News from the Schleswig Leader
August 6, 1909 - October 8, 1909
Aug. 6, 1909
Local News
- Will Hanna was a Charter Oak visitor Monday.
- Frank Stock was a Denison passenger Wednesday.
- Floyd Carter took his departure Wednesday for his home in Sac City.
- Sheriff Henry Cummings was up from Denison Wednesday on legal matters.
- Fred Kuchel transacted business in Mapleton and Sioux City the first of the week.
- Henry Struck and wife of Ida county were Sunday visitors at the Wiegand hotel.
- Miss Hissing, niece of Mrs. Herman Kook, who had been visiting here the past month, returned to her home in St. Louis Friday.
- Miss Nellie Porter went to her home in Ute Monday to spend a month's vacation. She will return in time for fall millinery trade.
- Miss Minne Petersen returned Monday from Ricketts where she spent last week assisting in the care of her sister who is now recovering very nicely.
- Wm. Jepsen and family and Mrs. Mike Petersen and son went to Wall Lake Wednesday to spend a few days fishing and otherwise enjoying themselves.
- Mrs. Dr. Jones and Miss Harriett Hall were Denison visitors Friday. Their mother, Mrs. Hall, accompanied them to Schleswig the same evening for a short visit.
- Miss Lena Kruse, niece of C. Kruse, returned Monday to her home near Omaha, after a two weeks' visit here. Miss Grada Kruse accompanied her and will remain a couple of weeks.
- Mrs. Henry Hoffer and son of Charter Oak were in Schleswig Sunday to see Chris. He is getting along very nicely at the hospital and will soon be able to attend his old duties at the Green Bay.
- G. M. McAhren and his large force of cement workers are finishing up their many cement contracts here this week. When they get through there won't be many board walks or crossing left in this bustling burg.
- H. E. Buck started out last Friday with his threshing outfit and will be kept busy until snow flies separating grain from the chaff. The first day out he received a bad cut on the finger which deprived him of the use of that member for a few days.
- J. C. Rabe and brother Albert, attended a party at Otto Huebners Sunday. The main attraction was a ball game between the Hanover "Pumpkin Rollers" and the Rix nine. The latter won by the score of 18 to 9.
- The Kuchel barber shop changed hands the first of the week, W. W. VonCourt of Ute purchasing same. Mr. VonCourt, besides being first class barber, is also a band man, which is gratifying news to our many musicians. We wish him success.
- The members of the Royal Neighbors lodge perpetrated a surprise on Mrs. J. J. Ladenburger last Saturday night. The occasion was also in the nature of a farewell, as Ladenburgers left yesterday for their new home in North Bend, Neb. All present enjoyed a fine time and as a token of esteem and friendship the ladies presented Mrs. L. with a beautiful dish. This estimable family will be greatly missed here, nevertheless all wish them prosperity in any of their future undertakings.
August 13, 1909
Front Page
Schleswig Leader Sold
(An article from the Denison Bulletin and printed in the Schleswig Leader)
F. J. Branaha, who has been editor of the Schleswig Leader since that paper was started six years ago, yesterday sold the paper to Mr. R. E. Vaughan, a young man from Wisconsin, who has already taken possession and will guide the destinies of the paper in the future.
Mr. Branaha was one of The Bulletin's beat boys. He started in this office 12 years ago and became a competent printer. He has given Schleswig a good reliable paper and is one of the most popular citizens of the place.
"Peter" as Mr. Branaha is familiarly called, and his charming wife and family will be greatly missed as they leave Schleswig. They may locate out west on account of Mrs. Branaha's health. -We welcome the new editor to Crawford county. He comes highly recommended as a worthy and progressive young man. May he succeed splendidly. - Denison Bulletin.
August 13, 1909
Local Items
- Fred Kuchel is the new bartender at the Carsten saloon.
- Paul Wollosen had business in Ricketts Tuesday.
- Dr. Jones was called to Kiron in consultation Tuesday.
- Mayor Schultz and wife went to Denison on business Sunday.
- Mrs. H. D. Jones and mother Mrs. Hall were Denison callers Saturday.
- Naomi Stock and Amanda Pipgras visited the home of Miss Carlsen at Kiron a few days the past week.
- Will Hanna, the barber, spent Monday night with his family in Charter Oak.
- Aug. Whitmaach and family were Boyer visitors Tuesday, returning Wednesday.
- "Mag" Hollander made another one of those trips to Ricketts Sunday. He was accompanied this trip by John Rabe.
- Mrs. J. C. Petersen celebrated her birthday Friday. A crowd gathered at her home after supper and the men spent the evening playing cards.
- Miss Augusta Hientz, who had been working in the Schleswig Hotel, went to Ricketts Wednesday, intending to leave next week for Nebraska.
- Mrs. S. B. McGarvey and little daughter Persia left Tuesday for West Side where they will visit Mrs. McGarvey's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kruse, for a time.
- Miss Williams of Denison, who has been nursing the sick at the home of Ed Ebert of this vicinity, returned to her home Tuesday. The sick people, Mrs. Ebert, August and Marie being well enough to permit this.
- Fred Vogt was here from Ricketts Wednesday.
-Louis Ernst is visiting friends in Anthon this week.
-Avery Vickery of Ida Grove was in town Sunday afternoon.
-Mrs. Jones and Harriet Hall are visiting friends in Omaha this week.
-Mrs. Claus Gottburg and children went to Charter Oak Wednesday to visit her parents.
-Dr. Jones was called to Ricketts one day this week in consultation with John Bendixen.
-Mike Petersen went to Wall Lake Monday to get his wife and children who had been visiting there for a time.
-Miss Caroline Hollander, who is staying with her aunt Mrs. John Moller east of town, spent Sunday at her home here.
-In a ball game at Ricketts Sunday between Paradise and Rix nine, the Paradise team was defeated by a score of 17 to 4.
-Lou Naeve came here Wednesday from Superior, Wyo., having been called here by serious illness of his brother Albert.
-On Monday Ehler & Reinking closed a deal whereby Carl Wellendorf purchased of Peter Mohr 80 acres of land, the price paid being $112.50 per acre.
-The many friends of Will Bielenburg and Albert Naeve, who have been so critically ill the last week, will be pleased to know that they are doing nicely.
-Willie, the youngest son of Nick Paulsen, fell off a hay rack Wednesday and broke an arm. Dr. Jones was called to reduce the fracture. At present the boy is getting along nicely.
-A. M. Lorenzen, assistant cashier of the German Bank here, is spending his vacation this week in Ute, where he is assisting his brother who has recently opened a harness shop there.
-Otto Hoefer, who has been working in the Green Bay lumber yard here, has been transfered to that company's yard at Ricketts. Hans Iversen, who has been working in the yard at Ricketts is now working here.
-The Libner & Anderson store at Soldier has been sold to a company of men who will conduct it under the firm name of The Farmer's Mercantile Co. The new firm takes possession as soon as an invoice can be taken.
