Arion News from the Denison Review
Denison Review
S. H. Downs' new meat market is completed and occupied, making a very neat appearance.
Will Herrick of Dow City, came up to attend the ball given by the Arion orchestra Friday night.
Wiley & Underhill will add a stock of furniture to their hardware store.
Bert Hule, formerly a resident of Boyer township, but now of Dixon, Ill. spent Thursday afternoon in our city. Bert has a lucrative position in the Sucker state, whence he returns Friday night.
A Weary Williams and Hungry Higgins spent the night in the city cooler for appropriating a pair of boots.
Services every Sunday at the Arion chapel at 2:30 p.m. In the absence of Rev. Boyd, a minister from Council Bluffs filled the pulpit on January 6th.
Mott Coon's new cottage on Main street is nearly completed. Every house in town is occupied, and Dr. Evans' family are living over the hardware store until he can build.
Denison Review
Front Page
Arion Corporation Ticket
Citizens' Ticket - For mayor, N. Richards; for recorder, A. M. Talcott; trustees, full term, H. F. Bolton, W. B. Evans; to fill vacancy, Chas. Volkerts. Independence Ticket: - for mayor N. Richards; for recorder; L. M. Coon; for councilmen, full term, I. A. Goff; S. H. Town; to fill vacancy, T. E. Sperry; for assessor, J. W. Willey, Republican Ticket: - For mayor, N. Richards; for recorder, Ira Underhill; for trustees, full term, H. F. Bolton, W. B. Evans; to fill vacancy, L. Green
Denison Review
Burglars attempted to break into the store of Ley Bros. at Arion last Friday evening but were heard by the boys who sleep over head and rounded up in the county jail. They are three in number and belong to a party of tramps who have been loitering about in this vicinity for some time past.
Denison Review
Arion Gasoline Stove Works
We publish elsewhere articles of incorporation for the Arion Stove works. We shall speak of the enterprise hereafter. The manufacturers claim that their stove is superior to any on the market and we wish it success.
Denison Review
Town of Arion
Town lots with buildings from $50 to $1600
without buildings $25 to $400
All additions to incorporate towns out-
side of incorporation.
Lots with buildings from $30 to $3000
Lots without buildings from $5 to $50
Denison Review
Front Page
The Arion people deserve credit for their endeavors to improve their village by the establishment of manufacturing institutions. We hope their gasoline stove factory will be encouraged with a home market.
Denison Review
Arion Correspondence
Mr. J. R. Harker of Ute is talking of locating here and starting a bank.
The contract for our new school house will soon be let to the building erector.
John Willey is setting up the cigars over his new boy which arrived Thursday.
Mr. John Goff has bought four acres of land just east of town and will put in a new brick yard this spring.
The Arion Stove company will receive their first car of material today and hope to have some stoves completed within a week or ten days.
Arion Notes
There will be a S. S. concert at the Chapel next Sunday evening.
Arion will probably have a good substantial bank in the near future.
Mrs. Al Lambert and Mrs. Fred Pett are not improving as rapidly as could be desired.
They are turning out a very good article in the way of syrup, at the syrup factory.
John Willey wears a very long smile these days. It's a boy and John's friends all smoke.
Dave Kepford has moved into L. A. Goff's home and he will sell goods over Ley Bros. counter.
Geo. G. Croft, of Dunlap, was on our streets last week. He has property here and may locate.
Dr. Evans is preparing to build out east of the Chapel. He will have a block and a very nice property when completed.
Two teams came in from the Willow last week, and loaded up with furniture and hardware from the store of Wiley & Underhill.
Frank Downs will farm this summer out on some of Morris McHenry's land. We will miss Frank's genial face when the days grow longer.
Mrs. A. Leepee of Charter Oak stayed over night on her way to Dunlap, to attend the funeral of the little daughter of H. S. McDole of East Boyer.
The musicians of Arion, assisted by the Arion Orchestra, contemplate giving a series of open air concerts in the public square, as soon as the weather is warm enough.
L. M. Coon and wife, and Will Scouten and wife, entertained a number of their friends at the residence of the former, Friday eve March 1st. The guests report a splendid time and a delightful repast served at 10:30.
The Arion Record
Rev. Knapp has been indisposed this week.
Mr. Owen, of Manilla will open an art studio here soon.
Mr. Richards returned recently from an overland trip to Sac City.
Mrs. Fred Pett has had quite a serious backset with pneumonia.
N. P. Underhill shipped a car of hogs to Cedar Rapids Saturday evening.
The Arion dancing club will give a dance at the hall in the near future.
W. W. Russ, who has been wrestling with a severe attack of the grip, is improving.
Miss Mary Sobls returned last Thursday from California where she has resided for several years.
There will be a Sunday school concert at the Baptist church Sunday evening, March 17th. Everybody come.
Mrs. D. E. Wheeler, who has been visiting friends in Arion for the past week, returned to Dunlap Saturday.
Wm. Stanfield has moved into his building opposite the hotel. Mr. Simms will occupy the building across the street.
Mrs. C. W. Underhill gave a sociable Friday evening which a goodly number attended. Supper was served at 10:30 o'clock and a very enjoyable time was had.
The Post Office Department have been doing some surveying between Dow City and Bell. We have not learned which post office will be abandoned.
Mr. Evans is hauling material for his new residence on Grace street. Mr. Evans has chosen the prettiest site for the prettiest residence in the prettiest town in Crawford county.
The Arion Stove Company will soon have 70 stoves ready for the market by March 15. This will eventually employ many people and bring a great benefit to our already thriving town.
Prof. Lambert has succeeded in having a teachers' meeting to be held here sometimes this month. Arion will welcome the teachers of Crawford county here and will do everything to make their visit a pleasant one.
I.A. Goff was in Bell recently with a view of purchasing property, says the Dow City Enterprise. The Enterprise failed to mention the fact that Mr. Goff expected to purchase with the intention of moving the buildings to Arion.
The Denison Dramatic Club gave an entertainment at the Opera House Saturday evening. The club had spent considerable time in the preparation of the play entitled, "Dilly the Waif" and a good entertainment was the result.
Sealed bids for our new school house will soon be in order as all arrangements have been made and the building will be completed, if possible, for the summer term. The enrollment of the school now is 45 with an average daily attendance of 42 with all these present the present building is entirely inadequate.
A large number of Arion people attended the funeral of Arthur Cleashby who was drowned in the Boyer river near Dow City last week. The manner in which this young man was called to leave this world was indeed one of the saddest occurrences of this life and the people of Arion extend their heart-felt sympathies to the bereaved parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Mot Coon and Mr. and Mrs. Schouten came very near having a very serious accident while driving up from Dow City Friday. The team became frightened by a dog which ran under their feet, and ran away, throwing the occupants out and smashing their vehicle. Mrs. Schouten was pinned under the buggy top, receiving a bad cut on the cheek and one eye, while Mrs. Coon received a hard blow to the side leaving a painful bruise. Aside from a severe shaking up the boys came out all right. This was a very close call and we are glad to note that no more serious was the result.
Denison Review
Front Page
The Arion Record
The enterprising business men of Arion, having three times given encouragement to the establishment of home papers, which failed, are now trying the experiment of engaging a page in The Review. A newspaper published in so small a town as Arion can only have a limited and local circulation. What the Arion people seek is a larger field and a wider range of custom, which they can best reach through The Review.
