November 1916 Wheatland Gazette

Wednesday November 1. 1916

Birth-girl-Wednesday-Harry Burmeister, near Big Rock

Lee Keel, station agent C. M & St. P. Tw Co. moved to Stone City (W. H. Campbell, Oxford Jct-pinch hit until new agent appointed)

Toronto Tidings

Death-Patrick Devine-here from Lost. Nation, Tuesday for burial

C. A. Robinson, Marion, stroke, not expected to live

Death, Mrs. Gallagher, formerly Toronto now of LaSalle, Ill., died Message tonite-to be buried here Wednesday

Death-Ed Hart,Jr. died Davenport Hospital funeral Wednesday-obit later

Martha Rowold, taught near New Liberty, next at Big Rock

Obit-Mrs. Barbara (Michael) Hoffman nee Hoppe

Wednesday November 8, 1916

Hazel Peters quite ill

Wm. Sherman moved to Inland

Fred Frill & wife moved back to Denison

Toronto Tidings

Florence Welty teaching near Durant

Death-C. A. Bobisson, Marion

Death-Mrs. Gallagher, Ill-buried Tuesday family plot-Catholic Cemetery-T. J. Gallagher & Mrs. Wolfe came with remains

Obit-Ed Hart, Jr.

Sale of property of late Albert C. Lietz, Liberty Twp, Clinton County

Wednesday November 16, 1916

Death-Mrs. Henry Wulf, daughter & sister-Mrs. A. J. Courtney, 3 sons & daughter of Percival, attended funeral

Mrs. M. Krean to DeWitt to see Snow College of Dressmaking for Daughter, Cecelia

Obit-Mrs. Henry Wulf nee Courtney

Wednesday November 22, 1916

Frank Alexande’s moved to near Clarence

Will-Rose McLaughlin

Death- (Lowden News) Wm Lietz died (Nov. 17) home of son, Henry, North of town, funeral Lutheran Church on Monday

Toronto Tidings

mr. & mrs. Frank Goodall visited Davenport

Mrs. Edwards visited in Cedar Rapidsto see Mrs. Condon nee Christy Jean

Marriage License-James Milota & Albertine Stoecker, married thie Wed?

John Milota & wife retired to Oxford -James & bride old home

Wednesday November 29, 1916

Raymond Brennan, Moline & John Witte, Tipton, attended funeral-schoolmate, Hazel Peters

Wm. & Louis Wagner, Hartley to above funeral

Mrs. Herb Pingel, Lost Nation, moving to Longmont, Colo

Obit-Hazel Peters

Death-Mrs. Henry Schubert-obit later

Death-mother of Mrs. L. E. Alexander at Sutherland, Ia., Friday (Lowden News)

Toronto Tidings

Ida Goodall visited brothers Frank & John

Ida Welty-teacher in Murray distroch

Jas. Milota & Albertine Stoecker married Clinton on Wednesday

Newspaper Unknown

Probably the Wheatland Gazette. 04 Nov 1916

The Grand opening dance in the new hall here Saturday was a record breaking crowd that will stand for some time.  There was 294 tickets sold for this dance, and a nicer and more sociable crowd would be hard to find.  Everybody out for a good time and not a thing occured to mar the pleasure of the evening.  The night could not have keen [sic] been if made to order.  While the hall was not complete, the hard maple floor was down, and the crowd was satisfied.  By the time for the Thanksgiving dance on December 2nd, the hall will be complete and dining room running in good shape to accommodate all.