Wheatland Gazette July 1906

BARLING, Herman Jul 20 1906 Section-moved to Clinton-exam for foreman
BETHURUM, Ed Jul 6 1906 Moved to County Farm
BROWN, Millie Jul 20 1906 Dau of Jim who ran harness shop here-he has a claim in Canada
CARROLL Jul 6 1906 John Keller vis dau Mrs. E. J. Carroll in Dav
CAVEY, M. B. Jul 20 1906 Considering quitting farm-to Chicago for barbering
DRISCOLL, Anna Jul 6 1906 Birthday party
FLYNN, Martin Jul 27 1906  Des Moines-suidide-pres. People’s Saving Bank
FULLER Jul 6 1906 Marriage: Edith Tregoning & Archimes Edw. Fuller at Seattle Wash Wed June 27 - dau J. J. Tregoning - He a Wheatland boy
GABLE, Ed Jul 27 1906 Of Lost Nation- in town
GERKE, Theo Jul 6 1906 DeWitt-in town
GOODALL, Frank Jul 6 1906 To Petersville-4th of July
GOODALL, Julia & Lillie Jul 6 1906 Clinton-teachers exam
GREEN Jul 27 1906 Green boys in reform school - Eldora
HALL, Abram Jr. Jul 20 1906 Birth-yesterday
HART, Ed Jr. Jul 27 1906 Birth-boy-July 19
HAVIR Jul 27 1906 Chester Havin & fam to Dav - chauf for Mr. Peterson, merchant
HENAK? Jul 27 1906 Marriage: (Oxford Mirror) Gladys Lathrop & John Stuhr, both of this city -- rooms in Mrs. Henak's? bldg on Broadway.
KELLER Jul 6 1906 John Keller vis dau Mrs. E. J. Carroll in Dav
LATHROP Jul 27 1906 Marriage: (Oxford Mirror) Gladys Lathrop & John Stuhr, both of this city -- rooms in Mrs. Henak's bldg on Broadway.
LAUERSEN, Pete Jul 27 1906 Birth-girl-Wed
LILLIS, Ed Jul 27 1906 Of Lost Nation- in town
LUETT, Carl Jul 27 1906 Birth-boy-Sat
LUND, Carl Jul 27 1906 To Shoshoni, Wyo-gov’t land
McDEVITT’S Lumber Jul 6 1906 Shed-struck by lightening
McMANN, James Jul 27 1906 Welton-here fishing
MORGAN, Carl Jul 27 1906 Birth-Sinday
MURRAY, Jack Jul 6 1906 N. Y.-mgr adv & sales-Ypsilantic Underwear Co.
O’BRIEN, Lizzie Jul 27 1906 To Clinton & Lowden
O'BRIEN, Jas. Jul 27 1906 To C.R.
PAULSEN, Mr. Jul 27 1906 Welton-here fishing
PETERSON, Hans Jul 27 1906 To Shoshoni, Wyo-gov’t land
PETERSON, Mr. Jul 27 1906 Chester Havin & fam to Dav - chauf for Mr. Peterson, merchant
STUHR Jul 27 1906 Marriage: (Oxford Mirror) Gladys Lathrop & John Stuhr, both of this city -- rooms in Mrs. Henak's bldg on Broadway.
TATES, Mr. Jul 27 1906 Welton-here fishing
TINKER, Dr. E. T Jul 13 1906 Dentist-Wheatland
TREGONING Jul 6 1906 Marriage: Edith Tregoning & Archimes Edw. Fuller at Seattle Wash Wed June 27 - dau J. J. Tregoning - He's a Wheatland boy