Andrew Norelius of Sweden

Andrew Norelius and Christina Petersdotter

The following biography was published in the 1912 "History of Crawford County Volume II":

One of the highly respected citizens of Crawford county is Andrew Norelius who in the evening of a life of great usefulness as a preacher, lawyer and business man, is now living retired in Stockholm township.  He was born in Sweden, July 1, 1830, a son of A. P. and Elizabeth Norelius, both of whom were natives of Sweden.  They came to America in 1853 and located in Minnesota, where they continued during the remainder of their lives, the mother passing away in 1864, while the father departed this life in 1888.  There were eight children in their family: Peter and John, deceased; Andrew, the subject of this review; Erick, now a minister of Vassar, Minnesota; Olof, Louis and Carrie, deceased; and Julia, wife of Ben Bong, of Minnesota.

Andrew Norelius was reared in his native land and educated in the common schools, later receiving advantages of higher education in this country.  At twenty years of age he came to America, and being attracted to the great west, spent fourteen months in Knox county, Illinois, and then went to Moline, that state where he worked at the carpenter's trade until 1855.  After his marriage, which took place in Illinois, he went to Burlington, Iowa, where he attended college for one year, having decided to become a minister of the gospel.  He took up his residence in Jefferson county, Iowa, and for seventeen years officiated in the pulpit of the Baptist church.  However, in 1864, in response to an urgent call for soldiers, believing that his adopted country needed his services, he enlisted in Company D, Third Minnesota Regiment, and continued in the ranks until the close of the Rebellion.  After receiving his, honorable discharge at Jacksonville, Arkansas, he went to Minnesota, where he engaged in preaching for four years.  In 1869 he came to Crawford county and purchased a farm of one hundred and forty acres, upon which he has since resided.  Since 1873 he has not participated prominently in business although he still continues as secretary of the Kiron Farmers Mutual Insurance Company, having occupied  this office to the entire satisfaction of the members of the company for the past twenty-five years.

In 1855 Mr. Norelius was united in marriage to Miss Chris-tina Peterson, who was born in Sweden in 1832, a daughter of Samuel and Margaret Peterson, both of whom passed their entire lives in the old country.  Nine children came to bless the union of Mr. and Mrs. Norelius, five of whom are now living, namely: Adolph, now a resident of South Dakota; Hilma, the wife of Erb Stolt, of North Dakota; Francis, who is living on the old home-stead; Elizabeth and G. A., of Kiron.

 Mr. Norelius has made a careful study of politics and as a result gives his support to the Populist party, as he believes that organization best adapted to preserve the liberties of the republic.  He has never sought the emoluments and honors of office, but served for eighteen years as postmaster at old Kiron and has filled all of the offices in the township with an abil-ity and fidelity that greatly pleased the people.  Fraternally, he is a valued member of the Masonic order and also of Post No 58, G. A. R., at Denison.  By an upright and unselfish Christian life he has gained the esteem of a host of friends and acquain-tances who have complete confidence in his word, as he is a man who has always endeavored to speak the truth and also in all relations of life to perform his duty.  He clearly deserves a place among the honored citizens of Crawford county.

The following biography was published in the 1912 "History of Crawford County Volume II":

Among the native sons of Iowa who have assisted very mate-rially in the advancement of the locality in which their lot has been cast is George A. Norelius, a prominent citizen of Kiron.  He was born in Hamilton county, Iowa, December 5, 1868, son of A. and Christina Norelius, who are now living in Crawford county.

 Mr. Norelius of this review received his early education in the district schools and later entered the Western Normal Col-lege of Shenandoah, Iowa, from which he was graduated in 1888.  He began his business career as a teacher and continued for five terms, but being attracted to commercial life he entered general mercantile business at old Kiron on March 1, 1892, and continued at that place for seven years, when he moved his store building to new Kiron and resumed the same line of business.  He served for four years as postmaster, discharging his duties with the same fidelity that he evinces in his own affairs and meeting with the hearty approval of the people.  He is prominently identified with various enterprises, being director of the Kiron State Bank and also of the Farmers & Merchants Bank at Cheyenne, North Dakota.  As a farmer he has been very successful and owns one hundred and ten acres of land on section 19, Stockholm township, and three hundred and twenty acres in Dickey county, North Dakota, also one hundred and twenty acres in Perkins county, South Dakota, and has a one-half interest in the opera house at Kiron.  He and his family occupy a fine residence in Kiron, which is provided with all modern conveniences.

