Kiron Kountry 'Connections to Germany'

Crawford County was the destination for many, many of the immigrant families
from the states of the German Empire. History records that land developers had
foreign agents recruiting especially in the northern areas.  Conventional wisdom
held that these people had a well developed set of work habits that would 
be up to the task of settling the frontier and would make good neighbors. The land
to the west of Kiron Kountry was a primary destination with some secondary
destinations to the east.  In this case, conventional wisdom held true, for the 
German sourced population did work hard, flourish, and become integrated with
the Swedish community.  A salute to the pioneers from south of the Baltic.

States of the German Empire:
  • Prussia
    • Brandenburg
    • Hannover
    • Hessen-Nassau
    • Hohenzollern
    • Ostpreu'is'en
    • Pommern
    • Posen
    • Rheinland
    • Sachsen
    • Schlesien
    • Schleswig-Holstein
    • Westfalen
    • Westpreu'is'en
  • Anhalt
  • Baden
  • Bayern
  • Braunschweig
  • Bremen
  • Elsa'is'-Lothringen
  • Hamburg
  • Hessen-Darmstadt
  • Lippe-Detmold
  • Lu:beck
  • Mecklenburg
  • Oldenburg
  • Sachsen (Kingdom)
  • Schaulmburg-Lippe
  • Thu:ringen
  • Waldeck
  • Wu:rttemberg
(Note: 'is' and u: are single characters in the alphabet.)
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