The Crawford County, Iowa, IAGenWeb Project

1925 Iowa State Census

Charter Oak Township, Crawford County, Iowa

Page 3 of 5

PageLineSurnameFirst NameRelationSexColor AgeMarital
NaturalizedYears U.S. Years IowaBirthplaceSurnameFirst NameBirthplaceAge Maiden NameFirst NameBirthplaceAgeParents
11 1 Martin Art head M W 31 M R       Iowa Martin Gustav Germany 69 Nickoley Augusta Germany   Iowa WWI, Army, Misori Protestant  
11 2 Martin Elsie wife F   27 M         Iowa Blunk Wm Germany   Buhman Dora Germany   Iowa   Protestant  
11 3 Martin Arlene daughter F   4 S         Iowa Martin Art Iowa 31 Blunk Elsie Iowa 27 Iowa   Protestant  
11 4 Sieck Johannes head M   42 R     40 40 Germany Sieck Claus Germany 75 Steurhagen Lisa Germany   Germany   Protestant  
11 5 Sieck Amanda wife F   36 M         Iowa Schoening John Germany   Moeller Lina Germany   Iowa   Protestant  
11 6 Sieck Herbert son M   12 S         Iowa Sieck Johannes Germany 46 Schoening Amanda Iowa 36 Iowa   Protestant  
11 7 Baak H. C. head M   50 M   Y 39 35 Germany Baak Karl Germany   Wittkap Frederika Germany 72 Germany   Protestant  
11 8 Baak Mary wife F   48 M     39 35 Germany Peucker Wm Germany   Voss Marie Germany   Germany   Protestant  
11 9 Baak Viola daughter F   16 S         S. D. Baak H. C. Germany 50 Peucker Mary Germany 48 Iowa   Protestant  
11 10 Baak Leslie son M   13 S         S. D. Baak H. C. Germany   Peucker Mary Germany   Iowa   Protestant  
11 11 Hansen Fred head M   43 M O       Iowa Hansen H. P. Germany   Squaling Sophia Germany   Iowa   Protestant  
11 12 Hansen Anna wife F   28 M         Iowa Meyer Wm Germany     Dora Germany   Germany   Protestant  
11 13 Hansen Henry J. W. son M   8 S         Iowa Hansen Fred Iowa 43 Meyer Anna Iowa 28 Iowa   Protestant  
11 14 Hansen Herbert H. P. son M   5 S         Iowa Hansen Fred Iowa   Meyer Anna Iowa   Iowa   Protestant  
11 15 Hansen Martin H. A. son M   3 S         Iowa Hansen Fred Iowa   Meyer Anna Iowa   Iowa   Protestant  
11 16 Hansen Marie L. A. daughter F   1 S         Iowa Hansen Fred Iowa   Meyer Anna Iowa   Iowa   Protestant  
11 17 Sciford Geo head M   52 M O       Iowa Sciford Geo Penn   Bowers Theresa Iowa 85 Iowa   Protestant  
11 18 Sciford Augusta wife F   46 M     43 40 Germany Riemer Ludwig Germany 76 Lutz Johanna Germany   Germany   Protestant  
11 19 Sciford Martin son M   18 S         Iowa Sciford Geo H. Iowa   Riemer Augusta Germany 46 Iowa   Protestant  
11 20 Sciford Hazel daughter F   16 S         Iowa Sciford Geo H. Iowa   Riemer Augusta Germany   Iowa   Protestant  
11 21 Sciford Bernhard son M   26 S         Iowa Sciford Geo H. Iowa   Riemer Augusta Germany   Iowa   Protestant  
11 22 Garbe Herman head M   49 M O       Iowa Garbe Carl Germany   Poleneky Johanna Germany   Iowa   Protestant  