We believe that the establishment of a stove factory and other manufacturing enterprises will greatly augment their prosperity. We believe that if a practical florist were to erect a hot house there would be ample demand from Manilla, Charter Oak, Dow City and Denison to support it. Since the Review publishes twelve pages of which eight are printed at home, its editorial and news pages will suffer no diminution by the publication of The Record.
Denison Review
Advertisements for Arion
This Space
Bullock and Dunbar
Arion ... Iowa
G. N. Copeland
Dealer in
Lumber, Lath, Shingles,
Sash, Doors, Blinds,
Mouldings, Cement, Hair
And Lime
Hard and Soft Coal,
And all kinds of
Building Materials
Paints, Oils, Brushes,
Farm Machinery
L. C. Butler & Co.
Keep on Hand
A Full Line of
Wall Paper
Prescriptions : Carefully Compounded.
N. Richards
Justice of the Peace
Arion, Iowa
W. W. Ross,
Proprietor of
Arion Dray and Transfer Line
All work promptly attended.
Arion, Iowa
Underhill & Sons
Is the place to spend your money.
Our prices are
So low that hard times can't effect the volume of
Business this season.
We place on sale for the next ten days...
All L. L. Sheeting at Per Yard 4 cts
Apron Checks and dress Ginghams 5 cts
38 inch fancy weave dress goods 20 cts
40 inch cashmere dress goods 20 cts
Children's fancy black hose 8 cts
Gents' socks, good rib top 7 1/2 cts.
Gents' extra good domit flannel
Shirts, 36 inches, only 38 cts.
We can and will save you money.
Your money back if you think you want it.
We don't defy competition, court it.
Underhill & Sons,
Originators of Low Prices, Arion
Notice to Farmers and Feeders!
The Undersigned Wishes to Announce
To the public that he is prepared to furnish the
Very best of seed grains as follows.............
Early and Late White Oats, Testing from 35 to 40
Lbs. Per Bushel, Cleaned for Seeding Purposes
Also the very finest quality of
Barley and Yellow Dent Corn
All kinds of grain in car load lots.
Can fill orders on short notice.
For samples of seeds, call at the Review office, Denison,
L C. Butler, Arion
Here are
Three Points
Which we wish you
To remember
First, we keep
Hardware, furniture, Etc.
Second, we offer it Cheap
Third we sell For Cash
We are enabled to give more for a dollar than
The usual dollar's worth.
Willey & Underhill Arion, Iowa.
New Harness Shop
I wish to announce to the
Public that I am prepared
To sell the best ....
Hand - Made : Harness
At lowest prices for the
Quality of goods ....
Repairing : A : Specialty,
Give me a call.
Thos. Simms, Prop.
A.A. Conrad
Proprietor of the
City Meat Market
Keeps Constantly on
Hand the best ...
Fresh and all kinds of Cured Meats,
Bologna, and Fresh Sausages.
Try trading with me.
Butcher: Stuff: Wanted
Thompson & Hanson,
All kinds of work
Done at very reas-
onable terms ...
Come and be Convinced.
L. A. Goff
Keeps Constantly on hand
$3.50 PER TON
Call and Examine Before Buying
I. A. Goff, Arion, Ia.
Denison Review
This pleasant village is located on the junction of the two great railway systems, the C. & N. W. and the C. M. & St. Paul. It is eight miles south west of Denison, about 57 miles from Council Bluffs and about 80 miles from Sioux City. It is in the Boyer Valley, noted throughout the west for its fertility - the very garden spot of Iowa. There is opportunity for new enterprises which will be aided by the citizens. Correspondence solicited.
N. Richards
The Arion Record
Easter Sunday April 14th.
Arion is talking of organizing a brass band.
Farmers are busy getting ready for spring seeding.
N. P. Underhill bought a load of hogs in Boyer twp. Last Friday.
Those who were just ready to put in garden are compelled to wait a week.
John Coon of Dow City, will occupy the building belonging to Dr. Evans.
Sheriff Seymour was on our streets Thursday. Consequently everything quiet.
G. N. Copeland has a full stock of farm implements on hand at right prices.
The Denison Dramatic Company drew a large crowd at their play her last week.
M. Knapp, manager of the Arion Stove Co., went to Omaha on business this week.
Drop in when at Arion and see that elegant line of furniture at Willey & Underhill's.
Don't buy a new set of harness until you have examined those hand made by Thos. Simms.
Mrs. Ober is arranging to organize a kindergarten school for the coming summer. Success.
The Bullock & Dunbar Co. have disposed of their maple syrup plant here to I. A. Goff, of this place.
The eclipse was watched with much interest by of our towns people, many having watched till the last shadow had disappeared.
Miss Emma Davie, of Dunlap, will occupy a part of Underhill & Sons' general store in the near future. She has a fine stock of new millinery.
Dr. Evans is kept very busy this spring attending his medical profession. He reports a great deal of sickness throughout the country at the present time.
DIED: - Mrs. Wm. Scott, of Paradise twp., died very suddenly last Thursday. The funeral services were held in Dow City. Sympathy is extended to the bereaved parents.
The young people of Arion congregated one evening last week and proceeded, about the hour of 9 o'clock p.m. to call upon Mr. A. M. Talcott. Martin of course was surprised by everything turned out as all such parties do, with a general good time for everybody.
Arion will have a new school house. The specifications are drawn and work will soon commence. The location has not yet been decided. W. J. Wagoner, of Omaha, is here at present looking over the grounds with members of the Board and a location will undoubtedly be settled on soon. This will be a long step in the advancement of this already flourishing town as a school house is as necessary to the advancement of a pupil, as good implements are necessary in the hands of tillers of the soil to insure good crops.
The teachers and patrons of the town of Arion wish to thank our County Superintendent and teachers of Crawford County for the many good suggestions prepared by them in regard to the building and the most convenient arrangement for our school house; and they may rest assured that when the building is being erected that the many suggestions made by them will not be overlooked.
The teachers were with us Saturday in great force. They virtually captured the town and the citizens. All together it was a red letter day for our "burg" and it appeared to be a good day for the teachers. The attendance was large and composed of the best elements of the educational force of Crawford. The interest seems to be at a white heat during the entire session. Even the patrons of the schools were out in full force and gave some good ideas. The discussions were animated, clear and beautiful. Everybody present left feeling that they were benefited. Among those from a distant was Mr. Wagoner, of Omaha. His remarks were well received. Denison was well represented and she should be proud of her schoolmen. Take it all in all it was one of the best meetings ever held in Crawford county, and in the near future it will always be "the time the teachers met here." We will wait and hope that it will not be long before we can meet again.
Report of school for term ending March 5th, 1895. Total number enrolled 41; average attendance 34; per cent of attendance by grades, A 94; B 95; C 90, D 80. Average per cent of attendance by grades 82. Number neither absent nor tardy 4. Total number days taught 80.
Spring term begins March 18th.
A. A. Lambert, L. A. Goff,
Teacher, Director
Denison Review
Arion Record
C..D. Osman, Adjuster for the Phenix Insurance Co., of Brooklyn N. Y. has Been the guest of L. M. Coon for the past few days, settling the loss by fire of Mary Purcell and Ley Bros., of Kenwood.
The Arion Stove Co., have now completed some of those fine Cabinet Gasoline stoves in solid oak cases and they are things of beauty and we should think they would be a joy forever to the wives who are fortunate enough to get one.