-Miss Lorette Schmidt returned to her home at Charlotte, Ia., after visiting here at the home of her sister Mrs. W. H. Schultz for some time. She was accompanied home by Mrs. Schultz and babe, who will visit there for a time.
-A change of managers took place at the Nye, Schnider, Fowler Co's. place of business Tuesday. The position vacated by Mr. Kahler, who has been manager for the past two years, is now being filled by Otto Perry of Wisner, Neb.
-A few members of the Royal Neighbors club attended their regular meeting of that club at the home of Mrs. Claus Munster of Ricketts Tuesday afternoon. The number attending from here was very limited, the majority of the members remaining here to attend the funeral of Miss Hansen.
-The next grand ball at the opera house will be held Saturday night Aug. 14th. It has been a long time since there has been a dance in Schleswig, on account of the sickness, but as all are now better there is no reason whatever for not having the usual big crowd. The best music will be furnished and a good time is assured.
-A match game of ball will be played on the Schleswig diamond Sunday between the Battle Creek and Schleswig teams. Our boys have been practicing this week and no doubt will make a better showing than they did against Arion. If you enjoy a good game it will pay you to attend this one.
-Rev. E. Hansen returned Sunday morning from a week's trip into Michigan. While there he attended a committee meeting at Port Huron, there being four other delegates from his synod in attendance. They were appointed last year a the meeting in Rochester, N. Y., which he also attended. The object of the meeting this year was to see about raising funds for the support of the invalid ministers, and also the widows and orphans of the ministers of his church.
Hospital News
-Misses Mable and Sadie Vickery and brother Avery came down from Ida Grove Friday evening to call on the patients at the hospital.
-Mr. and Mrs. Henry Freese and babe came down to see Miss Christine Iversen at the hospital Sunday morning.
-Mr. and Mrs. John Olson, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ericksen and Agnes Olson came down from Wall Lake in an auto Friday to see the patients at the hospital.
-Two of the nurses, Miss Blanche Youngquist and Mrs. W. H. Dagwell, left Tuesday for Omaha, there being no further need for them here.
-Our clothing man, Peter Hollander, is getting along first rate at the hospital. It will be a week at least however before he will be able to be up and around.
-Mrs. A. Rasch of Ricketts visited her daughter at the hospital last Friday.
-Miss Minnie Hollander is helping in the kitchen at the hospital since Lorette Schmidt left.
-Bennie Hollander took sick last Sunday and was taken to the hospital. He is getting along very well and will soon be out again.
-Ernest Schultz and Herbert Bendixen were taken from the hospital to their respective homes last Thursday after over three weeks' sickness.
-Misses Christine Iversen and Teckla Hollander, also Chris Hoefer, will no doubt be able to go to their homes some time this week.
-Mrs. Henry Hoefer was up from Charter Oak to see her son Chris between trains Friday.
-Otto Hollander returned to his home Sunday evening after spending several weeks at the hospital.
-Aug. Rusch and son Herman of Ricketts visited Mess Bertha at the hospital Sunday.
August 27, 1909
Local Items
-John Ehler went to Holstein Saturday on business.
-Henry Miller and son Will left last Thursday for Nebraska to look over some land.
-Miss Emma Baak of Ricketts spent Sunday here, the guest of Mrs. Paul Jepsen.
-Julius and John Rohwer went to Ida Grove Tuesday for a short visit with relatives there.
-Herbert Bendixen spent a couple of days last week with his uncle Geo. Else near Battle Creek.
-Dr. Jones drove to Ida Grove in an automobile Tuesday and took the train from there to Sioux City where he had business.
-John Schwenn and wife returned Tuesday from Grundy Center where they had been visiting for a month or more with relatives.
-Carl Ahrensen and wife of Springfield, Neb., arrived here Monday for a short visit with her parents. Mr. Ahrensen was formerly a barber here.
-Mrs. Adolph Cook of this place left Tuesday for Chicago, where she will visit with her children, also other relatives and friends, for month or more.
-There will be a match game of base ball at Otto Hepner's Sunday between Morgan and Hanover. This promises to be a very interesting game, and it will no doubt pay you to see it.
-John Jochims and wife are visiting here at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Johannes Carstens. On Thursday Mr. Jochim bought the John Schutt residence, where Dr. Jones now lives, the consideration being $2,700.
-The Morgan ball team drove to Ricketts Sunday where they met the Ricketts nine in a fast game of ball, being defeated 7 to 2. The game was a good one tho, so say those who saw it. The batteries were: Ricketts, Ricks and Lyons; Morgan: Kuehl, Schroeder and Jannesen.
-B. H. Runge of Charter Oak and W. F. Bielow of Hanover visited in town Sunday.
-Homer Dalmar visited his brothers Emil and Rudolph near here over Sunday.
-Will Hanna and W. W. VonCourt drove to Charter Oak Sunday, returning Monday.
-Joe Schmidt returned Thursday from Clinton, this state, where he had been visiting for a time.
-Honas Carstens and wife went to Anthon Sunday after their children, who had been visiting there.
-Misses Emma Baak and Ella Witt went to Ida Grove in an automobile Monday afternoon. They report a good time.
-Builder Emil Jepsen and men expect to have a new Hans Lopse residence ready for the plasterers some time next week.
-Fred Mohr has recently installed a large ice box in his saloon here, which will greatly facilitate his handling the wholesale business here.
-Nick Naeve was in one day this week and reports his brother Albert to be improving rapidly. Altho still in bed, they think he will be able to be up this week sometime.
-Misses Gusta Kahler and Mable Mills, who have been nursing the sick at the hospital here, left Saturday for Omaha, there being no further need of their staying here.
-Detlef Reese of this vicinity returned Monday night from Anthon, this state, where he had been visiting relatives for a few days. While there he rented a farm near Anthon and will operate it next year.
-Nick Kahler had a very enjoyable walk last Tuesday, his horses breaking out of the pasture on his lots here and leaving town immediately for the Julius Krohnke farm near here. Mr. Kahler gave chase immediately but was unable to catch them before they got out to the farm.
-Nick Kahler is having his house raised four or five feet this week, Green McAhren and crew of Denison doing the work. This make a seven foot basement under the house, and will be very handy for Mr. Kahler. This same crew this week moved a large barn, belonging to Mr. Schroeder, nearer to the store. It will be used hereafter for a warehouse.
-Raymond Larison and mother of Freemont, Neb., accompanied by Miss Amelia Block of Verdigee, Neb., arrived in the village Monday and on Tuesday Mr. Larison took charge of the hotel here-to-fore known as the Wiegand Hotel, which will hereafter be known as the Larison House.
Hospital News
-Jurgen Iversen was up Friday morning to call on his cousin Miss Christine.
-Sara Helten was taken to her home Sunday afternoon after a very severe siege of sickness.
