January 1916 Wheatland Gazette

Wednesday January 5, 1916

R. E. Long & family moved into place vacated by Dr. Bittner

Wheatland without a saloon

County Atty Clausen

Toronto Tidings

Mr. & Mrs. Reed-DeWitt visted the Goodalls

Mrs. Laughlin daughter Mrs. Goodall to come in Canton, Mo

Esther Divitt & Anna Goodall returned to Our Lady of Angels

Married-Esther Ott, Wheatland & John Muhl, Toronto-at Clinton, Dec. 29th-he on parents farm in toronto

Ernest P. La frentz of Bienfait, Sask, Canada visited grandmother Mrs. Meyer

Mitchell, editor of DeWitt Observer

Death-James Jynes, former resident 25 yrs ago died-chauf. for Dr. Crumbacker, phys, State Hosp, ran engine in garage(reprint Independence Conservative, Dec 29, 1915)

Married-Roy Davisson & Mary Hardin, Dec. 29th, live in Wheaton, he youngest son of Chas, works for Carl Lohmann & Co-daughter of James Hardin, Norway, Ia, 1 yrs here, lived with Dr. Bittner & family

Married, Dec 30th, Ervin Martens & Alma Lahann, both Wheatland-son of Herman, daughter of Mrs. Dora

Married-John Muhl & Esther Ott-Clinton, Dec. 29th, son of Jule near Toronto-farmer, daughter of Geo.

Married-Herman Riedesel & Anna Hamdorf of Massillon at Lowden Thursday (reception home of Chris Jr.) Lowden News

Wednesday January 12, 1916

Birth-son-Dec. 31st Elmer Hoff & wife nee Maud Willey of Lost Nation

Wednesday January 19, 1916

Birth-girl-Chester hover, Davenport, last Tuesday

Death-Jerry Mulvichill at home in Lost Nation, age nearly 60

Death-William Stewart, funeral at Donahue, Saturday, age 24

Naturalized-Arthur Deriberacre-Clinton, Friday

Death-Dr. George Homrighausen, Caldwell, Ohio-brother of Mrs. Henry Guenther-telegram received Monday from Dr. John???, Mrs. Mary Hinder, Baltimore, Maryland also sister

Toronto Tidings

Birth-boy-January 12th-Laurence Richey

Death-Mrs. Elizabeth Eden & Mrs. Cavey-double funeral in Catholic Cemetery here

Mrs. M. B. Cavey-died in hospital in Cedar Rapids Wednesday January 12th-moved from farm here to Cedar Rapids 2 yrs ago-husband & 3 children

Obit-3 deaths in Drost family at Davenport-Anna Drost died Saturday in Davenport-parents Mr. & Mrs. H. W. died just 1 week ago-Mrs. Drost December 31, he January 2.-Anna born 25 April 1872 (Clarenece Sun), Herman Drost & Elizabeth Hillman, Wheatland are relatives

Obit-Mrs. Elizabeth Eden nee Morrow

Wednesday January 26, 1916

Raymond Brennan, visited

Herman Witte-job at Bettendorf

Wednesday January 26, 1916

Ed Gerken, Iowa City, visited on way to DeWitt

Death-Jno B. Wolfe, age 73, died near Lost Nation (home) last Thursday-early settler

Toronto Tidings

Death-Remauss (?)-Jas B. Wolfe-burial Toronto Saturday

Obit-Mrs. M. B. Cavey nee Kate Curran