11 23 Garbe Lizzie wife F   40 M         Iowa Peters Wm. Germany   Wieneke Anna Germany   Germany   Protestant  
11 24 Garbe Adela A. daughter F   20 S         Iowa Garbe Herman Iowa 49 Peters Lizzie Iowa 40 Iowa   Protestant  
11 25 Garbe Hans G. son M   18 S         Iowa Garbe Herman Iowa   Peters Lizzie Iowa   Iowa   Protestant  
11 26 Garbe Agnes A. daughter F   15 S         Iowa Garbe Herman Iowa   Peters Lizzie Iowa   Iowa   Protestant  
11 27 Garbe Else H. daughter F   13 S         Iowa Garbe Herman Iowa   Peters Lizzie Iowa   Iowa   Protestant  
11 28 Garbe Herman J. son M   10 S         Iowa Garbe Herman Iowa   Peters Lizzie Iowa   Iowa   Protestant  
11 29 Garbe Leonard O. son M   7 S         Iowa Garbe Herman Iowa   Peters Lizzie Iowa   Iowa   Protestant  
11 30 Heneitz? Ernest E. servant M   18 S         Iowa Heneitz? Wm Iowa   Schultz Mathilda Iowa   Iowa   Protestant  
12 31 Adams Caleb head M   36 M R       Iowa Adams Armstrong Penn 79 Squibb Anna Penn 77 Penn   Protestant  
12 32 Adams Carey wife F   26 M         Missouri Waters Richard Missouri 55 Tucker Mildred Missouri 50 Mo   Protestant  
12 33 Adams Dale E. son M   1 S         Iowa Adams Caleb Iowa 36 Waters Carey Missouri 26 Missouri   Protestant  
12 34 Meyer Ed head M   42 M O       Iowa Meyer Adolph Germany   Vogelpohl Kathrine Germany   Ill   Protestant  
12 35 Meyer Emma wife F   38 M         Iowa Maas Carl Germany   Krueger Christine Germany   Ill   Protestant  
12 36 Meyer Edwin son M   19 S         Iowa Meyer Ed Iowa 42 Maas Emma Iowa 38 Iowa   Protestant  
12 37 Meyer Willie son M   18 S         Iowa Meyer Ed Iowa   Maas Emma Iowa   Iowa   Protestant  
12 38 Meyer Louis son M   16 S         Iowa Meyer Ed Iowa   Maas Emma Iowa   Iowa   Protestant  
12 39 Meyer Elmer son M   14 S         Iowa Meyer Ed Iowa   Maas Emma Iowa   Iowa   Protestant  
12 40 Meyer Estelle daughter F   12 S         Iowa Meyer Ed Iowa   Maas Emma Iowa   Iowa   Protestant  
12 41 Meyer Herbert son M   10 S         Iowa Meyer Ed Iowa   Maas Emma Iowa   Iowa   Protestant  
12 42 Meseck Theo head M   43 M O       Iowa Meseck Henry Germany 86 Seils Henriette Germany   Germany   Protestant  
12 43 Meseck Ella wife F   35 M         Iowa Hopp Carl Germany 60 Wittkop Henriette Germany   Iowa   Protestant  
12 44 Meseck Margret H. daughter F   15 S         Iowa Meseck Theo Iowa 43 Hopp Ella Iowa 35 Iowa   Protestant  
12 45 Meseck Henry H. son M   13 S         Iowa Meseck Theo Iowa   Hopp Ella Iowa   Iowa   Protestant  
12 46 Meseck Liela daughter F   10 S         Iowa Meseck Theo Iowa   Hopp Ella Iowa   Iowa   Protestant  
12 47 Meseck Lucille daughter F   9 S         Iowa Meseck Theo Iowa   Hopp Ella Iowa   Iowa   Protestant  
12 48 Meseck Merill son M   8 S         Iowa Meseck Theo Iowa   Hopp Ella Iowa   Iowa   Protestant  