Our city assessor has concluded his ..and inspection of the assessed evaluation of real property in Arion...that on all classes of property the evaluation is as high as in any town in the county. "No flies on Arion," "Only nine or ten."
Last Sunday night a sacred concert was given in the Chapel with the expectation of taking a collection help pay for a new bell. The boxes were passed and only a small amount contributed, then Rev. Knapp got up and called for larger offerings and fifty-three or four dollars was subscribed at once.
While hauling wood last Tuesday, Chas. Butler met with a very painful accident. The wagon struck a root and threw him some distance where he alighted in such a manner as to dislocate his right shoulder downward. Being alone, he was obliged to walk nearly two miles to Arion, where Dr. Evans and J. M. Talcott soon reduced the dislocation and had him resting more comfortably. Mr. Talcott has but one year in the State University until he will be a full fledged M. D., but he seems to be as they say, "on to his job" pretty well now.
On Saturday the school board of Union township met in Arion to select a site for the new school building. The location finally decided on is at the west end of Second Street on the land owned by George Hildebrant. It was decided to purchase one acre of land, and while the location is a pleasant and sightly one, and the acre of land in keeping with the public spirit of our citizens, it does seem to the writer that the patrons of the school living outside of town would have been better accommodated had the house been located in the eastern or northern part of town.
Denison Review
Front Page
Arion Gasoline Stove
Last week was exhibited in the streets of Denison the new gasoline stove, which will be manufactured in Arion. The stove represents the latest invention. It is about the size of a commode. The shelves underneath contain all the utensils. As it stands on rollers it can be readily moved about or pushed into a convenient corner. It is a great convenience. It can be operated with very little gasoline, because the heat is all conserved. We are sure that when this stove is placed on the market it will be speedily introduced. The farmer's wife is especially entitled to consideration, and house keeping can be made easy in summer when the stove heat is eliminated.
Denison Review
Saturday was a busy day with our merchants.
The Arion Drug Co. are building an addition to their drug store.
O. M. Underhill has gone to Cleveland, Ohio, in the interests of the Arion Stove Co.
We are rejoicing over the fine rains we are having. Who was it that kicked about the dry weather?
Arion has a brand new photograph gallery which will be conducted by Bellinger & Lyden.
N. P. Underhill shipped four cars of stock to market the past week. Two trainers to Chicago and two to Omaha.
We want the roads leading to Arion straightened and kept in good repair. We want out streets kept clean and neat and we want every resident of our little city, or owner of buildings in our city to keep same painted, and in good condition, so that the world will know that we have come to stay.
What Arion wants now is houses, houses, houses. Why, every house, upstairs and down, is occupied, and I know of one house with four families living in it at the present time here in Arion. Some twenty four or five people have come to live among us in the past month alone, and many more are coming and we have no houses for them.
We think with Mr. J. Fred Meyers, that some good florist could do well here with a good green house, and that no where in this part of the country could irrigation for gardening and small fruits be better, or more cheaply and successfully carried on than right here around Arion.
We have, in the hills adjacent to the town, and at altitudes from ten to sixty fee, numerous large never-failing springs of pure water which could be piped to the bottom land, and no matter how dry the year, a good crop could be raised.
Denison Review
Front Page
Marriage Announcement
Miss Lena Phelps, one of Denison's most charming and popular young ladies will be married a week from today, April, 17th, 1895. The groom is Mr. F. W. Ley, a merchant at Arion. The cards announce that the marriage will take place at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Stocking and a reception will be given in honor of the event, between one and five o'clock p.m. We are sure that all the Denison people extend cordial congratulations.
Denison Review
The Arion Record
Easter Sunday, April 14th.
Dr. Patterson of Dunlap, was a visitor in Arion Thursday.
Handsome display of fine queensware at Underhill & Sons' this week.
Rain was badly needed. We got it and every body feels encouraged.
N. Richards spent several days in Charter Oak last week on business.
M. Knapp went to Omaha Friday in the interests of the Arion Stove Co.
Mr. Ley, of Omaha, was in Arion a few days last week looking after his interests here.
Mott Coon has nearly completed an addition to his new house in the west part of town.
Chas. Volkerts visited his parents in Sac City last week, returning home Saturday.
Dr. Evans has completed his new barn and will commence on his house in the near future.
The young folks are contemplating a grand ball to be given at the hall in the near future.
Wm. Ross, who has been ailing from an attack of the grip for some time, is now convalescent.
Geo. Craft has purchased the merchandise stock of Ley Bros. and will take possession soon.
John Goff has nearly completed his new brick yard and will soon embark in the brick business.
Mrs. Ober, teacher of the kindergarten school, will give an entertainment in the near future.
Read the cut-in-two prices in Underhill & Sons' ad this week. It gives us pleasure to show goods.
Dr. Evans has added a new office to his drug store which makes him a very pleasant place of business.
Milo Kelly has moved into the building vacated by Mr. Green, and will embark in the hotel business in the near future.
G. N. Copeland is making extremely low prices for cash on all farm machinery. Call and examine his stock and be convinced.
I.A. Goff has returned from Sac Co., where he has been at work in the interests of his Maple Syrup factory. He reports a profitable trip. I.A.Goff wishes to announce to the public that until further notice he will furnish mystic coal at the reduced price of $3.25 per ton in large or small lots.
Steps are being taken by the Milwaukee R. R. Co. to construct a steel bridge over the Boyer river at this place. This is much needed and will probably be finished by midsummer.
Wm. Ross is kept busy this week in the transfer business. He reports 153 cases of eggs transferred last week, to say nothing of a large amount of other goods being transferred every day.
Levi Green has moved into the building opposite the Hotel Arion where he is pleasantly located. Mr. Green expects to carry a complete line of confectioneries etc., in connection with the hotel.
Mrs. J. W. Coon, formerly of Dow City, is now living in Arion and is prepared to do dress-making. She needs no introduction in this community, as her long experience in this line of work is favorably know to all.
A stock company has recently been organized here to purchase the Arion Bottling Works' plant which has been lying idle for some time. This a good move on behalf of the citizens of Arion as this has been a profitable business and will undoubtedly yield the company a handsome profit.
Tom Simms has been obliged to do some tall hustling since spring has opened up. Harness of every description is coming in for repairs and consequently Tom is kept busy; but he still has time to do any kind of work, and show you a set of hand-made harness which he keeps constantly on hand.
Garland Scott, a former resident of this place, returned after an absence of 13 years. He learned of the serious illness of his mother, Mrs. Wm. Scott and started from his home in Oregon, but did not reach here until after her death and burial. The next day after he arrived he was taken very sick, but at present writing, Dr. Evans reports him better and he will soon be able to meet all his former schoolmates and friends who will give him many a hearty hand shake.
Church and Sunday School News
Mr. Richards and Mr. Evans were appointed delegates to the Sunday School Convention, held at Denison, Iowa.
The Secretary's report of the Sunday School for the present quarter shows a larger number in Attendance than any previous report since the organization of the school. This is very encouraging to those interested in the work. We are also glad to have so many of visitors from the Dow City Sunday School, it being in the afternoon gives an opportunity to attend both.
Elder Chas. Hunt has been conducting a series of meetings in the hall. He has had a good audience and is a very earnest speaker and shows that he is a hard student which will, in the near future, place him among the highest and most able men of the L. D. S. church, as he is a young man whose honesty and integrity is unquestionable. He demands the respect of the people in any community.
