1914 Wheatland Gazette - October

Wednesdays October 7, 1914

Chas. Beenk, Davenport, former resident visiting

W. J. McDonald=democract candidate for Congress this district

Wm. J. Greene, democract for State Senator served 2 times in legislature

Notice-Henry J. Brockman heirs of Mrs. M. D. Nieman Estate -

Wheatland Early Days-long article-M. L. Rogers of L. A. Calif

Charlotte Record Newspaper-10th year-Andy Gault

Wednesday October 7, 1914

Toronto Tidings

Birth-27 September a girl to John Goodall

Wednesday October 14, 1914

Death-Mrs. Nancy Rascj, ages aunt of Mrs. Schadt-died at home of daughter at Wichita, Kansas

Obit-P. O. Babock, father of Mrs. F. X. Buxton

Wedding anniversary-25 yrs October 10-Louis Knoche

Herman Witte=job at First National Bank at Marengo or Brown’s Business Collection in Davenport in August

J. M. Cranny, Charlotte, democract candidate for supervisor 1916 tern-farmer & stock raiser

If Claude Ramsey becomes County sheriff, Tom Hauke made Deputy sheriff

Toronto Tidings

Oda Goodall teaching in Tama

Death of Dick Twachtman doed at Excelsior Springs, Mo-funeral is in Toronto and burial in Lowden

Will-Johanna Penningroth

Wednesday October 21, 1914

Billy Greene-democrat candidate state senator. RR switchman-lost arm in RR accident

John F. Jeffries “plasterer” good one-tried for school superintendent and passed

T. J. Burke, chairman democract County Central committee

W. H. Knott, reporter of Clinton Herald visiting

Birth-boy-Saturday-Wm. Bicknese

Obit-Mrs. Sarah H. (Allison) Dalton

Obit-Mrs. Nancy N. Munson

Charles L. Root, Republican candidate for State Senator-farming & real estate Clinton & Lyons

Toronto Tidings

Anna Goodall, Lyons visited home

Birth-boy-Friday aug. Willert

Death-Owen Gallagher of Ladd, buried here Saturdayworked on RR at Ladd, wife & 4 children live at Seatonvill, 3 miles from

Death-brother of Owen Gallager-James died-brakeman-RR accident

Married-E. Earle Edwards & Hazel Allen of Miles, daughter of Chas-He of Toronto=telegraph operator -lives at Lost Nation-she teacher & telephone iperator at Miles-wedding at M. E. Church

Obit-Tioachtman (?), Dietrice Ernest Conrad-

Wheatland Gazette

Wednesday October 28, 1914

J. G. McGroth-County recorder (Charlotte Recorder) was deputy under Henry Gohlmann several years-Recorder 4 yrs

W. E. Dougherty-for sheriff

California Exposions 1915

Obit-Mrs Conrad Rowold nee Moeller

W. L. McArthur, accountant, audited County books

Toronto Tidings

Jeames & Jerome Goodall attending St. Ambrose College-home

Chas Chandler & wife visiting-he and agent- 35 years ago-married Miss Shade

Obit-P. J. McDonnell ?? Co-Mayo

Wheatland Early Days “Recollections”

 The following was submitted by Mike Kearney

Clinton Daily Advertiser Tuesday October 6, 1914
Mrs. M.J. Kearney and little daughter went to Davenport to visit relatives.