12 49 Meseck Ellen daughter F   2 S         Iowa Meseck Theo Iowa   Hopp Ella Iowa   Iowa   Protestant  
12 50 Meseck Aug head M   49 M O       Iowa Meseck Henry Germany 86 Seils Henriette Germany   Germany   Protestant  
12 51 Meseck Ida wife F   39 M         Iowa Henning Otto Germany 65 Bohlman Emilie Germany 66 Iowa   Protestant  
12 52 Meseck Walther son M   16 S         Iowa Meseck Aug Iowa 49 Henning Ida Iowa 39 Iowa   Protestant  
12 53 Meseck Geo son M   14 S         Iowa Meseck Sep Iowa   Henning Ida Iowa   Iowa   Protestant  
12 54 Meseck Esther daughter F   12 S         Iowa Meseck Oct Iowa   Henning Ida Iowa   Iowa   Protestant  
12 55 Meseck Eleonora daughter F   9 S         Iowa Meseck Nov Iowa   Henning Ida Iowa   Iowa   Protestant  
12 56 Meseck Leona daughter F   6 S         Iowa Meseck Dec Iowa   Henning Ida Iowa   Iowa   Protestant  
12 57 Meseck Irma daughter F   1 S         Iowa Meseck Jan Iowa   Henning Ida Iowa   Iowa   Protestant  
12 58 Meseck Otto G. head M   44 M O       Iowa Meseck Henry Germany 86 Seils Henriette Germany   Germany   Protestant  
12 59 Meseck Sarah wife F   35 M         Minn Kruger Fred Germany 82 Kruger Henriette Germany 72 Minn   Protestant  
12 60 Meseck Rudolph son M   11 S         Iowa Meseck Otto G. Iowa 44 Kruger Sarah Minn 35 Iowa   Protestant  
13 61 Meseck Arthur son M   8 S         Iowa Meseck Otto G. Iowa   Kruger Sarah Minn   Iowa   Protestant  
13 62 Meseck Gertrud daughter F   5 S         Iowa Meseck Otto G. Iowa   Kruger Sarah Minn   Iowa   Protestant  
13 63 Meseck Evelyn daughter F   3 S         Iowa Meseck Otto G. Iowa   Kruger Sarah Minn   Iowa   Protestant  
13 64 Timm J. C. head M   52 M O       Iowa Timm J. C. Germany   Fester Wilhelmine Germany 73 Iowa   Protestant  
13 65 Timm Caroline wife F   52 M         Iowa Mohr Wm Germany   Wenzel Caroline Germany   Germany   Protestant  
13 66 Timm Marie daughter F   24 S         Iowa Timm J. C. Iowa 52 Mohr Caroline Iowa 52 Iowa   Protestant  
13 67 Timm Ernst son M   22 S         Iowa Timm J. C. Iowa   Mohr Caroline Iowa   Iowa   Protestant  
13 68 Timm Martha daughter F   21 S         Iowa Timm J. C. Iowa   Mohr Caroline Iowa   Iowa   Protestant  
13 69 Timm J. C. Jr. son M   16 S         Iowa Timm J. C. Iowa   Mohr Caroline Iowa   Iowa   Protestant  
13 70 Timm Helen daughter F   13 S         Iowa Timm J. C. Iowa   Mohr Caroline Iowa   Iowa   Protestant  
13 71 Timm Herman head M   26 M R       Iowa Timm J. C. Iowa   Mohr Caroline Iowa   Iowa   Protestant  
13 72 Timm Anna wife F   24 M         Iowa Halltin Adam Germany   Ullerich Mary Germany 54 Germany   Protestant  
13 73 Staley Luke head M   32 M R       Iowa Staley Otto J. Iowa   Hoefer Emilie Iowa   Iowa   Protestant  