Elder Knapp preached in the Baptist church Sunday morning and brought out the views wherein he differed with Elder Hunt on the Book of Mormon. It was done in a very kind way and we trust there is nothing but feelings of kindness existing with the Christian people of this place, although the religious views differ in many respects. We all unite in the thought and knowledge that Christ is the foundation, and able to save all who have a pure heart, in whatever church they may be found.
Rev. Yackee of Defiance, occupied the pulpit at 2:30 p.m. He has the genuine Methodist zeal and all enjoyed the sermon very much. He impressed on the minds of every Christian the necessity of continual labor and efforts for the salvation of souls. Mr. G. Wiggins accompanied him to this place.
April 14th, the pulpit will be occupied by the M. E. brethren.
Rev. R. Venting, of Denison, was expected to preach in the Baptist church in Arion last Sunday. A goodly number went expecting to hear him, but owing to the inclemency of the weather, he did not make his appearance. We hope he may be with us at some future time and we can insure him a good audience.
A Card
Ballinger & Lyden, of Manning, have located in Arion with their portable photo gallery and will only remain until Saturday, April 13th. All wishing to get photos taken should take advantage of the opportunity as we are only charging $2.00 per dozen for first-class work. Everybody is cordially invited to call and see our work as it will bear the closest inspection. Call and see us anyway whether you want work done or not and you will be sure to have a negative made before you leave the gallery, as well, on account of the hard times, make a negative for 25 cents for anybody and will finish up the work from that negative at any time. By so doing everyone can have their photos taken regardless of the hard times. Now everyone should take advantage of this opportunity as you may never have the chance to get photos taken again. Remember we leave Arion on Monday April 15th.
Ballinger & Lyden
Denison Review
Friday, April 6th, Arbor Day.
Our streets will soon be cleaned up.
See Thos. Simm's new ad this week.
M. Knapp went to Defiance Saturday.
Farmers are busy putting in crops these fine days.
Mott Coon went to Omaha on business last week.
Mr. Kneist, of Charter Oak, was a visitor her Tuesday.
Chas. Bullock of Denison, was seen on our streets Thursday.
A full line of wall paper at L. C. Butler & Co's drug store.
W. J. Wagoner, of Omaha, spent a few days in Arion last week.
Sheriff Seymour, of Denison, was seen on our streets Wednesday.
Mr. F. Dean of Dunlap was transacting business in Arion Thursday.
Mrs. O. M. Underhill visited home folks near Dunlap Thursday and Friday.
Dance at the hall next Tuesday evening given by the Arion Dancing Club. Last of the season.
Quite a number of our young folks attended the dance in Dow City Friday evening. They report but few out.
Mr. Jordan, Supt. Of the M & St. Paul R. R. spent Friday looking after the Company's interests in Arion.
The world is growing better. Two days have elapsed since those splendid rains and not a mud croaker in town.
Geo. Craft is busy invoicing his new stock of goods and will probably embark again in the mercantile business in a few days. Success.
Chas. McKinzie, of Des Moines, spent a few hours last Sunday with friends in Arion. He went from here to Logan to attend court.
Chas. Lord returned Saturday from an overland trip to central Nebraska. He reports harder times in that vicinity at present than in Iowa but a better prospect for cops the coming season.
Thos. Butler is building a new business house on Main Street. Thos. Simms will lease the same for his new harness shop and will be ready to meet his customers in his new quarters in about a week.
The entertainment given at the hall Wednesday evening by Mrs. Ober and pupils was well patronized and much credit is due to both teacher and pupils for the manner in which the performance was carried out.
Billy Newton, while returning from Dow City, came very near having a serious accident. From some unaccountable cause his team became frightened and ran away overturning the carriage and were entangled in a barb wire fence. Billy came out with a few slight bruises but one of the horses was badly cut in the wire.
Denison Review
Very warm for April.
What's the matter with Iowa 1895?
J. C. Butler was in Vail last week.
Mr. Dunbar was a visitor her last week.
Mrs. Ober has been on the sick list this week.
L. Green arrived home from Canada last week.
Morris Fox of Dunlap, was a visitor last Thursday.
Dwight Patridge come down from Denison Saturday.
Mr. Slocum, our new dentist, is doing a rushing business.
C.W. Underhill went to Boone with a car of hogs Thursday.
Frank Ley of Denison was shaking hands with friends in Arion Saturday.
Willey & Underhill sold another last Saturday.
Milo Kelly has a new sign which is quite ....
Miss ...of Dunlap visited with Mrs. O. M. Underhill a few days last week.
Geo. Craft will occupy the house vacated by Mrs. Shirbach, as a residence in the future.
John Thompson has moved his family from Charter Oak and is again a resident of Arion.
The C.&N.W. R. R. Co. have a gang of work here. We do not know their object.
O. C. Butler disposed of his fine trotting horse to parties in Vail for the neat sum of $535 spot cash.
Mrs. Sherwin and family moved from Arion Friday. We have not ....where they will locate.
L. C. Butler & Co. have received another ... wall paper. Their stock is complete and prices right.
Landlord Richards reports hotel accommodations almost at a premium as there are so many agents on the .. at the present time.
Ned Copeland came up from Omaha and spent a few days with his parents last week.
We wish to correct a statement made last week in regard to our church bell. Mr. Coon informs us that only about one half of the money subscribed has been paid in. Excuse us for the error and let these who are delinquent pay up and the bell will be forth coming.
Denison Review
Beautiful weather.
Corn planting season is near at hand.
Dr. Craft was up from Dunlap one day last week.
J. B. Romans of Denison was a visitor in Arion Thursday.
Dr. Evans was called to Buck Grove several times last week on professional business.
John Naver and S. W. Morton of Dunlap, were doing business in our town Friday.
Quite a number of our citizens attended the temperance lectures at Dow City last week.
Chas. Buss, of West Union, was up Wednesday looking over the ground for the new school building.
When you come to town don't fail to call and examine the new stock of wall paper at L. C. Butler & Co's drug store.
Co. Supt. Kelly was shown Saturday, looking over the site for the new school house. We have not as learned the exact location decided upon.
L. Green received a telegram from Canada Monday stating that his father had died. He consequently, upon receiving the sad news, took the first train for his old home. He expects to be gone about a week.
Where or where is the committee who was appointed to purchase a new bell for our church? The money has been subscribed and collected several weeks ago and it seems as though the bell should have been in pace ere this.
Perry and Atlantic, nurserymen, were well represented the past week in Arion and several large orders for fruit trees, shrubbery, etc. have been placed. Crawford county will be the banner county in fruit raising in a few years as it already stands.
It seems by what we can learn from local newspapers that nearly every town in Western Iowa has a full fledged healthy bucket shop in successful operation. The number of "young hopefuls" who yearn for an opportunity to bull or bear the markets is exceedingly alarming.
The dance given at the hall Wednesday evening was well attended. The boys and girls proceeded to trip the light fantastic till the small hours, in fact the hours were so very small that King Saul was obliged to draw the curtain in the last act. Pabst Orchestra furnished excellent music thus closing the last dance of the season.
Ballinger & Lyden removed their portable gallery to Dow City this week after having remained here about two weeks. Their work here was first-class in every respect and a good many negatives were taken. The desire is to inform the readers of The Review that they will continue to take photos in Dow City for the next two weeks at the same price ...Arion, viz., $2.00 per dozen.