-Peter Hollander was able to be taken to his home Monday evening.
-Miss Christine Iversen was able to leave the hospital Wednesday evening after six week's sickness. She was accompanied home by her nurse, Miss Weed, also by Dr. Schultz. After at the home of her aunt for a week, she intends going to Ida Grove to visit for a couple of weeks at the home of Henry Freese and wife. From there she intends going to Omaha for a short visit.
-Little Eddie, the 8 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Ebert, is the fourth member of that family to be taken sick with typhoid fever. He was brought to the hospital Tuesday and at present is doing very nicely.
-Emil Jepsen was up to call on his brother one day this week.
-Rose Reissen was up to call on patients at the hospital last wee. She was looking very well after her siege of sickness.
-Bennie Hollander is doing very well now and will be able to be up and around soon.
-It looks good to see all the vacant beds at the hospital now. There are only three patients left now.
-Willie Naeve was taken to his home at Denison Wednesday morning after a six weeks illness.
September 3, 1909
Local Items
-F. M. Jones of Charter Oak was here Monday night.
-Frank Jones of Charter Oak was here Monday.
-Wm. Jepsen went to Dakota Thursday on land business.
-Caroline Hollander is up and around after a short siege of sickness.
-Theo. Price and Harry Stone of Battle Creek were callers in town Sunday.
-Mr. Nicholsen of Denison visited here at the home of his son John this week.
-Rev. Diltmann of Walnut delivered the sermon at the German church here Sunday.
-Louis Witt and family of this vicinity spent Sunday at the John Krohnke home here.
-Peter Hollander and Hans P. Hup spent Sunday at the home of Hans Petersen near here.
-Chas Jurgensen and family, who have been visiting for a few days at Anton, returned to heir home here Monday.
-Miss Ella Kuhler and cousin of (blank space) spent Sunday at the home of Miss Kuhler's sister Mrs. Will Schroeder here.
-Mrs. Carl Friedrichsen celebrated her birthday Aug. 30. A large crown gathered at her home, and all had a good time.
-Mr. and Mrs. John Olson came here from Wall Lake Sunday in an auto to visit relatives here, also patients at the hospital.
-Fred C. Saxon, wife and daughter of Battle Creek vicinity visited here last Thursday night at the home of her sister Mrs. Will Hamann.
-Henry Suckstorf went to Omaha this week where he purchased 33 head of cattle to feed during the winter. He was accompanied by Fred Baker.
-Wm. Koppen is at the fair this week.
-Will Kortum returned last Friday from a trip into Dakota.
-Hugo Krohnke drove to Kiron in his auto Tuesday morning.
-Mrs. Bendixen and daughter Minnie went to Shelby Tuesday for a short visit.
-Robt. Hirsch recently returned from a two weeks visit with relatives and friends in Chicago.
-Mrs. Henry Buck enjoyed a visit from her brother Will of Lost Nation on Friday and Saturday.
-Herman and John Schutt arrived here from Battle Creek Wednesday for a visit with relatives here.
-Herman Schroeder, Jurgen and Herman Krohnke returned from their trip into Dakota Saturday.
-Mrs. Will Hanna and two children of Charter Oak are spending the week here with her husband the barber.
-A party was held at the home of Rudolph Ernst Sunday night, the occasion being the birthday of his brother Julius.
-Herman Tham, from near Deloit, was in town Wednesday. He had just recently recovered from a severe attack of typhoid fever.
-Otto Stegemann and son Marcus, Franz Keller and Carl Peters left Monday morning from Denison to attend the State Fair at Des Moines.
-Miss Marie Ebert came here Saturday to attend her little brother Eddie who is sick in the hospital here. The little fellow is getting along first rate now.
-Bennie Hollander was able to return to his home from the hospital Tuesday. This leaves only two patients at the hospital now, which is indeed encouraging.
-Mr. and Mrs. Pilcher of near Ida Grove were in town Monday with their auto.
-Claus Gottburg returned Monday from Hastings, Neb., where he had been on business.
-Fred Kuchel, John Ehler and Fritz Reinking went to Sioux City Tuesday, returning Wednesday.
-Quite a few gathered at the Hans Lohse home here Sunday and spent the afternoon and evening playing cards.
-Ed Christiansen, Henry Carstens, Fritz Viwise and Herman Boysen autoed here from Battle Creek Tuesday.
-A. G. Schultz and men are this week building a new hose cart house, for cart No. 2, opposite the machine shed, near the bell.
-Chas. Fitzsimmons, who used to run an elevator here, now of Vivian, S. Dak., was renewing old acquaintances here this week.
-On Saturday, Sept. 11th at my home in Schleswig, I will sell at public auction all of my household goods. Goods sold for cash to highest bidder. Mrs. H. C. Kook.
-Peter Suhr, who works for Fred Schultz near here, returned from the hospital at Denison Monday, where he had been confined for some time, and resumed his work on Wednesday.
-Jud Brown, Eddie Schroeder and Rudolph Linstrom assisted the Morgan players in their game at Otto Hepner's Sunday. John and Albert Rabe and John Dahms also attended the game.
-Mission festival next Sunday at the Lutheran church in Grant Twp. Services at 10 a.m. and at 2:30 p.m. Preaching by Rev. Brauer of Ida Grove and by Rev. Saeger of Battle Creek.
- Among those who went to Omaha to purchase cattle last week were: Jacob Stockfleth, 25, Emil Kuehl, Henry Stockfleth, 18, Henry Kuehl, Neil Koch, Fred Meyer, carload, Chas. Ernst and Chris Ernst.
- Harry Allison returned Saturday from Denison where he had been attending teachers' institute. The others from here who attended were F. N. Olry and Lillian Pahl. Harry has secured a school near here, in district No. 8.
-Hugo Wiegand and Earnest Schultz went to Sioux City vicinity Saturday to look at land. While there Hugo made a deal trading his hotel property here for a quarter section of land there. He will move there with his family next March.
-On last Sunday at Otto Hepner's occurred a game of base ball between the Morgan nine and the Shamrocks of Hanover. The game was a very good one, so say those who saw it. The score was 10 to 8 in favor of Shamrock. The batteries were: Shamrock: Friedrich, Remis and Remis; Morgan: Kuehl, Schroeder and Jannesen.
-Frank Stock and wife, Thos. Michaelsen and Theo. Munster are among those who are attending the State Fair at Des Moines from here this week. They went Monday.
-R. L. Ells, former depot agent here, who has been relief agent at Missouri Valley lately, was here this week packing up his household goods for shipment to Wall Lake, where he is now regular agent.
- W. W. VonCourt, the basement barber, who is also an experienced jeweler, is installing a jewelry bench in his shop under McGarvey's drug store, and next week will be prepared for anything in the line of watch and clock repairing.
