January 1863

Words in italics are words I'm not really sure of in this transcription.  People's names are in bold.  If you can add any comments about any of them, it would be greatly appreciated.


Diary Entry


Delightful after the snow of last night.  Attended morning prayer meeting.  Wish to rise and say thank God for letting me see this morning with the fall hope Mr. Lincoln will not, cannot, dare not alter anything of the proclamation issued 100 days ago.  George H. came to school this morning.  Was glad to see him.  Does not feel vexed any longer because I obliged him to go with me to meeting Sat.  Had a good meeting, R. R. R. made some very good remarks.


Another delightful spring morning.  Had a long talked with my little nephew George on some misdemeanors of last night.  Pleasant day.  Children have been uneasy.  G keeps warm? in a similar stall of flour with yeast introduced.  He is winking at one nodding at another and teasing a third.  I am very weary and could not have him in school another day, even, if he stays.  Up to all sorts of mischief.  Never still ten minutes.  Attended preparatory lecture.  She called with me on Minna Baker.


Delightful weather, wanted to go to meeting, but are to have company today.  Geo. went to see and hear the Persian Coryina last night with which he was most highly delighted.  L. D. D.  A.C.  G.C. & L.M.F. came to work on soldiers comforters and take tea by invitation.  A very pleasant time.  Hattie Arnold called while we were at tea.  Went down to M. Baker's store for S.  Finished one of the comforters.  Sent the cake, Ella Ring, to Boston to G.'s mother.  He was delighted to be the bearer.

4 & 5

Pleasant at noon.  Rained at night.  Fog so dense could not see 20 rods at 7 AM.  Went to morning prayer meeting.  Mr. Battelle was unfortunate in his remarks.  Sent home ?? were made by Hale R. with perfect good feeling & all things ended pleasantly.  Graham - man was pleased.  Ella called on me before Miss S. S. & I took her to church with me.  Mon.  A good meeting this morning and again this eve.  Two young girls spoke this evening.  I did not look at Mr. J. but know he disapproves of women speaking in meeting.  Hale Robert admire it.  They were pleased.


Rainy.  Delightful last night.  But seriously of our session but was so tired needed the noon to rest.  Very muddy.  Having excellent meeting but was obliged to leave before it ended.  ???  L. French asked prayers for his wicked son from home.  Left Mr. Bronson praying for him.  Mr. Gray took the lead.


Quite pleasant.  Cold and windy at night.  Had a good meeting but not as good as Tues.  Mr. Hunston took the lead.  L.D.D. and Mrs. Brown were there.  Rev. Asa Boomer spoke.  Was invited to take my children to the ??? Hall tonight to pray that the jubilant meeting of the friends of ??? over the Proclamation.  They sang 'Darkeys don't you see that light' & 'Yes we'll rally round the Glory'.  My healing voices were away and I did not venture my throat in the hall.


Clear looks like snow.  Did not go to meeting this morning or evening.  Had a partial, slight touch of paralysis which threw me headlong on the floor before I had made a fire.  I felt so strange.  I groaned aloud and S. came to my relief.  Saturating my head with ??? cold and smelling of camphor helped me to rally in a few minutes, but my left cheek is sore and feels as if slightly burned.  Have been in school all day.


Feel glad of the rest tonight brings.  Do not feel is joyous as I used on Friday night generally, for my school is very pleasant this term.  I'm having a little ?? ? from so much discussing in the lessons.  The children are beginning to work for the prizes offered.  I hope to see them even harder at work, and that this is only a beginning of better things.


Pleasant wanted to go to meeting this morning.  Rain and snow tonight.  Attended to my daily business on Saturday and after other things done, dressed a chicken.  Marcissa Chace called and dined with us.  Called, with her, on the various members of the School Com.  Then to go in here Mr. Earl this evening but was very chilly and unwell.

12 & 13

Strange cold morning.  Sabbath.  Listen to Mr. Haughmons this morning on God's compensation.  Excellent.  M. J. gave us a good sermon this p.m. M. glad he exchanges with Mr. H. once a month.  Have no excuse now for going to the Baptist.  Monday.  Attended church meeting this evening.  Discussed the propriety of more meetings and decided to have three more this week than usual. ???


Went to my meeting this evening.  Have a good meeting and regretted its closing so soon although is held until nine o'clock.  Was glad to see Mr. and Mrs. Baker both been called on them a few minutes tonight and urged them going to meetings.  Wrote a note to Mr. Covel  about the house.  But he did not call.  Went into the betme? but it was too late, it was finished just as I got there.  Want to go to the temple tomorrow afternoon but cannot have my school.


Rain.  One session and to my joy I had an opportunity to go to the temple and heard the work of an Evangelist defined.  It was very well and ably done.  The best meeting that they have had I am told and I was really very glad to be there.  Notified the children of the meeting at the Chapel this evening.  Not many of their except the children.  I asked them this morning to ask their parents to pray that the Savior meet us there this evening.


Rain.  One session.  Went to the temple again this p.m.  A pleasant time but not as good as yesterday.  Some very pleasant things the related by N. & R. R. R.  A very good meeting at our church this evening.  Mrs. Remington spoke.  She asked me what I thought of it, adding it was a great cross but she felt it a duty.  I told her never to keep her seat if she thus felt for she was answerable to God and not to man.  ? do anything to guide the Spirit.


More rain.  Did not go to the temple this p.m. Attended our meeting this evening.  Not a guest many out but the spirit was with us.  Robert and Hale did almost all that was done.  I shall rejoice when our pastor awakes from the lithargic state in which he is now in.  Am sorry I did not go to meeting this p.m. although Robert gives us the substance and much of the sum of what is said at the temple.  Was amused at the turn he gave and all which M. J. said showing it to be exactly the strain of Mr. Earls mind.


