School Exhibit Was Fine
A record attendance was present at the school auditorium Friday evening at which time, aside from the fine school exhibit, a most entertaining program was given. The program consisted of Third Grade orchestra, under direction of Kenneth McClure, who demonstrated himself to be a real bandmaster, especially in his acknowledgement of the generous encores. The First Grade dramatization, next on the program, was "killing." The Sixth Grade, dressed in costumes of several races, sang folk songs to the delight of all. One of the clever stunts was by Jordan Glew and Gwendolyn Cook, Second Graders, who took turns alternately of telling about a recent trip the class made to "Yanktown." It's pretty hard to determine what those youngsters will develop into in the line of public speaking if they improve each year that they live. |
Interesting three - minute speeches like those given in assembly on current topics of the day were given by Geraldine Collins and James Hooper. The Fifth Grade stunt was a blacksmith song in which each boy was provided with a horse shoe that he beat time on at the right intervals. The Fourth Grade gave a demonstration of physical training exercises, directed by a Victrola. The closing number was a song by the Glee Club. The applause brought back a boys' chorus. The boys were some singers, altho a little better harmony would be possible. It is a most delightful program, and was very much enjoyed by all. Following the program the many visitors busied themselves inspecting the various exhibits from every room in the school, and there were many beautiful ones. The Domestic Science department showed numerous specimens of garments that looked as tho they might have been made by professionals. There were some very work- man-like exhibits in the Manual Training department. All thru the exhibits were fine and demonstrated the fact that the work had ben done very neatly and quite skillfully. |
page 65
Note: The article was transcribed, therefore, the spelling mistakes.
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