13 74 Staley Anna wife F   32 M         Neb Eich Michael Germany   Reginger Mary Germany   Ill   Protestant  
13 75 Staley Philip C. son M   5 S         Iowa Staley Luke Iowa 32 Eich Anna Neb 32 Iowa   Protestant  
13 76 Staley Norbert J. son M   1 S         Iowa Staley Luke Iowa   Eich Anna Neb   Iowa   Protestant  
13 77 Blume Fritz head M   62 M O Y 39 25 Germany Blume Dietrick Germany   Dirks Sophie Germany   Germany   Protestant  
13 78 Blume Sophia wife F   50 M         Iowa Bramstedt Dietrick Germany   Hogrefe Louise Germany 71 Germany   Protestant  
13 79 Blume Else daughter F   20 S     18 18 Germany Blume Fritz Germany   Branstedt Sophia Iowa   Iowa   Protestant  
13 80 Blume Willie son M   18 S         Iowa Blume Fritz Germany   Branstedt Sophia Iowa   Iowa   Protestant  
13 81 Blume Fred son M   17 S         Iowa Blume Fritz Germany   Branstedt Sophia Iowa   Iowa   Protestant  
13 82 Blume Geo son M   15 S         Iowa Blume Fritz Germany   Branstedt Sophia Iowa   Iowa   Protestant  
13 83 Blume Herbert son M   10 S         Iowa Blume Fritz Germany   Branstedt Sophia Iowa   Iowa   Protestant  
13 84 Blume Edgar son M   7 S         Iowa Blume Fritz Germany   Branstedt Sophia Iowa   Iowa   Protestant  
13 85 Blume Paul son M   3 S         Iowa Blume Fritz Germany   Branstedt Sophia Iowa   Iowa   Protestant  
13 86 Blume Arlena daughter F   13 S         Iowa Blume Fritz Germany   Branstedt Sophia Iowa   Iowa   Protestant  
13 87 Blume Clara daughter F   12 S         Iowa Blume Fritz Germany   Branstedt Sophia Iowa   Iowa   Protestant  
13 88 Jochims Fred head M   43 M R       Iowa Jochims Aug Germany   Miller Veronica Germany   Iowa   Protestant  
13 89 Jochims Augusta wife F   37 M         Iowa Feuerback Adam Germany   Kenter Maria Germany 65 Iowa   Protestant  
13 90 Jochims Theo son M   16 S         Iowa Jochims Fred Iowa 43 Feuerback Augusta Iowa 37 Iowa   Protestant  
14 91 Jochims Veronica daughter F   14 S         Iowa Jochims Fred Iowa   Feuerback Augusta Iowa   Iowa   Protestant  
14 92 Jochims Richard son M   8 S         Iowa Jochims Fred Iowa   Feuerback Augusta Iowa   Iowa   Protestant  
14 93 Jochims Raymond son M   8 S         Iowa Jochims Fred Iowa   Feuerback Augusta Iowa   Iowa   Protestant  
14 94 Huchel Augusta head M   55 D O       Iowa Borchardt Carl Germany   ??lo Sophia Germany 86 Germany   Protestant A confusing record for parent and child,
since head of family recorded as male.
14 95 Huchel Laura daughter F   24 S         Iowa Huchel Herman Germany 65 Brochard Augusta Germany 55 Iowa   Protestant  
14 96 Gosch F. W. head M   28 M O Y 10 10 Germany Gosch Claus Germany   ??ve Christine Germany 73 Germany   Protestant  
14 97 Gosch Emilie wife F   32 M         Iowa Henkel Herman Germany   Borchard Augusta Iowa 55 Iowa   Protestant A sister of Laura Huchel above?
