"Aunt Liz" - Elizabeth Fairfax
following is some information from books and articles that we have
found regarding Elizabeth Fairfax.
"Aunt Liz was a Civil War nurse who followed the Iowa regiments
during the War and came north to Clinton afterward and spent over 40
years being an exemplary “poor person” in our community — selling
pencils, soap, matches and other small items, as she toured this
town between 1865 and her lonely death in 1908. Once, she had saved
money for a trip to a Civil War commemorative encampment and the
local businessmen made up her shortfall. Liz wrote back a delightful
letter of thank you, which is still in existence at the Clinton
County Historical Museum.
Elizabeth Fairfax died seemingly penniless in her humble apartment
near the downtown in May of that year. Only a few people ever knew
that she managed to put some children through college, and she left
behind a nice bequest by saving her pennies and leading a simple
life. All her clothes were laid out for burial when they found her,
along with final instructions. She was laid to rest with military
honors amongst the Civil War deceased in Springdale Cemetery."
(Clinton Herald, By Gary Herrity Jun 18, 2009)
In the 1911 history by Patrick Wolfe, it says on page 155:
"Bethel African Methodist Episcopal church, of Clinton, was
organized in August, 1868. Its building site is on the corner of
Third avenue and Third street. The present membership of this church
is sixty. Its charter members were as follows: Mrs. Lucy Dozier,
Peter Thompson, Mrs. George Benson, Elizabeth Fairfax, Nancy Jane
Van Duzee, George Benson, Thomas Gains, John Monroe, William Van
Duzee, Sr., William Van Duzee, Jr."
Aunt Liz Fairfax is also mentioned in the 1946 history book by
Estelle Le Prevost Youle on page 57.
This is from the Clinton Herald, Wednesday, 22 April 1908. It is
very hard to read.
Body of "Aunt Liz" Fairfax, Well Known Colored Woman, Found by
the Clinton Police Tuesday.
Came North with Soldiers of Twenty-sixth After the Civil War, and
Had Lived in Clinton Since the Post Bellum Days.
A face familiar on Clinton's streets for many a long year will be
seen no more the cheery voice will be missed. Aunt Liz Fairfax, the
old colored woman who came north with the Twenty-sixth Iowa regiment
at the close of the civil war and who had since made her home in
Clitnon is dead at her cottage home ?17 Third avenue.
Aunt Liz enjoyed a wide acquaintance in Clinton and had many friends
among the white folks who heard with regret of her sad death, alone
in her little home near the foot of Third avenue. The aged woman was
last seen on Saturday night. Sunday morning she was not in her
accustomed place at the African Methodist Episcopal church, and the
minister and church goers wondered why Aunt Liz, who never missed a
Christmas or Easter service in particular, was absent. No one saw
her Monday or Tuesday, so toward evening yesterday some of the
colored people who live near by told the police of this
circumstance. Night Captain Oster went to Aunt Liz's cottage, which
he found to locked. He forced open the door and found the old
colored woman dead in bed. The body reposed in the attitude of
sleep, the head resting on a pillow, and one hand lying carelessly
beneath her cheek, indicating that death came swiftly and painlessly
to the poor old woman, a calm and quiet crossing to the brighter
shore of which she so often spoke in making her daily rounds of
Clinton disposing of the wares and trifles from which she derived a
Aunt Liz was a type of true southern Negro, uncouth and uneducated,
but of undoubted kindness of heart and whose honesty of purpose and
sincerity in the endeavor to live an upright life cannot be
questioned. She was patriotic almost to the degree of fanaticism and
never was happier than when decked out in her most gorgeous raiment,
she hobnobbed with the old old boy of the sixties or trudged with
them on Memorial Day processions. She often attended the national
encapments of the Grand Army, and never failed to be present at any
patriotic gathering or reunion of veterans within her power of
Aunt Liz had a somewhat picturesque army career. It is often related
of her that she was an army nurse and served in that capacity
throughout the Civil war. This however is denied by some of the
Clinton veterans who say that the good old soul, when a girl, became
a sort of camp servant among union troops down around Vicksburg and
drifted northward with the regiment when the was was over. That her
connection with the army in camp and afield gave frequent
opportunity to assist in nursing the sick and wounded, and to this
extent she was an army nurse, but was never regularly employed by
the government in such service.
The old colored woman lived a happy enough life. She has a daughter,
a Mrs. Smith in Evanston, who came to Clinton today in response to a
message telling of her death, with whom she spent months at a time.