Denison Review
May flowers.
Decoration Day May 30th.
Corn planting is in full blast.
Joe McColl, of Dow City, was on our streets Friday.
Landlord Richards was in Denison Wednesday.
Geo. Craft went to Dunlap Saturday to attend to his sale.
Major McKenzie, of Des Moines, was a visitor here Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. N. P. Underhill drove to Dunlap on business Thursday.
Mrs. Ober who has been sick for some time, is now convalescent.
Sears McHenry, of Denison, was in Arion Friday the guest of his cousin.
Mot Coon is improving his residence in the north part of town by putting on a new porch.
John Goff is rustling the brick business this spring. He has one kill nearly ready to burn.
Geo. Hermey, of Willow township, was in town shaking hands with his friends Wednesday.
I.A. McMartin was in Arion Thursday. He has been looking for his farm interests near Atlantic.
Dr. Evans reports Mrs. Mitchell of Buck Grove, seriously ill. Her sons have come from Omaha to see her.
Wm. Ross has again taken charge of his livery business, Ley Bros. having disposed of their interests to him.
Read Underhill and Sons locals and prices carefully. They advertise what they have and have what they advertise.
To our Dow City correspondent we might suggest that our dealers here have hitching posts for sale in large of small quantities, the only stipulation to the contract to be C. O. D.
Our pioneer store keeper, Mr. Craft, has bought out Ley Bros. and while we are glad to welcome him and his family back we are sorry to lose Ley Bros. who have returned to Ohio.
G. R. Butler has completed a new building on Main Street to be used as a harness shop. The rooms above are occupied by our city marshall, C. D. Laughley.
M. Knapp returned from Sioux City where he closed a contract with a hardware firm for a large consignment of stoves to be shipped at once. The stoves are giving universal satisfaction and the company is kept busy getting them ready for the market.
Arion will open the season Saturday, May 11th, with numerous races on the track south of town. There will, undoubtedly be some very lively trotting and running races during the day. There is to be a series of races every two weeks throughout the summer. Liberal purses will be given to the winners.
Denison Review
Again doth Jack Frost appear.
Mr. Dunbar was on our streets Saturday.
Dr. Bonny of Buck Grove was a visitor her Friday.
The recent cold snap was too much for the fruit of '95.
Mr. and Mrs. N. P. Underhill drove to Dunlap Sunday.
Quite a number of our citizens were attending court this week.
L. M. Coon is placing a porch on the front part of the house which adds very much to its looks.
Owing to the rainy weather Rev. Ventling's lecture was postponed until some future time.
Mrs. Ober has again opened the kindergarten work here, after having been sick for three weeks.
The sudden change in the weather has made a great deal of sickness which keeps the Doctor very busy.
Although the front has damaged gardens and fruit, we hope it has done little damage to the corn crop.
Mr. Lambert closed a very successful term of school here Friday. There will be a vacation until September.
A kitchen has been placed on the Shirback property and is being neatly fitted up for our new merchant, Mrs. Craft.
I.A. Goff and son started for Miles City, Montana, Monday, where Mr. Goff Goes to look after the property of a deceased brother at that place.
The Aid society will meet next Thursday afternoon at half past two, at the residence of Mrs. Talcott. All the members are requested to be present as business of importance is to be transacted.
Miss Davis has been patronized beyond her expectations in the millinery business for which she tanks the ladies and as she has more new goods just arrived will be glad to give greater bargains than ever.
The race last Saturday brought a great many men to Arion and the bolts of good calico sold for 2 center per yard brought a number of ladies, and if the neighboring towns had been here they would cease forever worrying about the extra hitching posts in Arion.
The races Saturday on the race track was a success, about three hundred people being out from different parts of the country to witness it. The race was a half mile dash for a purse of $35. First to take $20, second $10, third $5. The horse owned by Mr. Harkness of this place came in first with Mr. Vore's horse of Missouri Valley second. The race was very close, the two horses passing under wire almost together. Another race will take place Monday, May 13, at 2 o'clock p.m. for a stake of $25 a side. We have the advantage of one of the best and most conveniently located race and sporting grounds in the state and there will undoubtedly be some lively contests here during the summer.
The school board of Union township met Saturday in Arion and made the final decision in regard to the location of the new school house. The decision made was to place it in the Hildebrant field west of the incorporated town. The board seemed to be indifferent in regard to the wishes of a great majority of the people, as just one vote was cast on each side and Mr. Goff, the president was compelled to cast the deciding vote which places it as mentioned and ends the controversy we suppose, providing the county road which runs through the site can be vacated. Supt. Kelly met with the board and did his utmost to see that the board would comply with the wishes of the people, although of no avail. He has made himself popular with the Arion people and if the opportunity ever presents itself they will gladly do him a favor in any way.
Church and Sunday School News
Three of our Sunday school teachers were on the sick list Sunday.
Rev. Ladd of Shenandoah, accompanied Rev. Boyd here Sunday and preached a very interesting sermon, showing the remarkable increase of Christianity among both civilized and heathen nations. The items of interest to many was the explanation of the different feeling among the disciples of Mohammed and Buddha owing to the fact that their religious writings contain prophecies concerning the fall of their respective religions, when the Ganges shall be bridged with a bridge that will stand and when iron shall be made to float upon water. Both of these things have been accomplished by civilized nations and the heathen faith is shaken.
Union prayer meeting next Wednesday evening.
Services at 2:30 next Sunday. The pulpit will be occupied by Rev. Worley.
Rev. Venting preached in the evening to a crowded house, which shows the more Mr. Venting is known the better he is appreciated. Quite a number came from Denison to attend the service. Denison is very fortunate to have such an able man to labor with them.
There are no regular appointments in the church for Sunday evenings and there are many good zealous Methodists with us and if Rev. Wright would come sometime when convenient we will give him a hearty welcome. Although the church building is Baptist property a paper was placed under the corner stone that the church was always open to any orthodox denomination when not in use by the Baptist and that sentiment has always existed.
Denison Review
Front Page
The Arion Stove Factory
We have had one of the Arion Gasoline stoves on trial for some weeks. It certainly has many advantages over other gasoline stoves. It has a hard oak enclosure and looks when closed, like a commode. All cooking utensils are placed beneath and when the doors are closed few would recognize it as a stove. It is economical of fuel. Five cents worth of gasoline will cook three meals. It is free from gasoline smell, and when ladies have once become accustomed to it they prefer greatly the new over the old way even in cool weather. Over three hundred stoves have been delivered. Contracts for five hundred more are outstanding, but the factory is not yet in full working order. We are glad that the Arion stove factory has been begun and we hope our citizens generally will give it encouragement. The more factories the better the home market for farm products - the more people are driven to gardening and farming - the lower will be the prices of agricultural products.
Denison Review
Cold for May.
Replant your gardens.
Decoration Day draws nigh.
Geo. Craft drove to Dunlap Friday.
M. Knapp went down to Omaha Friday.
Chas. Volker's drove to Defiance Sunday.
This is Underhill & Sons bargain week.
Dr. Evans is laying the foundation on his house this week.
N. P. Underhill shipped two cars of hogs to Omaha Friday.
Several Dunlap people witnessed the races last Monday week.
Gents fancy dress shirts 25 cents at Underhill's this bargain week.