14 98 Gosch John son M   7 S         Iowa Gosch F. W. Germany 28 Henkel Emilie Iowa   Iowa   Protestant  
14 99 Gosch Erwin son M   5 S         Iowa Gosch F. W. Germany   Henkel Emilie Iowa   Iowa   Protestant  
14 100 Gosch Herbert son M   2 S         Iowa Gosch F. W. Germany   Henkel Emilie Iowa   Iowa   Protestant  
14 101 Williams H. F. head M   27 M         Kentucky Williams Lafe Kentucky 66 Cooper Marie Kentucky 52 Kentucky   Protestant  
14 102 Williams Edith wife F   21 M         Iowa Kuchel Henry Germany 52 Hansen Amanda Germany 51 Iowa   Protestant  
14 103 Williams Donald son M   2 S         Iowa Williams H. F. Kentucky 27 Kuchel Edith Iowa 21 Iowa   Protestant  
14 104 Thommasson John head M   42 W O       Iowa Thommassen John Iowa   Pelmulder Isabell Iowa 69 Iowa   Protestant  
14 105 Thommasson Mary daughter F   8 S         Iowa Thommassen John Iowa 42 Kuchel Lillie Iowa   Iowa   Protestant  
14 106 Thommasson Myrtle daughter F   6 S         Iowa Thommassen John Iowa   Kuchel Lillie Iowa   Iowa   Protestant  
14 107 Bockelman H. H. head M   55 M O       Iowa Bockelman Fritz Germany   Boesenberg Sophie Germany   Germany   Protestant  
14 108 Bockelman Katie wife F   45 M         Iowa Koltze Fritz Germany 82 Quade Cathrine Germany   Iowa   Protestant  
14 109 Bockelman Emilie daughter F   24 S         Iowa Bockelman H. H. Iowa 55 Koltze Katie Iowa 45 Iowa   Protestant  
14 110 Bockelman Henry son M   22 S         Iowa Bockelman H. H. Iowa   Koltze Katie Iowa   Iowa   Protestant  
14 111 Bockelman Lisbeth daughter F   20 S         Iowa Bockelman H. H. Iowa   Koltze Katie Iowa   Iowa   Protestant  
14 112 Bockelman Elmer son M   6 S         Iowa Bockelman H. H. Iowa   Koltze Katie Iowa   Iowa   Protestant  
14 113 Plough Wm head M   32 M           Plough Ernest Germany   Koltze Louise Iowa   Iowa   Protestant  
14 114 Plough Eduye? wife F   21 M         Ill Luther Heman Germany 52 Stevens Nellie Mo 42 Mo   Protestant  
14 115 Mohr Chas J. head M   40 M O       Penn Mohr Peter Penn   Zimmernen E. Penn   Penn   Protestant  
14 116 Mohr Flora E. wife F   38 M         Neb Pal??? Sidney Iowa 72 Cunningham? Lise Ill 66 Iowa   Protestant  
14 117 Lowry Sarah E. head F   60 W O       Ill McLaughlin   Ohio   Motes Elisabeth Ohio   Ohio   Protestant  
14 118 Lowry C. A. brother M   65 S         Ohio Lowry John Ohio   Hanney Rachel Ohio   Ohio   Protestant  
14 119 Plagge H. W. head M   24 M R       Iowa Plagge Henry Germany   Koening Augusta Germany 49 Iowa WWI, Army, Neb Protestant  
14 120 Plagge Frieda wife F   24 M         Iowa Rosberg unreadable Germany 70 Stauch Elisabeth U. S.   Iowa   Protestant  
15 121 Plagge Erwin son M   3 S         Iowa Plagge H. W. Iowa   Rosburg Frieda Iowa 24 Iowa   Protestant  
15 122 Plagge Evelyn daughter F   1 S         Iowa Plagge H. W. Iowa   Rosburg Frieda Iowa   Iowa   Protestant  
15 123 Weed S. R. head M   48 M O       Iowa Weed C. H. N. Y.   Garbeson J. A. Iowa   Iowa   Protestant  
15 124 Weed Grace E. wife F   46 M         Iowa Butler John Iowa   Slocumb Lillian Ill   Ill   Protestant  