This was usually in the cold season. With the advent of spring, Aunt
Liz would appear with her basket of matches or showing gum and her
cheerful "God bless you honey" again was heard. On warm summer
afternoonss she would saunter riverward with an immense ???? sun
shade, a basket of lunch and a fishing pole that projected into
limitless space and though the fish bit or though they didn't, Aunt
Liz sat contentedly in the bank crooning an old plantation song, or
looking backward to the stirring times when Abraham Lincoln
emancipated her people. She was about 70 years of age, according to
the best judgement of her friends, having no positive records of her
Coroner Kellogg will conduct an inquisition this evening and has
impanelled the following jury, all colored men: William Allen,
George Lecky and William Emerson.
The Funeral Thursday
The funeral of Aunt Liz Fairfax will be held tomorrow afternoon with
services at the A. M. E. church.
The Grand Army men have interested themselves in the funeral and
Commander George Drake of General N. B. Baker post G. A. R. has
appointed the bearers of the pall. They will be three white and
three colored men as follows: George Drake, M. W. Bannister and Dr.
R. S. Rathbun, William Allen, W. H. Richardson and William Emerson.
Commander Drake has issued the following notice to the veterans:
"All old soldiers and members of the Grand Army who can are required
to meet at the A. M. E. church, corner of Third avenue and Third
street at 2 o'clock p. m. tomorrow to attend the funeral of
Elizabeth Fairfax, commonly known as "Aunt Lizzie."
By request of George Drake, Commander Gen. N. B. Baker, Post 88, G.
A. R.
This is from the Clinton Daily Herald, 24 April 1908
Veterans of the Civil War Turn Out to Pay Tribute of Respect to
the Memory of Aged Colored Woman
Funeral Services Held at the African Methodist Episcopal Church
Thursday Afternoon, Followed by Interment in Springdale
"Aunt Lizzie" Fairfax the friend of old soldiers, was honored by the
veterans of Clinton yesterday when three of their number assisted in
bearing her pall and scores of the members of General N. B. Baker
post assembled at the African Methodist Episcopal church on Third
street to pay a last tribute of respect to her memory.
The church was filled almost to its capacity, and there were many
white folks present. The obsequies were in charge of the Rev.
William Miller, a Davenport colored minister.
Commander George Drake, M. W. Bannister and Dr. R. S. Rathbun were
the Grand Army men, who, with three of the colored friends of the
deceased, carried her coffin from the hearse to the grave yesterday,
and lowered it to its final resting place on a sunny hillside in
Springdale. The service was a very impressive one. The casket was
covered with flowers, the offering of the G. A. R. and friends of
the aged colored woman who was for so many years a resident of
Remembered Long Time Promise.
An interesting incident of the funeral was the rendition of a
beautiful vocal number, "The Great White Throne" by Professor W. A.
More than ten years ago Aunt Liz heard Mr. McArthur sing the song,
which is one of his own composition, in some Clinton church. The
music and words impressed her greatly, and she took advantage of the
first opportunity to ask Mr. McArthur to sing it at her funeral when
she had crossed the dark river. This promis he gave half jokingly
and then forgot all about the matter.
But when the Clinton voclist heard of the old colored woman's death
he recalled his promis and yesterday afternoon he was at the church
of the colored people when Aunt Liz's remains were brought for the
last time into the church she had so often visited in the long term
of years she was a member of the church society, and he sang "The
Great White Throne," as he had sung it ten years ago when the old
colored woman had been touched by its sweetness.
Was Prepared for Death.
Aunt Liz Fairfax had made careful preparation for her death. In her
cottage home on Front street was found a box containing a shroud and
other clothing for the grave together with about $200 in gold and
silver. A note had been placed in the box requesting that she be
buried in the clothing contained therein. Every article was
carefully folded and arranged. It is needless to say that the wishes
of the aged colored woman were respected to the letter, and she was
laid away to rest in the garments she herself had provided for the
Tombstone Elicit Look Into History
The following was written by Mike Kearney for the Clinton Herald 01 June 2018
"Jay A. McCann from Marshalltown and I are working to replace the illegible tombstones marking the final resting place for soldiers in the Civil War section of Springdale Cemetery. Eleven have been replaced so far. Six more are ordered and others are in the works. The replacements are granite which should withstand our Midwest winters a lot better than the soft limestone that was originally used.