 On the 21st of December 1890, Mr. Norelius was united in marriage to Miss Emma Hanson, a native of Sweden and daughter of N. A. and Christina Hanson, both of whom were born in Sweden.  They came to America about 1870, and the mother died in this country in 1888.  The father is still living and resides at Kiron.  There were ten children in their family.  Five children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Norelius, namely: Neva C., who is now a student in college at Sioux Falls, South Dakota; Elsie R. and Jessie P., also student at college; Irma E., and Everett A.
 Politically Mr. Norelius gives his support to the Demo-cratic party, of which he is a stanch adherent. He has served as justice of the peace and president of the school board and is now mayor of the village of Kiron, which office he has filled with marked ability for several terms.  Fraternally, he holds membership in Wheeler Lodge, No. 398, A. F. & A. M., and he is an earnest believer in the beneficent principles of this order.  He is a representative business man and by his acknowledged ability and high character has attracted many friends and is justly held in high regard by all who claim the honor of his acquaintance.

Descendants of Andrew Norelius and Christina Petersdotter

1-Anders Pehrsson Norelius (5 Jan 1802-1891)
sp: Elizabeth Jonsdotter (9 Apr 1802-4 Jul 1863)
    2-Per Peter Andersson Norelius (2 Sep 1824-3 Dec 1902)
    sp: Anna Smidt Hansdotter (1 Nov 1825-12 Nov 1896)
        3-Martha Cathrina Persdotter (27 May 1851-27 May 1905)
        sp: J. C. Shaw (-)
            4-Bertie Shaw (-)
            4-Lional Walter Shaw (-)
        3-Andrew Norelius (1855-)
        3-Henry E. Norelius (1857-1923)
        sp: Nancy Rice (1866-1944)
            4-Arthur Norelius (-)
            4-Edith Norelius (-)
            sp: A. G. Olson (-)
            4-Marion Norelius (-)
            sp: G. W. McKnight (-)
            4-Alma Norelius (-)
            sp: Harry Warneke (-)
            4-Harvey Norelius (-)
            4-Cora Norelius (-)
            sp: Michel Phenow (-)
            4-Francis Norelius (-)
            4-Theodore Norelius (-)
            sp: Edith Norelius? (-)
        3-Edward Norelius (30 May 1860-8 Apr 1917)
        sp: Anna Lindquist (-1885)
            4-Marion Norelius (-)
        sp: Elizabeth Eastlund (1866-29 May 1905)
            4-Mabel Norelius (-)
            4-Florence Norelius (-)
            4-Rudolph Norelius (-)
            4-Carl Norelius (-)
            4-Evelyn Norelius (-1904)
        3-Albert Norelius (11 Oct 1865-)
        sp: Kate Eastlund (-)
        3-Horace Norelius (7 Nov 1867-21 Jun 1957)
        sp: Ellen Norelius? (14 Apr 1878-30 Mar 1909)
        3-Baby Norelius (3 Nov 1870-5 Jan 1871)
    2-Jonas John Norelius (30 Mar 1827-)
    sp: Helena Olsdotter Stal (13 Aug 1830-)
        3-Bertha Norelius (1852-)
        3-Andrew Norelius (1856-)
    2-Andrew Anders Pehrsson Norelius (1 Jul 1830-10 Apr 1927)
    sp: Christina Petersdotter (14 Mar 1832-12 Dec 1912)
        3-George Norelius (7 Aug 1857-2 Mar 1858)
        3-Adolph W. Norelius (28 Jan 1859-)
        sp: Ella C. Lofquist (1860-)
            4-George Norelius (-)
        3-Hilma Theodora (F.) Norelius (8 May 1861-25 Jul 1935)
        sp: John Abram (Erb) Stolt (1853-24 Mar 1924)
            4-William T. Stolt (1879-1949)
            sp: Anna Grebe (-)
            4-Frank (Francis) Stolt (1881-1913)
            sp: Louise Giesemann (-)
            4-Ina Stolt (1885-1924)
            4-George Stolt (-)
            4-John Stolt (-)
            4-Dewey Stolt (1899-)
            sp: Ida Stolt? (-)
        3-Francis Norelius (6 Apr 1863-9 Nov 1940)
        sp: Anna Margreta Bergstrom (29 Apr 1870-4 Dec 1946)
            4-Archie O. Norelius (7 Oct 1890-27 Jun 1966)
            4-Vera (Alvira) Norelius (Apr 1892-1933)
            sp: Lewis Stratton (-)
                5-Pauline Norelius Stratton (-)
            4-Clarence Norelius (Jun 1894-abt 1918)
            4-Adolph Raymond Norelius (2 Apr 1896-Dec 1952)
            4-Brian Norelius (14 May 1901-17 May 1934)
            4-Quinton Norelius (2 Feb 1904-2 Aug 1989)
            sp: Pearl Tripp (19 Dec 1907-6 Oct 1988)
