J. Gust Sanders of Sweden

J. Gust Sanders (1868-1946)

The following biography was published in the 1912 "History of Crawford County Volume II":

 Coming to America twenty-four years ago, Gust Sanders has by his intelligent application won a home for himself and family and also an honorable reputation as one of the substantial and trustworthy citizens of Crawford county.  He was born in Sweden, May 17, 1868, a son of John and Lena Oleson, both of whom spent their entire lives in Sweden.   There were two children in their family: Gust, the subject of this review; and Axel, who is deceased.

 Gust Sanders was educated in his native country and after arriving at a suitable age learned the carpenter's trade.  Ambitious to see the world and also to take advantage of the opportunities presented under the favoring influences of the American republic, he came to the United States in 11887, spending the first seven years in Chicago, where he found employment at his trade.  In 1894 he arrived in Crawford county, Iowa, and continued work at his trade, becoming one of the well known carpenters in this section.  In 1908 he became associated with C. S. Johnson under the firm name of Johnson & Sanders and has since been identified with the general mercantile business at Kiron. The firm has attained a recognized standing as one of the reliable and prosperous concerns in Crawford county.

 In 1905 Mr. Sanders was united in marriage to Miss Emma Anderson, a native of Sweden and a daughter of Gustave and Lisa Anderson, both of whom are still living in the old country.  There were four children in the family of Mr. and Mrs. Anderson, and two children came to bless the union of Mr. and Mrs. Sand-ers; Elnora, who was born February 26, 1907, and died May 23, 1910; and Lucile, born May 30, 1910.

 Mr. Sanders and his wife are upholders of the Christian faith and are valued members of the Mission church of Kiron.  He has not devoted much attention to politics as his family and his business require his time, but he has observed the effects of the saloon and is an uncompromising advocate of temperance, believing this subject of more importance to the welfare of the country than many others that absorb the public mind.  He is industrious, reliable and wide-awake and deserves the gratifying success he has achieved in his adopted country.

Descendants of J. Gust Sanders and Emma Anderson
1-John Oleson (-)
sp: Lena Oleson? (-)
    2-J. Gust Sanders (17 May 1868-5 Sep 1946)
    sp: Emma Anderson (31 Dec 1875-25 Nov 1954)
        3-Elnora Sanders (26 Feb 1907-23 May 1910)
        3-Lucille Sanders (30 May 1910-)
        sp: Lloyd Peterson (-)
            4-Jeanette Peterson (-)
            4-Jerome Peterson (-)
        3-Infant Sanders (22 Dec 1913-22 Dec 1913)

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