Wheatland Gazette May 1906

BECH, Mr. H. A. & Mrs. Martha Williams May 4 1906 Married today in Davenport
BECK May 11 1906 (Dav Times Wed May 2) Lutheran - Henry Beck, Dav & Mrs. Martha E. Williams, Wheatland
BENDER May 4 1906 Mrs. Anna Knebel nee Bender, obit
BETHURUM May 4 1906 F. S. Bethurum, Lebo, Kansas vis uncle - N. J. Edwards and fam.
BURNS May 11 1906 "Farmer" Burns - wrestles in Alabama -- his sister Mrs. Kate Fisher in earthquake but OK
CARROLL May 18 1906 Mrs. E. J. Carroll, Dav - vis - parents John Keller
CASEY May 18 1906 Mrs. Mulachell?, Oxford, vs dau Mrs. P. H. Casey
DAVISSON, Isaac May 4 1906 Birth-girl-last Fri
DAVISSON, Roy May 4 1906 New night agent for NW depot-
EDWARDS May 4 1906 F. S. Bethurum, Lebo, Kansas vis uncle - N. J. Edwards and fam.
FISHER May 11 1906 "Farmer" Burns - wrestles in Alabama -- his sister Mrs. Kate Fisher in earthquake but OK
GALLAGHER, Thos May 18 1906 Ladd, ILL-vs his interests
GAMBLE, Jas A. May 4 1906 Birth-girl-Sat-he a druggist
GREEN, J. R. & family May 11 1906 Moved to Davenport
HURLEY May 11 1906 Carter Hurley, Welton, vis father C. F. Hurley
JORGENSEN, Knute May 18 1906 Birth-boy-south of Calamus-Monday
KELLER May 18 1906 Mrs. E. J. Carroll, Dav - vis - parents John Keller
KNEBEL, Mrs. Anna May 4 1906 Nee Bender-obit
LOEDING May 11 1906 Mrs. Herman Muhl, Mrs. Loeding & son Otto, to Germany - visit address - Peter Asmus, Hollingstedt, Hennstedt, Holstein
LOUISFIELD, Herman May 18 1906 Vetinary-Lost Nation
McGRATH, Mr. & Mrs. John May 18 1906 Birth-son-Thurs-Clinton papers
MUHL May 11 1906 Mrs. Herman Muhl, Mrs. Loeding & son Otto, to Germany - visit address - Peter Asmus, Hollingstedt, Hennstedt, Holstein
MUHL, Lillie & Wm. Ott May 4 1906 She d/o Herman of Wheatland-married Wed in Davenport
MULACHELL? May 18 1906 Mrs. Mulachell?, Oxford, vs dau Mrs. P. H. Casey
OTT, Wm. & & Lillie Muhl May 4 1906 He a merchant at Wheatland married Wed in Davenport
RIESEDEL May 11 1906 Mrs. Edw Reisedel, Wheatland, vis. Parents Herman Werder
ROGERS, Mrs. Lawrence May 11 1906 Oxford Mills visited parents-Barnhart
SCHUNTER May 4 1906 Will -- Schunter of Gr Mound
THOMPSON, John May 4 1906 Fort Vancouver, Wash-Army
WERDER May 11 1906 Mrs. Edw Reisedel, Wheatland, vis. Parents Herman Werder
WIESE May 4 1906 Death - Gilbert Wiese, 3 yrs old, of Harbine Neb -- J. G. Wiese
WILLIAMS May 11 1906 (Dav Times Wed May 2) Lutheran - Henry Beck, Dav & Mrs. Martha E. Williams, Wheatland
WILLIAMS, Mrs. Martha & Mr. H. A. Bech May 4 1906 Married today in Davenport
May 4 1906 Teachers raised to 42.50 mo.