-Dr. Schultz, Earnest Boock and wife, Ella Witt and Laura Hollander went to Manning in an auto Saturday night. From Manning the men went to Harlan to get the doctor's auto which was in the shops there undergoing repairs. The machine was not finished tho. They returned early Sunday morning.
-Ed Kastner and wife, Julius Bumann and family, Rudolf Ernst, John L. Hansen, Henry Hansen, Peter Hansen, Julius Schroeder and wife, and Knudt Friedrichsen and wife are among those from Schleswig and vicinity who are attending the big State Fair at Des Moines, they having left here Tuesday noon.
September 10, 1909
Front Page
Schleswig and Vicinity
Since the recent sickness of those who attended the Fireman's Tournament in Schleswig on the 23d day of June, 1909, many people have been very bitter in the way they criticized me and the was we conducted the hotel, many drawing their own conclusions and from hearsay only.
Some of the people, and also some of the papers, of this county and surrounding counties have stated that the meals served at the Wiegand Hotel on that day, among other things served was potatoe (sic) salad. This salad, they claimed, was made two or three days previous to the tournament, and also made in a copper boiler.
Now for the benefit of those who are so ready to condem (sic) on such such frail evidence, I will state that this salad was NOT made two or three days before the tournament, but on the same day it was served, June 23, 1909, neither was it made in a copper boiler. This I can prove by the Misses Christiansen and Kruse, who sliced the potatoes for the salad on the morning of June 23.
There are many who seem to have delighted in publishing this story around, and I will say that it will be to their very best advantage to keep quiet about it in the future. If they tell any stories about this matter in the future. I would advise them to stick more closely to the facts in the case.
Some of the stories circulated in the past have been very distasteful to me, and entirely without credit. I stand ready at any and all times to prove any statement made in this article.
Next week will be published sworn statements made by Dr. Henry Albert, Chief of Board of Health Laboratory, Iowa City, and Dr. Hanchette, Pres. State Board of Health Council Bluffs, regarding this recent illness.
Hugo Wiegand, Schleswig, Iowa
September 10, 1909
Local Items
- L. M. Vaughan of Jasper, Minn. is in town.
- Chas. Ernst and wife went to Mapleton Sunday, returning Monday.
- Adolph Jochims and Manda Stockfleth were Denison callers Monday.
- Maud Kelly of Denison is employed at the Larison House here as waitress.
- Herman Tham was in town Thursday after his severe sickness, and looking pretty well too.
- Raymond Larison, of the Larison House, spent a few days the past week in Freemont, Neb.
- Frank Reitz of Mapleton visited relatives and friends in this vicinity a few days this week.
- H. T. Bliesman, the Denison real estate man, spent Sunday and Monday with his parents here.
- Louis Rathje went to Bloomfield, Neb., last week, and from there to South Dakota looking at land.
- School opened Monday with a good attendance. There is every indication of a most successful school year.
- Mrs. Floyd Smith and babe of Aberdeen, S. Dak., are visiting here at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hoiten.
- E. A. Christiansen and family autoed up from Battle Creek to see the new boy at the A. F. Christiansen home here Sunday.
- Mr. and Mrs. Will Hanna and two children drove to Charter Oak Monday, she having spent a couple of weeks with her husband here. Billie returned Tuesday.
- While in Des Moines last week attending the State Fair, Frank Stock purchased a new Story & Clark piano. It arrived here Monday and is a fine instrument.
- John Rabe, who has been clerking for H. Schmidt for the past few months, is now working for Herman Krohnke on his farm near here. Harry Lorenzen is now employed in Schmidt's store.
- The G. L. Club met at the home of Mrs. Jurgen Schroeder Wednesday afternoon. Lunch was served and all had a good time. The next meeting will be with Mrs. M. Lorenzen on Wednesday the 22d.
- The Schleswig Gun Club had a pigeon shoot in the pasture just west of town Sunday, Schmidt, Pipgras, Kuchel, Stock and Stegemann doing the shooting. No very remarkable scores were made. H. Schmidt got the most birds.
- John Schutt is visiting relatives and friends at Winona, Minn.
- Henry Suckstorf and wife went to Mapleton Saturday, returning Sunday.
- John Seehausen and wife went to Mapleton Saturday, returning Sunday.
- Minne and Laura Hollander made a return trip to Denison Thursday.
- Frank Wright and wife of Mapleton visited with friends here a few days this week.
- Willie Naeve of Denison came here Thursday for a few days visit with relatives and friends.
- Max Paulsen and father Aug. Paulsen were here from Charter Oak Saturday on business.
- Chas. Wenning of Waterloo, this state, is visiting here at the home of his sister Mrs. C. Burk.
- Don't forget the dance at the Schleswig Opera House tomorrow night. There is a good time in store for everybody.
- W. W. VonCourt, the basement barber, spent Monday night in Ute as usual. He says that everything was as dry there as here.
- Miss Letha Jones returned Sunday from a visit in Denison. She was accompanied home by three of her friends from Denison.
- Adam Krohnke made a trip to the vicinity of Larchwood, this state, last week where he purchased 295 acres of fine land for $77.50 per acre.
- Fred Gronau of Kiron this week bought 160 acres of land from Mr. Ward for $132 per acre. The farm is located three miles east and two miles north of Schleswig.
- Frank Jones left Wednesday with his household goods for Ida Grove where he has a position in the Rohwer & Putzier store there. Mrs. Jones left Thursday.
- Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Reissen and daughter and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Jochims left Monday for the West where they will spend a few weeks sightseeing. They will visit the Alaska-Yukon exposition at Seattle while out there.
- The life of our editor was saved the other day be a silver dollar in his pocket. A crank shot at him and ball struck the dollar. Now should we happen to get shot before you pay up your subscription, and there is no dollar to stop the ball, we would always lay the cause of our death at your door. - Ex.
- A meeting of the newly organized band will be held in the barber shop under McGarvey's drug store next Tuesday night. All members are requested to be present, and any who wish to join may do so at this meeting. Meeting will be held at nine o'clock.
- A farewell party was held at the home of Mrs. Henry Burk here by the Royal Neighbors in honor of Mrs. Frank Jones, who left Thursday. Mrs. Jones was presented with a silver spoon tray and a set of silver teaspoons by the lodge here, of which she is a member, as a token of esteem.
- Mrs Jurgen Spahn went to Ida Grove Sunday to visit with relatives and friends for a few days. Mr. Spahn went to Ida Grove Wednesday and from there they went to visit their son John in Lawton for a week. From Lawton they will go to Sioux City for a few days visit with relatives there.
- Otto Bliesman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bliesman of this vicinity, went to Denison Business College. The term opened Tuesday, but on account of bad weather he was unable to get there for the opening day. Otto is a bright young man, and will no doubt make a fine record for himself in the college, as did his brother Henry.
- At C. L. Kramer's Sunday occurred a game of ball between Morgan and a mixed team composed of players from Battle Creek, Garfield, Grant and Hayes. The Morgan boys went down to defeat, the score being 14 to 1 against them. Batteries: Kuehl, Schroeder and Jannesen; Nailer and Williams.