                5-Donald Norelius (-)
                sp: Joan Brown (-)
                    6-Karne Norelius (-)
                    6-Debra Norelius (-)
                    6-Carol Norelius (-)
                    6-Charles Norelius (-)
                5-Betty Norelius (abt 1931-bef 1998)
                sp: Gene Murphy (-)
                    6-Frances Eugene Murphy (-)
                    6-Pamela Murphy (-)
                    6-Patricia Murphy (-)
                    6-Denise Murphy (-)
                    6-Timothy Murphy (-)
                    6-Becky Murphy (-)
                    6-Julie Murphy (-)
                    6-Eugenia Murphy (-)
                    6-Katherine Murphy (-)
                5-Dean Norelius (-)
                sp: Janet Schelldorf (-)
                    6-Dan Norelius (-)
                    6-? Norelius (-)
            4-Grace C. Norelius (2 Feb 1904-20 May 1963)
            sp: Martin Edward Lundell (9 Nov 1892-9 Dec 1958)
               5-Donal Dean Lundell (1925-1991)
                sp: Juanita Bechtle (-)
                    6-Dawn Lundell (-)
                    6-Susan Lundell (1970-1970)
                5-Frances Miriam Lundell (1929-28 Dec 1952)
                sp: Frank Bridges (-)
                    6-Tom Bridges (-)
            4-Ralph C. Norelius (22 Sep 1905-2 Aug 1968)
            4-Elizabeth Norelius (22 Sep 1905-20 Dec 1986)
            sp: H. Wes Sevde (30 Nov 1908-)
                5-Ronald Ronnie Sevde (-)
        3-Angelina Elizabeth Norelius (3 Nov 1864-27 Oct 1943)
        sp: Peter (Per) Erik Nordell (20 Jan 1856-6 Oct 1926)
            4-infant Nordell (20 Nov 1885-20 Nov 1885)
            4-Rudolph Nordell (1 Aug 1886-Dec 1952)
            sp: Georgia Vorce (-)
                5-Robert Nordell (-)
                sp: Lynn Neil (-)
            sp: Helen Whipple (-7 Jul 1969)
            4-Alice Nordell (6 Sep 1889-)
            sp: Marion Williams (-)
                5-Dorothy Williams (4 Jan 1912-5 Jul 1966)
                sp: Leon Hamblin (-)
                    6-James Hamblin (-)
                    6-Judy Hamblin (-)
                5-Doyle Williams (-)
            sp: Enoch Winstrom (14 Apr 1888-30 Nov 1966)
            4-Elmer B. Nordell (21 Aug 1891-18 May 1959)
            sp: Anna Victoria Tellgren (22 Aug 1891-13 Feb 1967)
                5-Janice Nordell (-)
                sp: Cecil DeWitt (-)
                    6-Katherine (Kathy) Anna DeWitt (-)
                    sp: Art Handly (-)
                    6-David Charles DeWitt (-)
                    6-Victoria (Vicki) DeWitt (-)
                    sp: Mike Ganoe (-)
                        7-Michael Paul Ganoe (-)
                    sp: Chris Packlaian (-)
            4-Nettie Nordell (1 Apr 1892-2 Jan 1893)
            4-Ethel Ione Nordell (23 Feb 1894-)
            4-Robert Howard Nordell (17 Nov 1897-5 Feb 1962)
            sp: Leona Eldora Stone (9 Sep 1895-1978)
            sp: Nelle Nordell? (-bef 1962)
                5-Robert Howard Nordell (-)
                sp: Geraldine Thompson (-)
                    6-Robert Howard Nordell (-)
                    6-Amy Nordell (-)
            4-Leland Nordell (27 Jun 1899-20 May 1960)
            sp: Gretchen Christie (21 Mar 1903-25 May 1971)
                5-Shirley Nordell (-)
                sp: Glen Wagner (-)
                    6-Pamela Wagner (-)
                    6-Michael Wagner (-)
                    6-Jeffery Wagner (-)
                    6-Barbara Ann Wagner (-)
                5-Barbara Nordell (-)
                sp: Gerald Elmer Wilson (-)
                    6-Tamra Jane Wilson (-)
                    sp: ? Bowman (-)
                        7-Barry Bowman (-)
                        7-Brian Bowman (-)
                    6-Tracey Wilson (-)
                    sp: Steve Lefczik (-)
                        7-Addie Jean Lefczik (-)
                        7-Danielle Lefczik (-)
            4-Evan M. Nordell (9 Aug 1902-13 Jan 1967)
            sp: Ella Bauchspies (-)
                5-Marie Nordell (-)
                5-LaRue Nordell (-)
                sp: Glen Paulson (-)
                    6-Claudia Paulson (-)