C.W. Underhill and Fred Pett were buying goods in Omaha Friday.
Dr. Camus Electric Belt Company is here this week.
"Little medicine heap cure."
John Thompson has been quite seriously ill this week but at this writing is some better.
500 yards black glazed dur cambric at 4 cents per yard at Underhill's this bargain week.
Arion is talking of celebrating the 4th of July.
We have the finest grove in this vicinity.
B.F. Philbrook, of Dunlap, came up on his wheel Thursday in the interests of his profession.
Geo. Martin rode in on his bike from Hamilton county, Nebraska this week. He will return in a few days.
Wiley & Underhill were selling screen doors at knock 'em our prices this week. So likewise was G. N. Copeland.
Wn. Taylor, of Dunlap, was in Arion Thursday looking after the interests of the Des Moines Insurance Company.
Stupendous bargains in mill remnants of all kinds at Underhill & Sons. Don't miss this sale.
The Ladies' Aid Society will meet next Thursday with Mrs. Downey to make preparation for an ice cream social to be given in Arion next Saturday evening.
Mill remnants bleached muslin 4 cts. per yard at Underhill's this week.
3 prs. Gents rib top socks for 10 cents at Underhills' this week.
Denison Review
Next Thursday Decoration Day.
Chas. Volkerts drove to Defiance Sunday.
O. M. Underhill drove to Dunlap Sunday.
Mr. Dunbar was doing business in Arion Saturday.
Levi Greene has recently purchased some lots and expects to erect a hotel soon.
M. Knapp in Mo. Valley this week taking orders for his gasoline stove.
Some say that Arion will celebrate the Fourth. This would be the proper thing to do.
Wm. Newton left Saturday evening for a visit in Chicago. He will return in a few days.
Farmers report corn in the field that was up all cut down by the late frosts. This is not very encouraging for the outlook of '95.
Dr. Cann's Electric Belt Company left our city Sunday morning after remaining her one week. Their entertainments were very good and their belts quite widely distributed from this place, a large crowd being in attendance each evening. Prof. Eckhart's ascension on the trapeze of the balloon was witnessed by a large number of people The parachute leap was not made as the balloon was not sufficiently inflated and consequently did not raise high enough to warrant a safe descent. Saturday evening a wood sawing contest was given in which a number of ladies participated. Miss Emma Eggers was awarded the prize, having sawed in two a block of wood in five seconds.
Underhill & Sons are pushing some bargains again this week. Read the advertisement. It pays you to keep posted.
Denison Review
Arion Record
Fred Pett, our post master, is on the sick list.
John Stevenson was down from Bell Saturday.
N. Richards went to Denison on business Friday.
Decoration Day was well observed by young and old.
C.W. Underhill and family drove to Defiance Sunday.
Geo. Craft spent Sunday with home folks in Dunlap.
Mr. Simmons of Bell was a pleasant caller in Arion Saturday.
Chas. Volkerts went to Defiance Monday to visit his wife.
Mr. Davidson has gone to Marion, Kansas for a visit with his family.
Dore Scott was doing business in Arion this week in the interests of a large implement house.
Gentle rains make farmers smile and crops grow. The outlook for the crop of '95 is now very encouraging.
Arthur Zipp, manager of the Arion Bottling works is sending out large orders of pop for the June rade.
L. M. Coon, secretary of Arion Stove Co., sent two stoves to Boone and two to Des Moines this week. Orders are coming in daily.
Considerable talk of a new wholesale liquor house to be started in Arion soon. Mr. John Frahm, of Kenwood, is the man who contemplates so doing.
Mrs. Willey, Mrs. Starkweather and Miss Davie were visiting in Omaha the fore part of the week. Miss David bought a quantity of goods to add to her already large stock of millinery. I.A. Goff wishes the public to read his "ad" in this week's issue. Mr. Goff is in the brick business in Arion to stay and will guarantee prices and quality of same to be satisfactory to customers. Give him a call.
A good many of our people attended the races at Council Bluffs last week. Among those present we noticed Robert Bell, Mr. Hammond and Lou Vere. We understand that Lou was looking after his own horse which was considered as good as any entered for the races.
The new bell on the Union church sent out its mellow chimes to the people of Arion and surrounding country for the first time last Sunday afternoon, it having been put in place Saturday. Its tone is excellent and the people of Arion may well be proud of their choice.
Church and Sunday School News
Services next Sunday are to be conducted by Rev. Boyd.
The children are busily engaged practicing for Children's Day.
The church bell was placed in the belfry last Saturday and Sunday was the first time the people of Arion were reminded of church services by hearing the bell ringing. The services were conducted by Rev. Whorry, who was accompanied by his wife for the first time. We welcome them in our midst and will assure him a hearty cooperation of the Christian people of this place. He will conduct the union prayer meeting next Wednesday evening.
Denison Review
Time Table at Arion
Trains Going East
No. 2 Overland Limited doesn't stop - 8:00 p.m.
No. 5 Kearney Express 7:00 p.m.
No. 8 Atlantic Express 1:00 p.m.
No. 24 Way freight to West Side 2:15 p.m.
Trains going West
No. 1 Overland Limited 1:00 a.m.
No. 6 Kearney Express 7:00 a.m.
No. 7 Pacific Express 2:25 p.m.
No. 39 Way freight to Co Bluffs 12:15 p.m.
C.M.& St. P. - Sioux City Line,
Trains Going East
No. 2 Passenger daily, except Sunday 1:15 p.m.
No. 1 Passenger 7:34 p.m.
No. 91, Freight 9:12 p.m.
Trains Going West
No. 1 Passenger 7:52 a.m.
No. 3 Passenger 4:00 p.m.
No. 91 Passenger 9:30 a.m.
J. L. Larson, Agt.
W. B. Evans
Physician and Surgeon
All calls promptly attended to day or night
Office ...L. C. Butler & Co., Arion, Ia.
Geo. Craft went to Dunlap Sunday.
Chas. Bonner was in Arion Saturday]
June is ushered in with an abundance of rain.
Dr. Bonny was over from Buck Grove one day last week.
Miss Artie Potter, of Denison, visited with Miss Minnie Talcott this week.
Farmers are much encouraged over the crop outlook, the recent rains having insured a crop of oats.
Having been disappointed in getting the speaker chosen for the Fourth of July, Arion will not celebrate this year. As Denison will celebrate it is altogether likely that the majority of our citizens will celebrate there.
M. Knapp returned from Des Moines Saturday where he has been working in the interests of the Arion Stove Company. Mr. Knapp, after having placed one of our gasoline stoves with the Governor of Iowa and the Mayor of Des Moines, also placed a fine order with one of the leading hardware dealers of the city. This speaks well for the merits of the stove and we will wager our best Sunday hat that they will give entire satisfaction.
Church and Sunday School News
Services next Sunday at the usual hour conducted by Rev. Wherry.
The prayer meeting last Wednesday evening was conducted by Rev. Wherry and was well attended.
Children's Day will be observed next Sunday evening, June 16th. An excellent program is being prepared by the choir and Sunday school. All are cordially invited to attend. We were glad to see so many visitors present. Hope they will be among us again. Our teacher was absent but Rev. Boyd kindly consented to fill the vacancy.
Owing to the threatening clouds which gathered just at the hour of church services many were absent that would otherwise have attended. Rev. Boyd preached a most excellent sermon on the "The First Steps in Sin." His advice to both young and old was good. He had the undivided attention of the audience during his whole discourse.