September 17, 1909
Local Items
- Roma Hollander is now office girl for Dr. Schultz.
- W. W. VonCourt the basement barber, spent Monday night in Ute as usual.
- Hans Hansen and wife of Bently, Kansas, are visiting here at the Baeth home this week.
- Mrs. Jno (sic) Jurgensen and Ella, Minnie and Hebert Bendixen were county seat visitors last Friday.
- Ella Peters and Laura Hollander spent Monday afternoon at the home of Tom Hollander near here.
- Mr. and Mrs. Martin Hansen of Maquoketa, this state, are visiting here at the home of Lawrence Hollander.
- Avery Vickery was among the many from Ida Grove and vicinity who attended the dance here Saturday night.
- G. N. Brunnier of Manning has charge of the Green Bay Co's. office here during the absence of Mr. Hoiten, the regular man.
- Miss Emma Baak of Ricketts attended the dance here Saturday night and remained over Sunday to visit with Mrs. Paul Jepsen.
- John Schutt and Mrs. Minnie Jansen returned Wednesday from Winona, Minn., where they had been visiting relatives and friends a few weeks.
- Last Sunday Dr. Schultz performed an operation on the baby girl of Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Jepsen. The little one was tongue-tied and the doctor cut the binding cord.
- Geo. Hoiten and wife of this place left Tuesday for Aberdeen, S. Dak., where they will visit for a couple of weeks at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Walters.
- There will be a special business of importance at the next Woodmen meeting. All members are earnestly requested to attend. Peter Timmsen, Consul.; Theo. Rohwer, Clerk.
- Ben Witt is now employed by Will Bielenburg on his farm near here.
- Will Hanna, the Irish barber, spent Monday night with his family at Charter Oak.
- The pool hall underwent a thoro cleaning inside this week. It was papered and painted thruout.
- Andrew Hollander went to Denison Monday, he having been drawn for service on the Grand Jury.
- Mr. and Mrs. John Dohert and son Lenard of Crofton, Neb., are visiting friends and relatives here this week.
- John Jurgensen and Hans D. Baeth went to Waterloo last Friday with the intentions of buying gasoline engines.
- The dance here Saturday night was well attended and all seemed to have a good time. An orchestra from Denison furnished the music.
- Peter Hollander was in Denison Saturday and Sunday. He went to Wall Lake Monday where he visited relatives and friends for a few days.
- Bennie Hollander, who just recently left the hospital after a serious attack of typhoid left Wednesday morning for Osmond, Neb., for visit with his brother there.
- Mrs. Lud Mohr and four children of Carroll, Neb., visited here the past two or three weeks at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stegmann, They left for their home Wednesday.
- Marie Rath of Denison, who has been office girl here for Dr. Jones for some time, left Wednesday for her home at Denison. She will leave there Monday for Iowa City, where she will enter the University.
- On account of delay in transit, we are unable to publish the sworn statements by Drs. Albert and Hanchette as stated in Mr. Wiegand's article in last week's issue of the Leader. Mr. Wiegand informs us that these statements will be ready for publication next week.
- Jurgen Jepsen was able to leave the hospital Sunday after a long siege of sickness. He had been in the hospital for eight weeks and was one of the sickest patients Dr. Schultz had to treat. He was looking pretty good, everything considered, and will soon no doubt be able to get around as spry as ever. His many friends and relatives are indeed glad to see him able to leave the hospital.
- On last Sunday at C. L. Cramer's another ball game was played, this time between Morgan and a team of picked up players. The game was a good one; the Morgan team having the best of it, 3 to 2, up till the eighth inning when the picked ups ran in four scores. The score was 6 to 3. Batteries: Schroeder and Popejoy; Kuehl and Lindstrom.
- Dr. B. F. Philbrook of Denison is donating a valuable gold Championship medal for the best horseshoe pitcher in Crawford county, to be determined at a contest to be held at Denison on October 20, beginning at 10 o'clock a. m. If the weather is inclement this contest will be postponed until the 23d. This contest is confined to residents of Crawford county. No entrance fee will be charged and so it will be open to any person in Crawford Co., regardless of age, size, etc. The pitching distance will be 45 feet. For further particulars address the donor, Dr. B. F. Philbrook, Denison, Iowa.
- There is just one patient left in hospital now, Eddie, the 8 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Ebert of this vicinity. They had intended taking the little fellow to his home last Sunday, but at that time his condition made it unadvisable. He is getting along first rate now and will no doubt be able to leave the hospital some time this week.
- O. Pierre of Wisner, Neb., who has been managing the Nye, Schneider, Fowler Co's. yard here for the past five weeks, left Wednesday for his home town where he will assist the regular man in the yard there. Jud Brown, who has been working second here for this company for the past year, is now the manager, while Arnold Miller of this vicinity is working second. Jud is a bright young man and popular, and will succeed as manager.
- A very serious and painful accident happened to Otto Claussen, the 14 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Claussen of this vicinity, early Wednesday morning. He was riding horse back, driving cows to the pasture, and in some way, exactly how is not known, either fell or was thrown from the horse. He sustained a broken left arm, also broken left leg, besides being cut and bruised about the head and shoulders. He received a nasty cut in the face that necessitated the taking of stitches to close it. Dr. Schultz, assisted by A. E. Schultz, attended the case, and at present th lad is doing well.
A Lively Runaway
While driving to Schleswig one day last week, I. Wiley became mixed up in a bad runaway. When about seven miles south of Ida Grove his team became unmanageable and ran away. Mr. Wiley was thrown from the buggy and the team continued to hit the high places, running thru the main streets of Schleswig and on three miles east where they collided with another team and were stopped. The horses were brought back to Schleswig and turned over to the marshal, who started out to find the owner. Mr. Wiley and marshal met a mile out of Schleswig and the team was recovered. The only damage resulting form the ten mile run was a broken buggy top. - Record-Era.
September 24, 1909
Front Page
A Statement
Made by Dr. Henry Albert, Iowa City.
Bacteriological Laboratory
Iowa State Board of Health
Iowa City, Iowa
September 15, 1909
Mr. Hugo Wiegand,
Schleswig, Iowa
Dear sir:
I am in receipt of yours of the 10th inst., inquiring with reference to a recent epidemic in your city. In reply will say that we made examinations of blood of a number of cases and found that eleven of them were positive for typhoid fever. There is therefore no doubt but that typhoid fever existed in your city. I have at no time received a complete history of your epidemic and cannot therefore say whether or not the epidemic was entirely of this disease, but presume it was.
Very truly yours
Henry Albert
Not satisfied with this, Mr. Wiegand again wrote to Mr. Albert and received the following reply:
Bacteriological Laboratory
Iowa State Board of Health
Iowa City, Iowa
September 20, 1909.