There is one marker that is not like all the others. Rather than a tablet, it is an obelisk. This marks the grave of Lizzie (Elizabeth) Fairfax, (Aunt Lizzie) who is buried there with her son Abraham (Bud). This stone is so badly weathered that it is hard to read without chalking it. Cemetery records show that she died on April 18, 1908 and Abraham died before her on Feb. 27, 1901. The back of a photo taken by an early 20th century Clinton photographer has the following narrative:
“Mrs. Elizabeth Fairfax, A soldier in the late war for the Union. A scout; and as an army nurse took care of sick and wounded soldiers in camps where stationed. Since the war, an old resident of Clinton Iowa, and is well known. For 24 years she kept a laundry, and woven rag carpets for a living. By industry and economy she purchased and is now the owner of a little homestead. She has raised two children. Now advanced in years and feeble in health, she is no longer able to maintain herself by her former occupation. To secure a living she now peddles for a grocery store, and sells her picture. She served her country faithfully and is deserving of support.”
The notice of her death in the Clinton Herald on April 22, 1908 refers to her “cheery voice.” At the time of her death, she lived in her cottage at 117 Third Ave. She hobnobbed with the old boys of the sixties and marched with them in Memorial Day parades. When she could, she attended national encampments of the Grand Army of the Republic (G.A.R.). One year the national encampment was in Boston. She wanted to participate and spoke with A.G. Smith, the founder and owner of the City National Bank.
She asked him if he could keep her savings in his bank that were required for the trip. He agreed and quickly realized that she would never be able to save enough to finance such a trip. He organized other business people in town who all chipped in enough funds to make the trip possible, such was their regard for her. Articles about her indicated that she was held in a place of reverence in the hearts of her neighbors. On warm summer days, she enjoyed going to the river, fishing and singing old plantation songs and looking back to Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation.
During the Civil War, she was a camp servant and assisted in nursing the sick and wounded although not as an employee of the U.S. government. She was a charter member of the Bethel A.M.E. church in Clinton. When she missed her regular attendance at services, a check of her welfare revealed that she had died two or three days prior. Her funeral services were held at the A.M.E. church. The N.B. Baker post, G.A.R attended as a body.
Three of her pall bearers were black and three were white. Both races were in attendance at the church as well. She carefully prepared for her demise by putting her death shroud and other clothing carefully folded in a box together with about $200 in gold and silver coins. A note in the box specified that she was to be buried in the clothing from the box and these instructions were followed. She had a daughter, Mrs. Mary Smith, who lived in Evanston, Illinois, who came to her funeral. The 1870 census listed her as a resident of Clinton, 31 years of age, born in Tennessee, who was a rug weaver with children; Mary C, 8 years old, born in Mississippi and Abraham, 2 years old born in Iowa.
She and her children were described as mulatto. It is interesting that in “Once Upon a Time” Volume II , Ev Street said she had 11 children. There was no husband listed in the 1870 Census report. At that time she reported no real property and $150 in personal property. In the 1880 census, she was listed as 36 years old while Mary was 18 and Abraham was 12, with no father listed. She apparently aged only four years in a decade. The father of each of the children was described as born in England. Her age indications suggest that she was born between 1839 and 1844. The Iowa Census of 1895 lists her age as 60 and her son Abram as 27. The article on her death that appeared in The Register and Leader from May 10, 1908 says that she was about 75 which would put her birth in 1833. The article that appeared in the Clinton Herald on April 22, 1908 was indistinct. It is difficult to tell if it says 70 or 76.
Her unit, the 26th Iowa Infantry was organized by Milo Smith, the engineer who laid out the route of the railroad from Chicago to the Mississippi and beyond, it was Milo Smith who organized and commanded the 26th Iowa Infantry. A soldier in that unit who was wounded at Vicksburg, where she joined the unit, was James Bulger, after whom Bulger’s Hollow was named. Milo Smith is buried close to the Civil War section. A confederate veteran is buried between them.
It would be hard to find someone in Clinton who has faced as many obstacles in life as she did and still have a cheery face for the public. What an inspiring spirit she had. She was an example for us all.
It would be interesting to know where she was born in Tennessee and if her surname was that of her father or owner. I wonder if her daughter, Mrs. Mary Smith, had children of her own and if Lizzie has descendants today. Since James Bulger was injured at Vicksburg, did she nurse him with his wounds? My great-grandfather’s brother, Michael, got sick at Vicksburg and subsequently died; did she comfort him? I hope that someone in the future can find the answers to these questions. Clinton has its interesting stories and its mysteries."