15 125 Coulzetts? Verne daughter F   23 W         Neb Weed S. R. Iowa   Butler Grace E. Iowa 46 Iowa   Protestant  
15 126 Weed Roland son M   21 M         Neb Weed S. R. Iowa   Butler Grace E. Iowa   Iowa   Protestant  
15 127 Weed Avis daughter F   11 S         Neb Weed S. R. Iowa   Butler Grace E. Iowa   Iowa   Protestant  
15 128 Coulzetts? Thomas grandson M   4 S         Oklahoma Ceolpetts? Thomas Oklahoma   Weed Verne Neb 23 Iowa   Protestant  
15 129 Weed Arline daughter in law F   18 M         Iowa Rollins John Iowa   McCutcheon Susie   41     Protestant  
15 130 Plagge Fred head M   26 M R       Iowa Plagge Henry Germany   Koenig Augusta Germany 49 Iowa   Protestant  
15 131 Plagge Clara wife F   27 M         Iowa Ketelsen Peter Germany   Hansen Anna Germany 63 Germany   Protestant  
15 132 Kelsheimer Wm head M   24 M R       Iowa Kelsheimer T. L. Ill 61 Walker Mary Iowa 53 Okla   Protestant  
15 133 Kelsheimer Ethel wife F   24 M         Iowa Eyer Grant   58 Willert Alvena Ill 48 Iowa   Protestant  
15 134 Kelsheimer Ruth daughter F   2 S         Iowa Kelsheimer Wm Iowa   Eyer Ethel Iowa   Iowa   Protestant  
15 135 Kelsheimer Margret daughter F   1 S         Iowa Kelsheimer Wm Iowa   Eyer Ethel Iowa   Iowa   Protestant  
15 136 Kelsheimer T. L. head M   61 M O       Ill Kelsheimer Wm. E. Penn   Griffin Hila Kentucky   Ind   Protestant  
15 137 Kelsheimer Mary E. wife F   53 M         Iowa Walker Aron Penn   Brane? C. A. Ohio 84 Ohio   Protestant  
15 138 Kelsheimer T. L. Jr son M   17 S         Iowa Kelsheimer T. L. Ill 61 Walker Mary E. Iowa 53 Okla   Protestant  
15 139 Kelsheimer Wallace son M   13 S         Iowa Kelsheimer T. L. Ill   Walker Mary E. Iowa   Okla   Protestant  
15 140 Kelsheimer Hila daughter F   21 S         Iowa Kelsheimer T. L. Ill   Walker Mary E. Iowa   Okla   Protestant  
15 141 Rabe Fred head M   29 M R       Iowa Rabe Henry Germany 58 Jiehan Mary Germany 56 Iowa   Catholic  
15 142 Rabe Ethel wife F   27 M         Iowa Eyer Grant Penn 58 Wilbert Alvina Ill 48 Iowa   Catholic  
15 143 Rabe Dorothy daughter F   1 S         Iowa Rabe Fred Iowa 29 Eyer Ethel Iowa 27 Iowa   Catholic  
15 144 Rabe Herman brother M   18 S         Iowa Rabe Henry Germany 58 Jiehan Mary Germany 56 Iowa   Catholic  
15 145 Butler T. F. head M   39 M O       Iowa Butler James N. Y. 65 Thonland Margret Ireland   N. Y.   Catholic  
15 146 Butler A. Blanche wife F   33 M         Iowa King Lewis Iowa   Warren Mary Iowa 62 Iowa   Catholic  
15 147 Butler Ila daughter F   6 S         Iowa Butler T. F. Iowa 39 King Blanche A. Iowa 33 Iowa   Catholic  
15 148 Butler Robert son M   4 S         Iowa Butler T. F. Iowa   King Blanche A. Iowa   Iowa   Catholic  
15 149 Clausen Fred head M   27 S         Iowa Clausen Paul Germany   Clausen Emma Iowa 48 Iowa      
15 150 Kunze Marie   F   65 S         Germany                        

Blue Folder Page 4 of Charter Oak Township Census
Transcribed by Bob Kuehl
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