Mr. Hugo Wiegand,
Schleswig, Iowa.
Dear sir:
I am in receipt of yours of the 17th inst. In reply will say the typhoid cannot come from ptomaine poisoning. If no one took sick until about three weeks after the time reported when a number of people took meals at your hotel, and which was supposed to be the source of infection, it could not have been ptomaine poisoning. I presume that your health officer has made a thorough investigation of the possible source of infection and have no doubt but that a statement from him relative to any relation that the hotel may have had in connection with the epidemic would be worth more to you than any letter from me, since I know know nothing about the circumstances surrounding the disease condition.
Very truly yours,
Henry Albert
September 24, 1909
Local Items
- Mrs. Frank Stock and children spent Sunday in Denison.
- John Jochims of this vicinity went to Denison Monday on business.
- Mr. and Mrs. Martin Hansen went to Manning Saturday to visit friends.
- Frank Stock went to Chicago Saturday to visit this week with his sister.
- Aug. Rickert went to Omaha Wednesday to pick out a line of holiday goods.
- Mrs. Hugo Wiegand and children spent a few days the past week visiting in Ricketts.
- Mr. and Mrs. H. Kook left Monday for Sioux City where they will make their future home.
- Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hollander and Ella Peters spent Sunday with relatives near Battle Creek.
- Mrs. John Dobbert and babe went to Boyer Saturday to visit with relatives and friends for a time.
- Mrs. Herrig and children of Denison came here Sunday in an auto for a visit with her daughter Mrs. Peter Jepsen.
- Mr. and Mrs. Emil Boock and daughter Zanet spent Sunday at the home of her sister, Mrs. Clayton Woolridge of Ida Grove.
- Andrew Hollander and wife went to Charter Oak Tuesday. On Wednesday they went from there to Sioux City to visit the big fair.
- The members of the Royal Neighbor lodge held a banquet on Friday evening. A fine lunch was served and everybody had a big time.
- Louis Witt of this vicinity celebrated his 31st birthday last Thursday. There were friends and neighbors present and all had an enjoyable time.
- Henry Reissen, Ernest Buck and Henry Pipgras went to the fair at Sioux City Tuesday. From there they went to South Dakota to look at land.
- A game of base ball was played on the home diamond Sunday between the Schleswig and Morgan teams. The game resulted 9 to 8 in favor of Schleswig.
- John Reube of Lincoln, Neb., was here a few days the past week visiting with Miss Birdie Berg, who teaches school near here. They spent Sunday in Denison.
- Wm. Jepsen, wife and children went to Denison Monday.
- Rev. E. Hansen and family were Denison callers one day last week.
- Frank Peters and Jurgen Iversen were Denison callers last Thursday.
- W. W. VonCourt, the basement barber, spent Monday night in Ute as usual.
- Jurgen Krohnke and Herman Schultz were Ricketts callers between trains Tuesday.
- Aug. Braase left Monday for Battle Creek to visit relatives and friends for a few days.
- Johannes Broders of Denison spent Saturday and Sunday here at the home of Nick Kahler.
- Jurgen Schroeder was in Ute between trains Saturday looking after his farm interests there.
- Station agent Tomassen has been on the sick list the past week and unable to attend to his duties at the depot.
- Ernest Boock and wife and Mrs. H. Buck left Saturday for Manning to visit at the home of Ernest's brother, Herman Boock.
- Mr. and Mrs. John Ehler, Mr. and Mrs. Chris Ernst and Mr. and Mrs. H. Lohse spent Sunday at the home of Fritz Witt near here.
- Aug. Schultz Sr. was in Denison Saturday on business connected with German Mutual Insurance Co., of which he is the president.
- Mr. and Mrs. Jurgen Schroeder went to Wendle, S. Dak. Tuesday to visit for a couple of weeks at the home of her daughter Mrs. Paul Stapleton.
- Trained dogs, monkeys, ponies, trick mules, funny clowns, acrobats, contortionists, gymnasts, wire walkers, and rope walkers, in Schleswig Saturday Sept. 25.
- Rev E. Hansen drove to Denison Monday and from there went to Burlington where he is in attendance at a meeting of the pastors of this district.
- G. L. Caswell, editor of the Denison Bulletin, was in town Saturday on business. He was not too busy however to make a pleasant call at the Leader office.
- Orton Bros. concert band will give a band concert on the street Saturday night, Sept. 25.
- Fred and Chas. Spahn and wives went to Sioux City Tuesday to see Dan Patch and the other attractions at the fair. They were accompanied there by Ella Schroeder of Manning, who has been here visiting at the home of Mrs. Chas. Spahn for past ten days or more. From Sioux City the young lady returned to her home at Manning.
- Orton Bros. circus will show in Schleswig Saturday night instead of Friday. Admission 15 and 25c.
- Druggist A. E. Schultz and clerk Magnus Hollander drove to Charter Oak Saturday night. From Charter Oak they went to Sioux City Sunday morning where they selected a large line of holiday goods. Mr. Schultz informs us that he purchased for sale this year, the largest and finest line of holiday goods ever shown in Crawford county. They returned Monday via Charter Oak.
- Rudolph Linstrom, who has been foreman of the section here for the past few years, was called to Sioux City one day last week. While there he was offered a good job in the roadmaster's office in Hawarden, S. Dak. This job has a good salary connected with it, and also good chances for advancement. This week he is running the Bern station in the absence of the regular agent.
- The M. G. R. club met last Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Wm. Schmidt. Lunch was served and the ladies all spent an enjoyable afternoon. The next meeting will be with Mrs. Jones on Friday, October 1.
- Ed and Walter Schroeder, John Dahms, Harry Lorenzen, and Busche Frahn drove to Charter Oak early Tuesday morning where they caught the train to Sioux City to see the horse race between Minor Heir and Dan Patch.
- W. H. Schroeder and wife, Arnold Moeller and A. M. Lorenzen autoed to Denison and back Monday. Messrs. Schroeder and Moeller had been drawn for jury duty, but found they were not need until Thursday, when they went down again.
- The editor of the Leader, accompanied by his father L. M. Vaughan, drove to Charter Oak Sunday where the latter took the evening train for his old home in Crawford county, Wisconsin. It was a very pleasant drive, and we enjoyed it very much.
- There will be special business of importance at the next Woodmen meeting. All members are earnestly requested to attend. Peter Timmsen, Consul.; Theo. Rohwer, Clerk.
- On Tuesday Judge Powers sentenced the two negroes, Hubbard and Clark, charged with the murder of two brakemen near Vail last June. Clark, who did the shooting, was sent up for life, while Hubbard received ten years.
- J. H. Krohnke and family and Amelia Krohnke went to Bloomfield, Neb., Saturday to visit relatives and friends for a few days. From there they went to Sioux City where they were in attendance at the big fair there this week.
