1916 September Wheatland Gazette

Wednesday September 6, 1916

Dora & Louisa Groth visited Davenport

Death-Frank Hamaker, home in Los Angeles, Calif-last June-left Wehatland 25 years ago-age 15-wife and 1 child

Death-Geo W. Randall-Big Rock funeral Wednesday

Prob. S. B. Robertson new principal Wheatland schools-home Salem, Ind

Fred Homrighausen-moved to Lanesboro

Mr & Mrs Porter, Moline, Ill, visited his father-was C. L. Porter-principal of school here and later had a private College here 35 years ago. His mother was Emma Blanchard, Wheatland-he visited “Auntie Fleig” knew him

John Brennan-day operator-RR

Toronto Tidings

Mr. & Mrs. Albert Creger visited son at Independence-improving

James Goodall, Davenport looking after farm-returned to school

Mrs. Fey, Donald & Dorathy returned home-ready for school

Marriage-Lillie Twatchmann, Toronto, and Frank Rushford, Anamosa Wednesday at Anamosa home in Martelle

Wednesday Saturday 13, 1916

T. A. Couglin, Davenport, visiting

Wm. Parr, Garwin, visiting

Geo. E. Farrell, Clinton, repairman Clinton Sugar Refinery-travel repairman

Frank D. Schneider moving to Wheatland

Marriage-September 15-Wheatland-Lillian Loraine Brennan, daughter of John to Max H. Ehrke, Bennett-lives in Bennett son of Fred

T. D. McMahon, Calamus visiting

Death-Patrick Flynn, Scott County farmer at Big Rock, last Wednesday

Death-Henry Thiele (obit next week)

Mr. Stark & family of Davenport, moved to farm North of town-W. E. Mathews farm

Mathews family to Maquoketa, charge of hotel there.

Wednesday September 20, 1916

New Clinton County map-updated by John G. McGroth-shows every farmers name number of acres owned

Wm. Knoop, Lowden, new change of Jeppe’s barber shop

Birth-girl-Thursdau Walter Petersen

Conrad Burhop new address-McKenry, N. D.

Wedding anniversary-10th-last Thursday-Philip Kelting

Toronto Tidings

Frances Godall, Davenport visiting

Death-John Schmidt, died Thursday in Davenport, burial at Bliedorn-Saturday

Death-Leroy Wolfe, Lost Nation-burial Toronto Thursday

Married Arthur Blackman & Lela Riedesel 15th Wheatland, daughter of John & son of Emory-live in Wheatland

Obit-Henry ThielMr. & Mrs. Chas P. Lange, Alexandria, Minn visited father Wm. Lange, Sr.

Wednesday September 27, 1916

Birth-boy-Friday-Otto Stoecker

J. M. Elledge, Davenport, new tailor & shop

Hans Soenksen & family moving to Clinton

Death-Theodore Clothier-old soldier died Soldier Home at Marshalltown Friday-Mrs. Lee Jell to Olin after message

E. S. Minor, Davenport. Chiro-each Saturday visit

Louis Koch, sold jewelry & watch repair to J. C. Guy, Carroll

Toronto Tidings

Maggie & Alvina Wischman, visits in Big Rock

Frank Kenney, Oxford-subscription for her paper

B. C. Pulley, Oxford, sells insurance

marriage-Frieda Wiedeman & Otto Lietz-At Clinton-20th-farmer on Cavey farm

Marriage Anniversary-George Brenizer, 60th at Clinton married Harrisburg, Pa 1856 7 lives in Clinton for 52 years

Wanted-John Corkins-wife dead-estate-Andrew L. Chezem Davenport (Adv.)

Newspaper Unknown

Probably the Wheatland Gazette

Toronto is to have a new dance hall and opera house.  Messrs. Bielenberg, Gable and Christensen, have stated the excavation, and the work will be pushed as rapidly as possible. The hall will be built larger and better in every way, as near fire-proof as possible, with steel inside and either concrete or steel outside.  This will be welcomed by all Toronto people and vicinity.  Sept. 19, 1916 

The new hall is a sure go now.  It is 102 x 44 feet, fire proof and modern with a double white maple floor, and when finished will be the best dance hall in the country.  Work has begun on the foundation and a big gang of carpenters will be put to work rushing it to completion.   Sept., 1916