Pleasant, beautiful, sunshine.  It is growing colder.  When to Temple this p.m. and evening.  Higher life of the Christian and ? done.  Experiences of Misses Earl and Holman similar.  Called to give ?? friend.  Mr. Bronson, dear old man reminds me forcibly of father, said when called on, like old D. Emmons, I have not any experience to speak of and yet he told us of his confession to God when he first found religion and had never once gone back on that.  I know he has always been a faithful follower of the Lamb.


Clear and cold.  M. J. preached from 102 Psalms.  There are some anxious souls in our congregation.  O that the Lord could touch N. B. Badin's heart.  His gray hairs must warn him that his earthly stay is short.  Mr. Earle is to bid us farewell on Wednesday.  One session.  Had an excellent meeting this evening but was sleepy and dull part of the evening, shall be obliged to be the light supper if I wish to enjoy the meetings.  Oscar V. and J. Nichols rose and spoke of God's goodwill and were followed by Mr. Vey?.


(Written, erased and re-written, very hard to read)
A stormy day and about one session.  Stormy night but thought must go to meeting.  Most to write H. cousin N. E. Pierce, Charlie V. and brother Gingi.  Feel joyous that those left us are written.  Have wanted to write them for a long time.  Have twice as many more to write.  Must do it soon.  When to our meeting and afterward to the temple.  Sorry I went ?? lest ?. (She has been using some kind of shorthand off and on.  Can't read it.)


Chilly & unpleasant.  Mrs. Baker, in the next door, was buried this p.m.  Attended the funeral and afterward went to the temple where I heard over 115 speak in one hour.  Was strongly urged to rise but did not feel it my duty to do so, consequently did not.  Am perfectly willing to do so if the Lord wishes me to but unless it is his will think had better keep my seat as our church do not believe in women speaking and would think me demented if I should.


Had a good meeting tonight.  Am sorry Mr. Earle has gone.  Should have heard him this p.m. if he had been here as I had one session.  Pretty good meeting the latter part of the evening but first part was dull.  Mr. Bronson was present & O what a change it made in the atmosphere.  He spoke to Oscar in his whole hearted way which went to the the heart.  "Be diligent, but by any means some of you fail of the grace of God" was a text of his.


Rainy this a.m. Bright beautiful and moony p.m.  Had a very good meeting.  Mr. T. is feeling the effect of the prayers which have been offered for him.  Ella came to spend the night with us.  S. wanted her.  She is a dear sweet child.  Just escaped having another one session day.  Still regret we could not have Mr. Earle a few evenings at our church and still more regret his cold reception by the other ministers of this city.  Young converts then would "Sing & praise their king & bless God's holy name" in great No. --


Pleasant this a.m. Looks like snow p.m. Spent most of the day with Mrs. Bean.  Should have taken Ella with me but she disobeyed me.  It cost her some tears but she will remember next time to do right I think.  Spent an hour at Mrs. Baker's* this evening.  Have been working on Sarah's net for her hair.  Half decided to go to the temple this evening but feared the contrast would be so great I should be sorry afterwards.  Shall look for Mr. Earle's return with much pleasurable anticipation.  Am glad to be at home.  No place like it.


Clear bright morning.  Some rain tonight.  Mr. T. preached a good sermon yesterday morning at an excellent one in the p.m.  On the morning he seemed broken down.  It could not be otherwise when so many were praying for him.  Had a very good meeting this evening.  Spoke with Mr. T. after meeting.  Did not cough during the meeting.  Am glad felt almost afraid to come out tonight had coughed so much during the day but it is done me good for I began to raise tonight after my return from church.


Rain all day.  Wet night.  When to meeting again in the rain.  Mr. T. was not present.  Hope he has not gone to the lecture.  Miss Anna E. Dickinson's to lecture on slavery and our Nation's future.  Am sorry she has begun to prophecy it looks too much like fortune telling.  R. R. R. read a portion of scripture at the opening of the meeting.  Oscar did not speak.  Hale spoke of those young converts one of whom were present.  Letter from uncle H. Mrs. D. is full of boarders.


Storm all day.  Wind and snow tonight.  One session.  Spent the p.m. with Mrs. Baker.  Mary crawled up in my lap and fell asleep, as she usually does.  Dear sweet child.  Mrs. Bonnelle buried her precious little one yesterday and her only remaining daughter of three is very sick also with canker rash.  Rec. a letter from cousin C. G. Pearce bearing cards for his second marriage to Virginia Gordon of Washington D.C.  Shall not be able to attend.  Telegraphed cousin S. R. N. at Philadelphia to know when they start and who is going to the wedding.


Snowing.  Rose with this idea that I could go to wedding.  Called on Mrs. Fowler to know time occupied in traveling and expenses incident to the journey and Annie says "Go".  Bessie says "go by all means."  Sarah says "rather you would go than to the West next fall."  Am not decided.  Very good meeting this evening 6 or 8 rose for prayers.  A blessed season.  Think much about leaving for two weeks in such as season as this, but have importuned my Savior to go with me and The Holy Spirit not to leave me.


Call that Mrs. Buffington this noon and she says "go by all means," that Mr. B. is there and will go all-around with me.  Should like it right well and to go over to Alexandria and visit the Contraband school as well as the Hospitals.  Had nearly given it up until I made this call.  Have directions to find Mr. B. at the Washington hotel and his son is with him.  Heard nothing from S. R. H. at Philadelphia.  Rec. a letter from uncle Henry but he does not know the No. at Philadelphia.

 *I know she said Mrs. Baker died.  I double checked and it definitely says Mrs.