1887 Directory of Clinton, Lyons and Chancy
1887 Directory of Clinton, Lyons and Chancy: L. P. Allen, Printer and Binder. June , 1887. Available at the Clinton County Historical Museum
Genealogy Library. To the left is a copy of the cover page for you to print for your records should you want one.
We would like to thank the Clinton Co. Historical
Society for sharing this information with us. Also, thanks go to all
of our volunteers who typed much of this info for us to put online.
NOTE: This is the complete book, excluding the last part with the
reverse directory listing the address and then the person's name.
adv--advertisement | cigarmkr--cigarmaker | mnfr--manufacturer | se--southeast |
agt--agent | co--company | mnfy--manufactory | sec--secretary |
al--alley | com mer--commission merchant | meatmkt--meatmarket | shoemkr--shoemaker |
asst--assistant | cor--corner | N--North | ss--south side |
ave--avenue | dep--deputy | nat--national | st--street |
bartndr--bartender | dept--department | ne--northeast | stonectr--stonecutter |
bet--between | E--East | ns--north side | sw --southwest |
bkpr--bookkeeper | es--east side | nw--northwest | tel--telegraph |
bldg--building | express--expressman | opp--opposite | traindspr--train dispatcher |
blksmith--blacksmith | gasftr--gasfitter | opr--operator | trav agt--traveling agent |
boarding--boardinghouse | gen--general | PO--postoffice | treas--treasurer |
brklayr--bricklayer | harnessmkr--harnessmaker | paperer--paperhanger | vet surg--veterinary surgeon |
brkmkr--brickmaker | lab--laborer | police--policeman | v pres--vice president |
cabinetmkr--cabinet maker | ME--Methodist Episcopal | RC--Roman Catholic | W--West |
capt--captain | mkr--maker | Rev--Reverend | ws--west side |
carp--carpenter | mnfg--manufacturing | S--South | wid--widow |
cash--cashier |
Clinton, Iowa, June, 1887.
In presenting this edition of the Directory of
Clinton-including Chancy-and Lyons I think myself warranted in
believing that I have succeeded in compiling a Directory as accurate
and complete as it is possible to make. To Mr. H. R. Whitehouse, who
has been painstaking and dilligent in superintending the work, I am
greatly indebted. In addition to the work of collecting the names,
he, with his assistants, took a complete and careful census of the
three cities, which resulted as follows: Clinton, 12927; Lyons,
5,378; Chancy, 811. The census of 1885 gave Clinton 12,020; Lyons,
5,015; and Chancy 637. A healthy growth is shown in all three of the
Some errors and omissions have doubtless been made. These are simply
unavoidable. The labor and care required, and the obstacles to
surmount in compiling such a work is known only to those who have
attempted it.
Trusting for forbearance toward any imperfections and feeling
conscious of faithful effort to make the Directory complete and
accurate, I submit it to its patrons for their judgment, thanking
them for their satisfactory financial support and bespeaking a
continuance of the same when the rapid changes in our population
shall require another edition.
I subscribe myself the public's obedient servant, L. P. ALLEN.
Is laid out in streets and avenues, and in such a
manner that all the numbered streets run north and south, commencing
with 1st street, the first one west of the river, and all the
numbered avenues run east and west, commencing with 1st avenue, the
first one south of North Clinton Slough. All the
numbered streets south of a line running in the center of 1st avenue
are called S 1st street, S 2d street, etc., and all the numbered
streets north of said line are called N lst street, N 2d street,
We give in the following an alphabetical list, of streets and
avenues that have been named with their location:
Arnold st. from river west, 12th north of North Clinton Slough.
Ash st. from river west, 6th north of North Clinton Slough.
Basin st. from river west, 1st north of North Clinton Slough.
Camanche ave. from 506 11th ave, southwest to Harrison st.
Center ave. from corner Camanche and Park aves, south to Liberty St.
Chandler st. from river west, 11th north of North Clinton Slough.
DeWitt st. from river west, 2d north of North Clinton Slough.
Elm st. from river west, 3d north of North Clinton Slough.
Franklin st. from Camanche ave. south to Liberty st, 1st west of
Center ave., Chancy.
Harrison st. from Camanche ave. south to river, Chancy.
Hickory st. from river west, 5th north of Notrh Clinton Slough.
Howes st. from ns Liberty st, north to 11th ave., Chancy.
Jefferson ave. from corner 19th ave. and S 6th st. southwest to
Margaret st. , 1st north of river.
Liberty st. from Center ave. southwest to Clinton Stock Yards, 1st
north of C. & N. W. Ry. tracks, Chancy.
Margaret st. from Washington ave. south to Jefferson ave. 1 west of
S 6th st.
McDonald st. from river west, 10th north of North Clinton Slough.
Munson st. from river west, 9th north of North Clinton Slough.
Oak st. from river west, 4th north of North Clinton Slough.
Park ave. from Camanche ave. northwest, 2d south of 11th ave.
Parker st. from river west, 7th north of North Clinton Slough.
Railroad st. from 5th st. southwest, 1st north of C. & N. W. Ry.
Randles st. from corner Jefferson ave. and Washington st. southwest,
1st north of river.
Reznor st. from river west, 8th north of North Clinton Slough.
School st. between 7th and 8th St., south from 11th ave. to 15th
Stockholm st. first north of and parallel with Sunnyside ave.
Sunnyside ave. from Camanche ave. west, 1st. south of 11th ave.
Washington ave. from corner 18th ave. and S 6th st. southwest to
Margaret st, 2d north of river