Just at the close of the meeting a carriage drove up and the following item is the result. At the Baptist church of Arion on June 5, 1895, Mr. Bernard Sibbert and Miss Amanda Gronau, both of Denison, were united in the holy bonds of matrimony by Jas. L. Wherry pastor. The bride was beautifully dressed in a cream silk which added very much to her already personal beauty. We predict for them a happy future.
Denison Review
M. Knapp returned from Des Moines Saturday.
O. M. Underhill went to Woodbine Thursday.
Dr. Carr of Dow City, was on our streets this week.
G. N. Copeland was in Omaha one day last week.
Mrs. Searles, of Benton County, is visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Valdo Talcott.
The new school house contract was let to Mr. John Cramer and work will be commenced at once.
Children's Day exercises at the Union church Sunday evening was well attended and a splendid program was rendered. The program was arranged and conducted by Mrs. Dr. Evans who is an ardent church worker.
A cyclone struck two miles west of Kenwood, entirely demolishing the house of John Rose and scattering the debris for several hundred yards across the fields. Doctors Evans, Borney, Carr and Talcott were summoned to attend Rose and his family. They found Mr. Rose with a shoulder badly bruised and face cut, the children badly bruised and Mrs. Rose insensible and suffering from a scalp wound from eyebrow to the neck, the scalp torn loose from the skull and other severe injuries.
The small grain and corn was somewhat torn and bent enroute and trees broken and blown away. A curious feature of the storm was a lumber wagon from which the top box was blown off and the front end of the box blown out without otherwise injuring it. A sewing machine was strewn for two hundred yards across the field. The largest piece of the cook stove we saw was one leg.
The small barn standing within four rods of the house was uninjured, while the seat was blown off a disk harrow and a spring wagon blown into toothpicks.
We were told that Mr. Jordan's sheds were down. At Arion the church was moved off the foundation. At Dow City, no damage was done. At Buck Grove no damage was done to speak of aside from scaring the people pretty bad.
Denison Review
Very warm for this month.
I.A. Underhill was in Charter Oak Saturday.
M. Knapp returned to Des Moines Saturday.
Dr. Bonny was shaking hands with friends in Arion Monday.
The Union church has been replaced, Mr. Jackson of Dunlap doing the work.
L. A. Goff returned from Billings, Montana, Saturday where he has been visiting with his son. He was much pleased with the country.
Miss Roxie Peterson spent a few days with Mrs. O. M. Underhill this week. She was on her way home from Cedar Falls where she has been attending school the past year.
Mr. and Mrs. Starkweather returned Monday from their extended visit in the East where Mr. Starkweather has been rusticating for his health.
The Arion Stove Company will hereafter be known as the Des Moines Stove Company, a large syndicate of that place having purchased their interests here through their general manager where the business was shipped last week.
Denison Review
The Picnic at Arion July 4
I believe we are a little late going to press, but not too late for those who participated in the occasion.
We don't boast of a celebration, but we can proclaim in one chorus that our picnic on the 4th of July was a success.
As a good many of our townspeople could not go away it was thought best at a late hour by some of the young ladies that a picnic in the grove near by would not be a bad idea.
No sooner said than done. The citizens donated liberally, both edibles and money and even those that had planned to go elsewhere did not spare their pocket books.
Owing to the shower in the morning that made the roads and grounds muddy, the dinner was given in the town hall. Two large tables reaching across the room were spread with all goodies imaginable, the arrangement of which was very artistic, owing to the unit efforts of the Misses Cloe Slocum, Anna Talcott and Stella Green.
Ice cream and cake were served as desert, and coffee, ice tea and lemonade as a beverage.
No less than 150 persons partook of this delicious dinner, after which a good many left to take in the sights of our sister towns. Those who remained spent a few hours in social chat, while a party of young folks departed to the grove to have a game of croquet on the picnic grounds.
In the evening all climbed to Prospect Hill to witness the display of fireworks that the town had so kindly donated. Messrs. Langley and John and Ira Goff assisted with the display, which was quite a miscellaneous assortment and created a good deal of sport and hilarity.
The night was far advanced and we were tired from the heat and excitement of the day, and as we descended the hill to our little village lying all white in the moon light we fell to murmuring.
On night! Oh calm and silent night
To heal the fret and fever of the day
Distill its balm upon the restless heart
And bear us on sleep's shadowy wings away
Denison Review
L. M. Coon is driving nails for John Cramer on the new school house.
Our Sunday school is flourishing nicely. Over forty scholars Sunday.
A good congregation assembled in the church Sunday to hear Rev. Boyd preach.
A. A. Lambert and wife rejoice because of a new daughter born Sunday morning.
John Cramer and his men are rushing the new school house. It improves Grace Street very much.
Kepford & Conrad are fixing up their new store after having moved it to the north side of Main Street.
There will be an ice cream sociable in the hall soon for the benefit of Rev. Wherry of the Baptist church.
Little Burnice Pett was bitten severely Monday by a dog. The little fellow's lip is quite sore from the bite.
Chas. Volkerts will soon occupy the rooms over the hardware store and Dr. Evans and family will move into their new home.
Some of our citizens attended the tabernacle meeting at the center school house in Willow township last Sunday. Evangelist Mrs. Tyler was holding the meetings.
Mr. Sperry, father of F. A., was visiting here last week. Mr. Sr. is an old soldier and school teacher and met some old acquaintances unexpectedly while here.
Denison Review
Some of our citizens took in the ball game at Denison Friday and witnessed the gallant fight of the Denison lads for the game. Good game.
Robt. Sawyer and wife are rejoicing over the advent of a little one into their home.
Mrs. Fred Pett is enjoying a visit from her brother, Mr. Crandall and his wife from Nebraska. Mr. and Mrs. Crandall are on their wedding trip.
Geo. G. Craft has sold a half of his stock of dry goods and groceries to J. W. Widdoes of Woodbine. They have been invoicing the goods with the assistance of L. M. Coon and Martie Talcott. The name of the new firm will be Craft & Widdoes.
David Houston is buying for the Kansas City Grain Co. at the Milwaukee elevator.
Chas. Volkerts is building an addition on to his barber shop.
Levi Green will build a fine hotel soon having already broken ground and dug his cellar.
Mrs. Dwight Partridge will open a dress making shop in conjunction with Emma Davie's milliner store.
Sunday evening quite a flock of school teachers boarded the east bound train to attend the Normal at Denison.
Mr. Joseph Larson, the genial agent at the Milwaukee depot, took a vacation and spent Saturday and Sunday in Sioux City.
A fine sixty foot croquet ground is contemplated to be laid between the drug store and Underhill & Sons. We have some players that are hard to beat.
Denison Review
Donny Talcott has secured a school about twenty miles north of this place and left Sunday for his new field of labor. Success to him.
Mrs. J. W. Willey and Mrs. O. M. Underhill drove to the Picaynne one day last week and stayed over night with Mrs. Underhill's mother.
Levi Green is putting up his new hotel. It is nearly enclosed and will be a fine building when completed.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wilson of Defiance spent Sunday with the family of C. W. Underhill.
Rev. Boyd is holding a series of meetings at the church. Sunday morning Rev. Fleming of Woodbine, held services.
The Sunday school is in a very flourishing condition under the superintendency of Mr. Richards and untiring zeal of Mrs. Evans.
