Andrew John Jacobson of Sweden

Andrew John Jacobsson (1854- )

The following biography was published in the 1912 "History of Crawford
County Volume II":

A. J. Jacobson, who for a period of about thirty years has been associated with the carpenter's trade in Kiron, is of Scandinavian extraction, his birth occurring in Sweden on the 7th of November 1854. He is the second in order of birth of the four children born to his parents, Jacob and Bettie (Hesselgren) Swenson, the others being: Peter, who lives with his brother on the farm in Stockholm township; Charles, a resident of Nebraska; and Lena, also living in Kiron. The parents passed away in Sweden, the father at the age of ninety years and the mother at eighty-two.

A. J. Jacobson acquired his education in the common schools of his native land and it was there he also learned the carpenter's trade. In 1881 he took passage for the United states, believing that his opportunities of acquiring the means which would assure him ease and comfort without toil in the latter years of his life were better in America than in his own country. Upon his arrival he immediately made his way westward and located in Crawford county, Iowa, devoting his entire time during the first four years of his residence here to his trade. He was a skillful as well as competent workman and was always employed at good wages, his faithful and capable discharge of his duties being most excellent recommendation. During this period he bought eighty acres of land in Stockholm township, to which he has added at various times until his farm now contains one hundred and twenty acres of well improved and cultivated land. He has placed the greater portion of the improvements upon his property, but its cultivation has been left almost entirely to his brother as he still devotes the major portion of his time to his trade.

Mr. Jacobson gives his political support to the Republican party and although he does not aspire to public honors or the emoluments of office he served for one term on the board of school directors. He is one on the well regarded and high respected men of Kiron, having won and retained the friendship of many of its citizens during the period of his residence here.

Descendants of Jacob Svensson and Bettie Hesselgren
1-Jacob Svensson (-)
sp: Bettie Hesselgren (-)
    2-Peter Jacobson (16 May 1852-13 Oct 1920)
    2-Andrew John Jacobson (7 Nov 1854-)
    2-Charles Jacobson (1860-)
    2-Lena Carolina Jacobson (1 Sep 1866-11 Jun 1959)
        3-Mary R. Jacobson (Sep 1890-)
        sp: Helmar Johnson (-)
            4-Hubert Johnson (-)
            4-Mrs. Clem Pearson Johnson (-)
        3-Enoch Art Jacobson (6 Aug 1894-18 Apr 1961)

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