IAGenWeb Project

I am Kris and I am the coordinator of Crawford County. If you have access to genealogical data or
historical information of interest for Crawford County including towns, churches, schools
or other data you would like to contribute click this link. KRIS

GenWeb Beginnings

In March and April of 1996, a group of genealogists organized the Kentucky Comprehensive
Genealogy Database. The idea behind this behemoth task was to provide one point of access
for databases in Kentucky. Along with the single entry point, the databases were indexed
and cross-linked in order to follow one or more individuals across multiple databases.

Volunteers were found who were willing to coordinate databases and web pages for this project.
The project then expanded from Kentucky across the United States becoming the USGenWeb Project.
Now, the project is expanding even further and encompassing the globe to become the World GenWeb Project.

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Use the links below.


Biographies Births Cemetery Records Census Records
Church Records Death Records Family Pictures Genealogies
History Immigration Land Owner Records Maps
Marriage Records Military Newspapers Obituaries
Organizations Pictures School Records Towns
Other Resources Kiron Kountry
Records from Crawford,
Ida and Sac Counties

Crawford County IAGenWeb Message Boards

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Remember to Cite your sources

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Copyright ©2016-2025 by the Crawford County IAGenWeb Project and Contributors.
All materials contained on these website pages are furnished for the free use of those engaged in researching
their family origins and the data contained therein may be copied for that purpose.
These website pages cannot be reproduced in any format for profit or other gain.