- Next Sunday on the home diamond will be played the best game of the season, between the married men and the single men of Schleswig. The game is to be for a purse of $50. A. E. Schultz and Jud Brown will play with the benedicts, for, altho they are not married they would like to be. This will be a game well worth witnessing. Game called promptly at 2:30 p. m.
- Peter F. Schroeder, wife and five children of Charlotte, this state, visited here at the home of Henry Naeve a few days this week. They came from Charlotte to Manning in two days, the first day making 205 miles, the second 140 miles, 60 miles of the latter being thru mud. Their machine is a Buick Model 17, 4-cylinder, and certainly is a fine machine. They made the 346 miles between Charlotte and Manning on 28 gallons of gasoline, which, considering the load they had and the roads over which they had to travel, is remarkably cheap. They arrived here last Thursday, stopping one night at Denison. They spent Sunday in Storm Lake, and on Tuesday left here for Buck Grove where they will visit for a while.
October 1, 1909
Front Page
Hospital No More!
The Schleswig Hospital is now a thing of the past. On Tuesday afternoon Eddie Ebert, the last patient, was taken to his home near here after a very serious illness, his being one of the very few secondary cases. The hospital has been in existence since the 15 day of July, this year.
On July 15, just three weeks after the Firemen's Tournament here, nearly 20 different people, in Schleswig and vicinity, were taken sick with the fever. Dr. Schultz, seeing that heroic measure would be necessary to cope with this disease, converted his house into a hospital for the purpose of better accomodating the many sick ones. He at once sent to Omaha for nurses, at one time there being nine nurses at work there.
Besides the nurses at the hospital, each doctor had nurses here treating the private cases. In all there were about (blank space) trained nurses at work here and in this vicinity. The first couple of weeks of the sickness both doctors were kept on the go night and day.
In all, there were fifteen patients who were treated at the hospital, and about fifty cases here and in the immediate neighborhood. Of this number only one proved fatal, which is indeed remarkable.
The doctors here are to be congratulated on the way they handled this epidemic, and on the success they had in treating. The hospital patients and their relatives should indeed be thankful to Dr. Schultz and wife for the sacrifice they made in giving up their home for the accomodation of the sick ones.
As to the cause of the epidemic, no more is known now than was known at the beginning. One thing we do know, is that the disease was typhoid fever, and not ptomaine poisoning, as many at first supposed. Blood tests from several of the patients were sent to Dr. Henry Albert at the State University at Iowa City. These were found to contain typhoid germs.
Samples of the water from various wells in town were sent for analysis but no typhoid germs were found in these. Consequently physicians are at a loss as to the direct cause of the disease.
Schleswig has had her lesson tho, and now it would be hard to find a cleaner place. If this epidemic was caused by allowing rubbish to collect, it won't happen again right away. Once was a whole plenty.
There will be a meeting in Schroeder's lodge hall here Sunday, Oct. 10, for the purpose of ascertaining, if possible the cause or causes of the recent epidemic, said to have been typhoid fever. Any and all persons, who were victims of this disease and who think they got it at the Firemen's Tournament here June 23, are invited to attend this meeting. Parents and guardians of those who were sick, and doctors are also invited to attend this meeting.
Any one who had this disease, and will not be able to attend this meeting, would confer a favor on the others by sending a written statement to Henry Naeve, Schleswig, Iowa. In this statement give what you think to be the cause of your illness, also the names of doctors and nurses who attended you. In this way we may get to the bottom of this affair. If possible, attend.
Base Ball
As was scheduled, the game of base ball between the married men and single men of Schleswig, took place Sunday afternoon. The married men were assisted by Brown, Schroeder, Kuchel and Schultz, while the single men were assisted by four of the Morgan players.
For the first couple of innings the score was pretty even, but in the fourth inning the benedicts "did it". And the way they landed on that ball! Fourteen scores were run in that inning before they were retired. They ran in nine more scores in the fifth.
That was as far as the game progressed, there being a row among the players at the end of the fifth. Umpire Hanna declared the game off then and the married men the winners by a score of 28 to 11.
While no sensational work was done by either side, the married men showed the young fellows that they were still in the ring and hadn't forgotten all about the game. They way they handled the bat was surely a revelation to the young fellows.
The lineup:
- Singles Married position
- Jannesen Jepsen
- Kuehl A. E. Schultz
- Rohwer Brown
1st b
- Dahms Boock
2nd b
- Linstrom McGarvey
3rd b
- Schroeder W. H. Schultz
- Petersen H. Schroeder
- Vaughan Stock
- Kramer Kuchel
- Score - Singles: 11
Married: 28
October 1, 1909
Local Items
- Magnus Hollander spent Sunday at Ricketts.
- Dr. Schultz went to Denison last Thursday on professional business.
- W. W. VonCourt, the basement barber, spent Monday night in Ute as usual.
- Carl Moelten and wife of Battle Creek attended the dance here Saturday night.
- Julius Rohwer of Ida Grove visited here Tuesday at the home of his brother Theo.
- Herman Jochims of Lyons Co., this state, is visiting relatives here and in this vicinity.
- Mrs. Garber of Denison is visiting her daughter Irene, who teaches school near here.
- Lorette Schmidt of Charlotte is visiting here at the home of her sister Mrs. W. H. Schultz.
- Adolph Jochims and Manda Stockfleth visited the fair at Sioux City the latter part of last week.
- A. P. Hollander and Thos. Hollander went to Strathford, this state Tuesday where they had business.
- Mr. and Mrs Jensen of near Deloit visited at the home of their daughter Mrs. John Moeller near here Sunday.
- Peter Hollander, the clothing man, who was one of the typhoid victims, is back at work again and will be glad to see his old customers again.
- Lorenz Petersen of this vicinity last Monday sold to John Ehler eight head of hogs for $283.50, which is an average of $35.44 per hog. Going some, I reckon!
- Last week in making up the paper we ran only two column of the story "Reunion of the Partners", instead of the whole story of three columns. This week we run this story complete in addition to the regular one.
- Mrs W. H. Schultz and son Shirley returned to their home here Tuesday after spending seven weeks at the home of her mother in Charlotte, this state. Her home here was used as a hospital during the recent illness.
- Former station agent Thomassen of this place, who has been sick for the past couple of weeks, left Thursday with his wife for Sac City where he has been offered the job of operator. If everything is satisfactory there he will accept the position.
- The next dance here will be on Saturday night, October 9.
- Detlef Reese and John Seehausen went to Omaha Monday to buy cattle.
- Mrs. Girard and daughter Lulu of this vicinity were Denison callers Tuesday.
- Will Hanna, the barber, spent Monday night with his family at Charter Oak.
- Wm. Kortum and John Grill went to South Dakota Monday to inspect some land.
- Dr. Conn of Ida Grove was a caller here last Thursday on professional business.
- Mrs. E. Lohmann and daughter Florence of Ute were in town between trains Wednesday.
