9:30 Ye Old Time Horse-Shoe Contest, Jas. Fineran, Chm.
11:30 Regristration (sic) for Baby Show - Mrs, Wm. Davis, in Charge
12:00 Picnic Dinners, Free Coffee served by Mr. and Mrs. L.M. Burnside. Registration - Miss Grace Fleming in charge.
1:15 Nominating Committee called to meet near the Log Cabin. Past Presidents are members of the nominating committee with Clarence Dahl of Kiron as Chairman.
Program Theme "Through the years"
1:30 Band Concert. Little German Band.
1:50 Call to order by the County President, Mrs. P. J. Klingker
Pledge of Allegiance, Denison Boy Scouts
Assembly Sing "America"
Invocation: Rev. Turnbul, Pastor Presbyterian Church, Vail
Address of Welcome: R.E. Franck, Director, Denison Chamber of Commerce
Response: W. F. Hulburd, Postmaster, Dow City
Sing Along "These Hills are Home to Me" Conposed (sic) by Mrs. Will Terry, Newport News, Va. Tune Battle Hymn of the Republic.
1. The Hills of Crawford County with their fields of golden grain, The Hills of Crawford County with the corn of national fame: The Hills of Crawford County are the ones I love to see, For the Hills of Crawford County are the hills of home to me. Chorus: Glory! Glory! Glory! Hallelujah Glory! Glory! Glory! Hallelujah Glory! Glory! Glory! Hallelujah These hills are home to me.
2. On these, are homes of people-who have tilled the land for years They have known both joys and sorrows but came smiling thru They are happy and contented as any folks can be, (their tears: For the Hills of Crawford Co. are the "Hills of Home you see!" Chorus.
A Thumb-Nail Pagent-"Throw The Years" In five Episodes; Babyhood, Childhood, Teen-age, Roaring Twenties, Silver Threads Among the Gold.
Cast: Mrs. Deborah Wahrman and baby, Jane Tenhulsen and Peter Sterzing, Sandra Maxwell, and Phillip Jones, Edith Mae Staley, John Hayes, and Mr. and Mrs. Ken Dobler.
Sextette from the famous "Floradora" show, which opened in New York 51 years ago. Van Coen, Ruth Wahrman, Eula Stump, Dorothy Norman, Anna May Kliner, Arlone Yankey, Lorraine Tenhulsen, Accmp.
Necrology Report: Mrs. Hilda Catron, Historian, Denison.
"Through The Years", in song. The Gay Nineties, World War One, World War Two, Jazz Age, Anna May Klinker, Mrs. Grace Sprecher, Paul Weatherby.
Brass Trio; Wilbur Petersen, Chris Petersen, Larry Sea. Ralph Otte, Pianist Time for relaxation.
Reading: "My Hobby For Happiness" By Pearl Parmenter Seitter, Mrs. Grace B. Specher
Baby Show Awards - Awards are donated by Mrs. P. J. Klinker and present by Mrs. Dan Jones.
Attorney W. E. Kahler will be in charge of awarding prizes for the following:
1. The oldest settler on the grounds, also the youngest a pair of shoes to each. Nelson Shoe Store.
2. The person coming the longest distance to attend picnic.
3. The person coming the longest distance in the county. Prizes awarded by, Hallets Bootery, $6.00 in trade.
4. Couple present married the longest. Prizes awarded by Montgomery Ward & Co.
5. Most recently married couple. Price by J.C. Penny Co.
Report of the Nominating Committee, Announcements
Closing, Doxology and the Mizpah Benediction
Races and stunts for the boys and girls after the program.
Al Weiss and his helpers in charge.
Submitted by Stacey Dietiker