J. W. Widdoes of the firm of Craft & Widdoes, took a trip to Woodbine to stay over Sunday.
W. W. Ross has sold his dray and transfer business to Pett & Crandall, who took possession immediately. Mr. Ross went to Nebraska to attend a family reunion.
Chas. Bohner is again installed chief popmaker at the bottling works, consequently they are turning out a fine grade of pop again. Frank Evans is helping.
The secretary of the LaCross Lumber Co., spent two or three days with G. N. Copeland last week and pursued wary prairie chicken, with a big shot gun.
Mrs. I. Underhill and son are spending a couple of weeks with relatives in Willow township.
Denison Review
Mrs. Milo Kelly is doing dress making at her home on Broadway, Arion, Iowa, assisted by Miss Emma Davie, in connection with her millinery.
Miss Davie is again at her post after a short vacation and will attend to all who want hats.
A good many from here attended the show at Denison last Sat. and say it was an old timer. That implies that it was all they anticipated.
The Green Store, that is the building, is about inclosed and can soon be occupied. It is a good frame structure and on a corner lot.
A number of our town people will attend the Neb. State Fair, which will take place at Omaha, during the 13 to 20, inst.
Miss Voldo Talcott was visiting in Gell. Sat.
Orders taken at Underhills for tailor made suits. If you want a bargain, try them.
Denison Review
Dave Kepford and wife, who have been attending the Fair at Des Moines and visiting Mrs. K's parents, returned Sunday morning.
Geo. Rae, who has been in Scotland for the last six or eight weeks, visiting his old time friends and scenes of earlier years, returned Sunday morning. Mr. Rae looks well after his journey of thousands of miles oe'r land and sea.
Tom Butler has sold his residence and also his business building and thinks of buying a farm. Mr. Roof of Nebraska bought the store building and will put in harness and do repairing of harness and shoes.
School will commence this week. We understand as soon as the schoolboard accepts the building from the contractors and the seats are in, Prof. Lambert will wield the birch. There is great need of two teachers and we hope there will be two. The Board will discuss that at their meeting.
Mrs. Caroline Craft, of Willow, is staying with her daughter, Mrs. I. A. Underhill for a while.
Mrs. J. W. Widdoes, of Woodbine, spent Sunday in Arion. She contemplates buying property here.
The M. E. people will have a sociable at the hall next Saturday, Sept. 21. All are cordially invited.
James Rae returned Saturday evening from Hop Springs, S. D. and other points west where he has been to recuperate. Mr. Rae's health, we are sorry to say, is not good.
Sylvester rush, of Colfax, Iowa, was visiting friends here over Sunday. S. R. was the pioneer lumber man, of Arion.
Ned Copefield and family of Omaha spent their vacation with Ned's father of Arion.
Rev. Boyd will hold services at the church, Wednesday evening. Owing to the heavy rains last Sunday no services were held. This will be the last service of the conference year for Arion.
Denison Review
Miss Davie has a fine stock of millinery and is busy again at her old stand.
Henry Detefsen and wife rejoice because of the new girl at their home, born Saturday morning.
There is some talk that a gentleman from Woodbine will open a bank here soon. Hope he will. He will be cordially welcomed.
Mott Coon has gone to Iowa City to study medicine. Mr. Coon is energetic and no doubt will make a success of this, his chosen profession.
There is a prospect of having another meat market here soon. D. Kepford will move out of A. Conrad's shop soon and locate his grocery stock in the Quaid building.
There will be a shooting tournament held in Arion October 7-8-9-10, under the management of W. A. Saul. Some of the best marksmen of the state are expected to be present.
Chloe Slocumb departed for Des Moines Tuesday noon and expects to make the capital city her home. For further particulars ask of a certain gasoline stove, patentee.
Several of our citizens went to Logan to the L. D. S. convention. Among others we mention Grandma Butler, Mrs. Dr. Evans and Mrs. Valdo Talcott.
Doc Craft sold his interest in the firm of Craft & Widdows, to his partner, J. W. Widdoes, who in connection with his son will hereafter run the business. "Doc" will move back to Dunlap.
Our candidate for superintendent A. A. Lambert is an educator and he would not be out of his element if elected. Give us a teacher for superintendent of schools by all means, one who would be in touch with the educational world.
Mr. N. Richards, our mayor, and the genial landlord of the Hotel Arion, started for Chicago last Wednesday evening to consult a specialist, and if need be have an operation performed on a malignant growth on the cords of the neck. Mr. Richards has been in poor health for some weeks and it is hoped that he may return fully cured.
Denison Review
Levi Green is in his new hotel.
The crack shots of Western Iowa have come and gone.
I. J. Goff sold his personal property at auction and will move to some point further west.
Rev. Goodell, the new M. E. minister from Dow City, gave a very interesting talk Sunday afternoon in the hall.
The ladies are talking up a literary club to hold weekly meetings during the winter. The more the better, of such organizations.
While going home from the dance at the hall last Wednesday evening, Chas. Bohner and Miss Kline, from near Dunlap, were run into by a train on the North Western; The young lady was knocked insensible and Charlies had a lower limb broken and sustained severe internal injuries. The buggy was demolished but the team escaped. The high corn on each side of the road and the wind blowing so they could not hear the train, was the probably cause. Charlie and the young lady have the sympathy of their many friends.
Denison Review
The new grader is doing some fine work on our streets.
Mrs. L. M. Coon, departed for Iowa City, Friday evening.
Rev. Goodall filled the pulpit at the church Sunday afternoon.
Mrs. G. N. Copeland returned from a four week's visit in Kansas last week.
Mrs. Buck Butler has been seriously ill for the past week threatened with typhoid fever.
We see the smiling face of our former townsman, Geo. Craft, on our streets occasionally.
J. W. Widdoes and son are preparing to buy corn and hence are building a commodious crib.
Ask the Arion merchants why trade is booming and they will tell you that the people come there to trade and not to loaf.
Charlie Bohner who came so near being killed near Dunlap is convalescing. He was able to be out with the aid of crutches last week.
We are glad to welcome our Mayor, N. Richards back again. Although he did not have the operation performed for the abscess on his neck, he got medicine that is helping much and a permanent cure is hoped for.
By the way, have you been into the church since it was newly plastered and papered? One could never guess that a cyclone had twisted the paper and plastering until it was dangerous to sit in church, by the appearance now. Thanks to the Ladies Aid Society.
A quiet little wedding took place last Wednesday at Hotel Green. Mr. Joseph Larson and Miss Stella Green were united in marriage. We wish them every happiness and smooth sailing on the sea of life. Mr. Larson is the genial agent at the C. M. & St. P. depot and has a host of friends which is true of his estimable bride. They go to keeping house in the Guilick house.
Denison Review
Mr. Richards is improving and his host of friends rejoice.
Corn buyers are thick,. and the way they meet farmers out on the highway makes the aforesaid farmer rejoice.
Will Schouten steps high. It's a girl and Will is already looking over the styles of spring hats.
The school is very full in both rooms. Mrs. D. J. Butler takes the lower room and Mr. Jackson the upper room.
A very good congregation at Sunday school. Everybody was glad to see the superintendent present.
"Chin" Butler is rating the boys about that new "boy" which arrived at his house not long since, but it will have to wear spring bonnets when it grows enough.
Arion news articles from 1888 - 1896 submitted by Melba McDowell