hurt, last week, in a runaway. Robert Montgomery, an old citizen of Troy, died at Keokuk last week. His remains were brought home for burial, and the funeral took place on Friday. DIED-- On Sunday, July 18 1880, of dropsy of the brain, Harry Elmer, son of Mr and Mrs T J Battin of this city, aged 22 months and 13 days. Note from Floris, we learn that HACKLEBARNEY is in an uproar over a shooting scrape which took place in those sacred precincts, last Friday, in which W S Swift and Geo Milton were the principals. Swift was reported to have shot at Milton three times. DIED-- on Thursday, July 15, 1880 at her home in Agency City, of congestion of the lungs, Miss Ella Anderson, aged 18 years and 2 months. Funeral on Friday at Mars Hill.
Worthy and Able. Ottumwa Courier. The Hon. H C Traverse, of Bloomfield, to-day nominated for Circuit Judge in the Second Judicial District, by the republicans, is in every sense a most worthy and able gentleman, eminently qualified for the position, and by nature constituted for the bench. We have know him long and well and it is not a whit of undeserved mention to say of him that he is one of the very best jurists of the district, is possessed of a strong, clear judgment, is very industrious and painstaking, and in point of integrity and fairness unsurpassed and seldom equaled. He will bear any man the opposition can put up against him, whether the Democrats make a separate or a combined fight. ++++++++++++++ Hon H C Traverse Keosauqua Republican There is not a better man in the state for the position of Circuit Judge than Mr Traverse. Honorable, kind-hearted and firm, with a large experience in civil affairs, he comes before the public a strong man, and a man with an untarnished record. Wherever Mr Traverse is know he has the highest regard of all parties. As a candidate he will be very strong, and will be elected by a large majority. Van Buren county knows him as their State Senator, and will give him four hundred majority at the November election.
The Legal Tender Greenback passes the
following well-deserved compliment upon the candidate for Circuit Judge: H C Traverse was nominated, by acclamation, at Ottumwa, Tuesday, for Circuit Judge. In this case the Republicans exhibited some sense. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ A Hard Man to Beat. Keokuk Labor Tribune ![]() In the Ottumwa District, Hon H C Traverse, of Bloomfield, will no doubt receive the Republican nomination for Circuit Judge. Mr Traverse though a comparatively young man, stands very high as a lawyer, a citizen, and a gentleman, and is withal very popular. As a political opponent, we must admit that we consider him the hardest man to beat of any who would be named by the Republicans. He is the present Senator from Davis and Van Buren counties. Looking Towards Kansas City Burlington, Iowa, July 12. -- Articles of incorporation of the Chicago, Burlington & Kansas City Railway Company have been filed here. The incorporators are prominent citizens of Boston, Chicago and Burlington, whose purpose it is to purchase the Burlington & South western railroad which is soon to be sold under decree of the court and extend it to Kansas City; the road is now in operation a distance of 181 miles from Burlington, Iowa to Laclede, Mo., where it connects with the Hannibal & St Jo road. The necessary capital has been secured and the extension to Kansas City is to be made as the legal proceedings will permit. The surveys will be completed this week.