                    6-Danal Paulson (-)
                    6-Marge Paulson (-)
            sp: Dorothy Haugh (-)
            4-Margaret Nordell (-)
            sp: ? Mitchell (-)
            4-Christina Josephine Nordell (-)
            sp: Kenneth Brown (-)
                5-Beverly Brown (-)
                sp: Donald Stout (-)
                    6-Karen Stout (-)
                    6-Kathy Stout (-)
                5-Donald Brown (-)
                sp: Phyllis Trout (-)
                    6-Douglas Brown (-)
                    6-Susan Brown (-)
            4-Lucille Nordell (-)
            sp: Leslie Carlberg (-)
                5-Darrell Carlberg (-)
                sp: Vera Huseman (-)
                    6-Darrell Carlberg (-)
                    6-Debra Carlberg (-)
                    6-David Carlberg (-)
                    6-Douglas Carlberg (-)
            sp: Arthur Benson (-)
                5-Gerianne Benson (-)
                sp: Larry Carlson (-)
                    6-Todd Allen Carlson (-)
        3-Mary Josephina Norelius (12 Sep 1866-19 Mar 1897)
        sp: Frank W. Stolt (24 Oct 1860-9 Nov 1946)
            4-Edna Stolt (bet 1885 and 1897-)
            4-Cora Stolt (bet 1885 and 1897-)
            sp: Jack Holden (-)
                5-Robert Holden (-)
                    6-Lee Michael Holden (-)
            4-Esther Stolt (bet 1885 and 1897-)
            sp: Jack Lamb (-Jul 1969)
            4-Ralph Andrew McKinley Stolt (19 Mar 1895-22 Sep 1897)
        3-George Albert Norelius (5 Dec 1868-4 Aug 1953)
        sp: Emma C. Hanson (12 Sep 1867-31 Mar 1958)
            4-Neva Christina Norelius (24 Aug 1891-6 Jul 1979)
            sp: Clarence E. Morton (4 Apr 1888-14 Jun 1956)
                5-Helen Ann Morton (9 Mar 1921-2 Aug 1983)
                sp: John Devine (-)
                    6-John Devine (-)
                    6-Daniel Devine (-)
                    6-Patricia Devine (-)
                5-John Morton (-1944)
            4-Elsie Ruth Norelius (7 Feb 1893-20 Jul 1989)
            4-Jessie Paulina Norelius (13 Jan 1895-6 Mar 1990)
            4-Irma Edna Norelius (27 Feb 1897-30 Jul 1993)
            sp: Clarence Buffett (-1937)
                5-George Buffett (-)
                sp: Jeanette Franzen (-)
                    6-George Buffett (-)
                5-Robert Buffett (-)
                sp: Linda Harrison (-)
                    6-Douglas Buffett (-)
                    6-Bradley Buffett (-)
                    6-Sandra Buffett (-)
            4-Everett A. Norelius (31 May 1901-)
            sp: Lucille Quinn (-)
                5-William Norelius (-)
                sp: Diane Jenkins (-)
                    6-Kristine Norelius (-)
                    6-Erik Norelius (-)
                    6-Julianne Norelius (-)
                5-Mary Norelius (-)
                sp: Daryl Sander (-)
        3-Reuben Norelius (14 Apr 1871-9 Feb 1877)
        3-Eliam Norelius (26 Jun 1874-15 Feb 1877)
    2-Erick Norelius (26 Oct 1833-15 Mar 1916)
    sp: Inga Charlotta Petersson (1837-)
        3-Theodore Norelius (1858-1889)
        3-Marion Sigfrid Norelius (-)
        3-Leonard Norelius (-)
    2-Carin Norelius (5 Oct 1836-16 Jun 1895)
    sp: Benjamin Bengt Norell Franklin (11 Nov 1827-16 Oct 1916)
        3-Hellen Franklin (7 May 1856-20 Dec 1943)
        sp: Judson Colby (-)
        3-Mary Franklin (31 May 1858-16 May 1864)
        3-Oscar Franklin (24 Sep 1860-17 Mar 1949)
        sp: Louise Johnson (-)
        3-Albert Franklin (28 Mar 1863-9 May 1864)
        3-May Franklin (5 Mar 1865-22 Apr 1922)
        sp: George Kingslew (-)
        3-Alma Franklin (8 Aug 1868-22 Jul 1886)
        3-Louise Franklin (13 Jun 1871-2 Jul 1936)
        sp: John Clark (-)
        3-Lillian Franklin (28 Apr 1873-25 Nov 1962)
        sp: Charles Lydick (-)
        3-Elmer Franklin (15 Sep 1876-17 Mar 1949)
        sp: Elizabeth Anderson (-)
        3-Theodore Franklin (31 May 1878-11 Jul 1924)
        sp: Barbara Hausen (-)
    2-Olof Norelius (19 May 1839-)
    2-Julia Golin Norelius (22 Mar 1843-)
    sp: Ben Bong (-)
    2-Lars Lewis Norelius (9 Sep 1846-)

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