- Julius Peters returned from Battle Creek last Thursday where he had spent the summer.
- Fred and Art Girard are among those from this vicinity who attended the fair at Arion last week.
- Mr. and Mrs. Henry Andresen left Monday for Mitchell, S. Dak., where they will visit relatives for a time.
- The Sons of Hermann dance here Saturday night was well attended and everybody apparently had a good time.
- John Schagt, who has been working for Henry Hollander near here, was called to his home at Andover, this state, owing to the serious illness of his father.
- John Rabe, while threshing last Friday, had the misfortune to dislocate his shoulder. As a result he is unable to work now and is visiting his folks near Ricketts.
- Henry Rohwer and wife of Davenport visited here a few days the past week at the home of their son Theo. Rohwer and family. They left here Thursday for Gladbrook, this state, where they will visit for a time.
- The wonderful (?) Orton Bros. show exhibited here Saturday to a large crown, standing room in the tent being at a premium. The show as about as poor as any it has ever been our (mis)fortune to see. The double trapeze act by the two lads was pretty good, the ages of the two being taken into consideration.
- H. A. Boysen and family returned Saturday from a five weeks vacation, which had been spent in traveling. They attended the fair at Seattle, and on the return trip visited Vancouver, Winnipeg and other Canadian points.
- Next Sunday at Jurgen Jepsen's will occur a clay pigeon shoot between a Schleswig team and one from Denison. Schleswig will be represented by Henry Suckstorf, John Nicholsen, H. W. Schmidt, Fred Kuchel, Fred Spahn, Detlef Reese and Will Jepsen.
- Ed Horstmann of Battle Creek was in town Monday in his auto. With him was J. T. Montgomery of Battle Creek, who is one of the leading contestants in the popularity context now being conducted by the Sioux City Daily News. The first prize in this contest is a Cadillac "30" automobile, and it goes to the one getting the most subscriptions to the News.
October 8, 1909
Front Page
We the undersigned will have a special meeting at Schleswig, Iowa, in Schroeder's lodge hall, Sunday afternoon, Oct. 10, at one o'clock, to ascertain the cause of the recent sickness, which is said to have been typhoid fever.
Anyone who thinks he,or she, took sick from some cause at the Firemen's Tournament held at Schleswig, Iowa, June 23, 1909, is invited to attend this meeting. Doctors and guardians will be welcome at this meeting.
Any outside person who thinks that he, or she, took sick at the date mentioned, and cannot attend this meeting, will please send a written statement of what, he, or she, thinks was the cause of his, or her, illness.
Please address all letters to Henry Naeve, Schleswig, Iowa. In writing to Mr. Naeve, please give the doctors' and nurses' name who treated you, and state what they claim your sickness was caused from.
October 8, 1909
Local Items
- Alma Lorenzen and Ella Witt spent Sunday in Ida Grove.
- W. W. VonCourt, the basement barber, spent Monday night in Ute as usual.
- The only man who could run a newspaper to suit everybody, went to heaven long ago. -Ex.
- Dr. Schultz took Mrs. H. A. Schultz and mother to Omaha Wednesday to consult a specialist.
- The doings at Ames last Friday drew a good crowd from here, there being 29 in attendance from here.
- John Dahms is running the pool hall in the absence of Fred Becker, who is attending the carnival in Omaha.
- Emma Baak of Ricketts went on the big excursion to Ames Friday. She visited here over Sunday at the home of Dr. Schultz.
- Misses Mary Birch and Anna Flynn, teachers in the Schleswig schools, spent Saturday and Sunday at their homes in Denison.
- Donald Reissen and family of McGlin, Nebr., came here last Thursday for a visit with relatives and friends here and in this vicinity.
- There were 24 tickets sold Tuesday at this station to Omaha. Besides this there were several that went to Omaha by way of Denison the same day.
- The M. G. R. club met Saturday afternoon with Mrs. Henry Boysen. A fine lunch was served and everybody had a good time. The next meeting will be with Mrs. Paul Jepsen on Saturday, October 16.
- Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Rohwer went to Omaha Friday to visit relatives and friends and also to attend the big carnival. Mrs. Rohwer returned home Monday, while Mr. Rohwer went further west to visit and look at land.
- Will Hanna, the barber who has been working for Frank Stock here the past few months, returned to his home at Charter Oak Monday where he has secured a position in a barber shop there. While here Billie made many warm friends, who hate to see him leave.
- Mrs. Sarah Vermehren, who has been visiting at the Hoiten home for a couple of weeks, during the absence of Mr. and Mrs. Hoiten, left Monday for her home at Arcadia, this state. She was accompanied home by Sarah Hoiten, who will visit there for a time.
- The next dance here will be on Saturday night, October 9.
- Avery Vickery of Ida Grove was in town Sunday evening.
- Dr. Hill of Charter Oak had business here last Thursday evening.
- Many from here and vicinity are attending the big Ak-Sar-Ben carnival at Omaha this week.
- Minnie Hollander, who is in Denison, learning dressmaking, spent Sunday at her home here.
- Maud Kelly, who has been working at the Larison House here, left Saturday for her home at Denison.
- The Leader wants a correspondent in every locality in the county where anyone lives. Write to us for particulars.
- Four young men of Fort Dodge, this state, autoed here and spent a few days this week at the home of Aug. Rasch near here.
- Mrs. R. R. Porter and Mrs. J. J. Riddle and daughter Gladys of Ute visited here a few days the past week with Miss Nellie Porter, the milliner.
- Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hoiten returned home Friday night from Aberdeen, S. Dak., where they had been visiting for a couple of weeks at the house of their daughter Mrs. Walters.
- Mr. and Mrs. A. Eggers of Almond, Iowa, arrived here Monday for a visit at the home of Henry Naeve of this vicinity. They were just recently wedded and are spending a part of their honeymoon here.
- Mr. Petersen and family arrived here Monday and took possession of the hotel known as the Wiegand Hotel. Mr. Petersen is an experienced hotel man and has already made this hotel one of the best along this line.
- Jurgen Schroeder returned last week from Wendle, S. Dak., where he and wife had gone to visit at the home of her son, Paul Stapleton and family. Mr. Schroeder says that that is a fine country around there and will some day be a rich farming region. Mrs. Schroeder remained there for a longer visit. She bought 160 acres of fine land there, adjoining Stapleton's, paying $10 an acre for it.
- Dr. B. F. Philbrook of Denison is donating a valuable gold Championship medal for the best horseshoe pitcher in Crawford county, to be determined at a contest to be held at Denison on October 20, beginning at 10 o'clock a. m. If the weather is inclement this contest will be postponed until the 23d. This contest is confined to residents of Crawford county. No entrance fee will be charged and so it will be open to any person in Crawford Co., regardless of age, size, etc. The pitching distance will be 45 feet. For further particulars address the donor, Dr. B. F. Philbrook, Denison, Iowa.